My Essential Gear For Bikepacking

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what's up my friends and welcome to my new garage and it's so sexy yeah I love it I love my garage I've always wanted a garage and now I have a garage la la la and it's huge it's actually not all that big it's a onecar garage but trust me there won't ever be a car in this garage bikes only and check out these cool racks made by Steady rack I feel like I have a filing cabinet for all my bikes on my wall here and you might be asking yourselves Ryan how did you afford a garage in Boulder Colorado well I sold my apartment bought this garage and I sleep in the corner it's cozy all right you are about to watch a long video about all of my bike packing gear are you ready and in case you don't want to watch this long video which you should I made an extensive list of everything that I use and it's in a link down below down there go go click it click it click CLI click but not right now you're going to watch the video okay let's do it I want to start off by saying that I'm not sponsored by any of these Brands I use all of this gear because I truly love this gear I do have some personal relationships with some of these Brands and they give me free stuff from time to time but that's it all right let's start with my bike and when I say my bike I really mean my bike this is the priority 600x and I designed it with my friends at priority bicycles it is a low maintenance Adventure machine I've ridden this thing all over the world I'm not going to go into much detail here about the bike because I've made a lot of review videos about this which I will link below but essentially what makes it extra special in low maintenance is the pinion gearbox with a 600% ratio and the gates carbon belt drive yeah let's talk about pedals these are the Crank Brothers stamp sevens they're really solid and I've been using flat pedals a lot more recently because they're more comfortable and simple and on technical terrain where you're on and off the bike constantly I just I like this if I'm riding something like the Great Divide thousands of miles of gravel dirt roads I will clip in with a pedal like this raise your hand if you want me to talk about my green Guru frame bag oh I see you so this is my super awesome orange green Guru frame bag made right here in Boulder Colorado with upcycled materials and what does that mean that essentially means that they're rescuing things that would normally just go into a landfill and they're putting them to good use and in this case this is all sail cloth so it's waterproof and these bags are made to fit the 600x perfectly all three sizes the small the medium and the large but they would also fit a variety of range of other bikes and I love it it's simple it has one big pocket and you just grab all your stuff I usually keep all my heavy things in this pouch like food and all my camera gear cuz I want to keep my weight centered on the bike this Frame bag attaches super easily with these velcro straps I tried the whole bolt-on thing for a while but it's just a pain in the butt this is way easier to get your bags on and off and while we're in the area let's talk about this one this little bag is made with the same material as the frame bag it's also made by Green Guru and guess what it's called the dooer seriously they named it after me I think because it's so adorable or maybe more likely because it's loud and obnoxious but I use this bag for all of my tools and sometimes my spent batteries and it goes right under the seat so this stem bag and this Snack Bag were made by my friends at Kai Venture bags but they are unfortunately out of business now but any bike packing Bag Maker makes something like this I love a stem bag right here because it's really easy to get into while you're pedaling so I keep a lot of stuff in here that I need to access quickly like camera batteries and sunscreen and other little things this bag right here holds quite a bit I mean you can see it fits my whole big fat hand in there I keep a lot of bars in there I slam as many energy bars as I can into a bag like this and then on this side of the handlebars I have another made in Colorado product called the slat bag and it's really easy to use you just open it up like that and then you put whatever you need in there and you slap it shut all right let's talk about my rear rack this right here is the super cool Arrow spider rack cre created by an awesome company in New Zealand and what makes it very extra super duper special is that it can be mounted on any bike a mountain bike full suspension hard tail gravel bike kids bike whatever you just use these little straps right here and it can go on the rear triangle of any bicycle I will say though if you're traveling with your bike and you're taking this thing on and off make sure never to lose these things otherwise you're going to be in trouble so this is a modular rack and you can set it up however you like you can keep it simple and just have one cradle up top and put a dry bag on there like this this dry bag is also made by Arrow you can get extra cradles like this easily Mount them to the sides put your dry bags on the side of your either side of your bike and one up top you can also twist them sideways if you want it like this if you want to have more room if you're using a dropper post a lot now let's jump into the exciting world of water bottles cages both of these racks are made in the USA by a company called wide foot they are awesome tough and durable this is their cargo cage which can be used to carry really big water bottles like 64 ounce big mama jamas like this or even some gear this is their leader cage which perfectly fits a n jeene so I change up my racks for every different adventure and it really has to do with the availability of water if I'm out