My feelings about Tim Ballard & OUR from somebody that was there...

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what's up guys this is Jimmy Rex and this  is a special episode of the Jimmy Rex show   this is an episode I wasn't planning on doing it's  Friday afternoon I'm sitting here and I've turned   down multiple requests this week several requests  for some pretty big podcasts to talk about   everything going on with our and Tim Ballard and  vice and Sean Reyes and all the other Hot Topics   here in Utah and the only reason I've decided  to make this podcast is because there's a lot   of misinformation there's a lot of things being  said and ultimately the reason why I decided to do   this is because I saw an interview yesterday that  Tim or a post that Tim put out and his level of   denial and narcissism around this whole thing is  kind of annoying and so I thought it's time that I   actually talk a little bit more about what's going  on um first off give a little bit of background uh   in 2000 I think 15 I first or 16 whatever it was  I've started working with operation Underground   Railroad I was introduced to Paul Hutchinson met  him at an event he was speaking at about an OP   that they had done the one in Colombia and went to  a fundraiser thrown at Scott Keller's house went   with a couple friends of mine Sean Whalen Travis  Prince and we uh fell in love with the cause   fell in love with what was going on and decided  that we wanted to do something about it and so   I started um building a relationship with Paul uh  started going and doing some undercover fighting   type training Krav Maga training uh with Joe gleed  who was training all the our operatives at that   time and about six months later I had a chance  go on my first op the first time I went with the   group was 280. uh the op had been compromised or  for whatever reason wasn't happening so they went   to the charity where guess no uh ran that charity  uh the orphanage and that was where garty had been   kidnapped from and long story short I was there  when one of the men I can't remember which one he   found out he was supposed to be adopting these two  kids that were siblings and found out there was   more siblings and ended up adopting I was actually  a really beautiful moment and Tim was hugging his   soon-to-be kids that he was adopting just a really  beautiful moment fell in love with everything that   was going on my next time I had an opportunity  to work with them was in Cancun and uh we did   a sting down there Paul and uh I believe it was  Tim we're running front there had a couple ex-fbi   guys former cop guys as well I was kind of just  one of the guys in the background I speak Spanish   went on a Mormon mission to Monterey Mexico so  it became a pretty good asset to help the group   and we did that one from there Paul invited me to  go be part of the team that would go in and find   the traffickers on a couple of other Ops one of  which was the Cabo San lucasop we'll get back to   that that was in the vice article um I was on that  up and uh had the chance to see firsthand kind of   how everything worked I went to the Dominican  Republic I had a chance to do an op in Ecuador   um in all I think of Mexico City and all I think  I went 12 different times undercover one time or   another for a trip um I've you know been done the  math I think there was over 30 traffickers quote   unquote that we um I was part of a sting that they  got arrested and over 100 kids that were rescued   that being said there's a lot of things that have  always kind of haunted me about all this and I   feel like now would be a good time to talk about  it first off with what's going on with our well   so many details here I don't know where to start  um with what's been happening right now first off   um one of the things I loved about Tim is how  much passion he had from day one I saw that   passion uh Tim gave me a lot of opportunities and  changed my life forever so I've always been very   grateful for Tim I got the chance to go to click  funnels when they showed operation Toussaint for   the first time with the director of the movie  and Russell Brunson I got to go on the stage   I was a dream come true for me to be a part of  that I got to go meet Tony Robbins probably half   a dozen times got to sit VIP Tony himself walked  us across the hot coals at his upw event in Los   Angeles because we were part of the group working  directly with Tony I was um there with Paul and   a couple of the other operators I also had the  chance to go work with the Pittsburgh Steelers   with Sean Reyes Tim Ballard Tim's son and Paul we  went out there spent you know I think it was a day   or maybe two days with uh their coach Mike Tomlin  and got this opportunity of a lifetime to be there   and just had a really beautiful experience with  our the Ops themselves there's a lot to go into   there but as far as my experience with who you are  it was beautiful I threw a couple events for them   I threw a couple black Thai gals one of which I'm  going to talk about coming up here in a little bit   um we partnered with Rudy gobert from The Jazz  I think three years in a row raised over 150 000   Sean was our Auctioneer Reyes Tim uh and his wife  came to those Paul you know filled it up with a   lot of his wealthy friends I met a lot of wealthy  men that's where I met Dave Bateman for the first   time um came to that event um who ended up forming  Entrada over a billion dollar company um