My favourite teacher got fired. So I got 75% of the staff arrested. (Satisfying r/ProRevenge posts)

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welcome to another episode of our slash Pro revenge landlord is jealous of my income raises my rent $500 I screw him years later for $20 k TL DR is the same as the title landlord is jealous of my income raises my rent 50% I screw him years later for $20 K all names have been changed in the late nineties wife and I were just married just getting started and we decided to dink double income no kids it for a few years to save up for a down payment on a house the dot-com bubble was still rising and I was a newly minted software developer I had an entry-level job for a while and then got recruited to a new city and a new job that paid 3x what I was making before it was an offer too good to pass up I ran the numbers and it was a no-brainer by living frugally and saving my entire salary living off just her income we would easily have enough in a year to put 20% down payment on a new house we rented an apartment in the new city that was listed for 950 dollars now the landlord was a real estate agent who owned a two-bedroom condo as an investment property let's call him Hank Wazowski Hank was a thin grey no-nonsense guy he was pleasant enough but perfunctory dry and had no sense of humor he made a point of explaining that under no circumstances was he responsible for maintaining the garbage disposal and that it was not included in the rental agreement and he would not be responsible for fixing it were it to break um okay he seemed slightly amused by us a clueless young newlywed couple but I could tell he wanted to rent us because we were very obviously a safe choice as renters we filled out the rental agreement in the credit check and this is where my troubles began Hank looked harder the credit application where I listed my job title software developer and my income $75 K for a 23 year old in his second year out of college in the late 1990s this is a small fortune throwing my wife's salary and we were over six figures in income renting an apartment far beneath our mean like I said dink is the way to go when starting out I can't believe how much money you make Hank must have said half a dozen times muttering under his breath I explained we were saving to buy a house and that we were only going to stay in the apartment a year we might stay a few months after the term is over would month-to-month be okay after a year Anka showed us that would be fine we saw Hank only once during the year and he again mentioned my salary and how he couldn't believe that's what software developers were making it was awkward and I gave a vague reply anyway a year later we had found a house to buy signed all the papers and were making plans to move the new house wasn't going to be ready until two months after our rental lease was up so I called Hank to ask if we could as discussed simply extend the lease by two months before moving out Hank assured me on the phone it would be no problem and he would send over an extension for us to sign the extension arrived in the mail and it included a month-to-month clause and a $500 increase in the rent my flips out and called him Hank why are you increasing the rent over 50% that's too much that's more than my new mortgage is going to be he was super condescending to me rocky moose it's what the apartment goes for now I would be losing money by renting it for less I tried to reason with him but it was very clear he knew we could afford the $500 had no choice of the matter and he was going to screw us over as best he could he got angry with me for arguing my point and I'll never forget his parting words you don't have to like it Rocky moose you just have to pay it my wife and I tried to figure out a way to move out early by putting our furniture in storage for a couple months and crashing with friends but it just wasn't going to work out I swallowed my pride and wrote out the check for one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars for the extra month a month later I wrote a similar check and then we moved out I made sure the apartment was spotless before moving but still Hank withheld three hundred dollars from our security deposit for [ __ ] things that were just a way for him to squeeze a few more dollars from the kids who made too much money one hundred dollars for cleaning sure but three hundred dollars was obscene in my mind he had screwed me over for $1,200 and there was nothing I could do about it what made us even more infuriating is that I saw the ad Hank put in the paper after we moved out and he listed the apartment for rent at only 150 dollars more than we had been paying originally not a grossly inflated $500 increase and it didn't rent a month later I saw the same hadn't he had lowered the price to $75 more than we had been paying and I assume it got rented since the ad stopped appearing fast-forward about five years life is good the house is good we have a baby and even though the dot-com bubble has burst I'm still employed one day out of the blue I overhear one of my co-workers Phil a senior developer talking to the guy working the reception desk hey Mike I'm expecting someone to drop off some paperwork for me if a Hank who was else key asks for me tell him I'll be right out nice reason get a taste-off pile in my mouth remembering how I had to write out that name on those checks all those years ago there's no way it's the same guy right I walk over to Phil who is still by the reception desk Phil I say how do you know that name Hank was else key Phil explains that Hank is his real estate agent I bought my condo through him several years ago I'm selling my condo now so I can buy our house so I'm going to ask him to be my agent again do you know him I tell Phil that I used to rent an apartment from Hank and described what he looks like Phil confirms the description it's the same guy while small world right and on cue right than the front door to the office opens and in walks Hank Wazowski I stare in disbelief he's carrying a folder of papers and doesn't recognize me Phil and Hank shake hands and they talk for a few moments I stand there silently wondering what to do Phil finally says Hank this is my friend rocky moose I think who may have already met yes hello Hank good to see you again my wife and I were your 10:00 a few years ago on Street remember the software developer who rented for a year saving to buy a house well this is where I work here with fill tanks eyes indicate he now remembers me and he's starting to put it all together we shake hands and he says yes of course he remembers and asks how we are doing oh we're just fine thanks for asking