in the desert let's say the Baja divide I'm using a rack like this and taking these huge water bottles if I'm on the Colorado Trail or any other route where there's lots of water availability and I can filter water every 15 miles then maybe I only need a couple water bottles regular siiz water bottles or even just a hydration pack wait a second I almost forgot about this one this is the salsa anything rack I don't use it all the time but when I do I absolutely love it it attaches very easily to the handlebars so I use this rack when my rear rack is all full and I still have more stuff to bring so I mount it on the handlebars very easily and a lot of times I put my tent up here or you could put a dry bag and what I really love about it is that it pushes away from the handlebars a bit so you're not smushing against all the brake cables I've used some other types of front harness systems but they're really tight up against The Handlebar and it just SM mashes your brake cables but with this you don't have that problem hey you you want to see something cool whoa magic look at that now I'm wearing the Osprey 14 hydration pack and it works the other way too check this out Tada just a little bit of fun here with my cameras while I'm standing in my garage talking about gear all day this is the Osprey 14 and I'm a big fan it's very very comfortable I did a big adventure way back in the day I rode my bike from Honduras to Boulder and I had a hydration pack then and after that ride I swore never ever to use a hydration pack again because they're just heavy and it would pull on my shoulders and make my back ache but I bought this one right before I did the Colorado Trail in 2021 and I got to say they've come a long way in Comfort this thing doesn't hurt me like the other one did it feels great it has a bladder that holds a liter and a half of water you can get bigger bladders than that it holds all sorts of gear what I really love about it is that I can carry my camera gear and keep it safe because before I would would be riding on these technical terrain and it would bounce my cameras all over the place because they were on my bike but now on my back it kind of keeps them a little bit more protected you know what I'm saying so this thing is my new favorite MVP if you've been watching my videos the last two years I wear it quite a bit I'm not sure I'd wear it in a super duper hot area because of course it would get hot back here on your back but I'm a fan I'm a hydration pack fan and I never thought I'd say that speaking of water bottles wait a second was I speaking about water bottles doesn't matter this is my favorite brand water bottle this is polar bottle they're made in Colorado they're insulated and they are durable you're getting very sleepy hopefully not because this video is boring but because you just ate a giant burrito and your body is digesting but anyway let's talk about gear straps why not huh so this is another collado brand called Model m o DL I don't know exactly how to say it but these are really handy for strapping anything onto your bike and I have to say if anything is on the outside of your bike not on the inside of a bag make sure to strap it down as tight as you can I can't tell you how many things I've lost off the back of my bike that I thought were strapped on nice and tightly but they weren't these types of things are very handy and you can see this little nodule nod N N I don't know what they call them and you just kind of put this around like this and you put it on stuff and then you know it's easy to use you can even use it as a bracelet if you want to m o DL who needs gear straps you do let's talk about camping gear this is the Nemo dragonfly it is specifically made for you people out there by Packers and what does that mean well the poles are really short see how small this tent is so this can fit like right on your handlebars between your brakes I love this tent it's easy to put up it's comfortable this is a two-person tent that might be a stretch you can definitely fit two people in it but you're kind of going to be shoulder toosh shoulder and I hope you like that person a lot because you're going to be close anyway I love this tent I've been using it for the past year and it's just solid and it makes me happy and there a lot of net so you can see the stars at night this is the thermarest NeoAir sleeping pad and it really is light but it also pops very easily that is kind of the tradeoff I've gone through a couple of these and I'm not like beholden to any one brand I have a few different brands of sleeping pads this is the one that I'm using right now and it works uh I will use it until I pop it oh hot in there this is my sleeping bag it's actually technically a quilt it's the thermarest Vesper rated to 32° fhe which is 0 degrees C for the rest of the world I don't know why the United States is stuck on Fahrenheit anyway this is really comfortable and I have used it for many many years and it packs down teeny teeny teeny teeny maybe I'll show you takes a little bit of working this thing to get it into the bag and nice and compact but as you can see it is is Tiny it's about as big as my head oh yeah oh oh oh check this out this is an inflatable Lucy light and I love this at night time when I'm in my tent I put it in a little pouch up top and it lights up my whole tent it's solar powered it has a little solar panel on the outside so when you're riding during the day you could have this strapped on the outside of your bike and it's inflatable so watch becomes like a little Lantern how cool is that this radal bag right here is my toilet tree bag it's made by Eagle Creek my mom got it for me for Christmas many many years ago I'm not going to go through everything because you know what you need out there like toothbrush and toothpaste and maybe some ibuprofen