My engagement ended in the worst heartbreak!

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welcome welcome welcome and uh while I was just um flashing back a song came to my mind you guys don't know I'm a recorded artist by the way I put on so many hearts so this this particular song I think I composed should have been 18 years ago that says that um that finally that night turns into day and the glory of the Lord is displayed as your life triumphs and you know and and the tears go away and I just remembered uh the Vivid scripture that we all read and say that the tears may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning it's so easy to just mention it in in the hustle and Bassel of the day when you are in church but when it comes to your personal life when you're going through the valley your shadow of death when you're going through the testing and the storms you never remember to say oh this is these are the tears this is the night that the morning will come you never remember that but here we are to share these stories that will encourage you and will'll stir you up to have hope that there's a tomorrow and tomorrow can be better than today so welcome welcome I love the family that we have created and today we have the beautiful beautiful biruni beruni yeah we we we we get to to delve into her her story her life you know when you see a beautiful person you're always thinking ah Rosie Rosie Rosie she has had it you know so good and so you're like you know to give that testimony and to be able to give another person hope so welcome my goodness ah thank you Hilda it's such an honor to have you here absolutely I can't believe I'm I'm on bahti I remember being here when it was is being launched so seeing how much you guys have done I'm so proud of you guys well done to you thank you thank you oh it's been it's been amazing the team has been working tirelessly it's quite a stretch but God has been faithful the testimonies that we are receiving about the people whose lives have have been changing and it's just amazing we don't do these things in vain at least you of all people know that when you serve God it's never in vain that there's always one soul out there it might not be the multitude but one soul out there and so when I knew that I'm going to be with you I also breasted myself I was like yeah yeah I like this the devil is going to cry so much we ask for water thank you so much for having me it's truly an H as well to be here and to be able um I'm blessed other than this heat but heat has nothing on you you you don't change you're always beautiful always sunscreen sunen there's a lot the whole time I was like no no no no no the sun I don't want any pigmentation do you know it can last it six months does it does and taking it away is a problem but coming in it's so easy yeah it's so easy yeah other than that I'm really great just working here and there yeah but I'm good how are you I'm good I'm I'm fine uh God has been doing amazing things definitely the grow that we never get to share with people and what part of what we want to share about your personal story I want us to be able to go back I don't know where you're going to start us from that that is going to be at your uh discretion but I want us to be able to go to those places where you think okay I mean if it were up to me I think that I would have been stuck in that chapter of my life I think God just fast forward my life and took me somewhere else but I think that was a bad a rough patch in my life and I just didn't think I would survive that absolutely um like I told you I started feeling so anxious just thinking that I was going to share this story because I told God when I survived that period of my life that I would give a testimony don't we all we make promises that we have no we H we have no intentions of fulfilling in that moment you're speaking out of pain yeah clearly hoping maybe thinking he will forget or something but actually you know towards like this throughout my life I've just been trying to tell a person or to here and there that oh this is what I went through but I had never shared on such a big platform and to you as well so it's a big deal but I think my story I would entitle it as a woman's prayer a woman's prayer yes a woman's prayer and uh I can only say that that woman was not me wow so I uh I'll go all the way back to 2017 mhm Hilda in 2017 I hit botom I had just graduated shortly before I graduated I met the gentleman we fell in love swept each other off your know he swept me because I think I was more like um how do they call those Z trophy wife yeah he was so proud to have me going with me everywhere and at that time I was working at channel 44 but I had not yet graduated yeah so um later on I get engaged to this man and that is the kind of Life any girl that is what we are prepared for go to school graduate get job you're hting the mileston you're checking the boxes everything just seemed to be just going the right way get the job get the man get married have babies yeah just as beautiful as yours so um and all went well all the way until I I can't quite remember the month but I know that we were getting ready for AO okay we getting ready for amolo and what I forgotten to tell you he took me off TV was like um I do not want the attention you're getting from men I do not think I'm okay as your man to to share yeah men I think even where he worked different people used to tell him oh your girl orful yeah so he's like no um get off TV so the deal was I get off TV but you're getting me a business or something but I'm not sitting I'm not built that way so he started uh trying out to start for me different businesses But whichever Venture he tried he came and told me you know what when I went to buy that shop I I saw very many men that park there I do not think I'll be okay with that so that refused he wanted like very many because he was rich so very