and just   had the opportunity to meet a lot of cool people  I was meeting a lot of incredible individuals   through the network of our and through the  network of of Paul and uh and so I've forever been   grateful for that opportunity I know it was called  of God I know it was part of my path to do that   um and I want to kind of talk about some of the  things that are happening today but also kind of   how like why I have this Insider information I  just know all the characters in the story and I've   talked to them personally since all this has been  going down and the thing that made me mad about   Tim recently um is I feel like I'm kind of duped  um I feel like I got duped I feel like I never   thought uh Tim would do the things that have come  out and the things that haven't come out yet that   are going to come out um I'll just cut through  the suspense for you uh it's a lot worse than the   article said Tim wasn't just sleeping in the same  bed and showering with these women he was full on   having Affairs I know the names of multiple people  that he had the affairs with broke up families and   that's going to come out and the thing that I  can't figure out is he knows this is going to   come out like he knows these stories are going  to break he knows that he's dead in the water   the church does not throw people under  the bus by the way the church is smart   um if you think of the church as like an  organization with self-preservation it's a lot   easier to understand a lot of the things that they  do Tim did have a very close relationship with   Emerson Russell Ballard very obvious they have  pictures of them traveling and doing other things   um he also was a silent partner according to Tim  in this whole thing that he was trying to do the   Whiteboard video and all that stuff um everybody's  seen that there's a silent partner with one of   these in in Paul should probably just come out  and talk about this stuff but he's talked about on   the record before and a long story short at that  meeting Tim had mentioned that his silent partner   was Emerson Ballard the church is smart enough to  know this they don't want once they found out that   Tim was having Affairs and he was using Emerson  Ballard's name saying that he basically okayed it   to fool these women that were volunteering for  our and that's why he was essentially betrayed   so badly that here's why the church publicly  made sure that everybody knew that the church   didn't endorse Tim or our because it's that bad  Church never does that they've never done that   for somebody that was an active member unless they  needed to get ahead of the story and so when you   think about that that way um you know it's not the  church's fault I was duped by Tim too um we wanted   to rescue children that's what the mission was  that's what everything was supposed to be about   yet over and over I saw firsthand Tim's ego and  Paul's ego if I'm being honest and he's one of my   close friends and so um you know I'm going to be  honest here about a couple things though but him   and Tim their egos absolutely destroyed at that  time what was going on with our and I'll explain   um so long story short you saw the vice  article this week about the psychic you   saw the vice article about when Paul touched  the breast of an underage girl which by the   way she's not underage she was proven to be over  18 that part of the story didn't come out till   later for whatever reason so that they could  add on to the article instead of saying it up   front because I think it does matter a lot I  was there I was 10 feet away when it happened   and I'll say this um I'm not going to say too  much about that because that's Paul's story   to tell but at the end of the day three  things crossed my mind when that happened   um and by the way you have to understand that  there was bad guys undercover and there was   evil dudes these were the most evil dudes we'd  ever arrested we'd ever worked with we'd ever   met that particular op we were dealing with three  different groups of traffickers it was in Cabo   and it was right downtown if you've ever been to  Cabo it's not that big of a downtown and two of   the traffickers when they heard we were dealing  with this other trafficker by the way I hate   that the story like publicly says where we were  that puts Our Lives I feel like a little bit in   danger because I don't know um I mean these we've  got people arrested traffickers really bad people   and so I'm not sure why that part of the story  gets told publicly but it's out there so whatever   um but when the trafficker that we ended up  working with um found out when the other two   chapters found out we were working with them they  said we can't work with you then because that guy   runs the town and so we knew we were working with  some really bad dudes so you got to understand   that like in that moment we're like oh [ __ ]  that was the most serious this had ever gotten   and they basically the way it would work is we had  an undercover camera with us we had to prove that   they had these underage girls or else we couldn't  get uh an OP set up and so we had already talked   to these guys and they said they had 25 girls  that were underage and essentially we said we   have to get video footage um or else we can't do  the op and so we told these guys we'll pay you to   show us the girls that you're trafficking that  was the way that essentially it worked just so   we had proof that it was happening