and Neosporin and some other first aid type things but I will say something that's been very key in all my Adventures you know what this is this is earplugs these are earplugs and you're going to want these when you're stealth camping near a road or a highway and it's loud and obnoxious all night or when you're traveling in Mexico and the roosters get going at like 4 in the morning this whole thing about roosters only crowing and making noise when it's Sunrise is a myth they do it all night long oh and you know what else is in here this is key really check it out of course my Bron Series 3 razor Braun does not sponsor me but they really should you know how much air time this thing has gotten it's time to talk about clothing oay this right here is my Charlie Brown shirt and I say that because this is the shirt I wear on all of my Adventures I love it it's the showers pass Apex Marino shirt I love Marino wool as a fabric because it just doesn't stink like that plasticky polyester type stuff and I just love natural materials because it decomposes better I don't like anything plastic base it all comes from oil oil is bad obviously so this is my favorite shirt it's nice and light even on hot days I can be out in Baja wearing this and I still feel pretty cool it breathes really nicely and if it gets wet it dries off quickly why hello there let's talk about socks yay I'm such a dork I know it okay it's I know you don't need to say in the comments that I'm a dork I Know It Anyway these socks as you can see say o o o o and I made them with my friends at 6 here in Colorado they are up in Steamboat all of their stuff is Marino wool and it is top quality and awesome and made in America these socks are made in America and 100% of the proceeds from my Olay socks is going to bike packing Roots a wonderful nonprofit here in the United States that uh advocates for more places for us to ride our bike and creating different routes for us bike Packers so check out these Olay socks they also say get out there maybe you can see it here get out there along the uh foot of the sock is that what it's called the foot of the sock anyway check them out I will put a link down below if you don't want to buy Olay socks just make sure you're getting Marino wool now I know all of you out there have been wondering for so long what type of underwear does Ryan Van doer wear don't worry I'm not going to do that little magical clap thing and then be naked here in front of you I wouldn't do that to you this is a Family Channel anywhere uh anywhere anyway I wear these 6 boxer briefs and I bring one pair with me on each Adventure I don't wear them while I'm riding I wear my liners for that I wear these in Camp so after I take off my riding clothes I put these on on my long pants and they're super comfy I sleep in them and that's why I only need one pair because I'm really not doing anything active in in these they're just for camp and sleeping these right here are my riding shorts the brand is 11 Pine I've been wearing these for years my buddy Jeff created these special shorts and you're thinking what's so special about shorts well the most special thing is that there's a zipper along the side so some days when you want to ride with a tighter fit on your legs let's say you're going mountain biking and you want to get up and off the saddle a lot and you don't want to get your baggy short cot on stuff you can zip this up along the side and make it tighter along your legs and when you don't want that you can loosen it up so you have more of that baggy feeling I love the material it's really lightweight it breathes well and I also wear the liners that go with this they're um really wellmade you know I don't have a whole lot of experience wearing tons of different padded short liners but these ones are really nice and it keeps my butt from having sores which is really the most important important thing when you're riding a bike these are my sunglasses these are made by suod these are the Renegades they're really awesome company they're a bcorp that means that they donate some of their profits to different nonprofits that are doing good things in the world this is used with some partially eco-friendly materials which always makes me happy and the lenses are just really clear and polarized and awesome and you can customize them and blah blah blah go to the website and check it out I'm not paid by them but I just like what they do this is my helmet the Smith Forefront 2 it's one of the most comfortable helmets I've ever worn it really doesn't bug my head you know sometimes you wear helmets and after a while it just like makes your head ache this one doesn't of course it has a little ratchety ratchet thing here you can customize the size um I like it it looks cool and they have lots of different colors Smith Forefront 2 that's all I got to say it's solid and luckily I haven't uh knock knock on wood here's some wood knock on wood I haven't had to test out its protection it's protection it's protection ability whatever you call it it's crash rating this right here might look super boring but I never leave home without it it is a buff and I wear it on every single bike packing trip no matter the weather even in hot areas what I love about it is that it keeps the sun off my neck and some times when I come across a stream I can take it off dip it in the freezing cold Mountain Water and put it on and it keeps me nice and cool for a little bit also in the winter it's nice to have it because it keeps your neck warm sometimes you're going to be on dirt roads and there are people who love their little ATV things and those things kick up a lot of dust so you can do like this so you're not breathing in a whole bunch of dust super handy pantalones I always travel with one pair of long pants these are not to ride in these are for