My Ex Crush Caught My Girlfriend Cheating.. (Fortnite)

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[Music] like and subscribe in the next five seconds or this will be in your bedroom window tonight i mean i guess i don't blame you for still loving her because you honestly have no idea how much she actually hurt you what are you what are you talking about one of my friends happened to send me a screenshot and apparently your girlfriend's been talking to one of her friends and she sent me screenshots of them flirting hey what's up you guys it's your boneless tv here and in today's video mild crush caught my girlfriend cheating on me so uh yeah make sure you guys watch throughout the entire video so you actually get the full story but honestly i don't even know what to believe at this point all right baby so uh what do you want to play i mean honestly there's not a lot of options for real what's this one open world explosion i've never played one of these i don't i don't know i mean we could try it out see what it has to offer us oh uh dang it okay babe i just got uh i got a message on twitter um it's it's the middle school crush girl again but you know how you know that is babe i'm just gonna talk to her see what she wants of course i'll be right back babe and of course and we can play whatever you want okay all right all right i love you sorry i'm so sorry ah dang it you know i was just having fun with my freaking girlfriend apparently my old middle school crush wants to talk so i mean let's see what she wants i guess and hope that more drama doesn't get started uh hey what's up hey um i have something like really serious actually to show you and tell you i guess okay uh what is it i mean but first before i get into all that i kind of want to talk about us real quick all right what is there to talk about and this has to like lead up to what i'm going to eventually tell you but you know i feel like we like connected again like the spark was just there what what are you talking about you literally no there is no connection there like you and my girlfriend are fighting and it's like a bunch of drama that i really don't like and i don't appreciate how how are you feeling a spark out of all of this this is like war and somehow like you're happy with this your girlfriend like even came into the picture like out of the bat being incredibly rude to me i mean like we were just having a good time we were having great conversation you know it felt like we were flirting a little back and forth honestly when you were giggling at stuff i said i was being nice i mean like you were being cool like i thought we were just gonna be friends i have a girlfriend and you know i love my girlfriend and you're continuing to do this stuff i mean you'll definitely understand my reasoning in a little bit but i mean i feel like i could just treat you so much better we connected so well back then and that can be the same now especially when we're adults i mean i feel like we just belong together all right well i'm sorry to tell you that i don't feel the same and i think you're gonna have to get over this and that happened 10 years ago i mean like i just can't stop thinking about you and i mean the fact that you said like oh all this happened but you're still here you still answered my message immediately so i feel like in a way you do want to be with me you just don't want to admit it or you just don't want to hurt her but i definitely feel like you want to be with me well i don't okay like i want you to be my friend and i want you to be my girlfriend's friend as well because i feel like you guys really would make good friends but i don't want i don't want all of this to happen all right i've dealt with so much drama over the past year that like i'm just sick and tired of drama i thought you were better than this you know like you're too cool to be doing all of this i mean i really think you're gonna change your mind for sure after what i show you what i need to tell you because it is very important i'm sorry but i'm not comfortable with all this anymore and i really expected better i'm sorry i just i can't do this listen from the day you left i have not been able to stop thinking about you i mean you're all i thought about other guys came along but none of them could compare to just the way you made me feel and i feel like us meeting again like that's fate i feel like we are meant to be together like i love you you're all i think about what okay listen to yourself right now there's no way you actually genuinely feel like that like the last time we've actually sat down together it's probably like more than 10 years ago now and you're really sitting here telling me that you love me i just i thought i knew you more than this but apparently i don't even know who you are anymore you see now that i have a girlfriend and it's almost like you just kind of don't care i mean i definitely don't think she deserves you because she doesn't especially like just the way she talks to you and the way she treats you you deserve someone who loves you unconditionally which i do the moment we started talking again i got butterflies in my stomach my heart is racing i mean i guess i don't blame you for still loving her because you honestly have no idea how much she actually hurt you what are you what are you talking about one of my friends happened to send me a screenshot and apparently your girlfriend's been talking to one of her friends and she sent me