many things he tried to get me here and there but it was it all came down to the same but most will see the jealous thing yes men will see you so when we broke up he broke it off the phones uhuh don't rush us don't rush us we are here for all of it we are here for all of it but um so you get this guy before graduation yes and uh he takes you off TV because you're already working for graduation alreadying and um he decides to look for businesses he still gives you the same the the same excuses yes so at this point you've not yet graduated no okay yeah we had not yet grad so the breakup happens before graduation or after graduation before graduation okay uh but I'm glad you've taken me back so we settled on me working with him in his business okay and he was to pay me yeah so I think by this point I had worked with him for like a month or two okay then I realized that he was having issues not really issues I think he was having issues at work but at when when we left work we were not staying together he had gotten me an apartment but outside work he wasn't himself okay and as a young girl with this rich man I do not have any money what do I bring what do I tell him I didn't know a lot about the business I'm just young so I didn't know how to support him but he owned the business yes he owned he owned the business so I just didn't did he pay you yes okay yes he used to pay me so I reached out to a male friend who was married and I told him I need advice how do I go about this he's like okay come let's meet up mhm so when we me up uh we talked here and there he gave me a few things to do and how to cheer him up and and Bown to me I was being followed okay so when I got home uh came straight for my phone checked I had sent thank you for the night things like that so it could just be misunderstood what do you mean thank you for the night yeah what happened yeah and there was dear love you know girls how we oh thanks dear thanks love so I think there was something like oh thank you my love uh thank you for the night something like that and that is how he called it off uh this was shortly before graduation probably two weeks before graduation and then a month to my mhm yeah so so he just dumps it on you like that yeah and of course we were having issues here and there here and there but uh it came down to him saying you know what pressure like I'm on pressure to guard you and I'm always constantly wondering if someone is going to take you and snatch you I can't live like this so with this that's what he said yeah I can't leave like this so with this I think I should call this off so and that the very day you had gone to work with him that day no it must have been like a weekend a weekend a weekend so you you you're getting wisdom to help him yes you're getting canel to help him and he thinks otherwise yes okay after looking through my phone M and now that is truly where my story starts from because I was here remember you're with a rich guy you're in these apartments you've been working you've been this and then all of a sudden I'm nowhere Hilda when I was with this person there was nothing about me in relationship everything I thought about was him yeah him how do I make him better how do I make this better how do I grow this how it was him and it's not like he even made me do it that's how I just found myself I felt like I had a lot to Compass it for so it was constantly him whenever I saw a a building I'm like I hope he can build that one day I hope he can buy that one day there was nothing like I Stella can buy do that yeah so um at the point of when when we broke up he fired me over the phone he's like I don't want to ever see you uh near my company near my family I don't want to see you anywhere so I think I had worked for like two weeks within that month and then I'm like with everything I've done for you you have the nerve to even ask for to even ask for you know what come come get it tomorrow MH let them give you this amount from uh after that I do not want to ever see you again okay so remember I was going for graduation I needed that money to clear GS what and everything just to say I had nothing I I had nothing in my account I had no dream I had left TV and the way I left was really one of those things where you show your unserious so even when I tried to go back no one would yeah no producer would give me that time because they're like this is how you played with the CH yeah it's not like you were official to come and say hey this is happening I'm moving it was just a nothing so I uh I had to go home I I couldn't afford the apartment of course so I went home I remember I wanted to commit suicide and uh I went out bought poison for your graduation or that's after you've graduated that's after now okay so you've bought your gown with like a small money and now life is down to zero life is down to zero I uh and during graduation you know I kept up like a happy face yes cuz I'm thinking probably when I kneel hard enough he will forgive me so I even told him theyve thrown me a dinner please come he did not show so the whole time I was hoping yes that he would come and when he did not it just occurred to me that this was actually done yeah so um I remember after looking around I do not have hope I don't have a dream I don't know what next for my life I went out and B poison MH so you know I've always told God this time around I first clean my home very well put everything to to take the poison yes because so I I had to make sure that when people come the place is sparkling okay she was clean this is good jumping over clothes and what so I I cleaned up rearranged myself and then I started like I was crying hysterically H that I couldn't hold it he would have never felt that much pain and you know I can tell you right now the Heartbreak was hard but not knowing who I was because everything was about that man so when he went away your life revolved