My Favorite Riff with Nikki Sixx: John 5 (Rob Zombie)

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we've been there and done that now the baddest of the Rockets methodically analyze and dissect musical notes compositions and riffs that made them go from the stage to the cow this is my favorite Rev use your host nikki sixx [Applause] he sticks here this is my favorite riff one of my favorite people favorite guitar players on earth mr. John five are you what's going on sir looks like you had a weird finger when you did that well I'm holding the pick okay right well that'd be weird if I had like just these fingers oh you'd be so rock and roll he's still rock and roll would you anyway so what's going on oh no just came by and have my guitar and only come by and say you know what I don't like about you what's that means most say I like stuff about you but when you show up and like you got the jacket and a strap in the guitar match I feel like I didn't really compete so I had to bring the shoes no you always brings in these things no but you always have better shoes my shoes suck but they're they're not slippers I did get these at sex with Avenue they're they're Pumas and Saks Fifth Avenue yeah not sex offense let's go what's going on um looks like you know we talk all the time on the phone yeah hang out and talk about guitars guitars guitars yeah and it's just like thinking of like some of the things always ask you and I'm always like inspired by I know that you grew up you know loving he Hall yeah and that was like a real thing for you and and seeing those those you know the shows with the Telecaster yeah yeah learning all that stuff yeah I was loving you say I didn't know there was any other kind of guitar yeah it's true I was so young I would just watch hee haw and I remember I wanted to play guitar so bad and I just saw oh this is an electric guitar cuz they all played these telecasts on hee haw excited I didn't know there was any other shape yeah you know but I was which you know you had to get to customize yours for the for the hard rock sound what did you what did you do for that I put in some humbuckers and I put a little toggle switch in there and things like that but you know I just but I love like the basic tele you know I love the stock Telecaster I know it's I mean ever since 1950 and they they got it right with just like the first electric guitar the broadcaster they got it right the first time I mean who can say that it's like having a first car you know it's got like steam coming out of it a this is going to work in 2017 you still gonna be the thing that everybody wants yeah and that's how it is with guitars yeah I've seen some of your guitars since yeah it's beautiful mint condition yeah I must feel like a real pride joy for you it is it's it's a it's a great thing to think about like who owned these guitars before me and think of the history you know that we should always show is a way to find out and get DNA test or something yeah at ours be so rad we're that what the stories are so that's its that's the fascinating thing so what some of your favorite like riffs that you've written well I like to you know as you know I'll sit on the couch and just play and play and play and I'll try it I come up with some weird stuff and I'm like oh let me try to turn that into a song you know so I'll do [Music] so I'll get the trusty metronome out and I'll do like put a beat to that and I'll try to make a you know a song out of that or I asked you one time I said how do you remember because you know I but nine months ago took on like wanting to be a better guitar player not just a bass player and having a hard time remembering so much information you said I turned all these ideas into songs yeah so that's that's good advice that's good advice for somebody else yeah [Music] [Music] turn into like toons you know so you never forget those new licks yeah and they could be exercises too you know like if you're working you know just some licks but you could turn it into like a song and I'm like oh I like that lick and I don't want to forget it so melody into it my god you could turn into like you know tunes you know and that's how I remember a lot of a lot of things as well yeah you know take take things that are cool and just try to turn them into songs I remember we wrote lies the beautiful people to go yeah and we went out to funny farm my studio my photography studio and we were like hanging out kind of an environmental yes we're hanging out and you start doing so that chicken pick and stuff and I didn't know yeah and did that oh I think I kind of knew you as like they know this like amazing guitar player it's played a lot of hard rock yeah I was like well I remember calling up Seamus Michael and I was like what was that it's like right cuz he's been in the studio yeah what was that well let's not have him down ever again that's it we don't want any that chicken pickin so and I like to you know add it in to add it into stuff too and it seems to work and you can make like you know like like a country thing but make it into a heavy riff like [Music] you know I'll make it into like some heavy cool that's what I feel about John five and the creatures yeah I love that stuff thanks man so you have a thing coming up in October yeah in Washington we're doing we're doing like a Halloween show it's called it's a Great Pumpkin John five show great so it's you know it's fun and we're just gonna go and have a crazy Halloween you know if you like guitarists and monsters that's a place to be so it's basically like your instrumental stuff yeah mixed with like a whole Halloween theme right yeah and do you do any covers of other songs but yeah we do we do Michael Jackson beat it Groff you you know we'll do a bunch of bunch of my favorite riffs yeah yeah no because I love risk yeah how's it beat it go beat it goes let's