My Edit Record was BROKEN... (Revenge)

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so as you all know i broke the edit world record we did it we have done it but another huge youtuber named not luke broke my record he actually is breaking my record he had his brother break the record oh we beat the record this isn't happening this is not happening right now so today it's time to get revenge but before i get revenge on them please be sure to drop a like as well subscribe with nobody's on and make sure to use code rift if you want to break an editing record yourself all right enjoy the video alright guys so as you just saw not luke actually broke my editing world's record i'm about to invite him to my lobby and confront him with his punishment okay i'm inviting him now and he should be joining i told him to join i have something serious to talk to him about so hopefully he joins yo what's up luke so i told you we wanted to to talk i wouldn't have a chat with you about something why are you laughing what's so funny uh there's no way [Music] what what do you mean what are you what are you talking about dm me that you have something serious to talk about what do you need listen so you can just go around and break my record and you're not going to pay a consequence you're mad i'm mad i'm not i'm not mad you're about to be mad though because you're going to face the consequence you can't just go around and break my record and only by one edit too what like what what even is that i'm the better player okay i beat you in every edit race we do okay but like when the cameras are off i edit way faster you know that you're about to find out all right luke so i actually have the punishment over here you just gotta follow me and i'm about to bring you to it what if i just don't come uh well i actually have the owner of one percent on the line right now and if you don't do this punishment you're just gonna get kicked from one percent what my my wi-fi lagged out oh yeah you better fix that wi-fi asap all right luke so the punishment is right here just wanna you know maybe take a look at the name real quick what do you think about that i i'm just straight faced i'm smiling right now i'm smiling too all right so here is your punishment what are your thoughts what are you thinking this is just looking right now right there right what the pro all right let me let me explain all right you're probably a little bit confused here you're just surrounded by a bunch of not lucas wash which is obviously true does this look washed to you yeah actually it does all right so basically you're surrounded in this completely dark room and you have to find the exit there's an exit in this room you gotta find it good luck hey you know i just gotta flex my edits real quick though you're about to clip your way to the exit hey not not to i thought it was washed drift what happened i could do better i can like see the black stuff in the room oh you cheater i mean that's where you came from but i'm enjoying myself yeah i mean i'm i'm enjoying watching this i mean i'm just here to see you suffer that's it all right i gotta get revenge for breaking my record okay guys he's kind of on to my trick here hopefully we're you know what we're just gonna see we're just gonna say this is the right way i don't know maybe maybe i don't know why this is just the all this entire room is so annoying yup dig fast let's go fell for the trout i'm not telling you anything why oh you're my daddy okay wait uh yo yeah yeah yeah nice yeah you're doing a good job here you're doing great okay rift you know what i'm going back up this tunnel listen all i'm gonna say you're right there is nothing down there what you should do guys you should use code rift in the video oh you found it nice okay you actually made it somewhere for once in your life go it only took me what did you say i didn't say anything okay rift so now that i beat your very easy trap what is this i think you know what this is right uh what are you doing what are you doing huh this is the not luke special you just go okay wait here i mean this is literal proof let's see you run through this if you can't run through this i'm just listening why is it not the rift special is like that you don't even know your own special i i made it a little bit easy i was trying to be nice to you you don't even know you're special you're going to disrespect me these are just the easiest i've ever done in my entire life look i'll even just make a build invisible high jk controlled you're gonna need to make builds invisible soon that's that's why i'm so successful on youtube and that's why you're successful too copying for the past year let's go so you just admitted to not only copying all my videos but then flea is also faster than you oh take a look at the right oh look up there it is oh this is this is where the fun begins how's it going going good for you i saw it wait i just beat your own edit am i supposed to be going this way all right guys i'm not gonna lie this is actually going horrible he's going through this pretty easily i thought this would be a lot more difficult for him wait what all right luke so just in case if you actually did run through with this entire trap tunnel because that's honestly that's what i was hoping for i don't know why you're going for clips right now you're gonna need your editing you're gonna have to save that long trap tunnel i would have done it first try because you know i'm the goat yeah shocker did i not call this get so happy huh all right luke congrats on making it to the next part you've actually been going through this pretty fast i'm not gonna lie but the worst is yet to come i actually had to jump in for this because you might need some help here but you're gonna have to earn that help so let's just let's just walk over here right just just follow me so you see all this metal right and i do sell this metal what do you notice about it anything interesting about the metal oh it's on it's on the perfect hp to go invisible ah isn't that right okay so you're gonna have to make all these builds invisible if you want to make it to the next part bro this is gonna take like two hours i know all right luke one down you got a thousand more to go i don't even know there's a lot i didn't even count so probably do more edits than when i actually beat your record but i hit your record again i watched you when you were sleeping last night what no my fault my fault my fault you got a lot more floyd's making visible here i don't know why you're talking oh look i'm doing this no look i didn't know look nice nice