Doing Hard Tricks Down Stairs

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this video is a good session and a bad session it's legitimately been too loud to film anywhere outside so I'm in my car where the audio is actually quite impeccable I feel like I should just do this more often but the bad session was actually yesterday I went to North Hollywood skate park and after having the session that I had in the last video I was like oh my gosh I'm feeling good let's learn some new tricks I'm just going to learn how to back tail and be able to hold that for a long time and it didn't go so well this video is also sponsored by Squarespace uh I need to upload more long form content so not every single one of my videos is a Squarespace sponsors but I am uploading a lot more shorts and uh hopefully I'll get more long form videos out it's just right now two Squarespace ads a week or a month sure you the thing is I was trying to film some shorts I wanted to do one talking about back taals and this and this and this and they were all sort of falling apart and then I was like well let's just do some Smith grinds and I'm sure that'll go fine you can see the actual marks that my truck was leaving on the ledge trying to grind so this is definitely not a Smith grind ledge which is interesting because older skate parks the cement on top stuck up a little too far so when your Kingpin digs down it goes into that now they've sort of overcompensated by having metal on top to where you know you'll just keep grinding no matter how much you dip so that wasn't fun but I had to get a couple tricks here and there going to take you out the dream that we've been talking about so we can [Music] I'd say the Highlight which was unintentional was actually skating down the Gap there were a lot of people at the skat Park so I didn't want to get in people's way but I was like I just want to try a front 360 I just want to commit to one and you know whatever happens happens and I realized like I feel like I should just do 360s more [Music] often Dre show you even though I fell on a ton of them I was able to do kind of a bunch where I didn't land well at all and still was able to roll away but getting the three I think good ones was really motivating but I should call it a good session so I can be positive and optimistic but I was beat after I'm still still tired today but there was actually a good session that I had prior to that one and I went to Westchester skate park which is my favorite skate park ever obviously I'm going to have a good time at Westchester because the flat rail I love and I love the five stair and the two three stairs like that is the that skatepark for those three things is worth the 45-minute drive or was until now I have a newborn and we take basically 3-hour shifts during the day so if I have a three-hour window there's no way I can drive 45 minutes 45 minutes back and only skate for an hour and a half that's just not happening that's why I've been skating in the North Hollywood skate park a ton recently cuz it's a little closer to where I live but this session was great because I focused on the stairs and I had maybe 10 to 12 tricks in mind and a lot of them were really weird for me like I tried switch front heel and that's not one I normally do but here's the session actually before we get into the session a word from our sponsor Squarespace Squarespace is the best website for building websites they have fluid engine which is essentially drag and drop so it's really easy for anyone without a design background to create a beautiful designed website it's so easy like I can't explain to you how easy it is for a beginner and they guide you through building your site and I would recommend this to anyone out there who is a creative entrepreneur in in any way I think a website is the perfect portfolio piece they also have email campaigns which is better than any other social media because whoever actually signs up to your email gets your notification no matter what so if you have a million followers on an email campaign that's like so much better than a million followers anywhere else they also have blogging tools uh so if you're a writer you can you can build up some SEO there if you are have an online store they have analytics where they can give you all the backend information you need to try to figure out what to do with your brand better speaking of brand they now have a thirdparty website that actually fulfills all your order so if you just design a product they will literally give you pictures of people wearing your products they'll help you with all the back end all you have to do is design and then you literally have your own brand where you can just sell through your own website and you can connect it to other websites like Etsy wild pretty much any creative entrepreneur thing that happens out there Squarespace tries to tag on to their website including courses so if you have a specialty something you want to sell you can actually have a pay wall to courses that you're giving away speaking of which um I think in the next video I'll be launching a course uh and it happens to do with skating so that's I'm been working on this for like a year I think I'm launching that next week so if you're someone who wants to get into skating next week I'm I'm doing that so stay tuned for that video and uh thank you Squarespace for sponsoring this video and check it out if you if you want to build your own portfolio Link in description or go to jjill to get 10% off your first purchase or domain okay enjoy the rest of the video these shoes are incredibly thin but it gets a bit easier as the session goes because I warm up first try commit ooh that's one thing about this Landing it's been abused over the years so it's pretty rough but there we go first try all right oh first try but that was bad oh [Applause] go from this angle a Nolly back heel and a switch front heel switch front heel is actually one of the hardest ones but the angle's already set up so I should feel it a damn it uh it's one more Let the switch front heel Journey begin oh my God this is going to be so ugly oh huh I could have done it we can do it yeah could have done that one all right I'm going commit to the next one oh I was about I was definitely going to commit that actually wasn't that bad oh my God dude the way it's flipping so slowly is sketch oh that was pretty good oh my God might be okay that's why I like tricks like this they're really easy to [Music] bail a there we go oh my God my hand got in my [Applause] way there we go oh my [Music] God I'll take it there we go I forgot to end the video again I keep doing this I do all the Talking bits in the car and then you know I filmed it this day but then I was editing it like what have I done anyways great session that was like one of my favorite sessions I've probably had in the whole last year like 365 days really glad that uh I was able to switch front heel and allly back heel it's like if I actually just try the tricks and go for them I can figure them out the switch bigflip I hadn't done in forever but then that day it was so much easier it was like you don't really see it when you're not practicing the trick over and over and over but I am getting better cuz obviously that switch bigflip compared to the last stair set I tried like two years ago it was like brutal so many tries in this day just kind of worked out so if I ever want to have a good session I should just go to this Westchester skate park that's my child in the background I'm editing hey Daisy how come she's not saying anything we're cutting her nails we're focusing ah okay there you go um she's also uh a few months old but anyways thanks for uh thanks for watching this video I hope you enjoyed it I know it's a bit of a short one uh but I actually have a lot of videos sort of in mind finally to film my brain is sort of back in skate you know YouTube but just skate mode in general so I'm trying to think of uh fun ideas things to talk about in the future but also as I said earlier in this video in the next video uh I am probably launching a course so that's exciting all right thanks so much take care progress daily and keep killing it
Channel: John Hill
Views: 17,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3bpiuNRRiio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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