screenshots of them flirting so are you serious i'm being completely serious that's why i messaged you it's why i wanted to talk to you that's also why i started confessing my feelings because i mean she's sitting here cheating on you and you're sitting there talking about how great she is how much you love her when she's doing this behind your back and you don't even know are you are you messing with me right now like are you telling the truth i promise you on my life i am not lying if that's true then thank you so much for telling me but i i kind of need proof i mean i can send you the screenshot right now yeah let's see it what are you are you sure this is real i'm telling you this is a hundred percent real because this is someone that my friend knows and i was telling her about how i like started talking to you again and but you had a girlfriend and she asked what your girlfriend's name and all that what she looked like so i showed her and she goes this is someone that my friend's been talking to and i said what do you mean she's like my friend's been talking about her non-stop so i asked her like do you have any proof and she sent me that screenshot i don't even know what to say but if this if this is true then i feel like betrayed like completely and i just i need to like before i even consider if this is like real i i think i need to just talk to her first so i'm just gonna add her to the call uh babe um well apparently i just got news that you're cheating on me what i feel so betrayed on so many different levels right now why why would you do this to me i'm not cheating on you what are you talking about don't act dumb okay i'm not acting dumb what are you talking about babe i'm i'm not stupid all right alexis told me everything what do you mean alex has told you everything i showed him the screenshot you're literally cheating on him and you're trying to actually talking about i have a screenshot of you on discord calling another guy babe and saying i love you like you're sitting there cheating on him like how could you i am not cheating on them clearly you have something set up and if there's a screenshot please send it send it in the chat now all right i sent it dave this isn't even my account stop lying there's i mean i mean you obviously would make a fake account yeah i looked at it like this is you babe i'm not stupid yeah if it's me why would i spell my own name wrong obviously so he wouldn't catch you obviously not all right so i'm i'm gonna go in my girlfriend's room really quick and i'm going to just text this username and if i see a notification on her phone then i know it's her back all right babe i'm just going to text you this better not be your account i swear like we're over like you're getting out of my house like i all right i just got some text babe her phone literally just done what are you talking about like are you like i heard it over the headset in the background wait alexis did you just freaking set this entire thing up oh you not at all um well we heard like she heard the freaking ding and i'm recording so if like i go back and look at this stuff and i hear like a sound effect coming from your if i hear a discord notification coming from your side then i'm literally just gonna never talk to you again my i mean entire have other friends on discord yeah just a little coincidence that uh it done the exact same time he clicked sent and my phone did not light up and there was no new discord message on my phone yeah i was looking directly at her phone i don't know what you want me to say someone sent that to me obviously i don't think she'd be dumb enough to use her own phone she's dumb enough to cheat on you but i don't think she's dumb enough to use her actual phone to do it i don't i don't know who to believe here i'm pretty sure it's not my girlfriend like i think it was literally just you yeah clearly a little sus that she comes out you talking about i'm cheating and then her phone dings as soon as you send a message to the account that she gives you meanwhile the numbers don't even match the account that i'm on right now either and this is the only account i use just because you say you have one account that doesn't mean it's true fax that is also true yeah but i'm definitely not dumb enough to misspell my own name funny how your friend's the one that apparently found all this out while you're talking to him and you have a crush on my boyfriend i mean it's not my fault he wants me dude i'm all right i'm done with this i don't i don't know who to believe so i'm just gonna go clearly me babe i clearly don't believe the cheater why can't y'all just be friends uh why is she being crazy and trying to steal my man she came at me the first time we met with all this attitude hey so if you want to check out more videos kind of like this or maybe even the next part of the series click this one or click that one alright thanks
Channel: BonelessTV
Views: 487,199
Rating: 4.9282413 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, stream sniper, rage quit, stream snipe fortnite, fortnite rage quit, stream snipe ninja, stream sniping, stream snipers, fortnite stream sniping, fortnite battle royale, fortnite stream snipe, Fortnite winterfest, black panther fortnite, black panther, bonelesstv girlfriend, girlfriend cheating prank, cheating on girlfriend, fortnite cheaters
Id: JHtFSGhf9xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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