Phil says that you're his real estate agent small world isn't it Hank's nods pleasantly he still doesn't remember the details of our last conversation I do some quick math in my head this is the early mid-2000s the real estate market is very strong and easy money for any agent the crash of 2008 is still a few years in the future I start to think out loud selling the condo for around one hundred and fifty dollars to two hundred thousand and you're looking at houses in the five hundred thousand dollar range so that's six hundred and fifty dollars to seven hundred thousand inches total transactions chan agent getting three percent on the sale and the purchase is getting around $20 k for his trouble that's a good commission for the agent isn't it Hank's eyes flash and I can tell he remembers everything about me now Phil is surprised at my passive-aggressive turn I am enjoying the uncomfortable silence thank the flex my question saying it's complicated and tells Phil to send back the papers as soon as possible he shakes hands with Phil looks at me knots and goes to leave it was really good to see you again Hank I called behind him he exits the building as the door is still shutting I say a bit too loudly so that Hank can hear Phil don't sign anything just yet I have a story to tell you Phil looks at me and says rocky what the hell was that all about he looks pissed and confused at my behavior I tell Phil the whole story the the $500 increase the security deposit you don't have to like it you just have to pay it everything Phil you can't use this guy to sell your condo and buy our house I hate him he's evil I'll help you find another real estate agent just use anyone but Hank so the great thing about Phil is that well he's a great guy he says he's a little surprised with my story and has always known Hank as a straightforward guy but I totally see him doing that to you he admits there's no way I could use him now what a dog then Phil's eyes lit up a bit what do you want me to say when I fire him I have special feelings for Phil now we came up with a plan and I made sure there were some key phrases in Phil's repertoire we planned it all out together in advance my only regret is that I didn't get to see Hanks reaction in person a day later when Phil made the following phone call while I stood behind him listening hi Hank its Phil calling yep about that I've decided to get some other quotes from other agents I'm not going to sign up with you pause no no you shouldn't give a discount you'll be losing money if you did that pause no this is just a decision I've made no it has nothing to do with rocky moose pause well you don't have to like it Hank you just have to accept it goodbye click and it was the greatest revenge I could have ever imagined through a chance meeting years later Hank got screwed out of $20,000 and easy commissions and the best part is Hank absolutely knew and had everything to do with rocky moose favorite teacher gets wrongfully fired so I get three stroked fourth of the staff arrested I'll start off by saying this happened to my sister and the actions taken were hers my sister has always gotten along very well with her teachers and has a habit of forming actual friendships with them to the point that she still talks to her fifth grade English teacher a with many others decades later and this happened about 15 years ago my sister was a student at Job Corps a government-run live on campus vocational training program but studying hotel-motel management she got on extremely well with her hotel-motel management teacher better than pretty much every teacher she'd already had up to that point one day the teacher goes to the center's dean's office and walks in on a paper shredding session it turned out that there was some pretty major embezzling happening at the center as in more than 60% of the funds for the Center were being stolen the teacher was appalled and despite some rather lucrative offers made refused to join in on these acts less than a week later the teacher was far for trumped up reasons this was especially bad given the teacher was only two years away from retiring and being fired lost their retirement package needless to say my sister was pissed knowing how things typically work and that almost any report she tried to make would just be swept under the rug if it was taken seriously at all she came up with a plan and took things new clear over the next month or two my sister managed to gather some basic evidence of the embezzling nothing concrete but enough to warrant considerable investigation by the authorities she took the little evidence she was able to gather along with the story of what happened to her teacher and sent the info in an email to the Job Corps Regional Director now like I said she knew that her email would likely be ignored all the event swept under the rug so she got smart the email was she said to every single major person in the Job Corps chain of command all the way up to the National Director as well as to anyone even tangentially related to Job Corps in the upper echelons of the Department of Labor and every member of Congress as well as the US president's office remember this was a government-run program all in all the email was sent to over 2,000 people basically she not only sent the report but sent it in such a way that everyone who got it could also see everyone else who got it and she centered - waa why more people than would be needed to ensure the issue couldn't be swept under the rug two weeks later after the investigation finished never seen the government work so fast on anything that wasn't collecting owed taxes only five or six staff members out of 20-ish that worked in the center still had their jobs and at least five of the ones fired including the Dean were facing major criminal charges with the rest facing minor charges I'm not sure of the exact figure on how much was stolen but it was well into the seven digits the embezzling had been happening for years to the teacher got a very nice severance package post investigation if I recall correctly it was three year off pay her full retirement package and signing an NDA though she didn't get a job back and my sister was given her completion certificate despite not having finished the requirements of the course they wanted her gone but couldn't kick her out Flo you made it to the end you're ducking beasts I'll cut you a deal smash LIKE and subscribe for more curated content might it's free and that's a great price
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Id: LcHI1_SdUkE
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Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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