【Multi Sub】甜寵短劇💕離譜!婚禮提前離場的新郎,三年沒見過面的老公,竟然離婚後説我是他的白月光❤️《前妻竟是白月光》全集 #短劇 #chinesedrama #女頻

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The heart fell ill Okay, I'm going over there now What are you guys doing standing here Huo Zong says The real Mrs. Huo is coming back Let's get the stuff out of the house And people clean up Three years of marriage without a single appearance Now for the first love Evicted the wife from the marriage house Honam You really are cruel It's time to go, Miss Shaw I think you lost all this stuff Whatever was left in this room I hate bad luck I am in the heart You're gonna get better Southwind, I would do anything for you Mr. Huo just got on the phone The wife has left the central villa Count her as self-aware Found the one who performed heart surgery on Xintian Doctor X yet Not yet Then keep looking Don't come see me until you find it Three years as Mrs. Haw It's kind of fulfilling Dad's dying wish Congratulations on your escape from misery What's the next arrangement? It's time to get back to my home court Welcome back Doctor X Master Doctor x has found it Miss Chong is saved Don't touch me. Why does she always look familiar Bad luck running into him right after we got back Huo Zong, what's wrong with you Nothing. Let's go. What kind of patient is it this time A beauty Congenital heart disease I think it's a shame she died I just took the order You also love beautiful women I don't believe it. What are you planning Fun stuff, of course You'll see for yourself Zhuang Xintian How is the name of the defeated year so familiar with friends warning What are you doing here You're the patient's family Who are you You are Doctor X I'm sorry I don't treat people who doubt me Excuse me I just let it slip Please save your heart and life You ignored me when my dad left I'm too sad. Too sick to take care of himself You didn't look at me And now you're doing it for another woman He humbly begged me Honan, you have today, too Brother Southwind, I'll be fine Don't do this for me Worth it for you Mr. Huo and Miss Zhuang Oh, that's a lot of love Xintian once saved my life DOCTOR X I hope you can help me Condition open good Then I'll let you during treatment No meeting with Miss Chong In case of violation I stopped treatment immediately Brother Southwind, don't promise her that I'm scared when you're not around Okay, I promise The treatment starts tomorrow. how Meet ex-husband The beginning of love I want to get back together If it weren't for you It can happen to me Oh boy I'm not giving it to you A chance to get back at a philanderer You have me to thank for that story He doesn't love you Why should I marry you Three years wasted What's wrong with you? I just don't understand Zhuang Xintian saved his life Honan Wind could lose everything To repay I saved his life before Why are you so cruel to me You saved Honan The Xiao family has a good relationship with the Huo family I've known Honan since way back It's the Honam wind Never cared about me Honan wind that day Come to my house with his parents But he didn't find it interesting Left early with the housekeeper But not very far I saw everything Run to the rescue immediately Brother South Wind Don't be afraid I'm coming the My ankle I still have one Scars that won't go down It was left at that time ah What a plot for an idol drama unfortunately The last lady Not you I was stupid Saved a white - eyed Wolf From then on I Xiao Mengran Never make the same mistake again Why was the operation delayed He wants me to heal We're gonna play by my rules What rules? First come, first come Zhuang Xintian before She came after them Very normal If I just Want to let heart Tian surgery first Then you're gonna have to pay for it I think I'm in the wrong place Hello, you must be Mr. Huo is Hello. This way, please. Why the appointment here yo Arrive ahead of schedule Wait ten minutes Spa is almost over What exactly do you want me to do Foot bath anything Be unwilling to Don't care if you don't want to You gave that up on your own good Where did you get this foot injury None of your business Good service today About Zhuang Xintian cutting in line I promised you Check Doctor X's All data now Ϊ sailo Doctor X With the exact same wound Why does she look so familiar calm The man who saved me Is it really you From now on Brother Southwind is mine Brother South Wind I want you to trust me with all your heart My son loves me and loves me Huo Zong Remember our deal There's something I'd like to confirm Last warning If you break the agreement again At one's own risk Why on earth do you hate me so much No reason Don't like you Huo Zong All the Doctor's files are here Real name unknown Residence unknown Sold phonograph tracks for 3 years Do you need to look into any of this I'm sorry, Mr. Huo Doctor x's profile The truth is difficult to investigate I need a little more time I think I've seen this woman before Hold her picture is anything Oh, no, Mr. Huo The hospital called and said Miss Chong's illness last night Suddenly got worse Go to the hospital Mind is all right Brother Southwind, I'll be fine Don't you worry. You're the one who made Xintian worse I can't do that She killed herself Pull the I.V. needle out yourself I can't stop her It's impossible to do such a thing with your mind She can't do it I might be This is a special ward On these monitoring instruments They all have pinhole cameras Why don't we check the cameras Southwind's got nothing to do with her I dropped it by accident Infusion needle Just a little arrhythmia That's not what they're monitoring Okay, I can't. Then find someone who can I quit. Huo Zong Doctor x's identity Check it out Huo Zong Breaking and entering I can call J right now Get someone to arrest you. If you report J I'll report you in the country Drugstore address There's half of it in there All unregistered illegal drugs How do you know where my stash is Doctor x I should call you Miss Shaw still ex-wife That's a pretty clear investigation how You want to be with me again Don't take our grudge Involved in the heart of the body She's innocent I'm not interested in being a virgin I can't save her from herself You need to find someone else Don't be sorry. Hello. You must be Doctor X Can or not Give us an interview It is said that your ascendancy is through men Anything you want to say about that Honam You pulled that on me See how I fight back I'm just a doctor There's nothing to gossip about Don't you want to know Huo Zong The bad news is all over the place It'll all be gone in ten minutes That woman Not easy to deal with But there are plenty of people to deal with Doctor x Would you please go and see Miss Zhuang Do me a favor After all, the dean is not here My place Can't take the pressure It's Honam again good Fuck. thank you You're dying again Don't you know there's no food or water What are you doing How do you save people and go wrong Southwind still loves me So nice Xiao Mengran What exactly do you want to do You're the one who begged me to help And now you're doubting me Is it interesting? Ten years ago I was in a car accident. It was Xintian who risked her life to save me This kindness I have nothing to repay I just want to cure her Let him live Xiao Mengran You keep targeting her like that I will die before I let you go I'll say it again She brought her own death Several times I had nothing against her In addition The guy who saved you from the crash It's me It's impossible When I woke up The people around you are clearly happy Believe it or not It's impossible Huo Zong All the information on Xiao Mengran is here She was hospitalized in a car accident ten years ago Car accident Could it really be her Is it really Xintian lying to me Southwind, I miss you How do you... calm Do you still remember When we first met We woke up in the hospital together And then you ask me I didn't save you I said yes. You tell me In return for saving my life You'll be with me for the rest of your life Brother Southwind is so nice Then you remember When you were dragging me out of the car You told me that I don't remember Brother South Wind How do you How suddenly So curious about this Never mind I just remembered something It's just a thing of the past You have a good rest. I'll see you some other time Xinyue I wonder if you could yell with me I'm so scared to be alone Where is everyone? Where did Doctor X go Left the hospital. Said he was going abroad. I'm going to the airport Come and get me now. Come on Know things before they happen It's going to look like this I should never have taken this order I was wrong this time Excuse me What does that have to do with you I deserve it Naive promised to marry Honan Feng You have to take care of yourself when you're out there I'll make time to see you Follow me whereby hello What kind of play is this abnormal What are you gonna do You saved my life ten years ago not Don't pretend like I know You were hospitalized in a car accident ten years ago What a coincidence of timing So what We're over it a long time ago And don't you forget It was you. Drove me away from here We're divorced Can't imagine Piss off Before the heart is cured I'll keep bothering you You can't get away with this After the surgery You don't want to see me again Wait for the heart to finish the operation Let's send her back home I've done my duty to her Get it Brother Southwind, you're not leaving me Hey, I