My Fashion Portfolio: London College of Fashion

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hi everyone welcome back to my youtube channel today I thought I would try something different and go through my fashion portfolio for you guys and see I thought this might be a good idea for those of you are starting to apply for courses at university or college just to give you an idea of what kind of things the college likes to see in a fashion portfolio please note this is just an idea of what colleges might like to see in a Holyoke it's not a hundred percent what every college will want to see it's just to give you an idea of what I produce to get me into an illustration course please note that my portfolio it's directed towards more fashion illustration and design or textiles or photography or anything else that I do have elements of each thing inside I got into the illustration course at London College of Fashion so I thought I would just show you guys what kind of things I put in there or they like to see in my portfolio is a couple of different aspects of fashion I've got styling photography design illustration just as a side note please do not copy anything I'm about to show you this is my portfolio that is personal to me and this is the kind of things that they liked about five years ago so I don't know whether things have changed since then but it's just to give you an idea of what they like to see when I was applying for universities let's head on over to my portfolio so my portfolio is in this huge black thing here I used to carry around for hours and hours at college and university there's a good idea to get one of these they have like these kind of straps there you can kind of put over your shoulder or you can kind of get if it's really heavy you can get some of these trolleys that you can put them on so I'm taking out each page my book they're not going to show them one by one the first couple of pages were design development pages so these are pages where I've got lots of fashion designs lots of fabric style paws and often in these pages you would have some kind of concept or theme that you're working with you want to pick the theme and then you want to work the pages realm of things so this is my first page my concept it storms do I have included a reference picture of a storm and then most of the other pitches are designs that I have based round this picture here so I've got a fashion figure that I've drawn here I've included some fabric samples I've also printed up some pictures of some mannequins and drawn on them and just added they're basically just lots of different rough sketches of designs you don't need to spend ages going into drawing loads and loads of these kind of fashion designs you just need to get out lots and lots of different rough sketches and then you can develop them later that's why they're called development pages the second page I have here is also on storm still but I've got a different reference picture here I've got these are tornadoes from above so I've based some different concepts using these kind of patterns here using different like knit patterns and some screen silk printing I've got some more fabric samples down here it's really good to include fabric samples when you're doing these development pages they don't want to see things that have been created before so you really have to use your imagination and these kind of pages just look at the shapes and patterns in the theme that you've picked and really just create out their designs the next page I've got here again is the storm theme I have gone into print more so I've captured this section of print I had on the other page and I've included it into some designs here I think I've got this print off this picture actually which is an infrared picture of a storm over one of the countries and then I've tried sort of incorporating it into different trousers and dresses and things like that the next page is another development page on the storm theme I've tried to show that I would create this technique here by scrunching up fabric and sewing sewing pleats and things on the other side I've also got some pictures of some examples are definite plating silk on a mannequin so really good to also include pictures of techniques that you've tried if they're on a large scale so you can't put them in your portfolio but you can add the pictures in so this is the last page I did on the storm project again I added this image and I kind of incorporated into two different designs here I think so it's good to have about four or five pages maybe on one thing and then to move on to the next one the next project I did was on bridges so I took this picture of Blackfriars Bridge in London and I really liked this technique down here so that's what I drew on and I tried to I created this kind of origami effects here with some fabric and then I created some designs around that so putting them around the hood putting them on a long skirt like this and it's really nice just to just pick really small sections and just work on that rather than the whole big concept and one go this is another page I did on bridges so this time I took a picture of the Millennium Bridge and I just sort of used this section here that I quite liked and drew out here and then just kind of tried using it as like corsets and using this kind of theme of these sections across here going across the bridge here and that was quite fun to like trying to create silhouettes using these patterns here this is my last fashion development page again just to say that if you're planning on doing fashion design you want loads and loads of these kind of pages I wasn't planning on going into that kind of a course but I made sure I added a few just to showed my illustrations in them so this one I focused on Tower Bridge and I think I was focusing on these lines going down here so I was just trying out couple more and mannequins here and then a couple of photos of things I tried at home on the mannequin and some drawings of the bridge so the next thing I have my portfolio are live drawings live drawings are great to put in fashion portfolios you knees like to see that you know the body form well there you can easily draw a fashion figure so the life Jones I've got in my portfolio some of them are nude which I'm not going to put this video because YouTube will probably burn me or something but I do have quite a few with clothes on these ones I did at uni were quite good because they often got the model to wear patterned fabrics or hats or scarves and silks and lots of different kind of fabrics put together just as a side note if you feel like you can't really draw very well it's still good to put some like joins in University's love these so yeah this is one of my live drawings that I did I'm not gonna take out plastic because it's really chalky on the other side but this one was quite fun they don't give you long to do life drawings it's really just a quick kind of sketch schedule this one I think I used watercolors actually so it's quite good just to show that you can draw quickly that you can pick up specific points I quite liked this bit what she was wearing like a head tapping and that's quite cool getting to print out the head turban this is another one I did of a gentleman sitting down on this printed fabric here this one was really fun as well to do because they just give you