wait what you're not allowed to go through there no you're not allowed all right luke so you actually made one whole line invisible good job you got a lot more to go so that's that's that's scary isn't it not really okay i i can make a deal with you here because you're gonna be here for a long time just by yourself what you're gonna have to do is every compliment you make for me it has to be a genuine compliment not just you know something you pull up out of nowhere it has to be a genuine compliment to me i will break one of these builds for you so you've one less build to make invisible yo can i just make the entire thing invisible like no compliments like all right okay thanks okay let's go okay let's see so i'm thinking what should i order tonight what are you thinking for food what should i order i don't speak to peasants hey i saw that i saw that wait a second wait a second hold on you're not getting away with that one no no no you got to place another floor there making this well i saw you break it i'm playing i have you in 4k we're going to get a nice replay footage of that like a clown nice try you want you're going to try to make wood invisible really no it works yeah that's that's true oh my no way that's crazy you're taking shortcuts just like all your videos because you put no effort in any of your videos you just go around and copy me that's all you do hold on hold on no no no no no you're not you're not nah nah nah you're not getting away with this are you okay no i uh my cat's dogs all right come back sister and then come back up here okay rift i made it i reset it all i'll give you a once in a lifetime opportunity here okay instead of you you don't want to give me a compliment so we're going to reverse it every time you roast me i'm i'll break a building oh my god let's go okay um i'm canadian so i really like your skin what the hat on the renegade raider just fits it so well and then like moving on bro that combo you're wearing right help oh my god bless the bus rift you are a god at basketball you're just so much better than me in every way shape or form you are better than lebron am i better than lebron james himself yes totally that's gotta be at least five right that back bling it's like staring into your eyes i could stare into it for all eternity that was a good compliment okay i that was actually that might have been your best compliment yet when i stare into your hazel brown eyes oh my goodness butterflies in my stomach best of you oh god all right dude get away from it get away from me oh my god you were so weird rifty poo poo yeah yeah oh yo i'm making them all invisible it's so fast let's go wow dude you're so good aren't you so you got all this i complimented my or i insulted you so hard though you're not allowed to break these down though that's the thing okay i would never break those down you know you gave me some good compliments i i guess honestly roasting you i'll i'll accept that i'll accept you you know that that's probably worth half of this okay okay now do i just have to like can i like tweet something again i'm gonna be honest that that's worth a lot like that might be worth the entire thing if you if you make a tweet but it has to be whatever i say anything you want then i can just break the entire thing yeah i'm gonna get a bet yo check my twitter all right uh okay let's break the entire thing what did you tweet did you just just check my twitter check my twitter i see the tweet okay okay that's worth it yeah yeah okay let's go to be honest i kind of wanted a shout out but i mean i'll take that too sorry i'm just gonna free build here you know you can have fun breaking everything that's where i tweet that oh watch out watch out you literally just broke the entire map down let's go okay so this is actually you're making it to the end almost try building you're not able to do it and that's for pretty good reason you're gonna have to run through this entire parkour course if you want to make it to the end okay you know what i'm gonna speed it on this they literally call me scissors yeah you're so bad oh my gosh don't put that taken okay yeah yeah so remember how i was talking earlier about how there was jump fatigue on right this is where this comes into play but i'm so bad this is honestly hard for me to watch i'm sorry i'm sorry to everyone watching this right now this is this is rough that jump is not possible rift i literally promise you it's not possible you're awful plain and simple i haven't made it past the first two jumps oh it didn't oh you actually made the jump after take wow you're so good oh my gosh don't mess this up what are you doing yo my keyboard slipped or oh my god interesting how you're you're running this way yeah you see all those other jumps over there don't play with me that jump is proven to not be possible yo it teleported me over here let's go yeah okay yeah you know what to be honest i might just uh i might just hit up a list right now just to kick you from one percent honestly you're just loves me you're you're annoying me at this point oh my god this that's what you deserve honestly you deserve that hundred percent i don't even know rip things is like trolling me or something now bro this is light boom see how confident i am see that confidence all right so this is the last part of the course but if this is stacked builds okay what the bro this is it it's honestly it's not even that bad i'm gonna be real it's not even that bad i'm out here eating cake doing some edit downs you know wait what type of cake rift cake what the i bought it from my birthday oh how many hits did you put you're you're almost done all right you're almost done and then and then you're no there's gonna be a trap there's gonna be a trap here's the here's the thing right there actually is no exit which means you can't complete this map you want to know what else that means since you can't complete the map you're getting kicked from one percent yo that gets so bad all right i'm gonna make sure he gets kicked to one percent in the future he's not he's not getting away with that he thought he could be funny he'd run through this we've been at this for like two hours now this is definitely painful for him shout out penny for building this map shout out not luke for serving his punishment i'll see you guys on the next one peace out
Channel: Ryft
Views: 2,213,643
Rating: 4.9124193 out of 5
Keywords: Fortnite, Creative, FortniteFastestEditor, Fortnite Edit World Record
Id: orwxGsfrz10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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