My Favorite Walleye Lure - Jigging Rap Tips

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so I'm on the YouTube the other day and I'm watching a walleye videos and I see this guy wearing these goofy clothes catching all these walleyes poundin walleyes walleye after walleye after walleye I'm thinking to myself man I really wish I knew how to work a jigging rap weird a fish a jigging rap what kind of chicken wraps do I fish how do I rigged up a rod to fish jigging wraps well you are in luck because today we are gonna answer all of those questions at least what I know about jigging wraps this could easily turn into an hour long rant a boat a jigging ramp but we're gonna try to keep it to about somewhere between 5 to 10 minutes we might throw a fish catcher to it if we catch a fish which we should feels decent oh boy what is this this could be the one we are looking for barely barely hooked up grab my net got him and he is off already you can see how quick that was driving around this deep mud flat here just picking off these roamers all whole day long and hits a blast that's about a 20 inch fish there so in that video that guy was fishing deep rock humps he was fishing rock fingers and rock humps and he was these spots aren't large sprawling areas full of walleyes he was picking off schools of fish that are pretty much tightly knit right on the Crown's of these reefs and humps and when I'm fishing that way what I like to do is kind of mark the school out in that scenario where these fish are real active when they're getting up on the Crown's of these reefs I like to cast so typically I'll get my bait out there I'm going all the way down the bottom on a slack line you got to let that thing fall when you're on bottom I'll drop my rod and I'll do two quick pops and I drop my rod back to the fish then I'll do it same thing over and over and over the one thing I'm gonna stress is that how hard you're ripping these things it's not a pull is something I see a lot of guys do they like to kind of pull it like that and all that's doing is kind of lurching your bait forward twice what you want to do get those two quick pops it's more of a wristing then they then an arm thing you know if you if you're going like this it's just not what those fish want to eat they'll throw it out there again quick yeah so down to bottom let's pretend them on bottom and you could watch I risk it's just two quick pops like that and back to pop sometimes if these fish are sitting really high up in the water like let's say they're seven feet off bottom I might do three or four pops and really get that bait to bounce up now what that quick wrist movement does versus a pull is it gives that bait that side-to-side hop like that and when they're falling so you're gonna rip it and that baits gonna go and start to fall and that's gonna dart the other way and then glide down so you're actually kind of walking the dog you know I'm you know near the bottom of the lake which is extremely effective now there's a couple ways you feel bites doing that sometimes you feel a fish pop that on the way down you know if your fishing is jig and you're popping it up and that fish plunges it real hard sometimes they get that same feeling but most the time in the summer you're gonna feel you're just gonna go to rip up and there's gonna be a fish on sometimes I got in the mouth most of the time they got it somewhere on the outside of the face they just kind of take these baits and what they'll actually do is just pin them right to the bottom of the lake most of the time you know you really catch them on any hook now the one thing I'm going to stress like you saw a thousand times in that video is how yeah I don't want to use the word inefficient but how gufu you fish get hooked on these very rarely do I ever catch a lot of fish that are just in their throat you know they have the whole bait in their mouths when they're trapping at the bottom most the time what's happening is you're getting them with either one of these hooks in the end which is really easy for them to leverage out of their mouth this is the best hooking hook I've tried playing around with a whole bunch of different sizes and stuff and honestly I don't really see a big difference which is kind of bizarre because you think it that would make a difference but it's mainly these hooks that get caught up and it'll leverage out of their mouth a lot easier verses a treble hook or a big do cook with that being said I definitely prefer to rig up with mono when I'm doing this technique this whole snapping thing I run 812 pal mono it doesn't really matter that much then I throw a ball bearing swivel up from the bait about a foot or two and that's really all there is to it it takes a little bit just to get the cadence down you know making sure you're on bottom that's a you're watching your slack to know when you're on bottom now the other scenario where these baits are extremely you know efficient or just adds to the versatility the bait is if your vertical fishing and that I will tend to use a little bit more braid but I still really like mono overall the one thing you get with braids is obviously a lot more sensitivity you know you I still all still tie in a 12 foot leader just because most time I'm fishing pretty clear water and when you're vertically fishing these baits I'll throw out the back of the boat so you can see this would be a scenario where you're picking out individual you know you you see the fish on sonar I'm dropping and near the back of my boat so I can see my bait and the fish at the same time and I'm working sometimes individual fish sometimes big pot pods of fish but basically when you're doing this what you want to do is I've you can do the snap thing I have less luck doing that when I'm fishing vertical most the time what I'll do is I'll do this quick pop-up and I'll just kind of tail my rod down till the bait hits bottom pop my rod up tail my bait down to his bottom same thing a lot this kind of fish and when