around so when that was taken away I didn't the void and The Emptiness yes it was so much I really really didn't know who I was at that point so um like you don't know how to breathe without someone so I uh yeah I was getting ready to to take the poison I fell asleep I think because I was crying so after cleaning your apartment yes and I'm crying you know the whole time be yeah so uh after crying I fell asleep I don't even know how but when I woke up I don't know if I had this in the dream or after I woke up I had one thing go back home okay go back home and at this point my relationship with my mom was not it was nonexistent if I may say she was my mom I respected her but there was never a thing like mom and daughter there was never a time I had called my mom and just share anything personal no it was respect mom daughter full stop so for me to be vable in order do you belong I'm the last born with my biological parents but they passed on and uh my aunt Mama took me she's the one who took you so she's the one with whom the relationship was tainted was not existing okay yes so but from now on I'm going to be referring her to my mom because that's what I I call her so there was no relationship but I remember going of course with my tail between my legs I'm like shaking yeah Mom MH she was like come wow yeah it took a lot you know when you don't not clo like you have to follow your ego you have to follow your pride you have to yes I told her mom she's like come MH I went home packed my stuff I went back to my apartment packed up my stuff and went home but U so you go back to your clean apartment yeah squeaky clean now you have now it's time to pack it all up and go home I packed up my stuff went home but that what was growing on through your mind cuz I want us to take back the journey definitely even go through the relationship just to unpack the feelings and the emotions because um that's that's what messes us up most of the times the actions mess mess us up but the the emotions that are involved by the time you say I was entangled in this web and I felt like I couldn't disentangle myself out of it like it we were one and the same and I felt I couldn't survive on my own and there's something that you mentioned we will come back to this where we are right right now but let's start from from behind um that he used to be the kind who was very insecure about you being um exposed to other people yes it was from the onset of the relationship like did you ever see that as uh you're like it's an issue but as a young girl you're like Anala exactly it never occurred to me that it was an issue at that point in time no Hees loves me um and he truly treated me as a princess and a queen so there was never n and who are you going to tell when you're crying while I never used to cook remember I stay alone so he just picks me after work he picks me go to dinner to these top Port Tails so why exactly are you crying I know why are you complaining so really it was never an issue except where I felt uncomfortable I used to come from church uh going for shootings and all or even service and I come back to questions of who is that guy you talking to who is that so from the onset he had showed me that he was following me yeah at least okay there was someone but still you thought it was out of love he's protecting me because he loves me right and I remember even after we broke up I kept on looking over my shoulder thinking he was following yeah maybe there's still someone following me because I think he still loves me all because I was still in Deni I'm like so I don't want to do anything bad must calculate my St I was on good behavior I'm like just in case I'm being caught up on camera or anything cuz there was a time I was even showed a pig who is this yes who is this guy who is this guy why were you hugging you say you're going to church why are you doing these things yeah so that and apart from that there was nothing else that was alarming everything else was a normal young girl in a relationship with someone there was nothing else nothing cuz even there's no day you didn't feel loved or you didn't feel like yeah everything was good yes I was number one made clear of it and also he was about 10 years older but there was no baby mama drama there was it was it seemed yeah it seemed to be good so I went home and when I got home it was now me and the world and because I could not figure it out I went I got into this deep hole k at this dark place I could not get out of bed I could not like I couldn't manage I couldn't carry my body out I just skipped curtains clo drone I didn't clean up after myself I didn't eat I was crying sleeping crying sleeping where I have like a small energy get up go to TV but throughout that time my mom used to knock on my door like yes yes at this point I had 6:30 but it wasn't working kept on telling them and of course so I had to I had to do that but one of the biggest things that I remember during that time hild the one day that I don't seem to forget I I had been crying the whole night so this morning when my mom came to wake me up I I I was still crying and I told her m huh Hilda my mom healed me for the first an African mom my mom healed me and she prayed wow and you know even till now she keeps on praying like whenever we are with family she's praying and she mentions names and she doesn't know but that's really a love language but he up being held with my mom that day and you told her yeah and I told her mom I was dying and she couldn't say anything she just prayed and uh so slowly by slowly I started going to church just taking a day at a time I went to my Facebook Facebook was big by then I uh contacted every single friend of mine I'm like guys I'm looking for a job anything anything anything me busy yeah and interestingly enough spirit is one of the places that I went to but by that time it was just radio and uh so many friends were connecting