wonder if you could do something for me According to you When the heart donor arrives at the hospital The surgery is scheduled for next Friday Brother South Wind The success rate really is 100 percent I didn't say I would Doctor X himself It's foolproof Thank you so much Thank your southerly brother In the future, whenever you need Don't be polite Surgery is a big deal. 8. All preoperative preparations We've already done that Let me just make sure one last time I'm sure the donor heart is fine Brother Southwind confirmed it himself I'm sure there's no problem. Huo Zong Something happened to the heart donor What's going on? I just escorted the donor home Leave STH out of consideration There was an accident on the road The heart is damaged. Cannot be used That's a problem This particular constitution of hers It's not easy to find a donor What about me? Brother South Wind I'm not gonna die like this Don't worry just yet. I'll figure it out Chen Xun Contact immediately Donated hearts from around the world Looking for the right kind of donor but We're already watching All donation channels There's no new information Brother South Wind You spend more time with me I'm afraid You can't operate without a donor I've been with Southwind for a long time It'll last longer Now is not the time to cry You have the means. Organ donor Except for official institutions And some of it goes straight in The scope of medical school Outside of official control Maybe we can take a chance That is to say These channels It's all within your knowledge You're lucky Brother South Wind Why does Brother Southwind care so much The doctor. I owe this to you Don't speak too soon The donor hasn't been found yet No matter what I have this in mind Let's have dinner together Have a good chat Not have to You have time Might as well investigate About the donor's car accident How could there be such a coincidence Huo Zong Any new instructions About the crash of the donor car Find out Xintian, you're okay Cousin Xin Yue You're finally here I need you to help me Someone's trying to steal Southwind from me I need you to teach her a lesson Will you Don't worry about it You tell me who it is and I'll help you It's Doctor x. Teacher The donor thing I need you to keep an eye on it good I'll be a minute I'll help you with your research well goodbye Be exhausted Just go relax Why this Not a white limited edition Excuse me, miss. Limited editions have been made by other guests Be reserved What a shame... This is my favorite Pay the client double Put this in a limited edition For the lady who was there Hello, Miss. The guest who ordered that dress Decided to retire I'll help you with it now Pack the white one That's ok I never want Something no one else wants Is the dream free? Crazy Street. You want to join us No time no time Too busy picking up girls Valuing sex over friends It's you Hey, did something happen to Mengran I didn't hang up first Why talk on the phone while walking What if that car back there What if I don't dodge? Why are you so angry? I know. You're afraid I'll get hurt No one will give you the calm Healed, I think Don't worry, my life is on the line Must die after Zhuang Xintian I'm just so worried Would you please Before Xintian finished the operation Protect yourself well Don't worry I'm definitely better than you I love my life more I'll send someone to look for that car No, it's probably just a rookie There are a lot of people who want to assassinate me You can't do that in a bad way What's up Be injured twisted Never mind What are you doing Put me down, man So many people watching And you care what other people think I have to be respectable I can do the same as you You have a foot injury that must be treated first I'm a doctor or you're a doctor I said it was fine Don't fight me. Otherwise, I can't promise What will happen Something that makes it more interesting I don't know what I'm doing I'll give you something better This man is so inexplicable You put me down Have to admit Honan Feng is not a bad guy Um that Take me to the hospital Medical supplies and everything Bad road So where is this going That's a good move Give Zhuang Xintian a massage none Wait till you get better I'll send her back home I really think of her as a sister Don't get me wrong. Honam If between me and Zhuang Choose someone who must stay Who would you choose You can't even see inside yourself Who are you to bring me back Blame it on Honan I didn't eat or sleep well last night Stomach trouble again You have a surgery in 30 minutes know Burn down well Brother South Wind I'm not really dying I believe in Doctor X You're gonna be okay She's just a woman Do you really have the power of hand and eye Brother South Wind If I do die You'll remember me for the rest of your life Do you miss me Huo Zong Doctor x fainted Where is she? Brother South Wind Don't you go. I'm scared I'm sorry. You wake up. Honam Yesterday you fainted after surgery I would have brought you back Why hold on when you're not feeling well Life and death are at stake Why do you say I'm okay. I'm going back This is my home. I'll say whether you stay or go Chen Xun You're gonna eat it yourself Or keep it that way I'll find a way to feed you I'll do it myself. I'm allergic to seafood Can't eat fish fillet porridge Chen Xun Just open the door and I'll go You're not having any fun Mr. Huo gave it to you It's him again You don't know. Manager Huo heard you fainted yesterday Can be scared From Ms. Zhuang's room right now Run out Still holding you He ran down a whole flight of stairs What a surprise Huo can always leave Miss Zhuang with a fever I thought they were a couple I'm sorry, Xintian I didn't do it right last time It's not your fault Who knows Southwind brother To help that fox But the heart is calm I found out something Such a thing I heard about Southwind Getting close to that woman Because of that girl. He saved his life But Southwind saved my life Isn't it you? Right on It was supposed to be me E hello What's wrong with you? Is it Honan wind Bully you again I'm done with him What could he bully me about I see you like this Have a smack of At yearning for love nonsense Who am I thinking about Of course it's Ho. Beiyurole What does it have to do with Brother Bei Yu Of course there is. He's not just from abroad Have you come back from your study? There aren't many good men like that Pass by Don't miss it Piss off You have time for this nonsense Why don't you go shopping with me later good How are you feeling today Every day is the same. I feel like I'm gonna die It's gonna be okay. By the way this This is This is the day I saved you With the hair clip You have the other one Two make a perfect pair Why do you have this hairpin Who else has this You came just in time There's something I need to do daydream I need to ask you something What's up When you saved my life Do you still have that hair clip you're wearing Honam So your attitude toward me changed Simply because I could be your lifesaver Is that Don't I just want to know the truth The truth is you don't believe me What the hell is going on here Honam You don't deserve this daydream Why is it still the same So reckless Brother Beiyu, you are back Thank you for your hard work these days Just doing my duty nothing Let's go. Buy you dinner well How does Huo Beiyu talk to her On such good terms to That's a soft touch What's the matter Say out I need you to do me a favor What kind of favor Help me cope Our family blind date It's not appropriate. I don't like that girl I don't want to waste each other's time daydream You see You and I have the same mentor For the teachers and brothers Just help me Please. this I heard the teacher say You're looking for the right one Heart donor I can help you with that You said so Can I still refuse you What time Then the afternoon after tomorrow I'll wait for you here Come on good We can find a donor faster It'll be over faster This part is entangled After divorce I got stuck with my brother That's fast. In your eyes Is that who I am Better not Honam You big bastard. I'm sorry. I'm afraid I'm causing you trouble None of your business He's a maniac I don't agree with him Huo Zong Last time you said About donating drugs to Central Hospital It's ready besides Huo Zong You quarreled with Miss Xiao About the donor car accident Find out what? Make sure it's man-made We're looking into who's behind this Do one more thing for me Brother Beiyu, you come I thought you liked cold American I'll get you some That's ok I'm just gonna say two words and go Brother Beiyu, are you busy Miss Shen I don't have any feelings for you Besides, I have a girlfriend I'll make it clear to the family I don't think we should see each other anymore amie Who is that? hello I am Brother Beiyu's younger sister And her girlfriend Doctor X You know me? Bad person While you seduce Heart Tian cousin south wind brother While hooking up with North Yu brother Shame on you Miss Shen Don't go too far I'm not lying. Ask her You are Zhuang Xintian's cousin Just like her duplicity Go back and tell Zhuang Xintian Honan is haunting me I'm not pestering him In addition Let Zhuang Xintian Control your own man Hoping to keep him from running away Come out to harm others How is it possible Heart Tian cousin with south wind brother Love is so good You're talking nonsense. Then ask Honan Feng In addition North Yuge likes to drink latte Since I