like there was  already plenty of proof that they did have people   they were trafficking um but what people don't  understand is when you go undercover you never   see the girls like um you only meet them briefly  like in a parking lot or a Walmart or something   just or at a restaurant so that you can tell that  they have and we get a video of it and then the   police will set up the sting and so we were trying  to get proof that they had it so just get you know   just meet them and they say yeah come with us they  took us to this strip club that was on the main   drag of Cabo right downtown and we didn't even go  in we're downstairs in the lobby and they brought   these girls down the stairs that were working  at the strip club and we were kind of already   like oh [ __ ] like they're probably not underage  then because they're working publicly in the strip   club and um long story short the guy was like see  look this is one of them he um told her to lift up   with sugar he looked at a pressure or whatever and  then he like motioned to Paul like to touch them   Paul did um and I remember thinking at the time  number one I was like we were dealing with again   these were some evil freaking dudes so number one  I remember thinking gosh I'm glad that wasn't me   that he pointed out number two I remember thinking  I'm glad Paul didn't hesitate and number three I   remember thinking I probably wouldn't I wish  that didn't happen I I'm that probably wasn't   a good idea that he did that um I think I even  mentioned that to Paul later that being said   um it was tricky it's things aren't black  and white multiple things can be true   um and now I'm going to speak to a bigger issue  that like a lot of people have talked about   um whether or not we were causing trafficking  to happen or not or soliciting for trafficking   um because it looks like based on that article  that we were trying to find because he says Mas   Fresca the whole reason for that is like  we already knew we were dealing with the   traffickers in Cabo we'd been this had been  verified from two other groups of traffickers   and so we were trying to just get video footage  and so the whole conversation was around like   were those girls 16 were they not and we were kind  of hoping so because that meant we could do an OP   um and rescue whoever came now also  on these Ops when the women would get   um rescued when the girls would get rescued  typically about a third of them to half of   them would actually be underage the rest would  not and so it wasn't unusual to it's like okay   well even if you know they're not all underage  like it's still helping them out or whatever   um and there were some of the Ops I will say  you know to that point about three years ago   I told the girl I was dating at the time that I  was done doing undercover Ops and uh the reason   I told her this and this is the only time I ever  shared that until right now is I said you know I   doesn't sit right with me completely the way  they're doing it I said two things are true   here number one is we have absolutely rescued some  girls that were being trafficked um we found them   we had a recorded conversation from the Mexican  federalities this was the only proof I've ever had   that these girls were being trafficked they were  begging the guys not to traffic them anymore they   were but it wasn't like that they don't hold them  behind cages and things like that like they lived   at home but they would basically call them and say  you're doing this um one of the arrests we did uh   it was a eighth grade school teacher and she would  use her position to get these girls she'd just   tell them they were coming to a party they'd go to  the party and next thing they knew they were being   um you know raped drugged told that if they told  anybody they would you know kill him or they'd   tell their parents what they did and and so that's  how trafficking usually works it wasn't like these   girls were being held against their will 24 7. and  so a lot of times when people think of trafficking   it's just not how it's portrayed even in the  sound of freedom I didn't love parts of that   movie because I had to tell a bunch of people that  asked me about it I'm like no that's not really   how it works um it does work that way sometimes  but it's very rare by the way I these stats and   I'm all over the place I'm not using notes I'm  just trying to speak for my heart here I just feel   like I should share the information that I have a  lot of um the stats that come out about how many   kids are being trafficked around the world they  say like 2 million then I heard it was 8 million   now I don't believe those numbers if I'm being  honest I think it's much less and the reason I   believe that is because we went to multiple  cities and never found anybody trafficking   kids we went to Mexico City multiple times went  to several places around latinum South America   and couldn't find trafficking um we just left we  did we go down for three days and we were really   good at it the reason why we were good undercover  is because we were able to speak and we're very   um good at just making friends with people and  that's what it was all about you basically you'd   usually meet somebody a street Hustler who would  meet you know they would know somebody who knew   somebody that was trafficking kids and half the  time we tried we couldn't find anybody and I   thought that was awesome and so I don't think the  problem