me go here go here go here hey do you know Spirit I'm like no there's a gentleman uh atim he's my friend and I remember going but honestly when I look back then entering that I came with so much desperacy you get I was young and desperate and can do anything and things like that and every single door that I knocked on during that period was a no wow every single door and for those of you who are in Media or if you're a young person pursuing media one of the worst things you ever hear is you are good but like you are actually made for TV but they don't give you the opportunity so those are all the things I went through and now after the nose you know what you do you go back to the H you're like this this is not work windows so that is the whole of 2017 so towards the end I I meet that same friend connected me to another lady who had a circle she was running a circle I started working there and they was earning 2K mhm every day yes now this is me who stays on road yeah this job is in mango so I used to walk one way cuz 2K was for lunch so I used to walk one way so I used to get from home to town then I walk from town to Mango where the job was and then in the evening walk back again and then take a taxi and all throughout that I did not even hope for anything better the whole time is lunala like a day goes yes lunala thank God I have something keeping me busy M but again I had sent out several messages yeah to different people so one or the other people came through this is January of 2018 meanwhile before that um when we were entering the year I had no resolution go do this for me this is what this is the plan this is the goal I had none of that it was just I'm here I've arrived in 2018 I'm alive but within that first week of January I have a very good friend called gra she actually did my makeup uh gra told me St I want you to be intentional while you pray go back and find that girl what do you want to do who is Stella if God says what is in your hands where is it what what do you have yeah so but I took her words to heart I started thinking back to all the times I was happy who am I yeah so I what was going on a lot of unpacking yes a lot of unpacking cuz I had to First go back to school did I study this I had studied media did I study this because of the points or this is what I want this is what I wanted okay now okay so I had to build several things so I told God God I have three interests M travel food media media I will Thrive I will Thrive cuz I love all those three and I prayed told me be specific I want you to put everything on paper I told God I want to ear now I will not tell you the amount but let me say it's over 500k I want to be earning over 500k I want to be given nssf I want to be given medical for this new job I'm praying for I want to be given uh lunch I prayed for things but Hilda let's be honest at that point remember all I had was a diploma in media and then the job that I had you know media of those and it's not to speak ill but no one got over 500k at that point in time and then also the other thing and what are you talking about so honestly I prayed is impossible all you have is a diploma to your name so JN towards the end of JN um this gentleman gets in touch he's like my friend like oh you sent me a message that you wanted a job there's this uh thing that I've seen go and check it out and it was in tourism now he you know I said I wanted travel I know but technically I did not study travel and in your mind you be thinking travel means I'll be traveling around the world and then you help here and there so getting into the tourism space was interesting because I was in the interview and I did not know the difference between a gorilla and a chimpan MH that is how bad I was when it came to tourism so I got to this interview but I gave it my let me tell you H you open that door and I'm I'm so not scared of nose that I have whatever happens I have yes it's okay because I don't want to wonder what if I tried so for me just give me that small space but I heal I gave it my whole I think I fought for my life in that interview wow uh so there were two ladies they said okay ch um so towards the end the interview the the lady tells me but yesterday you came as though you entitled I'm like but so I I was so polite I'm like I don't know how I may have come off that way but indeed I have nothing to show off about I just really need to work and I need to be given the opportunity but I know where the issue came from I came wearing Shir so yeah so a week later I'm called back for another interview and this was a surprise because with the same panel of the lady no now a different one now the same ladies but now the boss is joining them okay so initially we were eight the other time were eight girls uh so this time around I get there I was the first to get there and it was with one boy mhm so I'm like okay on listening to the boy like you know I'm just coming from kpo National Park I'm what experience this one his experience so I remember just saying you know what let me give it my best but I know where it's going so I won't even no expectations yeah so I won't fight a lot so the whole interview truly went through the same questions and then they give me a computer so I remember they asked me something about the computer and I'm like I know what everyone knows but I can learn it's not like it's too much I can learn so I was giving it really probably the bare minimum cuz I'm thinking it's already yeah it's already gone so when I got out of the interview I called the gentleman who had connected me Eric nalo um and I told him you know what I do not think they'll call me but well I'm done like okay let's look for another opportunity thank you for giving it your best we'll see what we can do so I go and two no another week goes by yes goes by and then Hilda I was in that 2K office mhm this morning footing day and and evening right mm I get a call