My FIRST buy - to - let! What REALLY happened!...

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hey come here I'm really excited about this one I'm going to be sharing with you my first ever boring vanilla byet investment don't be too excited I lost £60,000 let me set the scene for you so I was back at University here and uh uni from my experience was basically around for ages and then you get to the stage where you're like a month away from exams and then you suddenly work hard and tell you how everyone how hard uni is right um and on the days I used to watch homes under the hammer and back then it was Martin and Lucy that did it it was on 10:00 a.m. I think uh most days pretty much every day and I'd watch these people go around and they would ignore Martin Lucid V and bear in mind M Lucy for me were like the god and goddess of the property World why would you ever ignore their advice and their advice was ignored all the time and they still made bloody money I thought if these idiots can do it then I can too and at that time I was hustling I mean like working three jobs I worked at bnq and then I worked on a farm overnight so 9:00 p.m. till 6:00 a.m. I worked on a farm Watts Farm in orpington if any of you know that from down south and I was hustling hustling hust building money working cash in hand Etc saved up all this cash and I thought you know what I'm going to buy a property now the thing is I couldn't get a mortgage I was still a student and this was back in 2010 2011 something like that and mortgages weren't exactly getting dished out and I end up talking to one of my lecturers who happened to invest in property great guy and he ended up investing in Burnley and he had like 4y properties on the northwest he was like yeah they're only x amount of money I was like what that's crazy so anyway I went up there and uh Burnley is a a delightful little town if you're from there and if you're not from there it's a complete hole okay and it's a pretty cheap place and I end up finding a property number 36 buret Street for 21,800 and I'd managed to save up about 19 Grand as I said I was hustling so I beg borrowed and stole I didn't steal from people to Top This up 21,800 bought the property to find out had all money right absolutely no money whatsoever and so I then started hustling getting paid cash in hand Monday to Friday still at Uni then my my best friend's dad bought me this rickety old van right and absolutely love him for it White Betty we called her if uh Black Betty the song but White Betty anyway white van and I used to drive it up Friday night sleep in the back of the van had a tool box and I did the property out myself so I did absolutely everything uh put the uh the plumbing in one thing my dad taught me how to hang a radiator in 10 minutes cheers dad um and then did all of it wired up everything thing the only things I didn't do is the kitchen cuz I didn't have a clue the plastering cuz I'm at it and still am to this day didn't wire it up to the box cuz not qualified electrician and I couldn't move the gas so anyway I meet the next door neighbor Steve Steve Ash if you're watching this you you'll find out why I'm not just mean for the reason so I meet Steve he's next door safe Pair of Hands right turns out he knows that'll fit a kitchen who knew Andy's a plasterer what a great day to be alive and I year three now of uni and this has been nine months of back and forth really hard stuff right but it's good to learn before you earn that's what I keep telling myself and um Steve was there was like me you you focus on your exams year three that I'll get this St for you I'll get the kitchen done all that think amazing this is great so uh naturally I pay Steve upfront in cash now again saying that out loud you might think you bloody idiot Jamie but the truth is I didn't know what I didn't know I got bought up on a certain level of integ ity that your word was your bond which seems to have gone out the window nowadays right so your word's your bond you said you're going to do something you're going to crack and off this is this is bliss I get to stay next door everything's good sorry get on with my uni it's all good he's next door anyway four weeks Go pass start the study period for my final exams um what's going on not heard back you said you'd had it done by now sorry mate slight delays on XYZ listen it will be done by the end of next month and I'm like okay well that's not a big deal because I've got my exams to focus I went no stress mate I'll chat you after thought right focus on the exams all of that get them done still not heard anything so I messag him again and he's like sorry mate not got back two more weeks I'll be done all right amazing two weeks Go part I message him no response I message him no response I message him no response and you're like oh that feeling at the pit of your stomach and so I end up driving up 240 miles 240 mi from London and as I pull out I'm like okay looks okay from the outside and you know when you open something and you can feel it before you even do something so open the door and it's like this like this wet air and you're like something doesn't feel right something doesn't feel right and I go in and the radiators are not there they've been ripped off the wall the wires have been pulled out the carpet which was rolled up in the corner that had been that's gone uh the kitchen was not installed the plastering was not done my toolbox was stolen they left my sleeping bag thank you for doing that by the way cuz I desperately needed it and my toolbox was gone right everything was gone and by the way the kitchen was dug up like what and I remember talking to somebody after they went yeah there's lead in the flooring and a lot of the kitchens around here I thought hell have it like if your life is that desperate but anyway you think what the this all for and you might be laughing by the way bear in mind this was every penny that I had I can laugh about it now so I knocked next door and I'm banging on these are like the two bed back to backs I'm like Steve Steve what the going on blah BL and I look up and uh thinking like your grandma's house with the netting it was kind of like that right and I can see the netting moving and I'm like Steve I can see you man what's going on I'm banging on no word of a lie no word of a lie I go like this against the window and then back to back right and I can see my kitchen installed in his house he done a job to be fair so but seriously hopefully you're laughing let me know in the comments but bear in mind like imagine this was every penny I had to borrow from people I had to get credit cards to do the refer I had to get loans to do this you