is Pavilion as they say I will say that's   my own personal opinion they can use whatever  stats they want but that's my personal opinion   um the other thing I had a problem with though  the reason why I stopped doing it is because there   were times when I felt like so one of the opposite  we did I'll be honest it was the one Cancun it was   the one that Tim LED um uh These Guys these kids  they were like 22-23 I don't think they had been   trafficking if they had not much and I remember  you know they went out and they found these guys   and it took them about three days in Cancun  to find anybody trafficking somebody and they   finally found these kids and part of me was like  well were these guys really trafficking because   they were young kids they were kind of idiots they  were like 20 again they're like in their young 20s   and I remember when they showed up  to the party and they had these girls   and I remember thinking to myself like did these  guys just go round up some girls they know or like   whatever and said come to this party sleep with  these Americans these rich Americans will pay you   or something and I never just never sat right with  me um and I saw that firsthand and so when people   say maybe they create trafficking I'm not saying  that didn't happen um I do think it was a flawed   method now looking back with perspective um at  the time I didn't know anything I was just the   guy going on the Ops and that was the way they  were doing it but as I look back now um it's   very conflicting because on one hand I absolutely  think that there was probably a few guys that went   out to find girls to to bring back because they  were trying to get tips from Paul or from Tim or   whoever and and they you know were trying to prove  that they were traffickers I had to tell one kid   in Ecuador I remember he was like yeah yeah we  traffic girls or whatever and I remember to look   at the camera this kid doesn't drive a gross he  was like 21 years old he's like yeah yeah and I   remember he's like I'll be back in two hours I'll  show you and he brings this girl back she was like   16 probably and he's like yeah yeah what do you  guys think and I remember I pulled him aside we're   in like the basement of this like Warehouse thing  and I'm like dude this you this isn't who is this   is this your sister is this your girlfriend  or what and he's kind of like what and I was   like is this your girlfriend he's like yeah  I was like you don't traffic this girl do you   and he's like yeah yeah I said dude get her out of  here you don't know what the [ __ ] you're doing   get her out of here you don't traffic this girl  and he's like okay and that was my last stop I   ever did I was done after that I said I I'm not  doing this anymore I was terrible undercover if   I'm being honest I was good because I spoke  Spanish I could translate and the the truth   is the reason why Paul is the one that got in  trouble is because Paul was so good undercover   we didn't have guns we didn't have backup the  only thing we had was the fact that they never   knew why we were actually there if they it  had any inkling that we were not undercover   we would have been dead uh multiple times and the  op in Cabo was the most dangerous one we ever did   um by far these were the most evil dudes we ever  took down so I hate that it's out there that it   was Cabo where this happened because um it does  put some Danger on those that were there that   being said it is what it is we were dealing with  some people in Dominican Republic they got killed   while we were doing the uh undercover work we went  the first weekend and while you know we found this   guy he was a bad dude and he got killed before  we even got back there I mean this dude was in   some some bad stuff and so there's two things can  be true at once and this is the part that I want   people to understand is number one is those Ops  absolutely needed to stop I've had I want to call   it guilt but I've had this thing hanging over it  where it's like part of that was kind of [ __ ]   um but then there's also the other part where  I absolutely know We rescued girls and I know   that we save their lives and so both things  can be true I've always been conflicted over   that I've only shared it again with the girl  that I was dating a couple years ago it's just   been one of those things that how do you talk  about that because I didn't want the work to   stop I wanted o you are to keep rescuing  the ones that needed rescuing but I also   saw the problems with the way they were doing  it and I'm just trying to be very honest here   um so those things can both be true another thing  that where two things can be true at once is I   think Tim had good intent to start this I think  any guy that was in the business that he was in   that had to look at that stuff that he did um I  don't know how you come back from that I I would   never in a million years let somebody I love be  in that business or whatever um very grateful that   the entire time I was undercover we never once  had to see any pictures of any girls we never   had to see any girls none of that was a part of  it we only would see the girls when they would   bring them to get verification and then at the  party when they showed up where they got rescued   and so um I wish I knew the outcome of some of the  girls that We rescued of all the rescues we ever   did I never got a single update I tried multiple  times again updated what happened to