My experience applying to Texas Universities!! (apply, acceptance, denial, scholarships, and MORE!)

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hi guys in today's video i really want to take you along with me in my journey for college and everything and i just want to tell you which schools i'm applying to and hopefully along this video you'll see um which ones i actually get accepted into and which one i might end up choosing so i'm applying to seven schools they're all in texas so whenever the reason why i am doing this video is because in my sophomore and junior years of high school i was obsessed with seeing which college is the best for me and looking at all these different dorms and my favorite kind of video was whenever i was looking at which colleges someone was applying into and like getting accepted into because whenever you apply for college it's sort of a hit and miss sort of deal like you might not get accepted into one of the most easiest colleges to get into and you might get accepted into like a really prestigious school you never really know um i'm really excited because i'm graduating this year in 2021 and i don't know i just hope this video helps someone else who's applying to texas schools and it was really interesting for me when i was a student and like looking at colleges and stuff so if you don't know i am going to apply as a biomedical engineering major so we'll see how that goes i'm really excited biomedical engineering is basically using like knowledge from anatomy and the medical field and combining it with technology so like people who design prosthetic limbs or artificial arteries or pacemakers artificial organs everything like that is made by biomedical engineers and i just think that's so cool and everybody needs a biomedical engineer i definitely think it's a really innovative innovative and really innovative career path for me and i'm really interested in it so yeah the schools i'm going to apply for i have it written on a sticky note right here so i don't forget but a m tcu baylor umhb texas state ut austin and smu those are seven schools i'm applying to something else is that yesterday which was november 4th i got accepted into my first college okay so here is the email it says congratulations on your admission to texas state i'm going to flip around the camera so you can see it um it's not that fancy but this is pretty much saying that i got accepted um ah let me flip over the camera so as you can see i got the email from the undergraduate recruiting um this is legit from texas state university and it's basically saying congratulations i have been admitted to fall 2021 semester in the school of science and engineering without further ado um i think that's all i have to say for today and i'll let you know if i have any other news from colleges but yeah bye guys okay so my parents just gave me a letter from another school i applied to this is from umhb and it's in one of the big envelopes and it looks very fancy and plastic that's very fancy right and it says on the back we've got some news the good kind so let's go ahead and open it up so i don't know how to open this whoa okay that was satisfying teddy wants to come up here okay here's teddy william check it out umhb letter let's see it says they have good news okay whoa whoa okay [Music] okay it says congratulations you've been accepted to umhb hey awesome that's really great news okay you mhm my brother goes there right now he's walking to his room but he goes to umhb right now and he's going to the school of engineering so this gives me a lot of hope that there's a lot of good professors there it also says uh okay okay but anyways i got accepted into mhb ah and then i have a letter telling me all about it but yeah bye guys hi guys i have some new news today i just finished applying to a new university which means that i have applied to eight so far this one is called utsa is university of texas at san antonio i have written it on my sticky note just so i keep track um i hope that i don't have to apply to any more universities this year but you never know there might be some good opportunities so i also applied to two different scholarships from bigger corporations i definitely recommend the same for you guys who are applying to colleges definitely definitely do some scholarships but yeah wish me luck on those i should get my results by january ish so we'll see bye so i just got an email from baylor it is december the 2nd and they said to go check my go baylor account so let's see what they say i'm waiting for my ipad because our wi-fi is really bad okay okay okay okay it's loading there's fireworks yay i'm accepted into baylor that's awesome yeah okay let me show you what it looks like there's some fireworks whoa okay accepted into baylor okay so i already did get accepted into baylor but today i saw on the kitchen table um this is from baylor but i think this is the official acceptance letter even though i already got accepted i kind of started opening it and then i realized that i had to record it so i got through getting through this part and i didn't open anything else admire the gold sticker sorry i opened it so poorly but okay there it is i have a very fancy folder wow and it says it is their pleasure to offer me admission what hi baylor says they're offering me an academic scholarship offering sixty-four thousand dollars that is crazy i don't know what to do i didn't really expect anything because i already got accepted but it's saying that i have um academic scholarship totaling 64 000 and it says it'll be divided over all eight semesters so i mean like it's not that crazy but i mean like 64 000 is a lot of money and i didn't even submit my um sat credit credits so they probably just based this off of my transcripts from ut and from temple college and my high school transcript and i guess they gave me a scholarship that's so crazy oh my gosh look