you're vertically fishing the bait you'll feel a lot more bites on the way down versus when the baits on bottom but you always want to make sure it touches bottom in my opinion at least I've had the best you know success with doing that making sure my baits hitting bottom before I'm popping it back up and a lot of times same thing even though you're kind of walking that bait down with your rod the fish still eat it off the bottom I'm not really sure why that's just my experience from fishing these things so I'll show you one more time here it's kind of a it takes a little bit to get the hang of doing this basically you're popping it up quick and I'm just barely keeping the slack out of my rod as the baseballs so pop it up quick and just kind of barely keeping that slack out I still want that bit going down fast I just don't want it to be a freefall [Music] keep coming up there I just made that drop that was an immediate bite not big but he's hooking right nice fish liver so I'll show you how he's got it and I'm talking about trapping these baits at the bottom he's actually hooked her right in the belly now I'm hooked yeah he's a nice about 17 inch fish that was going straight vertical you could probably just about see it happen I don't know if my bait came into the cone yet but basically all that happened was a drop down saw the school backed up right to him as I was cruising along and whoa there he was pretty simple now we're gonna talk about the different types of bottom and how that will vary how I work these baits these baits are awesome in weeds - a lot of people think you just can't use this bait and weeds when you're popping it real hard it's actually a pre weedless bait which is pretty surprising for a big chunk of lead with three hooks on it when I'm fishing it in weeds I'll get it out there you know you never want to make real long cast with these that's another great point you want to kind of your sweet spot it's gonna be somewhere between you know the the second two-thirds of your cast so I don't really cast too far if you're getting too far out there your baits just kind of moving like that versus getting up and doing that big hang time Dart so when I'm fishing weeds typically I'll kind of you know let my big get near bottom pop it and I kind of time it out so that my and this is a little bit more beneficial with braids now it's not a must you're still gonna catch a lot more fish with mono just because of the sponginess but I'll kind of time my drops out so that my baits not quite hitting bottom then generally two or three times throughout the retrieve I might just let it touch bottom just to make sure I know I'm close to bottom and that's typically how I'll work this baiting weed now when you're doing that you are gonna feel a lot more bites when the baits falling typically you know because you're not letting it hit bottom quite as much the the other scenario I'll do typically random fish and weeds is early earlier in the season on a lot of our big natural lakes so I'll get my bait out there and earlier in the year when these water temps are a little colder the summer this is totally an aggression thing it's just a big time triggering aspect same thing in the spring but you'll get a lot more bites when the water is colder working them a little bit slower so typically what I'll do is I'll get it out there you know make sure I'm hitting bottom and then I'll just hang my rod tip up there after I pop it now that's gonna let that bait go it's gonna dart quick both ways you know walk the dog with it and then that baits just gonna tail a little bit slower down you still get that triggering aspect to the hops but those fish are a lot more prone to grab that slower falling bait when the waters colder a lot of times that's how I'll fish it Layton late in the year to October November just when you get those a little bit colder water temps now the biggest thing about this bait and probably the most powerful part about it is it turns 34 feet of water or these deep depths and do an extremely fast area to fish these things weigh almost an ounce this is in number seven I fish sevens more than 9s although the nine is a great bait they're probably actually pretty interchangeable I just end up fishin more sevens I should definitely fish more nines should write that down but yeah these things are you can cover so much water and a deep depth while still manipulating a bait a lot of these areas that would be trolling areas like I'm in 34 feet of water right now catching walleyes a lot of these areas that would be trolling areas just to keep that kind of bottom contact I can make long casts and fish fast at these depths which is just a remarkable tool so that's those are pretty much the finer points to these things the one thing I'll say about these two when you're making a rod is you want something soft this is a rod that I use for endless different you know it's extremely versatile rod at st. Curry's mojo bass this is uh what is this a drop-shot finesse rod it is a six foot ten medium light action and you want that real soft tip to hold these fish that guy in that video he kept saying how he keeps losing fish on these Oh Mitch and you do lose a lot of fish on them there's that's just how I mean they just don't hook fish extremely well a lot of times but having a nice soft rod like that you can see all that flex in the tip that's gonna land a lot more fish for your fish you guys want to see more videos why don't you check out this chicken rap video over here this walleye fishing video here in this muskie Trillin video over here [Music] you
Channel: Tom Boley
Views: 472,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Walleye, Walleye fishing, Walleye Lure, Walleye Jigging, Jigging walleye, Jigging, Walleye Trolling, Trolling Walleye, Summer Walleye Fishing, Jigging Rap, Rapala Jigging Rap, Jigging Rap Walleye, Walleye Baits
Id: DuCeTlyX1w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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