My Favourite Simple Fruit Cake Recipe

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hi i'm chef rafael and welcome to today's video today we are baking and i'm going to show you how to make a delicious um but simple to make the ingredients are really simple um fruit cake it's actually um what this is what this is for me is a cake recipe that i have that i usually modify it in different ways um i've made a marble cake out of it and today i'm going to show you how to make a fruit cake it's a really nice and delicious uh cake and it's made even extra special by using the all-new brand um the all-new blueband blueband margarine this is actually the baking version the other bungee ring you can actually bake with it the the one before this but this one is improved it's enhanced and it makes the results rich because it's actually and has a rich battery test uh it makes it richer and tastier you have to see the video to see how simple it is to make it and get yours today and try it let's get started so um for the ingredients of this very simple recipe actually this is my go-to recipe whenever i want to make a variation of either fruit cake or a marble cake or a plain old vanilla cake we have flour which is 380 grams we have 270 grams of sugar 5 eggs vanilla essence and this is a mix of mixture of sultanas and raisins basically when it comes to a fruit cake you can use whatever fruits you have available you can use orange peel you can use cherries um i'm going for the raisins sultana's direction and this is perfect for me for this cake um and also now we are using the all-new blueberry baking margarine uh remember this one what they have done which is different from the normal blue band that you know is that they have actually added more flavor more buttery flavor that will actually make your cake have a nice buttery taste and then the other thing about it is that which is different from the other one the other one usually has omega three and six this one doesn't have that and basically the formulation has been made to enhance to make the baking results much better so let's get started we will weigh i will actually weigh fast the margarine you actually it's a very good idea to always use a [Music] weighing scale because with the weighing scale you actually get to know the exact amount so that's 300 grams so the first thing you need to do whenever you have um this because what this is actually the creaming method that we're using it's a good idea to fast beat the blue band a little bit to make it softer mind you can also do this using a without the stand you can use it by the hand or you can also use a whisk but when you have a mixture stand mixer like this first beat it a little bit and then add the sugar i'm actually going to add it as i continue and then it's a good idea whenever you're actually using a mixer like this scrape off the sides you scrape off the sides so that it actually comes to the center and gets mixed through completely so the next thing we're going to add for this is the eggs now for the eggs we're doing it one at a time first add the first one and then mix one thing i forgot to mention it's always a good idea especially if you're not sure about your eggs craft them in a separate bowl like that [Music] and then add that avoids any any eventuality of an egg that be that's being bad that adding it directly to the mixture so you continue [Music] scrape off the side so that it gets mixed into the mixture and then the final egg and scrape off the sides so one thing i should note is that the mixture is fully mixed if it cuddles it's fine you may not be using uh blueburn margarine and sometimes what will happen is that if you're using some other type of measuring sometimes it can tend to cuddle um don't worry it's fine you can just when you add the flour it will all come together so that is done i'll add the vanilla essence this is one teaspoon another tip i can give you that you are to avoid the flour from jumping all over the surface or even the machine you can actually add first a little bit like that save the rest and then using a spatula and then gently mix and this basically what you're trying to do is incorporate the flour into the mixture like that and then when you're going to whisk it um the flour will actually not be flying all over the surface so when it's mixed up to that point now at this point you can continue using the machine the cake batter is actually thick so when you actually stop mixing when all the flour has already been incorporated now one thing about cake recipes uh what one thing i always say is that use follow a recipe that has been as as as it's been directed and then our cake mixture is ready now what is left is to add the fruits i'm using raisins and sultanas you can use cherries you can use mixed peels mixed orange peels or to be honest you can actually use the same recipe and skip the fruits what i have here is around 24 inch pan i've put a light greaseproof paper on the bottom it's actually very important to avoid the sticking but you can also um grease your pan uh baking tin and then apply a thin layer of flour that can also work and the reason why doing this recipe as a fruit cake works is because it's actually a thick mixture the fruits will not uh sink on the bottom of the cake so i've already turned on my oven at um and set it at 180 degrees you need to preheat your oven preheating an oven takes about i don't know seven minutes seven eight minutes depending on your oven type so now we'll set it into the oven again it's preheated 180 degrees and this mixture now the the cooking time of the baking time it depends on the amount you know how at what level this cake is now this one i estimate it will take about 40 minutes but if it's a thin um if you have a bigger pan meaning the mixture will go a little bit down it will take less time so how you know actually the cake is baked uh in your kitchen one tip i can give you is um when you smell cake in the kitchen that's when you know it's almost done or it's actually done another thing you should not do whenever you're baking is try and open the oven door the reason why you have a light in uh most ovens is because you can actually see so look at inside the the glass or door of the oven and just observe the way the cake is rising but when you open it what happens it introduces cold air and that's what makes the cake collapse at the center so avoid that so our cake is ready it actually took a slightly over over an hour and um what you need to do like i said because it actually depends on the thickness of the cake and what you actually need to do is to um if it's nicely brown on the top you can actually reduce the amount of the heat on in the oven to maybe 160 so that you also give it time to actually bake on the inside if it's still high and you waiting for it to be cooked on the inside but on the outside is cooked on the outside it tends to form a thick crust and becomes hard this is nicely browned and then it's firm especially when it's cooked fully cooled because actually it's fully cooled and how you actually know a cake is cooked is take a small knife uh dip it and then when you remove it it should actually come out clean and as you can see for this cake it hasn't risen and cracked and i've had those requests i mean questions whereby somebody's asking me why does the cake crack it actually depends with the cake recipe itself and it's just one way of the cake to try to expand so you see it's in a tin and then it's trying to come up and then usually cracking is not a bad thing basically because what you can do especially if you want to make it into a layered cake is just trim off the top um and you have a flat cake cracking is not a bad thing per se but for this particular recipe for this cake it usually does not crack and this is exactly how you should see it when you bake yours now um let's dig in soft the inside is crumbly um it has nice even layer on there on the edges and um my mouth is watering so let me just put this on the side and then see on the inside if you decide to make it into a chocolate cake and basically add more cocoa to it it will be okay if you decide to have it as a vanilla cake it will still be okay for me this is a multi-purpose cake which i've really enjoyed over there since the first time i actually discovered it and i hope you've learned something new and it's something that you can actually try out um today or soon let me know how yours turns out remember you have been using the all-new baking material from blue bunch actually the yield is actually really good wow yeah and also that i had not done that actually not um spelt it's actually nice vanilla flavor and all this is because it has the new and improved flavoring which makes it awesome so until next time follow me on instagram facebook and twitter subscribe to the channel hit the bell button so and you're notified whenever and you've i have a new recipe out until next time [Music] goodbye
Channel: Chef Raphael
Views: 57,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chef Raphael, ChefRaphael, Chef, Raphael, Bringing Cooking Back, how to improve your cooking, improve your cooking, cooking at home, Home Cooking, baking at home
Id: lkfVESjdYKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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