see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there is that period with Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson later I think she had a song called black cat or something yeah [Music] good riffs man it's all about the riffs it's all about the risk I mean he had a lot of great Mike a lot of cool stuff you know yeah Manson always says well if you ever you know don't make it you can always just play in a cover band Wow okay that was nice it's one of the nicer things yeah that that made that make me feel really great yeah we should start a cover B yeah let's think of some of like songs you know we should call it riffs right now we call it five six and then we got to find someone named seven and eight I knew I knew a kid named seven oh really oh yeah I didn't I didn't like him because I thought it was like more than six that is it is very competitive do that means you don't like me no I do like me five no I do okay so like those kind of things like so what about some of your favorite like when you're writing maybe a zombie a Manson anything I could be yours yeah tell me something I like to I like to do like something that's so like memorable like that [Music] [Music] melody lines an area that rooms just love like really memorable like hooky not busy riffs like the tool that brings up some interesting cuz a lot of a lot of my friends that have come on and done this they'll build the go to that we've got you know great players and stuff and they go to those super simple that's not very busy rips yeah and I think that they're must take some kind of restraint being a guitar player that has the ability to cover the whole fretboard to just say I'm just gonna stay in this little box yeah I think one of my I mean a great risk [Applause] I wish I wrote it you know it's just but it's been Susan here you know it yeah it's so rad you know and that's what I like about that's what I like about riffs or like like you know you know what it is and that was so inspirational when when I was coming up you know learning to play bass being in bands when that song started just on that D note oh my god like wow that's now cool that is cuz like sometimes riffs are cool when you can do them oh you mean that's like smoke on the water like how many times have we been into a guitar store you hear kids doing it because if you can do something it's the next step to you know staying engaged with the instrument that's what I you know if I teach someone guitar for the first time I'm like what bands do you like name me or your favorite band you know someone says ac/dc I'm like okay well here's an a chord you know and I'll put it and and I'll say hit this three times and they'll be like oh well that sounds like highway to hell and then they're like oh my god then they'll never put down the guitar yeah but if you teach them like they'll be like that's not you know I'm gonna give me too many uh you know dates so I want to take a bass lesson when I was really young and the guy said first thing you have to do is you have to learn to read hmm and I said I just want to learn a rock bottom by UFO absolutely that's what he's like no I'm not gonna teach any songs yeah that's as I never went back yeah and then I started writing my own songs and well I guess everything happens for a reason it worked out but now now I'm gone now I'm taking bass lessons again but when I told my guys still don't know how to read well yeah I mean it's what you want to do that's not gonna so you don't put down the guitar whatever it is so you don't put down the guitar like that's what I'll tell the people I'll say like what songs you like and I'll teach them a little bit and they'll be so amazed hmm you know like I I'm like obsessed now with this instrument cuz I can play the first couple of notes of crazy trainers I'm sure you know and that's like oh so inspiring to some yeah especially a song that they love what stuff inspires you anything out of the norm lately like I'll see like I'll do [Music] you know something like that you know and I'll try to put like [Music] that kind of weird yeah you know or are you always thinking about form a formula or like a salt you always think they think of putting that into a song writing you know I know you were you might be writing some stuff a zombie coming up yeah yeah weirdness of like yeah that again goes to like that really I mean I pray to the music gods like just plain like the most catchy simple yeah cool riff yeah the zombie stuffs really yeah really catchy to me really like there's a big groove to write there's some to be a groove he loves the groove and he loves the simplistic riffs and I do too you know and but I could never show him something like that you know because he'd be like yeah you know cuz what's he gonna sing over that you know right right right though it is hard it's hard harvest of course um so like some of those like when you were growing up like give me a couple of those those ones are you still for this day go I've got the first time I've heard bad yeah it's always hard [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] those all those rips like the first time I heard him whether I was a fan of the band or not I was like oh it's like that's cool yeah there's something so simple and cool about a riff oh and then we didn't even get it to like [Music] of it Lumi once told me it's not that cool and drop that's what Michael Jackson told me that's the name dropper right many friends told me that too so what let me was telling you what Obama was telling me that uh no nevermind no he's just saying it's not that we are playing it it said one of us thought of it yeah I mean I remember that really sunken would be a thing he was talking about like dr. feelgood or something yeah it's really like they made sense to me after all those years I was like right it's not how hard it is no knows that we