about I don't know sort of five minutes just to sketch it out so you really just have to go quick and it makes you realise it makes you focus on the points that you actually need to focus you know rather than all the detail and the face and stuff like that so that's quite fun and they love lots of these kind of things in your portfolio lots of movement as well I'm not going to show the other ones as I said because they are need but include some of those as well just to show the body form and where the shadows are and everything like that next in some of my fashion illustrations that I have done more realistic drawings these are some drawings that I into my illustration portfolio at the time I was focusing on portraiture law I loved drawing faces these are just models that I picked out of magazines these were really good for me to add to my portfolio because I was looking to do illustration so I included a lot of illustrations that's not something you need to do if you're not thinking about going into illustration at all I've got quite a few of these kind of fashion sketches that I did this is Alexander McQueen just to show you that I could draw with detail I loved doing these kind of fashion illustration ones where you can add a lot color I think I used this one I think I use Sharpie and pencil and color pencils up here so these again are good to add but this is another one that I did and I loved just picking out bits of the color that I thought really stood out and then just sort of doing the rest of black and white that was something I loved doing again this is something else that I added this is Josephine Shriver I think and I did the whole thing in black and white and then later on I went over and picked out bits of color that I thought looked really nice so these are from my college days when I did a project on origami I included these sketches the I made sure I did one full illustration of the front then I included like a simple design on the back here didn't need you don't need to illustrate all a bit as long as they can see sort of where this it would be and things like that and then these I did quite a lot of so I have probably around 20 in here or different designs and all different styles and it's really good just to show you that you have a really wide range of skill in terms of design and also illustration here so you don't need as many as these but this was just for an actual project I did but I thought they were these were quite a fun to add I think it's fine to add some college work to your university portfolios I actually did a fashion portfolio horse before applying for University so these I had done like a year before but I felt happy to put them in as well so you get the kind of idea these were these I put all of these and so I'm going to go through my photography and styling book that I added into my portfolio this was probably my favorite part of the portfolio it's really fun to do it shows that you can grasp the concept and kind of take it forward and then also you have a good knowledge of designers different photographers make sure you do your research make sure you don't just pick the really well-known fashion designers everyone knows look into people that aren't so popular look into people that are just coming out that are brand new so I'll go through that now say this is my styling book here all included fashion photography and styling research so you want a few pages where you have ideas where you jot down places that you want to go to you want to include lots of pictures or photographers that you like their work rip them out from magazines print them or things like that and then I've sort of added on some of the concepts that I like you to miss I think I was doing storming in here so these are just you know just make sure you fill them up with lots of different pictures here different camera techniques to create effects different designers that I liked stylists I liked and then trying different makeup for temps drawing different themes and scenarios of how I might style a shoot like this and then the actual shoot itself so I did one with one of my friends shoutout to my bestie Abbie and the this is a style shoot that I did near me if you're looking to do styling then you want to make sure you include loads and loads of styling projects here and like pictures of the venue all that kind of thing so those I didn't really again spend too much time on this because I wasn't looking to do styling photography but if it's something you want to do just fill up books and eBooks up ideas concepts and they will love that kind of thing so that's just to give you some extra advice if you are doing a specific course just make sure at least 60 to 70 percent is made up of the kind of thing that you actually want to do so if it's illustration make sure you have loads and loads of drawings in there if it's designed make sure you have lots of development design pages in there if it's styling make sure you've got loads of styling photography in there but it is really good just to have a mixture of everything so they they can see you are all rounded good at trying everything what I would advise if you're going for an interview is just to really make sure you have researched or favorite fashion illustrators your favorite fashion designers your favorite fashion photographers and again please don't just pick the Chanel Versace they kind of main ones that everyone knows because they'll be sick and bored of hearing that pick people that I knew that are brand new and don't just come up with names out of the blue just make sure you have looked into them you know why you like them also just make sure that you do know the latest trends that you have seen the latest fashion week and who did well and that who didn't do well what the trends are coming up because they may ask you questions or what you thought about what you liked this year what you like coming next year make sure you've researched them all and include some of those things in your portfolio as well for next year or for the coming month so at the end of the day the most important thing is to be able to sell yourself as unique different from everyone else there's going to be a reason why they'll pick you to come on the course because they've seen something about you that they like or they've seen something in you that they haven't seen before so it's always good if you think you're being out there you're probably not being that much out there in fashion anything goes so I hope this video has been helpful for those of you who are thinking about applying for fashion University so thank you guys for watching and I hope you'll tune in again soon please hit the subscribe button and I will see you all the same [Music] you just go ahead and look at the stuff [Music]
Channel: Emma Ravens
Views: 172,500
Rating: 4.9453716 out of 5
Keywords: fashion, fashion portfolio, london college of fashion, lcf, london college of fashion portfolio, lcf portfolio, art portfolio, illustration portfolio, how to draw, how to create an art portfolio, emma ravens, fashion illustration, art illustration, what goes in a portfolio, college portfolios, how to get in to university, art college, art university, fashion university, fashion portfolio for university
Id: 7Xjttz86ktE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2017
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