MY DOG GETS ATTACKED! Stopping Dog Aggression In One Session?!

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hey guys and welcome back to fenrir and today we are joined by another colleague today we have bonnie with us now bonnie is here with me today through kind of dr dog aggression and in particular reactivity on the lead now this is the very first time i've ever worked with bonnie she arrived literally a few minutes ago with what she's arrived on we've brought her straight out and just diving straight into it the only thing i know of bonnie is the videos that you guys are seeing on screen now that the owners have sent me to demonstrate what they've been struggling with and how bad she's been especially around other dogs now what they thought was dog to dog aggression and they say it's been getting worse and worse as the years go on i clearly see that as just a massive level of anxiety and fear-based response no leadership no guidance no direction whatsoever bonnie is finding herself in situations where stimuli is going off in this situation other dogs she has no idea how to respond no humans leaders to look up to to ask how to respond and then the only way she has learned how to respond is to blow up now i don't think it's aggression whatsoever i think it's quite standard reactivity on a lead based off a huge lack of leadership now you might have noticed throughout this entire introduction we have had zero engagement and i mean zero engagement so what we're gonna have to do first is build engagement that engagement will inherently build leadership and that leadership will allow a relationship between the two of us where she now knows she has to look up to me for guidance and direction because i'm in charge and then i can communicate once i can communicate with her we'll get other dogs out and we'll fix this reactivity lickety-spit we'll get this done really quickly this is another proper bread and butter case for me one thing i want to dive on and trust me we're going to dive into it i'm going to show you exactly how we do it and the dramatic before and after transformation will be amazing i'm sure this is another case of this dog has been failed by many many positive only trainers owners have been to lots of different trainers to find try and fix this exact issue with zero success and it's just been getting worse and worse and the owners are at a point where they're pulling their hair out they're terrified to go on walks she seems to be getting worse they think the aggression's getting worse terrified of having an ear over dogs she's getting exercise less she's not being allowed off lead we've got probably one of the highest energy breeds on the planet that needs exercise and everything is just crumbling around now this is one of those situations where i'm not bad-mouthing positive only trainers positive only is an excellent approach to teach something new but this is a classic example of a behavior modification program and me putting in a behavior intervention plan to help her and we're going to do that by implementing it with a balanced approach and you're going to see that unfold clear as day in this video so let's first of all before we dive into the tune up you can see we've swapped over to my slip lead it's nice tight and high around the neck but i can still easily get my fingers behind giving her enough slack with my toggle to make sure that she's absolutely comfortable and what i want to find out is kind of if she's driven by anything before we start so i know that when she performs really well for me i know how to reward it so bonnie so it would appear which is impressive for a border collie no toy drive it's okay let's see what about this so i wanted to know that there is good things coming from me so bonnie again zero engagement no that's a bit of beef no no engagement you can see just incredibly anxious it doesn't take an expert in canine behavior to understand just how timid and anxious bonnie is is a pinned tail's not tucked all the way under but it's low she's cautious she's not happy and a lot of people want to pander to this and pour it on but that does nothing more than make it worse and when the positive only trainers have come in and tried to fix this behavior they do the classic thing of reactivity sparks and then they try and lure it away with two food or toys zero interest in either thing and all that does is furthers the problem they're just rewarding you're not luring away it's not a good redirection tactic because at no point are you letting her know that that's not an acceptable behavior so what we need to do is come in and correct that behavior really quickly let know that's not acceptable then we can redirect to the desirable behavior and then we reinforce it now the problem with bonnie is i'm at a loss as to whether she's interested in being reinforced now once i built some engagement she then might be happy to take some of these reinforcers from me if not we go back to leadership and the process is the same it doesn't really matter i would like to give you something nice and we can try physical praise hey buddy doesn't look like she overly likes that either so again we