them later   and so people have criticized our for their  Aftercare and all these things I have no idea   um I wish our was more transparent with that but  I also see that they're like trafficking victims   so how do you talk about that right um so I don't  know what that is I do have another entire problem   with this entire thing and this is what I want to  say about like um there's this thing energetically   with the universe that like when you start talking  about something more it's like you're you're gonna   notice it more you're going to be more aware of it  and I think the very Act of talking with my I've   changed my opinion on this my original opinion  was like we have to make sure everybody knows   about trafficking this is like this evil that  nobody's talking about that nobody knows about   and so it was like I wanted to help spread the  word everybody and the more it talk gets talked   about though the more it becomes real to people  and I think that plants the seeded for a lot of   people that never would have thought about it to  actually participate in it and I the numbers that   I've heard that it's only going up the number  of children being trafficked in the last 10   years so censo Ur was founded it's not doing  any better it's actually doing much worse um   I have no verification of these stats by the way  but I did hear this from a very reliable person   um and so I think that there's this level of  harm that gets done by almost normalizing it   or talking about it all the time where and then  you know you got the Qing on people that just   make it they think everybody's a pedophile and  that's a whole problem because then it just makes   the whole thing look ridiculous like it's not  happening at all and so I just think that the   whole thing is um I kind of wish I don't know  like part of me thinks that it needs like the   very active sound of Freedom becoming the number  one movie it's great for awareness but how many   people now have the seed planted that oh my gosh  you can actually go get this where they never   would have thought about it before and so that  part is tricky and I think that that is being   Miss uh it's just not being counted into the fact  of everything that's going on so as far as what   happens next um like I said with uh our when I  was working with them uh Me Andy mccubbins Sean   Reyes Sean Whalen uh Paul Hutchinson there's a  bunch of us that would go together undercover   um there's a bunch of other great men Dave Lopez  um all these other great guys and one by one they   would keep getting eliminated out and I'm like  why why does why does everyone keep getting kicked   out and every time I was with Tim in a private  conversation I remember just thinking like this   dude this this job's bigger than him like it just  he's he doesn't I think that's what happened I   think he had a good heart about it but I think the  thing was just too big for him and so I think it   overwhelmed him he didn't trust anybody um if you  guys go back to the vice article from two years   ago um Vice called me they wanted my opinion they  tried to make me look stupid they said that the   Realtors are the ones going undercover um you know  they discounted the amount of intelligence I think   that I have in Social settings my ability to make  friends with people my ability to just be able to   control situations get things done but whatever  um I was just a realtor so for the record I guess   that's true um but the one thing they quoted me  correctly I was grateful they did is you know they   said why'd you get kicked out of our and I said  well I wanted to say it in a way like essentially   what happened is Tim and Paul got in a big  fight um it was over a couple things it started   um I'll just tell you guys how it started is Tim  and Paul were at one of it's a fundraiser that   I threw we were sponsoring multiple organizations  children need families had just launched I got to   help a lot of those families that were adopting  people get their sponsorships it was beautiful I   got to go with my ex-bishop and go to the houses  of these families when they found out they were   getting donated twenty thousand dollars to be  able to donate kids excuse me to adopt donate   the money to adopt the kids um had a chance to  go with uh Tim and his wife and actually Janet   the weird psychic lady um was part of that and  it's a whole nother conversation we'll get into   but um she was actually really nice um I didn't  know she was a psychic never knew that until Paul   told me later but we're at this event raising  money we raised 150 000 at the charity again   Sean Reyes was the guy auctioning everything off  it was really beautiful and all of a sudden we   were talking about the Nazarene fund and there  had been a really beautiful story that and Andy   and Paul had been a part of it and they showed  a picture and it was the picture was this girl   they'd rescued being reunited with it reunited  with her mom I mean we're all in tears 200 of   us at the event all of us in tears and um in the  picture was Paul Andy and this little girl I think   I'm I just remember that Tim wasn't in it because  this is what the fight was about all of a sudden   the middle of the speech I'm on the stage Tim and  his wife sitting front row like get up and walk   out and so I'm kind of like what is going on I can  tell they're pissed and Paul kind of goes around   there and I kind of had a chance to sneak off a  minute later they're yelling