don't know him Why push back Doctor X You wait for me You and Huo Beiyu are really close None of your business No one is allowed in here Get out Huo Beiyu can come I can't come, can I is I came to apologize to you For what I apologize for doubting you I've already cleared up the card issue It was Xintian who took my hair clip Trying to impersonate you I'll take care of it Don't have to Even if there's no card issue It's impossible for us The day the agreement was signed There's no future between us If you say so I did what you wanted What are you angry about, Xiao Mengran Now that it's over Honan Feng is dead None of this is your business What are you gonna do In the trust of others To kill you Tell me your hand's okay Have nothing to do It's called coming with me How dare you put your hands in the way He could have discounted it with a little more force So I could save your life Not even a word of thanks If I didn't care about you I wouldn't have brought you back Done. You take this pill Knead once a day Just three days. At that Or what Good array Buy me dinner good You know that? I like to eat this Just right How's it going with the donor Brother Beiyu is helping We expect results soon Why did Huo Beiyu help you You guys are really together You want me to hurry Find another man Well, then you got it I was with him I'll get my license in a while I forbid why Because you're mine Who's yours Get out. why Why would it be because of him Your heart is racing. What's the matter Why am I so hung up on her Did I really Come in Huo Zong What's up Several assaults on Miss Shaw The man behind this has been found who It's Shen Xinyue Zhuang Xintian's cousin Brother South Wind Well, I'll get out of here while you guys talk I came to see you What's up Why hurt Doctor x I don't know what you're talking about You're responsible for all the car crashes and attacks Now the evidence is clear. You can't deny it It's that woman. I started with two of them She brought this on herself Why are you still protecting her I owe her that I should repay Chen Xun Turn people away Honam You think that's the best I can do I'm not gonna let her go You let me go. I'm not gonna let her go dammit Brother South Wind Who are you Don't ask questions you shouldn't You cooperate with me And I can make it easier for you What's the fit Don't talk or yell Whenever I am happy And spare your life The doctor's body That's really nice It should be nice to play Thanks for the compliment Maybe you should get a little closer Take a closer look Goods are goods You know how to seduce a man Your fate Because you can seduce men Seduce a man Can it be that man Are you okay? Dog man touched me Can dream fast What are you guys doing I came at a bad time Sorry to bother you. Honam You need to stop being such a freak If it weren't for you Could that happen to me The man on the ground It was your sister who found it You know If you could just leave me alone Even if I beg you I don't want to live every day It's like a horror movie. I didn't mean to daydream All right The South wind came to save you, too He's not behind this You go And so on I have something to say What's up Miss Xiao's donor has been found great This can finally be over I know. Mongran, are you okay Bei Yuge I'm gonna go prep for surgery There's more trouble for you here daydream One day I want you to only see me You have business. You can rest assured. End of operation I'll take my heart and leave fine It's time to wake up Start of operation How's that You must be family Rest assured the surgery was a success You are Doctor X Why isn't she out Doctor x was overworked She needs a break You can't go in there. Finally finished What are you looking for? This is the operating room. What are you doing in here I'm not sure. What are you looking for? Can I get it glucose Can I drink this straight Emergency treatment during hypoglycemia You have low blood sugar Is it serious? If serious You don't need me Perform surgery on Zhuang Xintian Admit it In your heart Zhuang Xintian is the first Don't That moment just now The first person I thought of was you It sounds better said than sung I'm serious The best is Have something to eat Or my stomach will hurt again Leave it to me. This is my first time Feed people soup Have learned I can feed it to others later There won't be anyone else but you Miss Huo is clamoring to see you Brother South Wind I don't want to go back home I want to stay with you Xin Tian you are cured of your illness You should have your own life I don't want my own life I just want you I don't believe it. I can't handle you in this situation Looks like I came at a bad time I am in peace It's not what you think I just think of her as a sister I see Brother and sister are more interesting You don't have to explain yourself to me This operation is done. We have nothing to do with each other And if I don't agree Honam You are not to yourself What's the misunderstanding? Thought women all over the world It should be all about you I am surrounded by nothing but heart No other woman. I took care of her because Her brother saved my life It's my responsibility Zhuang Xintian is responsible Marriage is also a duty. Your responsibility to women That's a lot. daydream I heard the surgery was a success Congratulations! Let's go Invite you to dinner Huo Beiyu Why do you always come Put a foot in it souther I didn't mean it personally The meal It was before me and Monran agreed By the way You and Mengran always miss This is your life Accept it Let's go I'm not giving up Before us There was no dinner appointment I think What happened just now You need some help Thank you, Brother Beiyu Well, I'm gonna go get some rest daydream I don't believe it. Don't you understand how I feel about you I really... Is there no chance Sorry, Brother Beiyu I really am now Unable to accept any feelings You deserve better, too I'm not giving up Let's call it a day Manager Huo didn't work overtime today I heard it was Miss Zhuang Just out of surgery Must be worrying. No wonder Normal heartbeat Recovery is good He'll be out of here soon I've always felt safe with you Then you're a great CEO Don't you have any business to attend to Finished processing Eat together Don't why Brother South Wind Do you hear? I am calling you daydream Here's a case to take a look at good Huo Beiyu, you're picking on me to You see I suppose You're just looking for an excuse to get away from me How could I possibly As childish as the south wind Look at this case Any idea other What are you guys doing This is the office. You can't just walk in When I buy this hospital I can go wherever I want You're dreaming Come with me What are you doing? What do you have to say here Who are you to her Talk to me like that If you want to go crazy, do it yourself I'll go home first. Let me give you a ride. My car Better than any of yours What's up You have a patient What are you doing? My car broke down Get a ride on your car You do it by having a thick skin Just put the Hodges Make it this big Is never give up Is that funny There are Honam There's no way I can accept you Your reason I was wrong once already I can't do it again Same error Can't you just believe it again cannot When you choose When helping Zhuang Xintian When you choose to help Zhuang Xintian Hiding when you hurt me We're just impossible All mistakes and hurt I'll make up for it. We wait for ourselves Huo Zong Miss Zhuang can leave the hospital She thinks Stay in your villa reverse-dream Doesn't live there anymore Let her be I have to prepare a surprise for Mengran Young master The second young master will attend Sky Star auction interesting Then I'll join in the fun Miss Zhuang Your room is on the second floor on the right The second room I'll take you there Why, Brother Southwind Didn't personally pick me up from the hospital He is busy with his work Can still be as important as me Today is... The day of the Sky Star auction Huo Zong on this one The largest blue diamond in the world Be ready to win So go see for yourself I keep telling Southwind I want the star in the sky I'm sure he was there for me Brother Southwind has been so good to me One of these days Will be the mistress of the house Skystar starts at $50 million Sixty million Seventy million The second master of the Huo family bid Hundred million Anyone else raise the price Once in a billion 37 Hundreds of millions of times A hundred million times three Twenty million What's Honan doing here Beiyu did it on purpose So this is you The reason for rejecting me Talk about it when it's over. Twenty million times Eighty million Two hundred million Honan, you're crazy Yes, I do Two hundred million times Anyone else raise the price He's crazy. Don't go crazy with him Two hundred million three times Conclude a transaction Congratulations to second Master Huo Today I Just thought I'd show you The star of the sky I didn't expect this it doesn't matter It's Honan Feng who's the sucker He spent 200 million Buying this gem is insane My parents grew up favoring the south wind Let him inherit the Huo Group How much money does he want? No That's all right. You're world-famous surgeon You're so much better than him If I studied medicine in elementary school Only better than him Let's go. Don't argue with him Xiao Mengran Don't you dare try one of them Honan, did you eat the gunpowder Why do I Don't you know that Honan, don't push