am I speaking to we Stella I'm like yes um I just wanted to let you know that you've gotten the [Music] job what good how does that feel what God can't do does not exist it doesn't whenever I think about that particular moment I go back and I'm like it doesn't matter what will come my way I hope that I will remember the God was there for me then but the story does not end there yeah so I was called in so it was towards the end of Fe remember Fe has like 28 days but then um the boss was about to travel so I was told to come in way earlier probably the last week of f so when I went there this is what he says um we are so honored to have you join our team we shall train you blah blah blah blah blah now your salary because since we are going to train you and things like that you remember [Music] let me just put it this way so it's like but um there's always room to grow and then of course we shall always being I'm just looking at him and the whole time I'm thinking you don't know what I prayed for when I got out of the office I just went to the bathroom I'm like yes yes you guys for real for real right now I have been working at that office for six years wow and I'm now at the level of a senior sales consultant wow I went in without knowing a difference between a chimp and a I went in still broken in faith yeah still broken because the whole time when I was down crying in my bed I never prayed but Hilda my mom prayed for me day and night pray of a woman that is it day and night she raised my name she every now and then she came to my room held my hand and prayed for me wow where I couldn't God gathered different people my sister and the husband and my brother-in-law they also prayed with me I used is it so just having them hold me with yes and with without anyone judging you on any mistake you may have done in the relationship whether you caused it or not it was just being held but Hilda I've never felt so held by god wow the way I felt in those moments and guess what I wasn't even praying but the people surrounded yes by Love by love that kind of prayer love H years later my ex phon me and he could not believe the G couldn't believe because I had dreams I knew now I want to travel the world I want to speak to Nations I want to be able to honor God to tell as long as I have breath I want to be able to say Jesus is Lord I am who I am you knew why you were created why you here but the other girl but not because I'm right I'm because I'm there I don't yeah I don't know fragile I it's even safe to say I would be divorced by now because what was that the only thing I had thought about marriage was the wedding and giving birth to Children yes and thinking those would suffice they would hold the M as long as I have babies what and of course business because we agreed on it but would it even come cuz at this point there was a lot of so he founded me and I think for me that is when I can even give the glory that someone who knew me in my past life can say wow oh and I have seen God continue to do things at that work I found so many hindrances of course because I didn't know so throughout the learning process new person you're coming in right you find people who are like no we do not have the time to teritory yes we don't have the time to teach you there was a lot and then at one point um so during covid I started my baking business and then shortly I started at Spirit TV so in 20121 I was doing the three things that I told God I wanted purpose on purpose all at the same time I was in tourism I was on TV and I had my own business indeed what what God cannot do but this is something I play in 2018 201 at one point everything had L worked out for you for the good of those that love the Lord wow what a what an amazing journey what an amazing journey it's still going I I know it's still going and it's still getting better yeah but there are so many people that um are in those in between places where you you you you kept bouncing back to the the hole the dark hole that you actually mentioned and I just want us to be able to um to extract some lessons or some of the things that you learned even in the hardest of those moments that when you find a girl that runji that didn't know what she wanted in life that when cuz cuz you can see them yeah right now after going through that when you look at such a girl even when they are 30 you can tell them that they're still at the Crossroad yes what would you want to tell to that girl what would you want person I think let me just put it to the young Stiller who is crying you buried in tears yeah you cry yourself to sleep right now and heartbreaks are really bad yeah but honestly for me not knowing myself not having a dream for me it I now that I'm here I could say it was the hardest part about that place of my life m and what I want to tell you is that God is a father then I couldn't pray but he was there he loved you he had my [Music] heart if not get that support system someone go away like you yes and you can just say I'm dying Hilda I was dying for lack of a better word I was really really a pain where you feel someone is pulling out your heart yes pulling you're not going to survive to see tomorrow yeah yeah so for me if I could tell that young Stella anything it is lean on to the people that God has put in your life but also don't wait to pray in tongues don't wait when you are strong enough in those tears just call on to God you people what God can do in your weakest moment you can't even know and you need it that's the thing you need to be there to grow cuz if you don't you're going to be waiting for that man to deliver you you're going to be waiting in your house for a miracle to happen CH yeah to to carry um to find money and pick it up to find easy an easy way out but you've got to go through the process what my life has taught me really that this journey that I'm still going it's a process and your journey is not going