at each other full-on   Paul and Tim are like fighting in the back of  this club at the Sky Club in Salt Lake and I'm   like what you guys what is going on and Tim was  pissed Tim's wife was like how dare you show a   picture that Tim's not in and you're not giving us  any credit I'm just like oh my gosh like it's not   about who the hell cares who gets the credit it  was this big fight over it was really Petty and   ridiculous and from that day forward um seemed  like there was a Chisholm between them and us uh   also at that time Tim had kicked out a few other  people I was really close this guy named Dutch   that used to go undercover the Navy SEAL guy was  awesome somehow for somebody's got removed Dave   Lopez got kicked out found out later that was for  a business deal that Tim wanted to be a part of   that David found and Tim felt like he was owed  half of the deal because he um was the one that   connected Dave Lopez with the president of Haiti  to be able to do this project crazy stuff but it   was all over money and ego and it was really sad  I remember me and Andy mccubbins talking about all   this all the time like it's like they were just  forgetting that it was about the kids and so Paul   started a new charity called children need family  or excuse me um child Liberation foundation and   um I think Tim and Paul end up doing a meeting  was that Paul's house and it's the Whiteboard   meeting it's the famous whiteboard meeting and  um anyways and at that meeting Tim announces that   like everything that you've seen on that that's  true is is exactly what Tim said he basically said   we're going to set up all these non-profits it's  going to funnel it's going to help Tim Ballard   um build up himself and then he said we're going  to use me to lead people back to the church   and he had been working with M Russell Ballard  as a silent partner he announced that by name   in that meeting and Paul was pissed Paul had been  excommunicated from the church he's not a hater   of the church but he's definitely not a friend  and Paul was just like this is not why we're   doing this this has nothing to do with the kids  what are you talking about and that was the day   that Paul and Tim departed ways so Paul tells us  this story meanwhile all the people oh you are um   well I don't need to get to that part we did an op  and Puerto Vallarta and long story short o-r was   supposed to fund the Aftercare we did the takedown  we worked with the federal police in Mexico by the   way the federal allies in Mexico freaking loved  working with us people have questioned if we were   even wanted there needed There They begged us to  come do these Ops there they said that we get more   done in two days and we can get done in two years  and 30 of them flew up here to give us honorary   doctorate degrees from 11 universities in Mexico  they gave us Diplomat status in Mexico because   they loved working with us a friend of mine Brian  Zulo actually his brother-in-law got arrested in   Mexico it was two years ago not arrested it was  fake arrested by these people they were shaking   him down I called our connection uh I called Brian  Trapnell who was helping us who was we'd worked   with in Mexico City with the top officials of of  Mexico within 48 hours they were able to get this   person this American out of there and rescued it  was pretty awesome and so I'm forever grateful for   the Mexican federalities the people we worked with  there they love us to this day we have connections   with them um anybody that says otherwise doesn't  know what they're talking about they loved having   us and we were really good assets to help them  do what they were doing and so there's a reason   that they wanted us there we were good at it they  have the recordings of these girls begging not to   be trafficked like all those things absolutely  um that Puerto Vallarta op we ended up doing   the rescue and our left us hanging and um it was  John lines who was I think fired from our for he   was horrible by the way that guy absolutely had  the biggest ego I've ever seen in my life but we   don't need to go into that he hated all of us  pushed us all out um when I quote advice and   I talked about my exact quote was I've never  seen some I said I have a lot of respect for   Tim but I've never seen somebody that's worse at  keeping the the wrong people around and letting   the right people go because it was true Dave  Lopez Dutch all these people Jen Dyer all these   people that really cared about our kept like you  know getting pushed out and all the people that   um that were Snakes in the Grass or were about  their egos or the ones that he kept around and   so I quoted that article advice and Tim called me  and he was hurt by that and we all got together   and you know part of what we mentioned was like  I said Tim you guys left us hanging in Puerto   Vallarta like he was that was John lines they were  trying to um basically I think it was one of Tim's   in-laws or relatives or something was I was  like a coop they were trying to get rid of   Tim he can tell you about I don't know and  uh they ended up pushing out all the other   people they and he goes you're right I had the  wrong people around me I let the right people go   and he admitted to it he said how do we make  this right and we all got together at Paul's   house all of us that had basically been pushed  out and Tim and Paul's wife Otto was there and   Tim essentially was speaking out of both ends of  his