My Engagement Ring and Secret Girlfriend?! Answering your Assumptions

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I love making these kinds of videos because you don't know what to expect and also I don't know what to expect oh this this assumption is uh interesting either from your Instagram assumptions that you have sent me but also from my surroundings so let's get into it here is me reading your assumptions the accent is for the camera like Sir Patrick Stewart why yes I'm a fraud this accent is not real it is not my real voice and for over 500 videos I've been putting it on your natural blonde well funnily enough I was a blonde baby um but no I think you might be able to tell this is very very natural coloring um I don't know how I'd look with blonde hair [Music] I'd love to try it one day but I'm not really brave enough and I don't know I always like being the token brunette if I can be um and yeah you know before it goes gray because let's be honest YouTube might be making me go gray so you know you're engaged and you won't break it until you decide to do I tell the truth here or do I not I don't know should I be mysterious or should I not be I was wearing a ring on what I now realized everyone picked up as as my engagement ring finger if it were to be an engagement ring but it's not an engagement ring I felt like it was it was distracting people so I have moved it to my right hand and the first reason that I put a ring on that finger was because I thought it looked pretty whilst playing the guitar um but then people were speculating so I changed it to a different hand your nose ring was fake wow did it look fake because I've still got the scar which is super annoying it made me even think like instead of the scar maybe I'll just have the nose ring again because I really liked it I just took it out before my just before my 30th birthday I think and I don't know why I took it out I just decided decided to I don't know sort of say goodbye to it in my 20s I guess but no it was not fake definitely was not fake and yeah got the scar to prove it so anyway you've been playing guitar since you were a kid why yes yes I have been which is now quite a long time I think I've been playing guitar for 20 years alongside three other instruments if you count singing classically is kind of counted as an instrument Viola piano and then I did a classical music degree so it was always my hobby until basically this YouTube channel this YouTube channel allowed me to take guitar professional um but obviously it's it's basically the inspiration for this channel so still learning haven't fully ever dedicated myself to just the instrument been writing songs at the same time and yeah but I have been playing since I was a kid still very much in love with it still very much a guitar nerd and yeah learning every day that you have a secret girlfriend have you not seen my Miley Cyrus video it wasn't clickbait it wasn't clickbait it was just the truth so go check that video out you've been listening to Lizzie McAlpine recently I've been listening to Lizzie McAlpine for the last few years and she is exquisite and anyone that likes her music is a friend of mine because she is great super talented I think it was when she was supporting Dodie on tour that I really really um started noticing her but some dogs are meeting each other right now so I'm gonna say I love Liz McAlpine switch to the next question you really play guitar to get laid that's not the reason I play guitar I played the guitar because I really just like playing the guitar ah it's not very rock and roll answer is it it feels really weird to play with the pick after playing finger style for so long I very rarely play with the pick but yeah it does feel strange when I do but then it also just feels like a you know a different technique I think people wonder whether or not I have played with a pick ever and of course I did that's exactly how I began sometimes you just have to choose a lane and you just have to focus on something that you really really enjoy and the style of guitar playing that I do is is something that really makes my heart sing and I really really like the way it sounds and turns out a few other people also like the way it sounds so I I love playing things style it's really really something that's changed the game for my songwriting my arranging on the guitar I think it is possibly harder than people think it is you should try at my finger Circle if you want to have a go and yeah it's allowed me to express myself so it is a bit weird sometimes playing plectrum playing with the plectum but I did the other day for a song that I'm writing controversy you don't like punk rock I don't not like punk rock I wouldn't say I listen to it frequently anymore and I guess I kind of grew up in the you know the sort of 2000s punk rock generation which I'm not entirely sure counts I did listen to a lot of The Offspring a lot of Psalm 41 who else am I forgetting Green Day listen to a lot of Green Day and then yeah it kind of kind of went emo-ish into that genre and recently I just went and saw Panic at the Disco um in the Netherlands and what a fun show yeah to discover that one of the most popular songs was 18 years old made me feel very old so yeah I I I don't not like punk rock so your assumption was incorrect it's good and windy it's been so windy you make a living through YouTube why yes I actually just celebrated my wait 2019 2020 2021 2022 four-year anniversary of being full-time on YouTube and that is quite an accomplishment I think that is something to be really proud of four years that's the longest job I've now ever had and yeah I do make a living through it and basically running a media company at this moment and that Media Company focuses on music and videos and videos about music and that is incredible it's incredible so thank you for watching my videos to be able to make that come to life and also I think you'll be able to see the progression that I've been able to make by being full-time you know thanks to my patreon supporters thanks to everyone that's bought a course on my teachable site everyone that's even just signed up to my newsletter or come to a live show or or just literally by clicking on one video evil contributed to me making better content more educational more well-researched better edited and yeah you know how it is in anything you do you just need the time to be able to do it and you guys have given me time and I've also been able to ask for help so I now have a bit of a team building and um it's really really it's completely magical and it all started from zero so yeah dream come true every single day every single video that I start to film I fully realize how lucky I am so yeah I do make a living through YouTube and that is thanks to you thank you so much for watching this assumptions video if you want to check out more assumptions then head over to my patreon where I've answered a few extra questions but otherwise I'll be seeing you here very very soon
Channel: Mary Spender
Views: 420,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assumptions about me, reading your assumptions about me, reading assumptions, answering your assumptions about me, reading peoples assumptions about me, reacting to your assumptions about me, reacting to your assumptions, answering assumptions, responding to your assumptions about me, assumptions tag, reading your assumptions, answering your assumptions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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