might have a dog here that's not overly fussed in being reinforced but again it doesn't change the fact that that behavior is unacceptable and as i am now in charge of this situation i need to cut that and stop that from happening so first things first let's do the tune-up drill because this is a behavior modification plan not a training session i'm probably going to come in and for those first few direction turns when she's not engaging with me i'm going to go a little bit higher with the correction we're still only using a slip lead we're not using choke chain collar prong collar i don't think we're going to need it with bonnie but i do need to let her know very quickly that if you're not engaging with me there's consequences to that so those first few might be a little bit of a pop on the uh on the slip lead but it won't hurt her you'll see the process in a minute get that redirection back to me and then i'll be able to bring it down but as always you want to use the least amount of physical correction required to achieve the desired outcome so again no let's go perfect so you're going to see no direct let's go and just a little pot let's go let's go so if you go out in front of me and don't look at this instantly beautiful yes bonnie bring her back in this way bonnie let's go where are you going this way please let's go yes oh good girl oh good girl let's go yes beautiful so now we've got some engagement going we're going to try food again bonnie let's go didn't engage with me quick enough there so a little bit of lead pressure but straight away already seconds in i'm at one finger walking bonnie let's go yes bonnie we're gonna treat oh yes you took it that time oh yes thank you oh thank you to you oh thank you that moment there let's stop that could make me cry you saw 30 seconds ago didn't want to take a treat was no engaged with me i've come in and i've very quickly put some leadership in and from doing that straight away building that engagement i offer her a treat after i've corrected her so think of the logic there i'm the big mean bully but i've come in and i've corrected her and brought the engagement back to me and then she takes a treat from me and wants to come and lick me and give me a kiss what's happening there if i'm the big mean bully what's happening is for the first time in her life i've come in quickly and gone no i'm in charge she's now going finally thank you somebody who's coming and taking charge of this that anxiety is starting to dissipate from her that anxiety and fear is just starting to wash away enough that she could go oh actually don't feel like i need to have a panic attack right now i'll take that treat and thanks mate that was nice of you i'm going to give you a kiss beautiful this is again a dog that can do lots of tricks i couldn't care less about any of those tricks that moment right there is exactly why i do what i do i've come in instilled some leadership already now we're building relationship and she is now becoming a happier dog yawning because it's the weight of the world is coming off the shoulders so i want to get back to it i want to capitalize on this get a few more of these really positive reps in absolutely stunning i'm going to have a little bit of fun with it hopefully she'll take some treats i'd love if i can get to play with a toy then i can really make this thing fun of like lord if you're not engaging with me i'm gonna let you know but if you do engage with me then we're gonna have some fun together and that's all i need from you if she doesn't it's not the end of the world but because of that i can now quickly come in and say hey hey on me on me which then means that translates when we bring dogs out and that reactivity sparks same principle i can come in and say hey no on me and it's uh that'll fix the reactivity issue so again let's go bonnie let's go yes give her a little bit more time there because i know she's starting to comprehend bonnie let's go correction there so no reinforcement because she wasn't engaging already see how she's dropping back in with me a little bit bonnie let's go oh good oh yes thank you barney thank you bonnie yes thank you good girl keep up with me bud yes i had a girl bonnie let's go yes good girl yes good girl thank you oh good girl yes let's go superb barney yes bonnie let's go yes good kill oh yes thank you good girl let's go good girl bonnie let's go yes yes do a little play not interested still no not toy driven shocking for a collie but yes good girl yes engage with me eye contact for the first time today yes oh yes beautiful thank you oh good girl bunny yes let's go so naturally the heel walking's dropping in because she's engaging with me better let's go not fast enough there yes there's still sniffing we'll tidy this up bonnie let's go yes good yes good yes oh yes let's go good yes yes bonnie let's go oh yes quick shop good girl oh thank you okay thank you oh thank you yes yes oh thank you so much oh it's nice to see you tell your wagon yes good thank you so much oh good girl yes beautiful so already from the start of this video to now just look at the difference and i'm really trying to wait for that eye contact