My Favourite VSCode Shortcuts and Tricks

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<b>How to do my gorgeous</b> <b>friends on the internet.</b> <b>Let's talk about VS Code shortcuts.</b> <b>Now, personally, I always had a hard time</b> <b>remembering shortcuts.</b> <b>That's because I jump around</b> <b>in so many different programs</b> <b>in so many different programs</b> <b>from like the VINCHE</b> <b>Resolve to the video,</b> <b>to Photoshop to do thumbnails, all</b> <b>different shortcuts.</b> <b>So the way I did it,</b> <b>so there's definitely</b> <b>something wrong here, right?</b> <b>But the way I did it is I</b> <b>tried to find the best shortcuts</b> <b>for me to not like reach</b> <b>for the mouse all the time</b> <b>because I have cacti's here.</b> <b>Cacti's, cacti's, so</b> <b>whenever I reach for the mouse,</b> <b>they all wiggle,</b> <b>they'll wiggle your cacti's.</b> <b>So this list is gonna cover</b> <b>all the main shortcuts I use,</b> <b>but if you have a really cool one,</b> <b>leave it down in the comments below.</b> <b>And if it's good,</b> <b>(clink)</b> <b>So here we are in VS Code.</b> <b>So let's start out from scratch.</b> <b>Like how would we navigate to a project?</b> <b>You could go open to</b> <b>file, open folder here.</b> <b>That's fine, that will work.</b> <b>Or you could do this</b> <b>command, control K and control O.</b> <b>I'm not a big fan of that.</b> <b>I really like to just</b> <b>navigate and move around</b> <b>through the terminal.</b> <b>So I usually do control tilde,</b> <b>and then from here I</b> <b>could cd or do an LS,</b> <b>see all my projects, cd</b> <b>into type test, for example,</b> <b>and there we are.</b> <b>And then I can do a control L,</b> <b>that's gonna clear out the terminal,</b> <b>and I can do code dot like that</b> <b>to just open up the project here.</b> <b>So now we're in the project,</b> <b>let's see how we can wiggle</b> <b>our way around the editor.</b> <b>So one useful command is control B.</b> <b>That's gonna open up the</b> <b>side panel here for you.</b> <b>And this is great.</b> <b>Sometimes you want some extra space.</b> <b>Sometimes you just wanna glance over</b> <b>what files you have in your project.</b> <b>But to actually open up a</b> <b>file, you can do control P.</b> <b>And then from here you can</b> <b>navigate, select main TS.</b> <b>Let's say I wanna</b> <b>open up package dot JSON.</b> <b>I can search for that.</b> <b>And let's do another one, maybe my index.</b> <b>So there we go.</b> <b>And then to actually</b> <b>navigate between the tabs,</b> <b>you can hold down alt and</b> <b>then use the arrow keys.</b> <b>Boop, boop, boop, boop.</b> <b>And the cool thing about this is that</b> <b>you don't need to save.</b> <b>So you can have that like that.</b> <b>And then I can just do control W.</b> <b>And it's gonna pop up</b> <b>with the save for me.</b> <b>And then I just hit enter.</b> <b>Now for creating files and folders,</b> <b>I know a lot of people do control N.</b> <b>And that's gonna give you a</b> <b>file here that you can save.</b> <b>But it's gonna open up this, pop up here,</b> <b>and then you have to</b> <b>actually navigate and save it</b> <b>where you wanna save it.</b> <b>And some people set up</b> <b>like a little command</b> <b>where you hit control N</b> <b>and it's</b> <b>automatically gonna pop up there.</b> <b>But to be fair, I just like</b> <b>to go here and click on file.</b> <b>And I can just quickly</b> <b>select the folder that I want it</b> <b>and then here I can</b> <b>just create the hierarchy</b> <b>any way I want.</b> <b>So let's do it here.</b> <b>New file, so I'll do components, right?</b> <b>And if I want a sub folder here,</b> <b>I can do maybe my nav components.</b> <b>And then here I can have links, right?</b> <b>The TSX, like that.</b> <b>And boom, look at that.</b> <b>So remember arrow keys, really useful.</b> <b>You can go up, down,</b> <b>sideways in the circle</b> <b>any way you want.</b> <b>However, you might have a tough time</b> <b>getting to a certain part of your code.</b> <b>So maybe this input parameter.</b> <b>So you can do control</b> <b>and then quickly skip over</b> <b>the words and then get here.</b> <b>Also, you can hold shift</b> <b>to select stuff like that.</b> <b>So let's say I wanna replace this.</b> <b>I can do F2 and let's just change this</b> <b>to like a param like that.</b> <b>Boom, done.</b> <b>And then this one gets replaced as well.</b> <b>So that's cool.</b> <b>If I quickly wanna just like blow up</b> <b>and purge a line of code,</b> <b>control X.