anyone too far And if I want it Then don't blame me I fought you with everything I had And you deserve to be my opponent Have a try Xiao Mengran I paid you $200 million for diamonds You went behind my back Dating other men I'm not Zhuang Xintian You're not paying me I will be happy to forget myself That's what I owe you I owe you a wedding present We're both divorced What other gifts What do you dare do to me I won't let you go When exactly are you To believe I am sincere to you Won't You're not getting away. Doctor X I have something Want to beg you What's going on It is so Our hospital has always been It's charitable. Mainly rely on The Hawkes Group's fundraising operations What did Mr. Huo do He wants you to do it Consultant to the Howe Group dream I'll just quit my job So these suffering patients I'll be left to fend for myself besides Master Huo is also the president We all know where he stands Isn't it just money I'll compensate for the capital injection Patient's family It's a job from Howard So you can live All right, Honan I guess I'm all for it Honan wind, you are finished I'm sorry, Mr. Huo I didn't stop. I'm calling security now No, no, no. You go ahead Wait a minute Companywide notification Future lady Be free to come and go Howe anywhere Including my office. is Mr. Huo, you are busy This is your first time He came to me Honan, don't overdo it You don't understand I'll die without you Then go to hell Look at you again It's on me. That's a pretty bad acting job pollen wrong Honan Feng he has allergic asthma Honan, don't panic Breathe to my rhythm Do you have any asthma medication In your pocket or in a drawer I'll ask your secretary I'll get you to the hospital Wake up Do you feel any discomfort In my parents' mind There's no such thing as allergies They think My allergy to pollen is pretentious This is the first TIFASHION1980 After my allergies Someone to be with Is that When my father left I've been seriously ill But at that time You were there Your sister's side Bring her tea and water Honam Wind I won't forget You're the one who kicked me out I'll come back now if you want me to Out of the question I'm just asking you to sign the divorce papers No one was called Kick you out of the center house Well, then who kicked me out Young master How's it going Miss Xiao suddenly appeared Failure of action Get the fuck out of here Young master And please save our Chens hum In this case I need you to do something for me Give Miss Chong a message for me Feed me Brother South Wind What are you doing here I heard you were in the hospital Scared the shit out of me Are you okay? It took me all night to get to ENO HSL Why don't you wait Give him rotten incense on the Clear day You're not well yet Go back quickly Chen Xun Brother Southwind, I'm not leaving You let me stay Take care of you. Just like you took care of me You guys really are brother and sister Menghuang, I need to talk to you What happened to Brother Beiyu daydream There are a lot of good men in the world Honan isn't the only one you Why don't you look at someone else Bei Yuge This time I think Give yourself a chance If between me and Honan Peak There really is a misunderstanding. I deserve to know the truth I know. If you're tired Just look back I'll wait for you where you are good Will you still be my consultant I did it for the hospital Brother Southwind, I'm taking the job You're not in a good position to mess around If you don't say yes I'm not gonna take my meds I see Miss Zhuang I really want a career Mr. Huo, you agree All right, what position do you want secretary I want to be your secretary How could I possibly let you Alone time with Brother Southerly This is the secretary's office calm You're gonna be working here Mr. Huo, where's my office You and I are in the same room Huo Zong That's a little influence peddling Doctor x Or else You're with the south wind What an inconvenience She's a medical consultant Not in the secretary's office I always thought My heart's bothering me I'd feel better if the doctor was here Good to promise you Great. We're gonna get along no problem I was afraid you wouldn't be able to handle it why Not in the same office as me I agreed to be your consultant Not to flirt with you I just want to find out Who it was Who kicked me out of the villa You can rest assured. I'm looking for the maids We'll get to the bottom of it I hope you didn't lie to me this time Absolutely not Huo Zong Excuse me The office has been moved Looks like it's time for Zhuang Xintian A little surprise. Run what? Run You can't escape The palm of my hand What the hell are you doing Just a normal medical experiment What about these? And those You killed them all Which do you say? The heart of a 20-year-old boy Again this one The large intestine of a 60-year-old aunt I'm looking for Southwind Southwind, he's a maniac Haven't been through this How to finish Xin Tian, your surgery But she shouldn't have put these Put it in the office You know what? daydream You move into my office Brother South Wind My heart is suddenly bothering me Or else Why don't you come home with me They all live together It won't be Nanning Road The villa How do you know about Southwind's house fine not It's because nobody lives there That's why she moved in So it is Chen special assistant Take Miss Chong home I'm not going. I want to be with Southwind Then you will Take a break in my office Me and Consultant Shaw There's something to talk about What's the matter? Are you angry I just remembered What the servants said What words They say Huo Zong says The real Mrs. Huo is coming back To put the extra stuff and people Clean it all up And people clean up Those maids I already found it I'm not going to let it go Those who bully you I hope I can win this time I pay you good money to come in And you listen to other people How dare you Wronged me, Mr. Huo I really didn't do anything Who told you to get rid of the dream is Mr. Huo I never said that but Our orders That's it Wow, that guy is so handsome Our company Who's his girlfriend The man who just walked by It's Mr. Huo's new secretary I suppose He and Huo are a couple Bei Yuge What the hell are you doing I have said In this world There must be one who loves you It's me. Bei Yuge I didn't give up. I believe You and I are the perfect couple This kind of necklace. You're giving it away So what At least from me She'll take it. What about you Why did you take it? The necklace of Huo Beiyu You can live with it Zhuang Xintian pick up the floor hug Why can't I take it North Yu brother's necklace you I'm gonna restart the drug donation What is it, Dean? Call me in such a hurry That's a lot of rare drugs How about this gift? Where did you get these pills Huo's group Don't they only sell luxury goods For you I can do anything, okay You know these drugs How many people can we save Of this hospital. Many patients have been saved My gift Compared with Huo Beiyu how You win. He is Mr. Huo's new secretary It is said that Huo doted on her I divorced my wife for her You're mistaken. Mr. Huo's favorite It's not her. Tong is the consultant You don't know That consultant is much better No wonder the CEO Take her to and from work every day That's the CEO's wife Will you shut up? It's killing me Mr. Huo, this is Doctor x The design of the sky Star I'll leave it to her Remember the Star in the sky I hope You can be its designer why confidentiality That is $200 million worth of gems What if I don't design it right It's okay. I don't care. I just wish The designer of this gem It's you the I reluctantly agreed Huo Zong This rough stone is worth a fortune To be handed over to a lay person It's settled Brother South Wind I want to be one Designer of the Sky Star calm I'll give you another rock This diamond Leave it to Doctor x Let's compete Whose design is good Whoever designs it Sky star I have to prove it Only me I deserve to be next to Southwind no problem Then let's Site time limit design how good I'm a professional designer Doctor x, you're gonna lose Done. The design is very interesting What was your inspiration It's the name of a diamond Stars in the sky It's supposed to be flashy What a bold design Why do you We're gonna cut this diamond Into a couple's necklace Sky and stars A very ideal couple They contain each other and affect each other Stars dot the sky The sky also contains stars Even when divided by daylight They don't separate In this case The results are clear And finally the designer is And so on She plagiarized She copied mystery jewelry designers Sophia's work What proof do you have This is me and the designer Sophia bought the design You see Whether or not It's just like hers What are you laughing at? Director Zhuang What you just said, Sophia A mysterious designer in the circle Since it is mysterious How am I supposed to see it She designed the script for you That's because Brother Southwind, say something I believe in Doctor X Is there a possibility I am The mysterious designer Sophia Out of the question why You said you were Sophia What proof do you have I have you In order to better make up for you I know a lot about you Including your little secret Hello everyone I'm Sophia, agent Amy Here is Doctor x It was Sophia herself Of course Even though she's been out a long time But in my hand And her A lot of writing before the end Welcome to buy I'll take it all Huo Zong really loved Doctor x