i'm going to be a little bit cheeky and cheat it cut eight times yes and let her know this food is coming from my eyes yes everything good comes this way it all comes back that way and all i need you to do is to send it back up and this is beautiful yes she's a very very anxious dog that's clear as day but to pander to that is only going to make that anxiety worse what she needs is to understand that i'm going to take yes take control of that situation but again just look at the monumental difference that five minutes of leadership can provide now again there's school there's a there's a primary school over there the kids are playing i can hear it busy roads farm environment of course it's going to be just yes distracting but i wanted to know all you need to do is engage with me oh that's all you need to do please just engage with me and the everything in the world is okay then i can lavish on all the lovely nice things if you don't engage with me i'm going to have to make you do that you need to understand that i'm in charge and what we're going to do now is again not one for wasting time i'm going to get some dogs out in a second and we're going to do the same drill and letting her know if that reactivity comes up nope back here yes back here and then a good thing's gonna come beautiful and that's all that we want so again we'll cut it here because joe's on the camera so i'm gonna get uh rachel running the camera joe can go and get my role model dog and we'll put sully in a nice sit stay in a heel position i'm going to do this drill getting closer closer closer if yes thank you bonnie good girl yes yes again i'm not asking anything over i'm sure she knows lots of different tricks i know she's been to lots of positive trainers so they will have done lots of obedience work i don't care i'm not bothered all i want is yes is this because if you engage with me and look up to me for guidance and direction i can take care of the rest but if you try and make decisions for yourself then we're going to have problems and that's all this dog aggression is is because she doesn't know that she can look up this way and through the tool this is just a connection of this all what i focus on is my eyes and these eyes this these tools just better allow that it's another way of just sending that down and communicating that down so again i'm going to bring that back yes good eye contact yes beautiful that's all i want so without further ado let's get to the dramatic part of this so so guys as you can see cameras all the way over here i'm over here with bonnie and just straight away look yes thank you always trying to thank you trying to pay that eye contact lovely beautiful now joe's going to get my role model dog sully and i've instructed him to bring sully out on a break command so you're going to see sully pull in hopefully playing a little bit with joe i want sully's energy to be firing because i want that energy to trigger bonnie because i need to see it bad to be able to help communicate to her then i'm going to direct joe to do different things with sully put him into a heel position do some obedience work just diff i want to see if there's a specific thing about a dog that triggers her and i want to put her into as many different situations as possible so that i can help address it so i can see right now that yeah joe you can come through so um obviously with sully is so well trained that it's always difficult but the camera will show you now so if the camera can cut back to me straight away right now bonnie has noticed that there's a dog there so if you stay there for me joe just kind of keeps sully relaxed on a break he doesn't know massive expectations from him and i'm just going to do a few drills so straight away i'm seeing this laser focus and what i'm going to do is do a little bit of a 180 drill and what you're going to see is i'm probably going to have to use a bit of a correction just to really make it clear as day you need to come back to me so let's go bonnie let's go good so straight away you saw that that was a beautiful example that reactivity sparked up and i came in with the tool of the slip lead no and we're going to do that again come on let's go and look at the difference straight away because i've come in and corrected that behavior yes good let's spin this round a bit straight away look at the difference that reactivity as soon as it hit she's ran out in front of me charged towards sully on the end of the no we're done let's go the proof it couldn't be further in the pudding let's go yes good girl oh good girl thank you so much thank you so much bonnie because this is all i want and now we can go back to being positive yes thank you so let's do another one of those if you try and keep sully in a stay for me sully stay so she's getting curious come on bonnie stay yes so now she's trying to learn i don't know did you see when she was she dug her heels in a bit but looked up to me i'm we're going and you just need to listen and everything's gonna be okay so again this isn't an aggressive dog it's a reactive dog that's stemming from anxiety and fear this is why she's looking away she's deflecting a little bit