might think oh my God you smash his head in right honestly really weird response cuz be mind I'm from Dartford bit of a rough area somebody did that you'd sort them out in a certain way and I end up just getting back in my car my van drove to local estate agents signed up to sell the house and just gave them my keys and I never went there again and I don't know if you can relate to this but have you ever been in a situation where you didn't do anything wrong somebody did something you and it made you doubt yourself and that was me for the next couple of years genuinely and I I I feel okay telling this story cuz I didn't stop I pushed on but for two to three years I did all like I got the odd job here and there recruit M Finance all these different things um and it with my head and I don't know I don't want to say the word depression cuz I don't think that's fair for people that have actually got that but maybe you can relate to this I didn't feel anything I didn't feel sad I didn't feel angry I just felt numb like truly numb and I made up all these stories people are out there to you over Northerners will take advantage of me cuz I'm a southerner so they'll charge me more I'm a kid nobody's going to take me seriously the reality is all of that was not true one person did something and I made that mean that everyone would do it and I made it mean something to me now the truth is I've learned since then a bit of stoicism and stoic philosophy is it talks about the controllables and the uncontrollables I can't control what somebody does I can't control somebody's words I can't control somebody's actions but I can control my emotions I can control the things that I do about it and the thing is it scarred me for a long time and so it is the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my investment career and it's the best thing that could have happened to me it really is they say by the worst house in the best street I bought the worst house in a pretty bad street 240 M away didn't have a power team didn't know what I was doing watched homes under the hammer and decided that was my education uh I've since invested about half a million into my education and fully not just me my business partner my team now fully expect to invest millions in my education over time and people think education's uh expensive try the cost of ignorance that'll really cost you now the irony is back then property courses they didn't really talk about mindset a lot and it's true so the first course I ever invested in about eight and a half nine years ago now was actually a mindset course then I did a property course then i' got a mentor and I'd invested £33,000 in credit cards and loans and you might think that's absolutely crazy but that's allowed me to start my journey and now I do multiple Millions a year in profit and I get to do cool things like this so the reason I wanted to share this story with you is it's a really happy memory for me despite really uncertain and upsetting circumstances now hear me out on this if you wanted to be a resilient individual what would need to happen in your life for you to be resilient well you'd have to be tested in multiple ways if you wanted to be a patient individual you'd have to be tested in multiple ways if you want to be a brave individual then you have to be surrounded by fear and the opportunity to go forward in the same way that if you want people to invest in you then you need to invest in yourself and ultimately if you want a life of ease financially then you need to go through the struggles and testament that most people would never go to you have to live the life that 99% of people will never give in order to have the life that 99% of people will never have now I love sharing this story it's a story of woes it's a story of troubles it's a story of trusting the wrong people it's a story of lacking education all of the things that you don't need to do if you've been following this channel for a while I genuinely hope I've been giving you as much value as possible we've done hundreds of videos to help you build your Investment Portfolio and 2024 is no different I am going all in and if you're not subscribed already make sure to get in now you don't want to regret it because 2024 could be your best year yet I genuinely believe that and if you want to be a part of that hit the Subscribe and the notification Bell I'd love to see you in future videos but you know what there's more if you're watching this never mind your first property what about your 50th what about your H 100th the only person getting in your way of success is you if you want to be making 2024 your best year yet put education in the comments right now I'm doing something really special right now and I want to work with people that are serious about back in themsel investing in themsel and creating the financial future that you deserve so what am I doing I'm putting on some free onetoone strategy sessions this strategy session is going to work out where you at where you want to get to and if we can help you on that Journey ultimately you might think this is crazy I can help you create a six figure that's 100,000 income in as little as 12 months and I know that's a big promise but it's a promise I can deliver and it's a promise that I can guarantee now does it take inves in yourself yes there is investment you need compliance you need to set yourself up but and in general that's £3,000 for everything you need to create a sixf figure business and if you're serious and driven and you want to make 2024 your best year yet but you're not resourceful enough to get 3,000 L whether that's loan credit card borrowing from a friend working your ass off and getting an extra stream of income then maybe business isn't for you but if you're watching this and you are genuinely serious about changing your life I want to be a part of that Journey and I hope you buy into me I hope you buy into how I can help you and if you want to take that first step up the mountain I'll get you the rest of the way how you can take that first step is put education in the comments right now I'll put a link in the comments too I'll pin it to the top fill in your details let's have a chat one to one and see if we can help make 2024 your best year yet as I said hit subscribe if you want to learn more about property hit the notification Bell destroy that like button takes you 10 seconds really makes a difference and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Jamie York
Views: 14,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamie York, Jamie York Property
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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