mouth but the problem was he never owned up to   kind of what Paul had heard in that whiteboard  meeting and that was what still was bothering   Paul so we left there and we all thought that we  were gonna maybe you know just be friendly again   and I had heard from multiple people you know I  would speak at an event and people were like oh   hey man just you know like Tim said some bad stuff  about you to me and I never once said anything bad   about Tim even a couple months ago when the sound  of Freedom came out I made a post I said for the   record I never saw Tim do anything illegal or  that would be against his integrity and it's   true he was a horrible decision maker I thought  the job was too big for him but and that's why I   was so hurt by these um what I heard came out  about these women and that part of it because   I did see that part of Tim that was good and  I think that he wanted this to be something   good I think that again I think he pushed  out all the people that would push back on   him I think all the people that held him in  check were pushed away and he kept all these   yes men around him I know one of the people he  kept around him very closely and he's a snake   um I won't go into that but um long story short  uh I think these last couple years he just had   the wrong people around he didn't have the people  that cared and because they started making really   poor decisions it sounds like and so these women  are going to come forward unfortunately it's   going to happen if anybody that's supporting  Tim is going to look stupid I promise you   um I already know from all the inside sources um  you'll hear it next the church already disavowed   him Tony Robbins team is going to be next Glenn  Beck will be next and the the thing that sucks   is we all wanted to support our we all wanted to  support this organization we all wanted to support   fighting against child trafficking and both things  can be true we still can and here's the worst part   of the whole thing oh you are finally over these  last three months that Tim's gonna they have their   [ __ ] together it looks like I talked to some of  the operatives that were like totally against who   you are some of the people that were like that  knew the the insides of it all and they said   dude oh you are actually doing really good work  now and they said the worst part about all this   is oh you are is going to get taken down or it's  going to really hurt it and they're finally doing   a lot of good they're finally not doing Ops the  way that we used to do it they also figured out   that was not the right way to do it and so our has  been doing a lot of good the last three months and   it's probably an organization we're supporting  now but unfortunately it's going to be taken down   when all this comes out and I mean Tim has just  been leaning in so hard to you know this victim   and it's this narcissism that he has and and God  bless him man but I think um once that all comes   to light I hope people will be able to see um  what it is again this last interview where he   was just adamantly talking about the evils coming  at him and it's just like dude enough's enough   it's time to tell the truth um you know for  the record I was with Paul on every opposite   I went on never once saw him do anything that was  inappropriate when he grew up that girl again at   the time um had she been 16 again it would have  been a really bad thing um and I'm not going to   make a judgment whether he should or should have  done it I'm glad he did it because in the moment   the people we were working with absolutely were  capable of taking our lives if he hadn't that's   all I'll say on it as far as the psychic lady  goes um that was also had come to light about   the same time Paul and Tim started fighting and  it was just kind of like geez that being said I   mean I don't know I believe in energies and things  like that we believe in prayer I mean if she was   a man and we called her a patriarch would it be  looked at differently probably so I don't know   um I don't know it's obviously really weird I  didn't know about the Nephi thing until this   week though that's that's really weird um but I  do think that you can Channel people I don't know   whatever I've never done it but I think people  have uh so I hope this is I just want to get   some information out there I'm super grateful  for my time at our I'm super grateful my time   with the child Liberation Foundation I'm super  grateful for the opportunities that Tim gave me   um is the gift of a lifetime to go on  those um you know there's a part of it   that again I'm happy to get this off my  chest now that I always sat wrong with me   um and it is kind of like well [ __ ] what's  the like if you know if we arrested a couple   guys that maybe weren't trafficking otherwise  and those girls maybe weren't being trafficked   but we did rescue a lot of people that  were was it worth it and I believe it was   um that being said I personally made a moral  decision to quit doing it a couple years ago   um and it was hard to to know what that was and so  I'm glad that our is doing things the right way I   I really don't think the problems as big as people  say um I think that there is a huge issue but I   think that you can get people really emotional  when you say there's eight million kids being   trafficked I do not know where 8 million kids are  being charged we couldn't find any in half the   cities we went to and that's