My Easy and Affordable Basement Subfloor System

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[Music] so a lot of us in the building industry we don't we've we've come across this dimpled plastic before it's called plateau but the reality is it's not the product name that's just a product brand name so this is actually DMX this is available my local building store I picked it up I usually use this for my sub floors underneath a five-eighths tongue-and-groove OSB plywood and we can screw that to the floor with tapcon screws and that's my traditional basement system but what I was curious about was this little thing right here so this is another product same company DMX it's blue it's a three and one so this is insulated it's a vapor barrier and it's soft and cushiony so you can actually make your subfloor out of this and laminate right over top they've gone through the trouble of testing it and getting it approved for putting a laminate floor directly on this product I'm not a big fan of that especially in this installation because I'm building interior walls and I don't want to be setting walls on this and I don't want to be building my walls first everywhere and then filling all my cavity with this because I'm on a walkout and we have this for season whether we run the risk of a thaw freezing cycle and getting moisture underneath our concrete pour and if that happens I want to have an airspace that transfer that moisture past all my interior walls and let the building soak all that up over time if I build my walls first and put this down I'm gonna be trapping moisture and I'm gonna get that musty smell no matter what I do so this is a good product if you're just doing one room and you already have walls but if you're like us and you're building new walls go with this system the funny thing is they're both plastic and at the end of the day it's the same cost per square foot to install this and plywood or this alone so it really comes down to what's more convenient for you and your situation but I would recommend both these products they both work great [Music] there we go just easier for us to do the layout this way [Music] a little longer than I need but that's fine we're doing the same thing again in the other side of the room [Music] so you can see that what we just put down here are square footage-wise is almost 400 square feet took about ten minutes which is awesome we tape it together with the new blue tuck tape this stuff is the same as a red only it has been tested and approved for wet areas so this will hold on plastic the plastic even when it gets wet so now we have this whole areas one vapor barrier which is brilliant you'll never get that if you use dry core traditionally when you're laying down flooring you'd use a square like this measuring tape and you're basically working off of whatever is pre-existing now we all know we never find anything square in a house so what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the laser level techniques and these you can see I got it lined up right now and this line here represents a straight line from one steel post to the other and we're going to use this to establish our square for the entire project this way we're gonna build wall off of each of these areas and we're gonna start everything off square on that line cuz when you're building if you have one thing that's always gonna be straight and square then everything's built off of it the rest of the project moves so much faster [Music] [Applause] [Music] what we've done is we've marked our laser line and our laser line is going from post to post and it's off this point here so we cut our plywood from our end wall to fit our frame for the door plus three inches and then we've also kind of plywood plus right here and a little extra half-inch that's because when I am put these doors in the door will go here they'll be hinged open and when it's closed the middle of my door will be over the transition of the one floor into the next I'm going to go from laminate to tile so by doing this in advance it just makes my life easier all the way over one two [Music] so when I'm drilling a few holes just to do a little demonstration for you how we secure this to the floor that's an SDS machine it's awesome it's a really good hammer drill you can see there wasn't a whole lot of effort going in didn't have to put his body weight behind it if you have one of these drills you can actually switch this gear over to hammer it will work it'll take five times as long it'll get the job done but if you're doing a big space like this and you don't own one like this go to the store and rent it twenty-five bucks for the day definitely worth the investment we're using tapcon screws coated screw won't rust pulling everything nice and tight even though we've pulled it tight or maintaining our airspace underneath the plywood it doesn't have to be a lot because any air that's moving will take any moisture that could possibly get underneath this floor someday and it'll transfer that all through the house and it'll stay drive forever and you'll never have a moisture mold mildew kind of problem so you can see the system works great we need about six or eight screws for every sheet of plywood because this tongue and groove if I put a screw within a foot of that joint I'm also compressing the other sheet so you don't have to go a lot of overkill just make sure that when you're walking around you got rid of the spongy spots if you need to put a few extra screws somewhere that's fine also while you're drilling you might notice where you are you might have softer concrete and depending on the driller you use when you're drilling your hole if your screws aren't grabbing then just make one little change drill straight through don't clean the hole as you go sometimes the concrete can be a little bit too soft so if you just push down and leave all that dirt in the hole then you'll have something there to bind that screw to the hole and it won't be lifting out on you if you're enjoying these videos subscribe to the channel hit the like button but most importantly comment on the videos by all means or a suggestion of video you'd like to see let us know we'd love to be in touch
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 1,728,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: basement floor, install subfloor in basement, install subfloor on concrete, install subfloor over concrete, subfloor over concrete, subfloor in basement, basement flooring ideas, basement flooring, basement flooring on concrete, basement subfloor options, basement subfloor dmx, basement subfloor panels, basement subfloor install, basement subfloor systems, basement flooring options, basement flooring installation, sub flooring basement, sub flooring over concrete
Id: UuZz7xoXMOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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