look at this part though look at this page how about right there scholarships totally sixty four thousand sixty four thousand dollars wow that's great yeah are you excited yeah that's crazy okay hopefully i'll have more information on that later but yeah well that's a lot more than i expected okay bye hi so smu just told me that they were going to update my admission status by tonight at seven so i thought why not check it now it's 3 03 p.m on december 17th and i applied probably like mid-october so yeah i'm gonna go ahead and log in i'm my mom right there yeah she's festive ready for christmas and my dad's over there chillaxin the email says oh it'll be specialized or something yeah i got sneaky i guess i'll check i guess i'll check it after my concert hi guys so um this is a crazy night because i knew smu was going to update me on my admission but i didn't know that tcu was also saying that they were updating my status so we're going to see two schools in one night let's see if i got in but i have my mom here oh show them the puppy and look um good luck puppy okay so i want the smu undergraduate admissions page currently i don't really remember my password let's see oh yay it says congratulations i'm smu bound new update that is the update let's see [Music] what confetti okay so there's smu i guess we'll check on tcu right he excited [Music] look at him he's just surviving okay so now we're on to tcu let's open up the email i don't know i think i'm kind of more nervous about this one because i don't know i asked a lot of questions whenever i was applying here because they had like a really weird process i don't know mommy get him out he's too cute he's taking my spotlight dang the wi-fi really adds some suspense doesn't it okay status update view decision letter okay are you ready are you ready okay that was really weird okay congratulations oh scholarship forty thousand dollars five thousand per semester yay okay no more clapping oh yay forty thousand from tcu that's so cool approved approved approved okay mommy ut just sent me an email saying they updated my status i'm scared okay but need to breathe i can't i better get accepted uh so it's basically telling me um i am so so so upset right now because i already didn't get accepted into a m and i didn't record it sorry um and i just now got denied for ut they said i could transfer in after a year um that's just like really disappointing to me um i feel just kind of hopeless right now and i don't know what to do um i did apply a couple of days ago to some smu financial aid so we'll see what happens hi okay so i have made my college decision as you can tell from the festive scrunchie and the shirt i have decided to go to baylor wait that's aggies bears go bears yeah mommy we did a thumbs up we can't do thumbs up anymore we're anti-aggie now anywho i am getting started on my housing application and this i'm in the pantry currently because that is where my mother's computer is located um but yeah i am very happy with my decision i mean they gave me a scholarship of 64 000 which is like crazy and i've also applied for many other scholarships and i plan on applying for more we'll see how it goes but for right now i'm going ahead and making the 500 enrollment deposit and that basically says that i am ready to commit to the school and i'm very excited they do have a biomedical engineering program i did have to do quite a bit of research to find that out and i'm trying to contact the professor of biomedical engineering um but yeah i just thought i should let you know my final decision bye guys hi guys i just want to give you an update i was seconds away from posting this youtube video but then i just got this mail from baylor and i'm so excited i have this bag and it says i know where i'm going and then i have this box so i'm gonna go ahead and open it with you and i'm so excited okay first i'm gonna open up this bag let's see let's see what it is okay wow let's open it up just so you can see what it is oh that's so cute it's a little baler flag ah that's so pretty yay look it says i know where i'm going [Music] okay that's so cute i'm so excited okay next up i have this box i'm so curious what is in here let's see i don't know where to open it actually okay let's see that was a fun running gag luke oh you need to hang that upstairs i can't have a white shirt guys guys look what nicki got i know where i'm going okay but i have to open this one too the big bu you want to come in for the unboxing yeah okay look i'm filming i'm filming nope right now oh you have to cut that okay ready oh boy looking forward to that the times oh my gosh that's that's gonna be well i love it thank you bailey for the mask i really hope i don't have to wear it i really i really hope i don't have to wear it though what if there's a surprise under here wait there's more but wait there's more [Music] you know things that you're not contraband that's a good one okay so here's all i got i just wanted to give you an update um thank you taylor thank you bailey that's it for this video luke you did that that's it for this video bye guys you put your stuff on your name hey guys i am here to give you the final outro or conclusion if you will i'm so excited to be attending baylor in the fall of 2021 it's crazy though i'll be graduating so soon march april may so like in three months i'm graduating that's kind of crazy anyways i can't wait to go and i'm still waiting for some financial help over there some scholarships would be nice just asking baylor um so i'm still waiting on the news for that and a couple of outside scholarships i applied for um but yeah i'm very very excited and that's it for this video thank you for watching go bears
Channel: The Grace Gazette
Views: 23,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ia1iMY1XxxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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