something I've never  really talked about either and so I don't know   I don't want to minimize the problem it's huge I  think that because of the internet because of the   uh ability like think about it I think the most  important thing is how do you protect your kids   I think you have to understand that number one is  most kids are trafficked from their houses and I   think if you understand what's really going on  you can approach it much differently if your kid   starts acting differently if your kid starts being  shy or or starts acting out something has probably   happened whether they've been abused or whether  they're being trafficked you want to be able to   monitor who's talking to your children you want to  be able to see who's actually communicating with   them um most people there's this thing you know  Andrew Tate a lot of people have been saying that   uh you know that he's being railroaded and he's  being you know this whole thing is a setup as well   um the one thing that I think he's going to be  in big trouble for is the boyfriend approach   of trafficking he's on the record saying that he  would pretend to date his girls or date them just   long enough to get them to work for him to be  webcam models and that is a form of trafficking   like that is why he was arrested and um call it  what you want these guys will groom kids or women   or girls or whatever they'll get them to fall in  love with them get them to obey them is how pimps   work too it's the same thing and then they kind  of control them and so the women technically are   still free to do what they want but when they  break them emotionally and and you know in a   lot of other ways mentally uh it really robs them  of their ability to defend themselves and so It's   Tricky man um I've interviewed Tim on my podcast  on this very podcast I've interviewed Sean Reyes   on this very podcast Paul has been on this podcast  uh Coco berthman I did a podcast with her before   I found out she was a fraud uh that was crazy  story if you want to hear more about that there's   an entire series on the podcast now there's a  podcast about it called the Coco birthman story   um you know It's Tricky you I've had Dave Lopez on  this podcast you can go back and listen in these   interviews but these people um you know I think  everybody wanted to help I think a lot of people   donated to our because they wanted to help I think  a lot of people shared about the sound of freedom   because they wanted to help um that one's kind of  crazy by the way like all these people going and   buying extra tickets for the sound of female  is like that was the greatest marketing play   of all time and I supported it because Paul's  one of the executive producers on it and he's   a friend of mine but um none of that money was  going to our it was owned by these independent   companies and so like when you were doing that all  that money it's not going to the I think a lot of   people were confused by that but I did love the  movie I thought it was very well done I hated the   part with the jungle because I knew it was fake  uh nobody ever did that there was other parts of   it that I felt like were very sensationalized and  it sounds like several other parts were made up as   well but as far as the movie goes freaking amazing  movie um the caliber of the just the way that it   was done the music the the lighting everything  I got a chance to go on set in Columbia for a   day and watch them film down there and got to meet  Jim Caviezel I've met weirder people not very many   um but I am grateful for a couple of the movies  the guy's done I think he's amazing actor   but this is my entire unfiltered um feelings  about all this I don't really have any other   comment about it I've again had so many people  reach out one thing that I will do is anytime I   make a comment about something I put my name on it  that's why I was the only one quoted in advice a   couple years ago by name that caused me a lot of  flack with all the people at our but at the end   of the day I'm not going to say anything unless  I'm going to put my name on it so hopefully this   helps give some clarity um it is coming down  those names are going to be released to the   women that Tim full on had affairs with broke  up families with and so I felt like that was   worth sharing and from a source that knows just  trust me that's what's going on and so anybody's   still defending him I promise you there's better  things worth defending there's better people worth   defending in this situation but you can still  support all you are you can still support the   cause there are other child trafficking Charities  out there Dave Lopez has one you can contact him   directly Tim Tebow has one those are two that  I know that seem to be doing a lot of good work   and I believe the Maloof brothers are uh have  one that that I know they do Charities here in   Utah and golf tournaments and things like that  and so if you're wanting to support the cause   there are multiple ways of doing that anyways  hope this is helpful much love and God bless
Channel: Jimmy Rex
Views: 72,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy rex, we are the they, WATT, tim ballard, operation underground railroad, OUR, Utah, Mormon Church, shaun reyes, the truth about, Paul Hutchinson, the sound of freedom, allegations, investigation, vice
Id: v12zg4Pim7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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