My Draped Mother's old crochet doily and dollar tree's creation pot. Ga. USA

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good morning i'm helen from georgia and i might heal this beautiful morning don't start a new project it's gonna be a little pot a little flower pot from my dollies but then I got from the Dollar Tree I'm gonna do for them and see me and put them on a mold and let them dry and see how that turns out and when they get dry we'll see what to do next we're seam together thank y'all so much for watching this video have a blessed day and subscribe and share thank you okay I'm mixing up my this is one cup I Portland cement two cups Portland cement three one two three four five six whatever you put your cement you put twice that much Sam had water this is gonna be a little thin this morning because I'm different some these little doll is in it for my for my little pot I mix it up steel mixing machine it a little more water with it whittles feet real salt and run in absorb this clock this little donut that I put now let's go back over here to the table here's my cloths that I'm gonna put in there and here's my little dollies the little round doll is from the Dollar Tree so I'm going fast here this thicker one right here is uh the one that I'm gonna put on first I'll dip it in my bitch you see what I'm doing with my mixture I'm not putting it mixing up a lot of cement because it's not gonna take much for this you just sort of do you see man according to what you're making how much just don't take me except my cement so according to what I'm making I bought me some new gloves I like them they tip my hand a little better than the other ones they're so big my fingers getting go all the way out to the end I think I've got this Center rated I'll go ahead and mix up do my little uh Doorly Zoo [Music] [Music] I'm putting full ran here beautiful day today is it's not hot and it's not cold it's a little cool but not not real bad we have a little cold snap in this well the first one usually it's kinda makes you cold because you're not used to it first cold snap is using the coldest because it's a warm weather then that real cold snap comes in it may seem I had to get my liquor blanket out cuz I got very cold and I can't go sleep if I'm cold I got it now I got it feasting good warm bed you know that song thank the Lord for his blessing to film me I think I've got him pretty well soaked okay now let me put it over there get my hands [Music] don't a head lazy susan up here but I did I found this doily that that belonged to my mother she crocheted it long time ago and that's getting old and I'm gonna dip it in this cement so maybe it won't go away and I can keep it [Music] okay take this around there and let it dry I think that's beautiful okay you see how that turns out good morning pop hailing from Georgia right here this morning go open up a project that I started a few days ago is his home it's a great little flower pot with doilies from the Dollar Tree and a dolly that my mother made long years ago I've had it so long and and I decided to dip it in cement and put it on this pot and maybe it would last a lot longer maybe and when I look at it I could remember that she made this and I I hope everyone likes it thank y'all so much for watching this video have a blessed day subscribe and share thank you so much [Music] okay this is my pot that I draped with this doilies and their heart is a rock so let me try to take it out of the mold and see how it looks get up a little closer where you can see it if you remember I put a basket in here this is the basket put some plastic bags in here - time poop it out a little instead of just being straight down straight okay that is beautiful it is very beautiful my mother's crocheted piece is you can see it I need to raise it up a little higher where you can sing it better maybe okay I've decided I didn't mean to spray it I've decided to just put some white acrylic paint on it this is the color it was it was white and it turned a little yellow because of age but I'm gonna paint it white like like it was originally supposed to be this is just acrylic right and our old paintbrush it's about seen its better days and I think it'll do you could always find things that that you can use if you look around enough to make something very beautiful and means a lot to you this means a lot to me because this lacy thing on the top was my mother's she passed away long time ago so I've decided to use this one this one just suitable for what I was making so I decided I'd used it [Music] hey I'm finished with my pot and it looks absolutely beautiful and I just going to show you all the way around it just beautiful here's my finished project my my pol pot all painted and so beautiful right now so much for watching this video have a blessed day subscribe and share have a blessed blessed day thank you so much [Music]
Channel: helen wyatt
Views: 768,089
Rating: 4.8488536 out of 5
Keywords: Draped, crochet, doily, dollar tree's, Portland cement, Ga. sand, Great Hobby, Flower Pot, Technique with acrylics, Hobby Painting, Cement Mixing, Painting with Acrylics
Id: EO0iX-gy1UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2017
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