Right, right, right, right, right So envious Honan, I'll ask you again What do you really like about me Like my secret identity Still like I'm the one who saved your life Whatever you are You're my Mrs. Shaw Always will be Let me remind you again We're divorced daydream Would you like to Give me a chance to get married again Let me think I'm not restless. I'll give you time Xiao Mengran She is Xiao Mengran Why didn't you tell me Doctor X is Southwind's ex-wife You're stupid. I can't blame me for not finding it What else can you do You don't want to See them together I had someone send you a bottle of love pills This love drug is very strong Once this drug is administered If it doesn't happen It's a dead end He didn't have a choice I'll take you back In case it's important hello Southwind, my heart's bothering me I can't reach Chen Xunge You come back. anything daydream Come back with me The heart is very uncomfortable I'm a little worried. good daydream We got one in critical condition at the hospital I need your help I know. I'm going back now At the hospital. There's a critically ill patient Need my help I have to go back You go to see Zhuang Xintian first Normally speaking It's not gonna be a problem, okay If things go wrong You call the ambulance. Get her to Central Hospital why I feel so uneasy calm Brother Southwind, help me calm What's wrong with you? Call you an ambulance What's this for Brother South Wind I've been waiting for this day for a long time What are you doing here You should be lucky. Set me as your emergency contact This may It must be our fate Come on, take me to a cold shower You're in a very dangerous condition This is a very strong love drug But physical cooling It may be useless. What does that mean? In other words You have to sleep with a woman now Otherwise your veins It will burst and die Mengran, you go out first I can handle it myself Are you asking me to leave you alone I'll die before I hurt you Honan Feng is a kind man I can't abandon you What do you mean No, no. Is there any other way now still You want to be with Zhuang Xintian Out of the question souther Passing dream My life is yours Knock it off Dead tired Like a dream. daydream I thought you said you weren't feeling well Have you gone home? Why isn't he there Excuse me Mengran was too tired to wake up I'll pass along your message You're Honam What have you done with the dream We just finished What should have been done four years ago You want to know the details What's up Let's get some rest Now is not the time to rest Zhuang Xintian is still at home You can rest assured. I'll take care of it Miss Chong, please return, Miss Chong You let me go. You don't get to kick me out Brother Southwind won't let you go Chen Xun executed That's my order Brother Southwind, I know I was wrong You forgive me It must be you. You must have pushed Southwind Do so You've wronged me I was exhausted yesterday I just woke up now Thank you for that What you did yesterday Shameless enough calm I don't allow anyone Insult dream South Wind, you yelled at me At the time of the accident If it wasn't for me You're not even here anymore I owe you my whole life I can't even pay it back But I can do it for you I've already done that Before you It's never been like that For this woman. You're so hard on me What about you? You lied to me all these years To cure you How much time and effort it took Aren't you cruel I just -- I just want to be with you In my heart Only Meng Ran alone I don't agree You can only be with me Miss Zhuang I need you to take your place Your kindness There are other ways to repay But you have to Take what you love by force Isn't that a little selfish You shut up Don't you forget I gave you your life You saved me But you took it My favorite southerly You might as well let me die I already gave it to you Arranged the house Company man I wouldn't have known about today If you want You're gonna be my sister If you're really stubborn I can't control you either You must be hungry Let's eat first. well Xiao Mengran You wait for me You got a special day off today Move in with me You haven't done enough yet Even if I have nine lives Not enough for you to play with I'll be more careful next time Nice try Pay it back I don't even know this time How do I explain this to my brother Bei Yuge Let's talk. You're together It's a complicated story There's nothing complicated, okay The last three years have been my mistake Now we're in love The rest of life Will never be parted again How about you, Mengran Is it voluntary He didn't force you You can rest assured. I've already figured it out This is my best option The elder brother Thank you for taking care of Meng Huang All the dreams of the future In my charge You'd better be careful Don't give me a chance Get her back You won't get the chance Have you seen enough none I'm gonna miss three years Make it all up Since you're so laid-back Why don't you do an experiment with me This is my new technique 0000 See if you're comfortable I was kidding. I was wrong I guess I've been too nice to you Do all the bad things I got something on my head That's my personality You have to accept that. You better be Or get out of HR Settlement of wages Miss Xintian Slit his wrists Don't think you're doing this I'll get you back Of course it won't be that simple I'm gonna make you have to Pick me up Something happened to the south wind All the media right now It's all about you and Negative entry for Howe Howe's shares It was also affected A lot of women start Boycott Hodge's luxury goods As long as you're with me I'll clear everything up for you It's all about you and Negative entry for Howe Howe's shares It was also affected A lot of women start Boycott Hodge's luxury goods As long as you're with me I'll clear everything up for you Don't you dare Don't underestimate Howe's abilities I can't even handle this How did you get where you are today Is that Public opinion on the Internet Can suppress What about the real world I won't let it go. Both of you I should have known Drop her off at the hospital Fend for itself If you say so I shouldn't have saved her either But no one On a do-over She's right The Internet is quiet But real public opinion Difficult to solve Even the people around me All think Zhuang Xintian saved me But that's not the case In this case We might as well reopen the investigation The truth about the car accident I'd love to know too Who was it that took me Taken from the crash scene good Are you guys okay? How can you still have a face Come to the company Seduce Huo Zong Harm heart Tian suicide Are you bad or not? You It's gonna hurt Huo Zong and the company suffer What am I gonna do to you today ah Don't mess with me People like you That's the kind of look you get What are you doing? Are you okay? Have nothing to do You are in grave violation Company regulation You don't have to come tomorrow Huo Zong Xin Tian is your savior You don't protect her And you're defending this woman Maybe that's a little too much How do you know? What you hear is the truth While I still have the patience Snap roll Or I'm gonna Have been held accountable How does your body feel? That's all right. They were just pranks It can't hurt me Don't go to the office for a while Take shelter The car accident How's the investigation? Be checking A long time passed A lot of data is missing Looks like I'm gonna have to Been on my toes for a while Don't be afraid. I'll do my best Bei Yuge Let's meet and talk Bei Yuge What did you want to see me about I heard about you Are you okay It's all small things It will pass That's good. Bei Yuge Why don't you just say what you need With our relationship You don't have to hide it My parents want South Wind marries Miss Zhuang Calm public opinion anything daydream The Huo family has more power than you can imagine No matter how good you are You can't fight it Give up the south wind Follow me I will make you happy Sorry, Brother Beiyu Make peace with the south wind I made my own choices No matter how hard the road is I should finish, too Brother Beiyu, you are very good You'll have better girls Brother South Wind I miss you so much. You're the one who threatened my parents Asked me to marry you We are already They should be together Was supposed to be with me It's the dream, not you So what Anyway, now everyone thinks Xiao Mengran is the third party Destroyed what was originally Our beautiful relationship I already checked Meng Ran's hospital records And the wounds on her feet appraise Not 100%, though To reconstruct the accident But I'm sure The man who saved me It's her, not you So what? You think Xiao Mengran will With all my heart My feelings with Meng Ran Not so easy I can provoke you I believe her. Just like she believed in me As for you I've put everything Check it out The donor thing was your idea You know the donor How precious is it So what? Whatever is given to me is mine How do I want to handle this How to deal with it I've put everything Go public After the public opinion sanctions It's you too. Just listen to it Everyone's voice I won't listen, I won't listen, I won't listen Zhuang Xintian I already gave it to you Multiple chances From now on We don't have anything anymore And you're no longer welcome at Houthi You're gonna regret this What's up It's finally over. I'm tired You've had a long day. Recharge my batteries Come to the office tomorrow I have a surprise