thought of it and that people keep coming up with that one thing on and that's some band out there somebody watching this right now is it gonna pick up their guitar and one day gonna have a hit off writing something just off the heat oh absolutely like oh it's genius oh absolutely and it's so funny because like dr. feelgood shot the devil Stephanie all that stuff you'll get it'll live on longer than us yeah that's the announcement saying that pressing sorry maybe not longer than me are you gonna live forever I got my my kiss coffin oh good good good I'm gonna be the cat oh nice first I wanted to be the demon and then besides the Starchild good or maybe a cat traded NB ace yeah yeah yeah good kiss rest [Music] [Music] rips they didn't sound like anybody else I know they didn't sound blues oriented even though I know some of them are yeah yeah yeah in that in that wheelhouse yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] once if motley crue is influenced so she rent shot at the devil by kiss and I said ya musically I love their songs I never really put the look at shout at the devil kiss together it was like we were more like Mad Max road warrior I can see it now in retrospect is there wasn't really a band that had done that but their songs oh great songs great lyrics great melody lines [Music] learning that one play it yeah that's what was cool about that's what's so cool about it you know yeah kids could go home and play that that's what changed my life you know yeah favor ban kiss favorite that was my epiphany when I was a kid it was kiha the monkeys kiss van Halen you know all that stuff and you have those life-changing experiences yeah stick with you forever put them together in a blender and out comes John five oh my god I'm so happy and so lucky I never wished for any of this I just wanted to sit and play guitar be a session guy yeah that's who you said a long time ago and we're writing songs like I just want to be a session guy I can't imagine that's all you want it's so good you're so good on stage I just that's all I wanted and then like true story Lita Ford goes you know I was doing a session for and she goes you want to go on the road and I was like oh really you know I kind of like just you know cuz I didn't like traveling and and she goes we're gonna open up for kiss that was like you know and I went and I played it and we opened up for kiss yes bull ride was that the first time you met the guys um I stood in I when I was really young I was probably like 12 or something like that I went downtown to go me kiss and they were playing and I was young man I was young and I was so excited I had my kiss stuff and here comes gene Simmons you know I was like I'm gonna go in there cuz I was waiting for like you know so long you know most of my life and you know a few hours sitting in the lobby so he goes walking into the to the elevator and I just walked right into the elevator with him and I said I had my kiss the originals booklet and I said mr. Simmons will you sign this and this was he in his gear no he wasn't in his gear okay and how was this little kid this handsome kid and I said you please Sam who signed this and he stood there with his arms crossed like this and and I said and he goes when the door opened he and I can't believe I said this and the doors open and he and he said you want me to sign that and I go it's okay oh I can't believe I didn't know it's a I didn't know what to say I was so shocked and everything I told him that story and that's it's like it's it's so great you know I love telling stories like that to like the guys that I played with yeah yeah you know and they're like you ought right by me in the rain to close this thing out give me I want to hear a John 5 in the creature's psycho hillbilly heavy-metal lunatic fringe madness guitar Oh God anything just give me anything just anything let's see you ever learn it which one [Music] [Music] thank you thank you sir you know you're the reason I put the toggle switch in the Mick Mars tribute guitar bit and I put it right here so I could reach my Mars so when I'm like getting into it and strumming it I hit the toggle and I can like cut out chords yeah totally by accident god I love McMorris yeah he's a great player I asked him come on he said if he you know you'd some of this solo album go come on love that guy yeah I've watched that guy do some really cool stuff on the guitar we love him yeah underrated - oh my god I love him he came onstage with us and did American band and I was so happy I was like you know the crowds here but I was like this yeah you know like kind of like getting close to him you know when you're jam with someone on this day I want someone take a picture yeah someone take a picture yeah yeah I got I got a few of those the time I in my career I love those ones thanks man thank you John 5:4 in 86 yeah that was fun that was awesome thanks for having me it's a blast what else going on I have a show a couple of shows a couple of Halloween shows it's called the Great Pumpkin John five show in Washington State or you state on the twenty and twenty seven so you know we're gonna have a good time I might just fly up there and that'd be awesome one day we're going come on get up there and play guitar yeah nice you're gonna play guitar oh man okay with the hero it's gonna be scary okay so be sure to check out those dates okay you
Channel: Sixx Sense
Views: 1,024,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nikki Sixx, Sixx, Sense, Motley Crue, Radio, Radio Interview, Rock, Rock and Roll, Metal, Heavy Metal, Hard, Rock Music, Music, Guitar, Guitarist, Bass Bass Guitar, Vince, Neil, Tommy Lee, Mick, Mars, Rock Radio, Leica, Leica Cameras, john 5, my favorite riff, john5, rob zombie, Marilyn Manson
Id: gArW4Nl7ZdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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