you are over tedra if you don't go over you win your bid is $36,500 actual retail price of your showcase 36,5 58 a difference of 158 you win both showcases two cars and all the other good stuff you won [Music] 74,7 in prizes and here come all the nurses to celebrate $2 23,450 Lisa the actual retail price of your showcase is 20,28 one you're over now if you don't go over Christopher you're a winner your bid is $34,000 Christopher the actual retail price of your showcase is $ 34,1 31 a difference of $131 you win 12 Christopher wi 9,200 and here is $22,000 and caros the actual retail price of your showcase is 3,206 a difference of $826,000 Eric the actual retail price of your showcase is 19,24 you win both showcases he win them [Applause] both tyus thank you for being on this show good [Applause] [Music] lucky Camaro he bid $45,000 actual retail price well you were close $4,590 you were over this is not good news when we start out with somebody who's over uh our fourth of July show I just hope we don't have a double over folks uh Morgan good luck to you Fourth of July show I'm just SK this over with Fourth of July Hollywood Bowl trip to Washington DC a Ford Ranger he bid $24,500 actual retail price $4,680 double show [Music] $14,400 on your showcase and Kate the actual retail price of your showcase is [Music] [Applause] [Music] 14,45 Tera you been $9,500 on your showcase and Tera the actual retail price of your showcase is $2,593 a difference of $1,093 now Dale you bid $24,000 on your showcase they the actual retail price of your showcase is $24,200 you in both showcases you win everything you win $ 46,5 74 ining congratulations thank you you're going to have George you made $32,500 your showcase and George the actual retail price of your showcase is32 959 a difference of $82 that's a terrific bid now Amy you bid $177,000 on your showcase and Amy the actual retail price of your showcase is $1 17,46 a difference of $46 you win both Jas two wonderful day thank you George Amy congratulations you have won [Applause] 51,1 15 you are over and Vicky an if you don't go over you're a winner you bid $89,500 on your showcase and Vicki and the actual retail price of your showcase is 89,000 739 you win both showcases both showcases you have won [Music] [Applause] history daytime 14757 $20 and over I go to Linda Linda you bid $23,500 on your showcase and Linda the actual retail price of your showcase is 23, 664 a difference of $164 you win both showcases Linda wins them both has won almost $60,000 including the car and here are all the helicopter pilots and friends and wives to [Music] congratulate excellent bid Donna your bid is $28,500 Donna the actual retail price of your showcase is 28,5 68 you win both showcases with a difference of only $68 what a wonderful B thank you Christie for being on the show Donna you have won more than $66,000 and this show you said will be on your son's birthday happy birthday it will be a happy birthday you join my Beauties over here and I'll join you after I say crystal you bid 13,42 Crystal the actual retail price of your showcase is $3,625 you win both showcases with a difference of 16 $163 and here comes the windshire family all one family all very happy she's won $ 54,4 180 in prizes on the priz earlier in the show right yeah she already won a Honda uh you had a trip to Seattle a trip to Philadelphia and shy Camaro you been $34,000 actual retail price uh 3 4,26 won 85,000 to5 Terry had the trailer jukebox B $ 23,7 43 actual retail price $ 23,7 43 you got it right on the nose showcases hasn't happen since 72 or 73 right in the nose you won $564 37 of the prizes today if you don't go over kesa you have won your showcase your bid is $151,200 your showcase is 51,4 181 a difference of 250 you wi prot the whole thing won $9,000 9,13 all right Tera you giv me a bit of $2,200 in your showcase the actual retail price is $2,230 $30 now Terry you are only $30 away you will win both showcases unless Susan's even closer let's see $4,700 is your bid the actual retail price is $4,725 you both show [Applause] of only $1 both of you less than $100 in the retail price of your showcase but you are the winner and you've won 8,539 worth of [Applause] prizes