for you good Where is everyone? What do you want with me so late Get away from your dreams She's all over you now What are you so afraid of People don't know you But I know you You never give up easily Own goal And to the end By any means necessary You can't be that easy Let go of the dream Unexpectedly little brother You know me so well It is true I don't know what you're brewing I don't care either. But Meng Ran chose me You already lost Don't go near Dream Yellow again You're not qualified. The south wind is coming What surprises do you have in store I asked the factory staff to work overtime Using the material of the Sky Star Made these rings today For you. Why today? Today was supposed to be Our anniversary Do you remember Four years ago I was supposed to be at church Finish the job Now I'll supply you Xiao Mengran Would you like to Will you marry me again Not Honan today The day you should propose Chen special assistant Get security and get people out of here You're the one who should be taken How dare you give it to the hospital Donate fake medicine You killed a patient Do you know How is it possible Brother Beiyu, you have made a mistake Medical will look into it Huo always comes with us souther I'm not letting you roll over this time Why don't you come back Is something wrong souther All because of you disaster South wind has something to do with you It can't be good. How can you say that about me What did I do wrong The south wind is good Why donate drugs to the hospital Because of you Nanfeng is now under investigation To your satisfaction When will you be able to No harm to the Howe family Mom, don't do this You're gonna piss me off The removal really had nothing to do with her Don't take your anger out on her You can rest assured, Aunt I will help the south wind To get to the bottom of what happened I don't remember you going to the hospital Donated drugs This is an absolute smear The hospital should have a list of drugs I have access to it I'll go look for it I'll go with you That's ok You get some rest first I can do it on my own Open the door Open the door. Open the door. Open up! I need to calm down. think Think of something I need to calm down. Somebody help me daydream Are you okay? Mongran, are you okay I didn't expect the people who came to rescue me It will be you The South wind man Why are you here alone It's none of his business It's my problem I was reckless I thought I was looking for a file list nothing It turned out to be an accident Are you Look for this How is that possible? this If you don't want Honan wind Go to jail Then you have to listen to me What do you want me to do As simple as pie Marry me I'll give you this signature Brother Beiyu, what are you doing I wanted to boil the frog in warm water Make the frog feel Feel better What a surprise Not only did the frog escape from the pan I ended up in someone else's pot I can't accept that Bei Yuge Why are you such a person daydream What you know about me Not deep enough it doesn't matter You will understand What's up What took you so long to get back There was a bit of an accident But it's worked out You met Huo Beiyu 6666 C66 Just by chance he Now put Huo Beiyu's requirements Tell South Wind it's not appropriate In case the south wind wants him It can't be undone What's up Never mind He's also waiting for the results of the investigation Tomorrow we'll be together. Go to the office See if there's a clue. good Go to hell souther South wind South wind daydream Are you okay? It's okay. I'm okay. The wind is mainly from the south He should be fine with that wound Have nothing to do Don't be afraid The assailant has been caught It's all right Stop acting in here That man was not sent by you I don't have the skills He's a victim, too. Victim You know From the hospital All patients with rare diseases If something goes wrong with the medication They're all deadly His daughter is because He died of a fake drug So he hated it Honam This thing It doesn't have to do with the south wind Isn't it But they don't know that Once I get the evidence When that signature sheet is turned in Honam Probably won't be able to avoid jail time daydream What else am I asking for I don't want to do what I just want to be with you I promise you daydream Brother South Wind is my heart What are you doing here dreaming She's preparing. The engagement party with Brother Beiyu Show your smile You look beautiful today Unable to laugh Time is almost up Let's go. When I get the signature I'll tell Honan everything Hey, how do I remember that girl It was Honan Feng's wife The one who got divorced the other day Right on Some time ago, it was hot How to turn the head He married Huo Beiyu I just want to get ahead Look at her I got a face like a climber Keep your mouth shut The Hous You can't be provoked. I declare Miss Xiao Mengran from now on That's my fiancee I don't agree What are you doing? What did you say to her How could she agree to the engagement Mengran is willing Ask yourself if you don't believe me Don't make a joke, Dream Run Follow me Sorry, south wind. I'll explain it to you later I know. I want you to trust me for once Let's move on well Kiss, kiss, kiss I've been thinking about this day for a long time Give me the list Let's eat something first It's been a busy day I advise you to behave yourself I've been waiting for this moment It's been three years This time I will never let you go Chen Xun Is Mengran back I'm back. You're awake Have a cup of coffee Don't you worry. I didn't do anything What do you dare do I'll make you pay For being so cooperative I'm holding down the signature for now Investigation group Let Honan wind go for a while When exactly are you Give me the signature sheet Let me think again You want me I just... I want you by my side Just a little longer. Can't imagine I know what you're capable of I'm not stopping you You'll definitely come back souther You're back. How's your injury Is there anything else wrong I thought you weren't coming back Why do you Get engaged to that guy I thought you didn't want me Of course not Huo Beiyu hands There's a signature for your drug donation I want that list back Incense, you are in danger Why didn't you tell me I was afraid you'd get angry Piss him off Things can't be undone You have to trust me I'll take care of it. Go to your room and have a rest I'm tired. And so on Sister Meng Ran I told you I was The lady of the villa You see it's true In this way You really have no shame So what Me and Southwind, anyway The raw rice has cooked the rice What are you gonna do to me You're not afraid of my wrath To have you stuffed Brother Southwind, you have to help me Shut one's mouth The man who robbed me You wait You trust me. Me and Zhuang Xintian Nothing happened I believe you. But I don't believe her What did she do to you We can use it all We really don't have anything it doesn't matter I'm not destined for you anyway It's better to part. You're trying to leave me Good into the arms of Huo Beiyu You're both engaged fine Since we're separated from each other Let's end it like that Cheating on a womanizing man You did it for him Just got engaged to Huo Beiyu He doesn't want to think about it What kind of abuse are you gonna get And let you down, asshole I'm stupid to begin with Believed him again Serve sb. right Have nothing to do Do you want any men at the bar go I'll take you to the bar Stop it wait I'll find you a handsome man Xiao Mengran You got me locked up for a month I got to get some interest back, too You see her One of you can take her down Who do I give $100,000 to Beautiful woman alone Take a drink One drink is no good Let's play somewhere else roll Piss off Stop drinking and come with me Why are you still looking for a man What does it matter to you Be angry with me So what are we doing here Having sex to commemorate a breakup We call this a reunion How do you get back together when you've broken a mirror You still don't believe me I can't do it. I'll prove it. Find a way to get Zhuang Xintian All course of action fast I knew it. You'll be back You are really good. Don't touch me. Don't think you can keep threatening me The signature is mine alone You can get it I can't believe Honan didn't keep you why None of your business. Fuck off Don't think you can Out of my grasp What should I do next Huo Zong You have a rest This is This is Huo Beiyu No wonder It all makes sense What do you mean, Mr. Huo Flowers in the office And the medicine in Zhuang Xintian's hand It was all Huo Beiyu's doing They have long been in collusion In those days Cheat maid to drive away dream Run I'm afraid it was him. I'm going to find Dreamrun Monran, I have something to say to you What are you going to say Leave Huo Beiyu He's dangerous. I know But he's no match for me I didn't talk to Zhuang Xintian Have a relationship Is Huo Beiyu and Zhuang Xintian collusion They hooked up a long time ago What is the evidence? South Wind, I want to believe you too But I can't live with myself I really didn't betray you Mr. Huo The brain CT came back The doctor's already seen it Said it was no big deal Tomorrow morning You can leave the hospital Okay, thank you. You heard it Leave hospital tomorrow morning Have your assistant pick you up Aren't you a doctor You leave me alone. Doctor We have the right to choose our patients I never take a simple case I feel dizzy and nauseous. I want some water. You