to be like anyone's honestly don't even take my word for it just take a shot on yourself and see because there are people who get married at 25 there I was a point when all my friends had gotten married but now there I was relationship you have nothing and yet here I am now that right now I'm at a place of my life where I can say I want to travel next week and as long as I have live I can go I know who I am yes and I know who I am that one I know I think that's the most important because once you know and you know several times especially when it comes to relationship you tried to fix it like when I was trying you do everything in your power like your life count it yes you only go back to God because by the time you go you're weak you're tired stressed yes you've given up experience is bad by the way I do not believe in experience being the best teacher because us yeah I know you get there by the time you get your person and I don't think it should even be that way that if we went back to the author of our lives and asked God do I take this do I do this help here I think we don't have to too bad I know but again here where you are and where you are headed yeah the words that you say carry a lot of weight they carry a lot of meaning and maybe not to you but to the person to that girl that if ever there was a Stella this age that had survived through all those things and was thriving and maybe had mentioned one or two things but you know that Stella does not listen no that Stella is on her yeah she knows it all she's going the wind is taking her and and and she's everywhere so I think I for me I get the the knowledge in God want to take us through those places so he can grow us so he can establish us because when he talks about establishment I think he says it in his word that he will take us out of the pit of of the M of the mudy clay and then he will uh plant our feet on a solid ground and establishers but you realize that even if your feet are put on a solid ground when you are still the other the other girl the the wind will toss you around be yeah it will be a mze but afterwards when he establishes you with with with experiments and experiences and things that you have gone through I feel like you become so solid yes like you become so strong that a time comes by the what you talked about that when eventually you get into yours by the way you will you will not be shaken you will not be the one saying no you'll be the one that says you know what you'll be the one that says you know what we are good yeah we might not be training going viral but we we are good we have what it takes and stuff like that so uh but so he you get to bump into him yeah after some time yeah how does it feel because emotions are liars there's a way you first zoom into the first person you were before you come back to who you are right now yeah and you're like yeah I'm a better person right now how did that feel I knew it man it's one thing to feel mhm it's another to know y I knew M I was better I knew that if anything had gone on then I knew he wasn't the person I knew I wasn't actually you knew that I knew I wasn't the person okay because during this time I had to go through it I was young Hilda I was really young right from campus you've never been exposed to just come from home there's nothing maor you've ever gone through and it's not like I'm saying guys get out of home but for me in my own journey I was just young the exposure was too soon yes so I didn't know what love was I didn't know what marriage was of course then I can say that I loved him according to what I thought love was but I was not selfless I was not ready to go pray for someone I wasn't ready to to build a home yes to build a home and everything that bu prayer altars right the sacrifice the prayer actually that goes down I wasn't ready for any of that all I knew I will wear a gown we shall have many people at the wedding yes and then what I had never thought about that then what so for me honestly Hilda the thing about going through that dark point is that when you come out actually when you are dealing because healing is a process it's a it's a journey even when I got the job it doesn't mean okay now you have the money but the heart is still rolling yes every now and then you think back oh my God what do I do so I had to go back my mistakes is Mist I blame myself I hate myself I hate him I so you blamed yourself the end of course I'm like if I was a good person cuz everyone would tell you he was a Protestant he has his own business he's that is it that is I kept on blaming myself and of course even the shame that came from the fact that people at home knew I was bringing someone but now that embarrassment of going through that of it's no longer happening the good thing with me guys it's happening no even when when cuz we got engaged in Nairobi I did not post anywhere we came back I was quiet about it cuz I wanted it to First happen and we wanted my graduation to First end and then I can he even flew to Nairobi yeah we went to Nairobi for that for an engagement yeah so but everything I kept it just under RS so again the people who had noticed oh she has a ring oh okay cuz uh within that period my sister's wedding we had my sister's wedding he came was there so my family knew him we do not have to now you can imagine the things but now I know I'm supposed to be here by the way I struggle a lot with Seasons like that is something I've been struggling a lot with cuz I love love heer and of course you look like you love love I love all the time I have known you I have known you love love I love love I truly do like love all the novels you get the novel love that you know but also the real love the one that actually needs you to do the work I love it but now that we are talking about the love h can we talk about can we get into it you hear the point of uh God has brought someone [Music] wow that's it's