My first CNC, Monk's journey in using a CNC

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hello everyone this is my latest edition to my shop and in this video we're going to be rewiring all this I've already started but I stopped because I thought I would document what I'm doing you can find this CNC unit on AliExpress it was donated to me and I'm going to make it a lot better wire wise first and then we'll move on to some other things on the back the wires were just sticking out of this slot I'm actually going to put holes in here and run them out properly with connections so we can connect the wires in properly uh there's a few on this back not many this thing the pump originally came through here I'm guessing it was 24v pump I will um use this 24 volt to switch a relay and then I found out inside this box um in fact it's open here the control board actually has a lot more capabilities and it's not being used this little section here allows the can control this this is a um uh variable uh motor control so you can speed up a motor slow it down and this can control that meaning that the software here can control this which can control that so you don't have to manually sit here and turn this I'm not sure why they didn't when this was sold they didn't do that uh I'm sure that was sold with this unit but that also means I'm going have to put another hole back here to run it anyway there's a three let's see let me put this over here and let's just grab I'm going to grab a three for now and just show you what it will look like like that's what it will do so this is perfect and that one again uh this one's five but that's not what we're going to use we'll use a four this is just to show you what it would look like see if I got one more in here well of course you can see what it's going to look like cuz there's one right there I mean it's the same exact thing except that these are yeah and here is a another five so I was able to find four of them I'm getting kind of short on them I'm going have to buy a few more so I've been redoing my electronic desk where I do all my electronics um oh that's interesting my printer just came back on by itself so it's uh very bare but that's okay I'm going try to keep it nice and clean this time by not um putting all kinds of useless stuff on there I used to have um my uh drill batteries batteries are there used to be charged here I think I don't like that it's just too much clutter I will move all this stuff into the the closet space that we were just in but this is a great space to work on this stuff I'm trying not to do it at my computer desk it just seems I end up putting everything on the computer desk and it just kind of gets in the way there so this is pretty much one of the things it's always good to see how this goes in and these come in from the uh the back and I was going through some of the boxes um tea kettle there going through some of the boxes that this uh router Router uh CNC machine came in and I found all this mess minus this this is the stuff that you just saw me get but so this machine did have those connections on it they're exactly like mine they're already set so this is perfect for the inside I won't have to do anything for the inside they're ready to go the only problem is is I'll have to do a color code swap meaning the ones I had if I remember right were um black red um what was it black red white and green uh so this one doesn't quite correspond with that we've got only thing we have in here is the green and the red so I'll have to um make sure that I get the yellow and blue and then who knows what the wiring is let's see yeah so what I'll do is I'll plug it in and then wire it in and then I'll know what goes where but that's not a big deal actually it doesn't matter what I do on this end they'll be the same because as long as I wire the other end the same this end will be the same and I can then plug it in this part goes into the board down there and then runs to the back so that's not a problem hello here is a quick update I'm starting to put a box around the CNC router Now using the plexiglass that was given with the CNC router so and the cover up the dress up this I have all this aluminum channel for um not sure actually what I call I guess you just you know this stuff there it's going to go on the edge [Music] here I'm kind of finishing up for this evening so everything's kind of a mess in here right now but I have things set up so I know what I need to continue doing tomorrow [Music] [Music] d [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] and here we go this is the finished product when it comes to the box I put these sliding doors here hopefully you can see that I was going to do hinges remember I said I was going to go up but I changed my mind this works out even better uh I didn't have enough plexiglass to do the whole top but I put this wood back here this is removable this is easy removable that getss light down in there so we can see it I also didn't take my slide uh guides all the way to the edge that way I can take this the doors off if I want to easily but they still slide all the way out of the way so it is now November of the same year that I started working on this video and as you saw at the very first beginning of this video I have got the machine running but there's obviously some things that I didn't show you and one of them you saw me bringing out these wires and all this stuff and putting these metal uh sockets in the back and things like that but I never actually videoed me finishing it and there's no record of me doing it so I'm going to quickly catch you up because the beginning of it was April and now it's November middle of November in fact tomorrow or not tomorrow but but uh next week is Thanksgiving of 2023 um I found out that I had that this control board was bad so I bought a new one and it's a newer one uh usually there's an a instead of a b here uh transfer at all the settings on these jumpers uh it is it is not USB it is parallel port now a lot of the young people I mean really young people if you watch this uh know about usb and USBC well this is parallel port uh it was way before that so this is not um it's new but it's it's using odor technology which is perfectly fine I actually like it but it also means that you have to use Windows 7 and this excuse me Windows XP not even Windows 7 I think you can use Windows 7 but I'm using Windows XP and this is a old uh computer that I found I was able to uh buy new motherboards and everything for it it has parallel port on the back you can see it there I do have this networked not for internet uh it cat not include it hey um you want to say hello or something come on I want to put you over here for a second okay you can go up there too that's fine that's actually where she used to hang out when I had my laser uh etcher in here so kind of hang out in here um she really liked it in there now the laser xer xer I can't even speak this morning the laser etcher is now here as you can go around the back so what's wrong what's going on her name's Monica cuz I know someone's going to ask anyway I've done all the wiring here we're ready to go uh obviously cuz I've already made something with it I've also put limit switches in and I took the usually it's a uh emergency stop here I've taken that off and I've placed it up there now so this is now where all the limit switches come in and they're wired in properly they go