asshole. You look great to me now You can leave the hospital now Meng Run, you go to work I'm here. I got it That's my little problem Do I still need the dean to take care of me Whatever it is you're looking into I'm not even gonna let it go anywhere You deserve nothing more than to be trampled on Have a try winning He can only be me I must let the dream pass Stay away from this guy. Is Doctor X there Ever since she went to Holmes And I never saw her again All right. Thank you. This hospital is all owned by Huo Beiyu They'll never tell the truth. It's me What are you doing here Miss you I'm gonna yell if you don't get out of here I remember a few Memories of the car accident That was what separated us It may be Huo Beiyu But there's no proof. Isn't it I'll find a way to find evidence You find a way to leave Huo Beiyu He's not simple. I'm afraid you're in danger Mongran, are you okay I brought security here daydream help me Can I still trust you may Brother Beiyu, I'm fine I'm changing my clothes I'll catch up with you later good I'm gonna go slow him down I ! Come and sit It's too late to eat Come on, hungry There's some soup for you It should be you today First day of your period Something hot will make you feel better Bei Yuge Why would you do that to me Physiological time is so clear Everything about you I know it all. Huo Beiyu is dangerous Brother Beiyu, I have something to ask you What's up I lost a hair pin in the hospital It's decorated in crystal It means something special to me It would be a shame to lose it So if you could just help me find it good I went back when I was full Then I'll give you a ride No, I can do it myself It's okay. I have time to take you Let's go Brother Southwind, please Don't leave me. I'm scared How dare you come here Why wouldn't I dare Don't think I don't know that You colluded with Huo Beiyu He was selling fake drugs It's all on you Now all the victims' families They're staring at you Chen Xun pulled her out Brother Southwind, don't do this Let me tell you about Huo Beiyu Next action You let me stay here What does Huo Beiyu want to do Huo Beiyu is crazy He watches her 24 hours a day Keep her out of contact with outsiders Ready to take her out of the country hide Sorry for the subscriber you dialed Temporarily disconnected This medicine really works daydream You mustn't blame me By this means You're so smart What are you doing here breakfast That's not necessary. Why have I been so busy lately Inexplicably fall asleep And one memory missing Did he do it Oh, right this I think it's your hair pin How does he know? This hair clip is mine He had something to do with the accident Thank you, Brother Beiyu I'm not really hungry Just clean up first Go to the hospital You will not contact Honan Feng Cell phone feel No, I can't panic This is the time to calm down Find the south wind first It's always safe around him Don't be afraid I'll take you home What's up What did Huo Beiyu do to you It's okay. Don't be afraid I thought at first Brother North is always smiling Because he's gentle. But now it scares me Because he was laughing unfathomably That's why Why I celebrate him He didn't like me when he was a kid Although he has a gentle appearance But for me things One is harder than the other But no one believed me I believe you. Don't let me down this time souther I want to get your signature back To get you back as CEO No, it's too dangerous I know But now this thing Only I can do it good Then I'll protect you Here's my phone for you The password is your son Chang It can locate you at any time Don't be afraid I'm right here with you You're a bad man. You already have Brother Beiyu He's still hanging out with Southwind It's you again Wait for me. I'm gonna take you and Honan wind tell north Yu brother Why are my reactions slowing down what are you doing Brother Beiyu, you've come I'm doing this for your own good This bad guy, she. I don't allow you to talk about her like that Piss off Come to mind I forgot something Come and get it. You're my fiancee now I don't want you to be with Contact with other men You'd better pay attention Otherwise, I don't know What would I do South Wind, are you helping me Honam With what you're doing right now I could have you arrested With these photos I can call the police and arrest people Candid tracking No crime is so minor Xiao Mengran now It's my fiancee I'll take some pictures of her Is it abnormal? She's mine But you didn't appreciate it For three years She's on guard by herself Your stupid villa for three years She's had a crush on you since she was a kid But you don't care. In this case I'll be rude Don't you dare Honam Who are you to say anything about me You and Zhuang Xintian Did not have sex In your heart I think he knows better than I do I remember this place There's no safe It's not my birthday Nor is it Huo Beiyu's birthday surely Give these to the south wind Bei Yuge What are you doing here Come on. Let's take you to dinner That's not necessary. Right now, Howe's security Just listen to what I tell you You can't get away with this Is that Don't forget I'm a doctor, too Your move I cracked it a long time ago No use to me Let's go get some dinner I'm gonna go to the bathroom This store is also owned by Huo's You can't escape What are you doing here This is Huo's business Huo Beiyu can put someone in So can I I got the stuff Leave it to me So we are now Make up Depending on your performance I'm a changed man Don't be afraid to dream fast I just want you Bei Yuge How did you get like this That's what I was But I didn't want to scare you So it's a good disguise Don't be afraid I'm just innocent Want to get you What about tomorrow? It's my birthday And you It's my greatest gift I suddenly understood Why does everyone They all like to chase power Because it really can. Do as one pleases I use the power of Howe Can control everything You're dreaming Honam Where did it touch you Huo Beiyu You took advantage of Security forces broke the rules You're not CEO anymore Security clearance I took it back Huo Beiyu, you lost Honam You're more than I thought More capable daydream I'm still too soft on you Don't be so hard on me Dad wants you back You better explain yourself Why use security Staring at my ex-wife Thanks for the reminder. Let's go. Real surprise Just start now Let's just say I haven't forgiven you Then think of it as yes From Huo Beiyu For rescuing you who Brother South Wind What are you doing here I didn't want to come But this thing I have to tell you I'm pregnant. Look what you've done Uncle, don't do this Brother Southerly He didn't do it on purpose Are you pregnant? Be careful I'm not with her Have any relationship The baby's not mine Brother Southwind, you don't have to have me But you can't. Don't want this baby. He didn't do anything Shut one's mouth It has come to this You and this girl Get married. Now the reputation of our Huo family One's hair may be in danger It can't all be ruined The hands of both of your brothers Out of the question you You have to do it Irresponsible thing to do Don't ever go back to the Hogs Be engaged Is the dream coming absent It's really in here No misunderstanding? none How do you know? What if that woman It's a fake pregnancy One month pregnant You shouldn't. That's impossible. Yeah, how is that possible Unless they Had sex a long time ago daydream You trust me. Me and her really Nothing happened I'm tired of hearing it That's what you use Lie to yourself Do you know Zhuang Xintian was pregnant for one month One month Honan, you were quick enough I really didn't touch her The way things are Only you know that I was wrong It shouldn't have happened Divorce you Excuse me It's all over Let's just leave it at that C You're leaving now Yeah, my research is over There is nothing It's necessary to stay here What a pity. Thank you for your help This hospital To stay in business What do you have to say There's no need to beat around the bush Oh, that's right There's a patient you cured Wanted to thank you in person Can you make time to meet him Might as well have him come straight here good I'll bring him in right now Patients recently except for Zhuang Xintian Where can I return it? There are cured patients You got a lot of nerve Come to the hospital Didn't you expect that I'm not giving up My research data You're not afraid of me. Honan's men are outside What am I afraid of? Is that Just in case they're too late I assume you're familiar with this drug If there's no cure You know the consequences. daydream That's a real bargain for you So hot Are you feeling better well Don't worry, I definitely won't Let Huo Beiyu go Zhuang is calm Don't worry, I definitely won't Let Huo Beiyu go Zhuang is calm She was always horizontal The thorn in our midst But you couldn't pull her out I'll get it clean this time That's not necessary. I'm gonna get rid of her Where's her baby With you I really am Can't win the first time But this time I'm really ready to go Never come back no I'm in charge this time. Elder sister Are you crying You got here pretty fast This is to kick the can down the road It's called turning the tables In the end, this is Mrs. Haw If you're here Say these things Just leave, please Don't waste your time with me Sister is afraid of wasting time No more Brother South Wind What else are you busy with Only a fool would Around men all the time you This ring is mine This