</b> <b>I know that cuts it,</b> <b>but who cares if</b> <b>you're not pasting it back?</b> <b>Why you're the cut</b> <b>police now, leave me alone.</b> <b>You could do that.</b> <b>Also like hold shift, right?</b> <b>And press up arrow and</b> <b>then purge that like that.</b> <b>You can easily create copies if you want</b> <b>just by holding shift and alt,</b> <b>boop, boop, boop, boop, like that.</b> <b>Or you can also select</b> <b>multiple lines of code.</b> <b>And then I can shift and</b> <b>command, boop, boop, boop,</b> <b>just like that.</b> <b>What you could do is</b> <b>do control and command.</b> <b>And then I'll just move my arrow up</b> <b>and then maybe I can</b> <b>prefix this with something else</b> <b>like that.</b> <b>What about navigating within the editor?</b> <b>Because if you just hold the up arrow,</b> <b>it takes quite a bit of</b> <b>time to get up there, right?</b> <b>So you can do control</b> <b>and then you can do home</b> <b>if you just wanna head to the top here,</b> <b>especially in like frameworks, right?</b> <b>Because you're importing so</b> <b>much site here at the top.</b> <b>So it's easy to be like,</b> <b>just be down here somewhere</b> <b>and then blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,</b> <b>where you can then control</b> <b>home, boop, up at the top</b> <b>and then control end and</b> <b>you're back at the bottom.</b> <b>If your page is like super big, right?</b> <b>And maybe you need</b> <b>something in the middle,</b> <b>alt, page up and page down.</b> <b>Okay, let me show you</b> <b>another example here.</b> <b>I'm gonna open up this counter main</b> <b>and let's do add as well.</b> <b>And let's say I want</b> <b>these to all be in my view.</b> <b>So what you can do is</b> <b>hit control backspace</b> <b>and look at that,</b> <b>that's gonna open up a</b> <b>new view here for us.</b> <b>And to basically go between these two,</b> <b>I can do control one and control two.</b> <b>So there we go, I'm</b> <b>here now and control one,</b> <b>I'm here now.</b> <b>Ooh, but I'm actually</b> <b>editing the same file.</b> <b>So I can close it with control W</b> <b>and I'm in my main TS.</b> <b>Nice.</b> <b>Now again, you can do</b> <b>as many as you want.</b> <b>I can do control three</b> <b>and as you can see, that's</b> <b>gonna pop in a new window as well.</b> <b>And I can go in between them</b> <b>with control one, two, three.</b> <b>Now to close it, let's close that one,</b> <b>close this one and close this one too.</b> <b>I'm hungry, I'm gonna go eat something.</b> <b>Now for the sidebar here,</b> <b>I don't really use any</b> <b>shortcuts really besides control B.</b> <b>Sometimes I do control shift F</b> <b>if I wanna do a quick</b> <b>search or maybe a replace.</b> <b>So that's a quick one that you can do.</b> <b>Yeah, there's a couple</b> <b>more for like extensions.</b> <b>If you want, you can do control shift X,</b> <b>but I mean, I'll just click it.</b> <b>And last but not least,</b> <b>it's just moving around my applications.</b> <b>This is a command</b> <b>that's quite useful for me,</b> <b>especially on windows,</b> <b>you can hold start or option</b> <b>and then you can do right arrow.</b> <b>If I do right arrow, as</b> <b>you can see, pops it there</b> <b>and I can do it on my</b> <b>other screen if I want,</b> <b>I can go left and that's</b> <b>gonna put it to the left.</b> <b>If I wanna make it full, I can press up.</b> <b>If I wanna minimize it, I can go down</b> <b>and that's super nice, super quick.</b> <b>And then if I let go of alt,</b> <b>as you can see this other window pops up.</b> <b>So now I can easily just maybe get a,</b> <b>I don't know, a browser for example.</b> <b>But yeah, that's about it.</b> <b>That's all the</b> <b>shortcuts that I usually use.</b> <b>And I don't really learn any shortcuts</b> <b>for like speed or anything</b> <b>because my brain</b> <b>doesn't write code that fast.</b> <b>I just like moving around fast,</b> <b>but I'll go to this page,</b> <b>but then I'll just</b> <b>wait and think about it</b> <b>for like 20 minutes</b> <b>what code I'm gonna write.</b> <b>So yeah, I'm not gonna go like to OTT</b> <b>with any other shortcuts.</b> <b>But yeah, thank you so much</b> <b>for watching this episode.</b> <b>Peace out, aliens are real.</b>
Channel: developedbyed
Views: 26,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vs code, top vs code tricks, vscode tricks, vscode, vscode tutorial, vscode for beginners, code shortcuts, editor, developedbyed, vscode tips and tricks
Id: 2kX62Cnaeqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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