on the sad the board here the emergency stop comes in here too and all that runs up through a hole that's down there another thing another thing I did is that this is water cooled the uh spindle is water cooled I'm not done cleaning up wires yet but it is water cooled and all that flows through through a hole down here and goes to a [Music] radiator so this is properly water cooled it's not just dumping into a bucket um which is what most of these machines do there's a reservoir down here and the pump is down there I'll get all this mounted up later uh another what else did I do to this thing oh yeah since this card doesn't go with with this box I had to get this extension parallel port and everything else is the same in the back and you probably can't see all of it I'll try to brighten it up but x y and z are here parallel ports here here I've changed this this is where the 24volt pump used to go uh there's still 24 volts coming out of this and it works from this switch up in the front but what I've done it now pipes into this little box and inside this box is a relay 24volt relay so when I hit that switch it switches these plugs on one goes to a uh a pump down there which is a 12volt pump the other one goes to um I can't remember what that I think it goes to this I'm pretty sure it does go to this it Powers this and this is what powers the spindle uh the last big update to this machine will be running um multiple wires from the spindle down to that box so that the software can run the uh spindle so there it is this is everything all finished I've also put ventilation in which isn't controlled anywhere here yet I've got to fix that and I've put lights in again not controlled anywhere over here here so what I'm going to end up doing is putting a little box here and putting light control and a few other little switches here and then we're ready to roll meaning that I've cleaned up all the wires basically [Music] [Music] but I have had the CNC machine and obviously this isn't the CNC machine here I figured I would show you what I've been working on for the CNC machine so this is a 3D design and to use a CNC machine I had to learn how to do uh cat uh something I've never done before I've done two-dimensional drawings for years and and things like that and uh I won't go into major detail and how this works but I had to learn how to get well first how to uh design this so we can actually see um this in 3D as opposed to 2D I could do all this in 2D but never done 3D before I'm still getting used to it as you can see with me flipping this all over the page here 2D is a totally different thing but I seem to have um done it and now I'm going to show you before I actually show you what's happening in the background with all the noise let me show you what we're doing so this is on a uh cutting board made out of bamboo so that's exactly what you're looking at there I so I drew out the whole cutting board onto here now I didn't bevel the edges of that cutting board uh just because I didn't need to I just needed the proportions of it then what I've done is I uh added this text and then these green lines that you see that are running up and down is the actual bit of the mill and using freead you can actually see this I'm going to go in here and run I'm going slow it down just a little bit so this is the actual endmill here and and it's now going to run what's happening in the background now virtually so while that is running here um I'll explain what it's doing so it does two passes that's the reason you see it running back on to each letter uh more than once and it's running at a speed of I think you call it uh 250 uh m per minute I think is what it is um I'm running at it 250 uh for people who do Milling uh using C Machine CNC machine you'd probably know what I mean um so let me show you what's happening on the mill now [Music] now ultimately I will um get some air that will flow through and clean it up for me but just so you can see it again so there been several things that has kept me from getting to this point one of them is that when I would cut something it would it wouldn't cut uh to the proper proportions yeah you can't see this one but this is one of my test pieces and originally it said default but it left off the d uh it was cutting it too big and it was because of the step Motors the step Motors are the motors that actually move the bits and the heads it's this thing here and to fix that you have to go up to the software is running up there it just got off hold on so in the menus it's got all the stuff to set it up and I was able to get that fixed uh so anyway if this finishes within the next few minutes um I will let you see it right [Music] here all right so here it is not bad at all that took about 30 35 minutes I think let's see should still be here yeah there it is 35 minutes right there in the center of the screen and uh again for those who do this type of stuff I'm new to it obviously but there are several different ways to line up the head that part there that um in Mill to get this centered properly what I do is I I do a center um alignment so I put a little X where the center is and move this head over which I can do or jog as I call it I can do that with this now you also have to clamp it down and once it's clamped down and squared up properly then you can move this to your Center Point which is somewhere under that c and also you have to set the head now I don't have a probe there's usually a probe that comes down and then touches and that's where what they call homing and the way I do it is I line it up with one of these cracks here and I take a thin piece of paper and run it across to make sure that head is as close as I can to the top of here and then I can set the zero um usually the zero point stays let's see [Music] [Music] here okay so that should read almost zero and we're just below and I'm reading this Z axis here which is 1.1 I'm going to bring it up just a little bit we'll hold it there that's close to zero so I should be able to take this piece of paper and almost run it under there we go yeah and there's not that much tension on that paper so that's CL very very close to zero so that's how I figured that part out and then everything else is basically just lining it up with your uh your piece of wood that's on there and there's other things that have to go into all this that uh help you get this done so anyway it's working uh look forward to some really cool stuff coming off of this machine I've got some things lined up now I've got a bunch of wood up here ready to go I usually use this stuff with my laser etcher uh this is stuff that a lot of you didn't know I did anyway uh let me move my door that was done on my laser etcher it's a very cheap one like maybe $150 laser etcher that I've gone and put into this box down [Music] here there it is there a very big one works great it is control by this computer also but I don't run them both at the same time so that's it God bless thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Chants and Chisels
Views: 503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Desert Monk, br. david, Black, African American, Brother David, cooking, Arduino, maker space, cnc, build, wood, endmill, desktop cnc, freecad, cnc machine, 3d
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 18sec (1338 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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