Camp to keep keep you cozy and warm also if you're in an area with a lot of mosquitoes say Northern Sweden they're very handy because they can keep all the biting bugs off your legs another article of clothing that I never leave home without are my nice arm sleeves cha cha and I wear these essentially just to keep sun off my arms I don't like getting sunburned another bonus to these is if you're in a very hot area you can dribble your water bottles on your arm you can dip your arms in a creek and it kind of keeps your arms nice and cool the brand that made these are out of business but you can find these at pretty much any running store these are my glovs yeah I meant to say gloves when I was a little kid I couldn't say gloves and I would say gloves hey Daddy I need my warm gloves so I still call them that I wear these cuz they're padded and sometimes on technical terrain when you're this rattling all day long it's nice to have just a little bit more padding so your hands don't get sore and your nerves don't get pinched another advantage of gloves is on the off chance and I know you don't crash that often but if you do crash what's the first thing to hit the ground usually your hands you do the Superman along the ground and if you don't have gloves on oh boy it hurts so bad I have some serious scars from all my early days of mountain biking and now I almost always wear my gloves hat for camping that's all I'm going to say about it it's nice to be warm and cozy this right here is my cozy down I bring it on every single Adventure even the warm weather ones it just gets chilly at night just about anywhere even the desert this is Patagonia Alp light I got it at their season end sale last year uh it's super light cool huh yay puppies hello oh my ears are sticking out this is a windbreaker I bring this on every single Adventure because it breaks the wind it's nice to have on those chilly mornings or chilly evenings this one is made by Black Diamond I don't know the model number but any windbreaker will do and the great thing about windbreakers is they pack down really small Boo this jacket this rain jacket is the showers pass ecool light something something I forget the actual name but again the entire gear list is linked down below I love this jacket super duper waterproof it's light and you really want to have a rain jacket on pretty much any Adventure you go on because being wet and cold is miserable and very dangerous and even if you're in an area that's not going to rain these definitely keep you warmer because they block all of the cold wind are you sick of that little Zoomie sound I'm sorry I'll stop or maybe I won't these are my SPD shoes these are the 510 kestrels they have the boa technology which is really cool it just cranks your laces right down for lazy people like me who don't like tying these are really solid shoes and I'm back the other types of shoes that I wear my flat pedal shoes are these 510 the trail crosses and as you can see no SPD and I've been wearing these a lot more recently and they're just comfy you know they're great on your bike but then you can get off your bike and walk around town and you're not clickey clacking comfy comfy comfy when you're done biking for the day and you want to take off your sweaty bike shoes you're going to want to have something that's comfortable like flipflops or something like this these are just lightweight racing running shoes actually these I just had these in the closet and I've been really enjoying them at Camp you just want something comfortable after you've been riding all day you want to give your feet a break and if you're in a town it's nice to have some comfortable shoes for cruising around camera gear and other electronic things looking good I am now going to go over some of my camera gear pretty quickly most of you are not going to bring the amount of camera gear that I do but I have to bring all this stuff so I can make some pretty videos for you this is the Sony RX 100 I use this camera for all of my interviews and the beauty shots with like flowers and other things it's a really high quality little camera oh yeah and I have a full comprehensive video about all my cameras and how I use them I will link it down below take me to your leader this alien looking thing is my drone the mavic mini3 pro and it is my favorite small drone of all time I've had pretty much every model and this one is solid as a rock it gets all those beautiful cinematic shots it's pretty easy to fly although I have found many ways to get it stuck in trees and to smash these things always buy the insurance when you buy these drones here's my GoPro it's the number 11 there is a 12 out now but they're all pretty much the same you'll notice I have some fuzzy things on my GoPro and that's to block some of the wind noise I love this camera it has amazing image stabilization I only use it when I'm on my bike this is the GoPro Jaws clamp I have it mounted onto my hand bars at all times I don't film from my handlebars I just grab it off my handlebars and then point it around at things that I want to film this candy bar looking thing is my anchor power bank you can't charge those cameras without power and this is how I charge them it has a couple USB outlets and USB C it is 20,000 26,000 milliamps or something it can charge a phone like seven or eight times it's very heavy that is the the bummer with these things maybe someday they will get smaller but right now they're pretty big but it's necessary to charge all of my devices and when I'm on a trip I try to get to a hotel every 5 to six days so I can recharge everything and keep the camera party going this right here is a very handy thing to have when you're in a hotel or staying at somebody's house you can charge four devices at one time you just plug it into the wall and you're ready to