okay but that's a huge it's a huge testimony it is it's a huge testimony I know now I'm ready to be a wife and I know I'm going to make to be an amazing the yeah the happiest man cuz I'm I'm ready I've gone through the healing the ups and downs of it all yeah I'm ready for him wow praise the Lord God God is good God is good I I love how he crowns up I think one one of my status on uh WhatsApp for the longest time I think since 2017 has been God never ends the story until he brings the glory amen and that's that's his ending that that's his his ending that whatever he predestined for you he will bring it in its right timing and sometimes the right things don't make a lot of noise yes they don't they don't feel like butterflies sometimes like there's a whole lot of settledness and calmness and maturity and sometimes you even begin to doubt and wonder and I mean good just shows you that this is who I am and this is what I want I'm glad we've talked about butterflies because H at one point I was like I want butterflies and then you remember the butterflies like I know I know as young girls we we we love the the butterflies but I think I prefer the settledness and the calmness yeah I prefer the the Friendship someone the kindness exactly someone who has gone through the process as well who has also a bit of fears and you have you come with your own fears you have a bit of doubts but again you are sure about what you're getting into so that whole mixture for me it's it's a mixture of maturity yeah and many times God is in it I'm not saying that God is not in the butterflies but I think I love to hear the silent butterflies more than the rapid butterflies that are some assulting everywhere calmness is truly from God the peace that thing when walks in I I I yeah I I agree with you and of course I've been listening to some of the things you've been saying remember there's one thing you said about a man who knows what they want and making it clear from the GetGo he said this is what I want you can tell me so that but this is what I want are you right there with me I'm just hearing those things and of course even with time when you get challenges but someone is still saying hey this is the goal this is what to do it with you it's not easy but I truly thank God yeah I truly thank God and my mom has really been there with me my sister my brother-in-law my family I want I just to just get into that I know that we are wrapping up time is never enough but mom cuz at some point you get to say okay we don't have that much of a solid um relationship and this is the person that is hugging you and holding you and telling you come home and praying for you as in God positions people by the way I'm so glad you said that I think I went through what I went through so that God could correct my relationship with my mom if I hadn't gone home he wi cuz then after the apartment you go into marriage and then that's it but me going back home helped my relationship with my mom and I think it's now maybe the most important thing cuz hild there's nothing I was give it and you see I I needed that I see how you be with your mom I see how different people be with their mom let you see how she is all yes but when she's with her mom she's like a little girl I never used to have that and when you lose your parents quite young and God blesses you with another mother figure father figure that is a bless blessing yes all the way through everything you know even in your dirtiest and darkest places and you're able to open up and say Mom this is it yeah so I thank you for taking me back cuz I think that's what I wanted to say I went through that for the relation the connection between me and my mom you need it I did you need it like every girl needs that that when you give birth somewhere and someone is like you know I know she's going through this I know her tears I know her pains I can hold it down for her wow guys we can never have enough time I feel like we need to have extensions of this yeah we do of this because I know there are so many people that are getting lost in relationships this days I know people have lost themselves I know people have lost their sense of their dreams their plans like they literally don't know who they are and they just need to come back to the foundation which is God the foundation the true foundation which is God so he can be able to redirect you um when he says that trust in the Lord with all your heart and he will direct uh your path lean not on your own understanding because so many of us lean on our own understanding but I think in your own words you have you have reemphasized it and emphasized it that I mean I was in my own understanding back that's taor was in my own understanding yes this tayor however wants to function in the perfect will of God and is taking me out of that and I'm willing to hold that with all my life so we are praying over you and covering you in the blood of Jesus that God will guide your footsteps that he will hold your hand that he will take you to places that he envisioned and he predestined for you that he before your parts were woven together in the separate places he knew you he knew the journey you would walk he knew the processes he knew the tears you would incur and he knew the price that you would have to pay that he says he will not end this story without bringing his glory in your life we love you bless you
Channel: Bahati Hilda Sabiti
Views: 92,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Relationship coach, Life coach, Marriage coach, Life realistic solutions, motivational speaker, Kampala, Uganda, Bahati Hilda, inspirational speaker, Golden Thought, forgiveness, life fix counselor, marriage counselor, financial management counselor
Id: COimnabrNrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 42sec (3282 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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