My Ex Wife Sued Me for $800,000

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this is a hard video to make but I need to tell you this story in September 2023 I was charged with fraud and essl of $800,000 Us in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates shortly thereafter public prosecution started with the proceedings of a criminal case in Dubai which include an arrest warrant and a tribel B at the time I was outside of Dubai I was actually in Oman funny enough if I would have flown to Dubai during that time I would have been arrested I would have been taken to jail until sentencing and this was all done by my ex- business partner and ex-wife she claimed that I stole all this money and that I breached her trust and that I breached the trust of the company in the UAE specifically in Dubai how criminal cases work is you get charged you get accused you get a travel ban you get an arrest warrant and they start looking for you all over Dubai all over the UAE and it's pretty much impossible to escape this you cannot just stay in your apartment 24/7 for months if you go out of your apartment you go to a mall you go rent a car you go to the grocery store whatever it is you're going to get arrested period I mean they have eye scanning technology they have all the technology they need to catch you and that's why it's such a safe place then you'll be arrested and then they will take you to a little room they will question you and then they will put you in jail until the sentencing depending on how bad the crime was and in this case it's multiple millions of Dirhams multiple millions of the local currency so it was a big amount big case big deal I was outside of Dubai therefore how do they catch me if I'm outside of Dubai and the UAE well that's why Interpol gets involved when you have a criminal case in the UAE Interpol gets called you get a red notice which is a notice to all the countries around the world to arrest you no matter where you are so if you start traveling even if you're not in Dubai maybe they catch you in Spain maybe they catch you in Australia maybe they catch you anywhere in the world really because every country except one is part of Interpol so they will catch you at some point and it will say that you defrauded someone that you committed fraud and embezzlement in the UAE they will catch you and then most likely they will extradite you there's been many expats all over the world that were accused of a crime in the UAE and they were then arrested in other countries specifically in Europe Europe arrests many and uses many of these interpal red notices to arrest expats and then you get extradited depending on the conditions right if it's a huge crime and they find evidence of the crime they extradite you to the UAE if they don't find evidence of the crime they don't extradite you and they keep you in custody in the European country obviously if you get arrested in your home country so if you're for example a British Citizen and you get arrested in the UK then you're most likely not going to be exited but you're still going to be arrested Ed you might lose some visas that you have for example if you have a residency permit in any country in the world and it's found that you're listed on Interpol you're most likely going to lose that residency permit you're most likely going to lose access to banking you're most likely going to lose access to your companies it's a horrible thing to be accused specifically of a financial crime that was seven months ago as soon as I heard of this which was a couple of weeks after I was accused because usually they call you to your uee number and they text you to your UAE number but at the time I was not in the UAE so I didn't find out about any of this when I eventually found out about it I started freaking out I started contacting a ton of lawyers I didn't really know what to do because I knew this case was not true I did not take money from my own company I knew this was just bogus from the start but I also know how UAE cases are treated I know how seriously they are processed and at that time I saw that the best decision was to go to Mexico I flew to Mexico as a Mexican citizen Mexico does not extradite its citizens unless they are accused of a crime in the US so if you're a Mexican and you're accused of drug trafficking in the US you most likely be extradited to the US but any other country around the world for example the UAE you most likely will not be extradited if you are a Mexican citizen or permanent resident specifically for a crime like this like stealing money from your own company I went to Mexico and I've spent the last s months in Mexico not traveling not going anywhere under the advice of my lawyer who said do not travel anywhere no matter where you can't go to Costa Rica can't go to Panama stay in Mexico so I've stayed in Mexico during that time with multiple lawyers we've been fighting this case we've been showing evidence that we did not I didn't steal any money I didn't essel anything and after seven long and dramatic and frankly lifechanging months the case was dropped by the public prosecution of Dubai and the UAE for insufficient evidence from the other party the other party was not able to produce enough evidence that I really stole and essel this money because obviously I didn't it was my own company as soon as I got that news I honestly couldn't believe it I booked a flight out of Mexico the day after and I love Mexico I recommend Mexico a lot of people but when you're traveling all over the world you go to a new country every week and you have to stay seven months in one country thinking are you going to be extradited to the UAE are you going to have to stay in Mexico for the rest of your life are you going to have to do everything and not be able to travel in one country that fate was it was rough honestly all that time but finally thank you to Dubai public prosecution and the Dubai Police who have looked at this case properly who have looked at the evidence who have asked for more evidence which could not be produced and the case finally was dropped I won the case we won cuz thanks to my team I couldn't have done it without them my team in Dubai who help you get residency and Banking and start your company in Dubai they were largely responsible for helping me if it wasn't for them honestly I I don't know maybe I would still be in Mexico I would still I would have lost the case I would have the case didn't even go to court because we were fighting it so hard and I'm thankful to my team and I'm thankful to God to the universe to everyone honestly and I'm thankful to Dubai prob public prosecution and Dubai Police for looking at this case properly and determining that I won this is a huge lesson for anyone and a huge lesson for me personally because I thought that the UAE judicial system was in some way wrong or in some way different than the other Judicial Systems around the world in the way that it treated people that were accused of a crime but it treated me great yeah it was travel banned yes potentially I would have an interpal red notice but they looked at the case properly they analyzed the case prop L looked at the evidence properly and they dropped the case at the end so I really want to thank the Dubai the UAE government for for my case for my help honestly if anybody from the Dubai government is watching this thank you honestly and it's a huge lesson about trust about who you L into your company who you take investments from who you sell shares to who you add on as an advisor anything because it's serious when you add someone as a member of your company it's a very serious thing if anything happens if there's a Fallout if there's any issues later on they could accuse you of fraud of essl and then you're on the interpal red notice and your whole life gets turned upside down with the click of a couple buttons literally they just have to go to the police station and they turn your life upside down that is why I have not been traveling for the last 7 months that is why maybe My Views have been down here on the YouTube channel maybe the topics have not been as creative or as amazing or I haven't been going to amazing places in the world is because I have not been able to I want to thank you for your support and I want you to just meditate and ponder about how serious business is how serious adding somebody to your company get giv shares out before you do it thank you for watching and if you want to watch a video that's tailored to your specific taste it's recommended by YouTube they have a new AI or they have an AI that tells you which videos are recommended depending on what you've been watching before definitely check it out right here and again I want to thank the UA government and I want to thank all my team for everything they've done have a great day
Channel: Wealthy Expat
Views: 60,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, cryptocurrency taxes, bitcoin, dubai, avoid taxes, dubai taxes, cryptocurrency, crypto taxes, nomad capitalist andrew, bitcoin taxes, crypto 2024, bullrun, wealthy expat, lawsuit, marriage, divorce, entrepreneurs in cars, rich cooper, psych hacks, divorce help, move to dubai, move to uae, dubai laws, dubai rules, uae laws, uae law, dubai law, dubai vlog, wealthy expat dubai
Id: prohfkY6wXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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