pulse you What are you? How dare you take my ring Be careful when you're pregnant If we lose this baby And you're nothing I I'm getting married the day after tomorrow There's nothing you can do What a shame I can't believe I was It's a trick that gets you all fooled Into the Passing dream I have my ticket refunded Why did you change your mind I discovered a secret My wish finally came true What are you doing here To try on a wedding dress. Who are you gonna marry Is it Huo Beiyu Marry me Brother South Wind I'm carrying your baby How could you Are you really pregnant Of course I have the test results This is Huo Beiyu Test report It is fake It's true. It's true I'm really pregnant In this case I dare you to go to the hospital with me Run another test Xiao Mengran, don't be too proud I will marry into the Huo family What are you still fantasizing about Huo Beiyu put him to do things It's all on you Even said Your brother caused my car accident How dare she The car accident He planned it, too This Xiao Mengran He took it, too The bastard How do you know? I have proof. I have him to put Xiao Mengran Take-away video That's why he said yes He's working for me Give me the evidence I promise you Riches in the second half of life Brother South Wind We really Is there no chance none Okay, I'll give you the evidence I'll ask Chen Xun to take you there It's all here us Do what needs to be done Before even wedding photos It hasn't even been shot yet I made up for that, too What else do I owe you Owe me a lot Many years of company Wait until Chen Xun brings the evidence back I think it's over how You want to be here Few spermatozoon on the brain What are you doing I found out. Someone gave you a gift Special gift Congratulations on being monitored The spirit is always bad. Zhuang Xintian ran away Monge is me Honan wind tomorrow And Zhuang Xintian's wedding Has become ours You remember to show up on time Otherwise I will surely put Honan wind Send to prison I'm going to this wedding no I don't agree This is just a ploy to slow things down Immediate priority It's about taking care of the fake drugs But I want to get it from Huo Beiyu Get me a signature It's not even possible Isn't it This surveillance thing It gave me some inspiration Since we can't just destroy it Evidence against you Maybe we can smell Evidence of Huo Beiyu's wrongdoing You mean Investigate evidence that Huo Beiyu bought fake drugs I'll stall Huo Beiyu The rest is up to you I've waited a long time for this day I don't get it There are so many nice girls out there Why did it have to be me Do you still remember This injury? Those are our two brothers First time I met you The south wind fell from the tree I was trying to catch him I hurt my wrist All that time All concerned about the south wind Only you Found out I was hurt And asked me if it hurt Since then I make a decision Have to you But in my heart is only the south wind it doesn't matter You're gonna love me You use this medicine It put me to sleep I know You're sensitive to drugs this I developed it myself You can be with me forever Come on Stay one's hand How dare you come To find evidence that you bought fake drugs You lose how And bring mom and Dad You're laughing at me They want to talk to you I came late. You came just in time You bastard. I can't believe you did this for Sue You hurt your brother It's not because of you guys If men are not in your eyes Only Honan's words Would I do that? I was going to To keep it a secret forever But now You look like this There's nothing I can do In fact You're not even our baby You're our baby child No wonder Still no news of Huo Beiyu He is very clever. If he wants to hide No one can find it What's up The car accident Still haven't figured out what's going on Ms. Zhuang's whereabouts are also unknown It doesn't feel like it's over yet Honan, you're crazy What do you want? You look like you're selling Let me give you a little distraction In the middle of the day There are so many people out there You can rest assured. The office sound guy is good What's up I'm an auditor. Your company has been reported for tax evasion We came here to investigate How's it going Huo Beiyu The secrets of the company There are thousands of people Now PR is dealing with it It's barely manageable for now But I don't know how much longer Ling Beiyu now Like a mad dog Biting outside Unless we lock him up Or this isn't over About the fake drugs Won't he be prosecuted This matter is zero north Yu looking for a prop Do not exist So there's no rational reason Be able to pass Hunt him down in a big way Unless we can prove it now He was responsible for the accident Don't worry I've got a top hacker Encrypt all your porcelain He can't handle you When is this You still manage me Your business is my business I will protect you What's up Zhuang Xintian's way anything What a terrible thing But I believe you I'm horrible You betray me even more At one's own risk I know Xiao Mengying, I destroyed you You're not looking for hackers Hacked all my messages I sent these to my mom Do not know Unless the grass is grass Zhuang Xintian I'm actually very straight with you But I don't hate you Lying to the South wind for so many years Abundance separates the two of us I hate you for breaking your heart This is what I deserve I fought so hard for so many years I deserve to get this knot inside Do you work hard? You did it for a man You've done this to yourself What kind of effort You know take Donor hearts are not easy Had it not been for For the sake of the south wind I wouldn't have saved you Bear watching My feelings for Southwind are straight Is that Then take a look at these bills Except for the cost of medicine Full of luxuries You did it for zero's money With the south wind I'm not. I'm not The south wind wasn't there When you're around You're still with another guy Have been together Those pictures are a thrill I don't know about your parents What kind of mood is it now I was wrong. I was wrong Please explain this to my mom I have nothing now My mother is all I have left I don't have time for this bullshit You took that car accident Tell the truth Then hand over the evidence you have I'll call the hacker Help you remove all the negative information The car accident My brother made it for Zero Beiyu anything If I didn't think you saved me I'm not gonna be there for you All those years damn souther That's enough. I have her evidence We can be right Huo Beiyu has been arrested Chen Xun Go back with Miss Chong Get the evidence back No more problems this time know Don't worry I won't run away any more this time Huo Beiyu helped me escape before But now he doesn't contact me What can I do about it If you dare to associate with Huo Beiyu again I'm gonna make you look good Let's go, Miss Chong The cut is finally over Yeah. daydream What's going on here You're pregnant. I'm gonna be a dad I'm getting my license to remarry tomorrow good What do you think the baby should be called I've got it figured out The girl's name is Huo Ruoxi Boys' cloth casual Why do you still prefer girls to boys Hello, Miss Xiao. Your submission for remarriage The photo does not meet the requirement Let me take you to a new one I'll come along Not very convenient That's all right. Where is everyone? We have to be together Chen Xun Check the surveillance camera Bei Yu brother you are doing this Leave STH out of consideration You call me brother even though you wish Since my parents died I divorced Honan Feng The person who takes care of me the most is you Then why didn't you choose me The heart belongs Nothing can be done So am I I don't ask for anything else I just want to be with you no I want to be with the south wind good Then I'll give it to you today With your kids Set out on a journey Bei Yuge souther Are you okay? I've called the police. You can't get away with this I rigged the bomb I'll give you a choice The mouth can let a man go Who do you choose? We're gonna die together Will not separate situation And I want you buried with me Not a loss. why Why in this world It's just that no one wants to elect me Bei Yuge This world must be There's a girl I love you so much Even if it's separated, it'll be reunited You mustn't give up on yourself Bei Yuge I can't wait Bei Yuge Even if I die And I won't let you So easy to be together Is Brother Beiyu still awake Be ignorant of He developed the drug himself Unknown composition fortunately Fortunately what I'm glad I got to you in time I didn't let you get medicated Yeah. Or you're gonna screw me forever I'm in charge of you now for the rest of my life I hope we get our license this time Will do.
Channel: 子诗剧场
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Keywords: 前妻, 閃婚, 先婚後愛, 白月光, 硃砂痣, 萌娃, 追妻, 总裁, 甜宠, 搞笑, 欢喜冤家, 短剧, 穿越, 重生, 豪门, 灰姑娘, 逆袭, 闪婚, 先婚后爱, 绿茶, 复仇, 古装, 民国, 娱乐圈, 虐恋, 萌宝, 离婚, CP, 短剧情侣, 孙越, 孙樾, 钟熙, 鲍治玥, 公主, 皇帝, 公子, 失忆, 王子变青蛙, 狗血, 大小姐, 婚姻, 植物人, 女强人, 大女主, 穿书, 小说, 校园, 青春, 大叔, 影视, 古穿今, 男扮女装, 女扮男装, 幽默, 轻喜剧, 小说改编, 全网首播, 温凉, 葛晓溪, 助理, 女仆, 女佣, 性感, 可爱, 医术, 医生, 将军, 双胞胎, 车祸, 韩系, 日系, 撒娇, 小奶狗, 身高差, kiss, 恶毒女配, 灵魂互换, 氛围, 轻松, 追妻火葬场, 霸总, 都市, romantic, 短剧推荐, 热门短剧, drama, chinesedrama, hotdrama, skit, playet, 爽文, 乡村, 魔法, 历史, 男神, 女神, 全集, 大结局, 一口气看完, 一口氣看完, multisub, 短劇, 復仇, 追妻火葬場, 霸道总裁, 大陆短剧, 熱播短劇
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 0sec (8040 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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