rock and roll what do you think's in here I'll give you one guest 1 2 3 go oh did you get it right SD cards these things are absolutely necessary it's made by Pelican it's waterproof and it keeps all of your precious SD cards very very safe when I'm out there I'm not editing on the road I save all of my SD cards after I fill them up I put them in here take them home and then I work on my videos I get lots of questions about batteries and along with the power bank I need lots of batteries and so I carry five GoPro batteries and five little Sony ones and three drone ones to make sure that I have power at all times because it's really a bad feeling when you get somewhere beautiful and you're like oh I really want to capture this and you're like oh I can't capture this beautiful sunset cuz I don't have any more batteries little bendy tripod thingy you've seen me set my camera up hit record and run back and then ride in front of my camera this is how I do it I think I bought this one at a gas station a long time ago and it still works hi yeah I'd like a case load of burritos delivered to my house ASAP I'm messing with you this isn't a phone even though it looks like a phone this is the Garmin 1040 solar yes solar powered bike computer it is the best bike computer I have ever had it's mounted right on my handlebars and I look at this thing all day long mainly all I care about in a bike computer is telling me where to go so I will download a route into this thing and it gives you all the left and right turns and extreme extreme detail you can zoom in like a phone it's really cool I will do a more in-depth review of this thing someday but I really love it cords USB cords for charging stuff that's it and this boring little thing actually isn't all that boring it's pretty amazing what it does it talks to satellites this is the Garmin inreach messenger this is like their simplest version of all the different in reaches that they make and it's nice and small you can see it's about as big as my hand and this allows me to communicate with the outside world when I'm in the middle of nowhere when I don't have cell phone reception and these things are very handy if you get yourself in a serious pickle it's very dangerous and you need help there's a button here an SOS button you can push that and they send in the troops I don't know how it works but you will get a metac it's pretty cool tools and stuff I always have a CO2 cartridge I always have an extra bottle of sealant I always always have bacon strips with me even though I'm a vegetarian and I have this little bacon strip pluggy thingy to plug the holes on my tubless tires I always run tubless I have some Tire level levers right here I have a Crank Brothers very old multi-tool and this is very cool this is called a tubolito it's small small tube and this is my spare tube if I really blow out my tubless setup I will put this in there as an emergency and then fix it down the road fix the tubless situation down the road I always carry a spare belt because they can break even though it doesn't happen very often I have once in my life broken a belt and if you break a belt in the middle of nowhere or pretty much anywhere most bike shops will not have this so it's best to carry your own belt if you're a belt kind of guy or gal it's coming for you it's coming for you watch out this this is my pump I love it it's a Laine mini floor pump it's bigger than a lot of the really mini pumps but you can pump up your tire pretty quickly with it so it's worth it to me to have a little bit bigger heavier pump I love this thing this isn't really a tool or I guess it it kind of is it's not a bike tool to fix your bike but it's my stere pen that purifies water with UV light you just scoop up some water out of a creek pop it in there for like a minute and bam it kills all of the bacteria that might give you diarrhea because ain't nobody want diarrhea on a bike tour that's about as bad as it gets and this right here is my lucky butter knife I've been carrying a butter knife with me on every single bike packing trip I've ever been on why you ask it's just way easier to spread peanut butter and Nutella or even beans with a real knife if you're using like a Leatherman blade you know when the peanut butter gets low and you're like putting your hand in the peanut butter jar and it's getting peanut butter all over your knuckles this is just way easier and for me now it's like a good luck charm to have this butter knife don't leave home without it and the most important thing you can bring on your next bike packing trip is my book the long way home I poured my heart and soul into this thing it's about my first Adventure from Honduras to Boulder and how it led to a very let's just say different lifestyle of being an adventure Storyteller and chasing crazy dreams I printed it last year I'm really proud of it and you can find it at doer high five you know why I'm high-fiving you because you made it to the very end of this long gear video I really appreciate it and if you're new to my channel I have Adventure videos from all over the world I will link some of my favorite ones down below again if you have questions about any of the gear I have a comprehensive list also linked down below now it is time after watching this video and watching all this stuff about gear it's time to get off your couch and get out there have some fun cheers
Channel: Ryan Van Duzer
Views: 67,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryan van duzer bikepacking, priority bicycles, ryan van duzer bicycle touring videos, Bikepacking gear list, essential bikepacking gear, duzer gear list, priority 600x, what gear do you need for bikepacking, the best bikepacking gear list
Id: 8jB04_QWPyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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