My Fans Draw My Character BETTER THAN ME?!

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[Music] hey guys welcome to another episode of draw and i recently ran a drawback in your style challenge yeah if you don't know that it is exactly what it sounds like i give everyone a base image and in this case is the cover of my newest book bloom two and everyone got to draw in their own unique style add their own flavor using their techniques and there are thousands of amazing entries originally i was gonna choose three winners but i ended up choosing five that's what this video is about it's the showcase the amazing art and artist in the community because i wanted to feature so many more you guys crushed it let's get into it this one comes from isocon art and i think it's so gorgeous i love this buttery skin it feels super smooth and i love your play on soft and hard edges you kept it really smooth with the piece but this texture brush that you use here in the shadows you repeat it throughout the whole image and i think it's really effective you know it gives a very cool hard and soft feel and so uh congratulations i think this is super rad this next one comes from anmari art and it's a 3d model oh my god this is so cool you know when i see my work in 3d it always blows me away i think the eyes look perfect they look really aesthetic really nice um i'm not a 3d modeler myself i'm sure that has a whole bunch of challenges but the hair maybe feels a little plasticky and i feel like the ear here could use some subsurface scattering what i mean by that is areas in the body where the skin is thinner light will pass through to add some more realism to make the piece come alive similar to when you shine a flashlight through your finger like this [Music] oh my gosh this one comes from d back and uh i feel like we need an extra layer of mosaic here but i think he did such an awesome job a lot of people did portraits but you created a whole story created a whole scene and i really feel that you know i think it's really special i think um i really love your separation with the light and the shadow but just remember that every object in your scene will also have that drop shadow whoa look at this this comes from being painful and i think this is gorgeous like a breath of fresh air or frozen fresh air i think crystal you know rendering kind of reflective surfaces it's really hard to do and you really nailed it here i love how you added some blurry foreground crystal that really helps give it depth and uh yeah phenomenal job this next one comes from cyt drawl dang this is rad you know i really love the warmer palette it's like kind of a late summer early fall lots of warm tones opposed to my cooler tones on my cover the design of the butterflies look really spectacular so great job this next one is dai chilum nice look at this guys this one matches more of the original cover and i love the overexposed lighting you know it makes it look soft and fresh and young and i love how all the highlight shapes are of a triangular essence you know they're two above the forehead there's one on the cheek and there's one on the side the nose i love doing little nose highlights and also this really nice rim light underneath the shin but i'm really attracted to these eyes it has a softer essence inside and a harder outside with the eyelashes and i love how they didn't use pure white for the eyeballs it's more of a gray because in real life your eyes aren't pure white so great job at incorporating that this next one is made by cyber cat bug dang look at this this is this is amazing you know it looks super realistic and i want to point out what they did successfully i think my favorite part here is they included the sky color in the shadow and that makes it more realistic and people forget about that i love the bounce light underneath the chin that's such a warm glow it uplifts her they did such a good job at capturing that dappled lighting and then this butterfly here super majestic super light tied the piece all together so fantastic job this next piece is made by a adorous arts wow guys look at this i love how they included the body gave her some simple clothes and also elf ears and i love how they drew the hands you know by keeping these three fingers together and the pinky separated it creates a more dynamic shape more aesthetic rather than just one big block charcoal not charcoal but charcoal yeah i really love the stylized look of this you know reminds me of disney tv animation with the bigger head into the slimmer neck yeah i love how sharp and angular the shape language of the eyes the ear and this lower butterfly i would love to see that reflected in this kind of more wobblier butterfly you know maybe you can capture the same angles here this next one is from drangis wow look at this guys yeah i really wanted to showcase this one is really unique there's no other submissions like this one it's very abstract it provokes a unique feeling i think the feeling i'm getting here is a beautiful nightmare and it's one of those pieces where the longer you look the more you discover and the more that sticks out to you this next one is made by the artist spud wow guys look at this this is a a me version of my bloom two cover and i love this kind of graphical circle here kind of framing our focal point and there's this organic element here to contrast that graphic element but my favorite aspect of this painting are these butterfly milos look at this one oh they're so cute well yeah thank you so much it's super funny we all had a good laugh here at the studio oh this makes me super happy you know um this reminds me of art from a children's book and children cook illustration they don't have to be super complex they don't have all this kind of crazy detail it's all about that simple messaging that clear visual communication and i think this is super effective really cute makes me super happy i would totally hang this on my wall this piece is from tom bancroft guys tom is the creator of mushu from mulan yes yeah i think i watched mulan was like six or seven and see that come full circle is just mind-blowing thank you so much for your submission it looks super fun and vibrant and you can really feel tom's elite drawing abilities here draw like a fish oh my god what'd you do is that screen time oh my god i love it it looks so great i love the rendering on the hair and i love the fact that you applied a lot of kind of portrait photography tricks on it like a soft blur around the art and also they're the film grain to bring to life and you added a lens flare by the hair great great great interpretation this piece here was painted by gilbert cole psyche wow wow that's that's super striking it reminds me of a book cover or movie poster you know super hyper realistic and gilbert used the butterfly motif in a more abstract way you know with the veining and patterning around the eye in the shoulder here and with the earring super different super impactful so great job this next entry is by mirage wow guys look at this pixel art animation it this this is mind blowing you know i love the the glitch effect that they have here with pixel art and they even have a rim light on the jawline i don't even know you can do that with such few pixels so spectacular job this next piece is drawn by oatmeal yes i really appreciate this artist because they participated in almost every one of my jawline styles and their style is so cool look at this kind of bloom with bandages and kind of kind of ice hair and these butterflies here are kind of stained and then you get this kind of one spiritual butterfly maybe it symbolizes some hope but uh yeah this sketchy impression is a really cool effect too so yeah great job oatmeal please check them out and our last piece comes from ll22 ooh an animated entry guy this is gorgeous kind of like out of sunset i love the color they also included some of that global sky color inside the shadow and i think my favorite part about this entry is the storytelling her eyes aren't just blinking but they take you to a journey you know at a certain point her eyes start getting glossy and tears start forming and there's subtle expression changes around her mouth and her cheek color yeah i think it's really beautiful storytelling and thank you so much for your fantastic submission [Applause] guys that was so amazing thank you so much for your hard efforts all the entry i remember when i had to choose winners i was scrolling through it took me a whole day thousands of entries trying to favorite my winners and at the end of the day i ended up with like 200 winners everyone who grabbed a copy of bloom 2 thank you so much and if you still want to grab a copy head to i've actually been working on a super big video it's taken months to create a lot of research how to create your very own art book i know i know just hold on tight it's going to be big it'll be awesome thank you to all my patreons and all my students in the digital art bootcamp you guys have been crushing it it's so cool to see your progress you guys have been improving so fast so thank you you're making me so proud don't forget to subscribe remember every day is the chloe [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ross Draws
Views: 28,971
Rating: 4.9891567 out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, art, digital art, tutorial, Digital art Tutorial, drawing, Drawing Tutorial, anatomy, anatomy Tutorial, Character Design, Character Design Tutorial, Anime, Anime Tutorial, Sketch, Sketch Tutorial, Anatomy, Anatomy Tutorial, Speedpainting, rossdraws, tablet, portrait, hand, hair, master course, masterclass, anime, wacom, concept art, digital art tutorial, photoshop, fan, chat, audience, member, viewer, god, artist, amazing, great, better, pro, amateur, twitch, streamer, fanart, fans
Id: 2QG-awB2w9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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