focus back on good good boy sully thank you good boy stay bunny let's go yes good good yes bonnie let's go slow it down nice and calm we're going to go for a straight pass here good yes good now that is a pass that passes a pass where i'm in between the two of them this pass is going to be more challenging because i'm going to allow bonnie to not have any body contact so i'm going to give them a wide berth but i'm not going to be in the way of her and sully so bonnie let's go i'm going to go nice and fast good yes good yes good girl let's go yes sorry stay yes good good bonnie let's go and again the leaders are in charge of this situation sully's the happiest playfulest dog he wants to play but he's like okay boss has told me not to so i'll just wait i suppose yes good thank you yes so her focus was starting to ramp up then the the ears came she started to nudge forward and all i did with a verbal correction paired with a slight physical just brought that attention back yes now when she offers it me naturally of course praise reinforce food toys all the whatever your dog loves if they offer it you naturally give it to them that's not a problem i love positive reinforcement but not for fixing a bad behavior the bad behavior no it's not acceptable because i'm in charge and that's all we've done here bonnie let's go good yes stay yes thank you beautiful no correction needed there because it was beautiful and i pay her for that let's go i think i was talking to you big boy i've not said that you two can greet and if you just look at the natural body language between me and joe we call this planting our flag i've planted my flag big and proud joe's planted his flag big and proud we're looking good we're in control of this situation and that's all i'm oozing down to bonnie right now is that i'm in control and joe is oozing down to sully that he's in control and therefore he has to lead he has to listen because of that leadership that comes in yes good girl bonnie yes so now we're going to keep doing that and we're going to do another pass nice and close beautiful little bit of trying to get away again it's not aggression it's stemming from fear and anxiety but just by now putting these reps in again a dog that 10 minutes ago look she's digging the heels in we're going so 100 this is stemming from anxiety and fear 100 zero doubt in my mind but the only way that she knows yes good how to deal with it was reactivity so now what we're going to do is i'm going to be the one that is staying still and joe has now got a toy out you can see that sully's demeanor changes he goes to laser focus and what i want to do is just see joe just do some very basic stuff just crossing in front of me doing a little bit of heel working and if at any point i don't mind her looking it's not fair for me to ask her not to look but if she starts to make a decision that i think is inappropriate i'm going to come in and i'm just going to quickly let her know that that's not appropriate again pulling towards me she was starting to step into my comfort zone here again planting this flag this is my zone and i'm in charge and again i absolutely don't mind you watching but this is where i tell you you watch from because i'm in charge and i'm in control and if you make any bad choices i'm going to let you know that you're making bad choices i'm not going to try and lure you away any of that nonsense i'm not going to dance around with hot dogs for a dog that isn't really that interested i'm going to very quickly come in and just say no that's not acceptable yes good deal bonnie good when she behaves well verbal just let her know yes good again i don't need to pile the food on just a little bit of vocal inflection you all make fun of me for how i talk baby but it works it's called vocal inflection it's a way i pair it with treats so that they know that that kind of tone of voice for me means good yes i like it and that's all we're doing here so again i'm just going to keep letting get nice and close that's it good boy good boy so again seeing sully do a little bit of uh what would be nice now again perfect example that lunging isn't acceptable so i'm not luring it away verbal vocal verbal correction slight bit of lead pressure just let her know nope this is what i want give me this and everything's okay what i'd like you to do now joe is um keep his lead on just so you can control the variable but just throw that toy kind of past the cameraman and just let him kind of run i want to see kind of different energy zones and we're going to go and get different dogs out be great to get eileen out as a puppy again just see different sizes of dog different energy levels of dog is there any kind of specific triggers that really set her off the event again i can just quickly come in and say hey no we don't do that anymore so again if you always want to kind of toss that over there let's do that again please joe but actually let the thing [Music] you
Channel: Will Atherton Canine Training
Views: 508,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5_xVxOitu8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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