My Death Experience: purgatory

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welcome back everybody follow jacket or this is the second installment of my series of my death experience I talked to him in the last episode about me having my Audubon experience and my death so today I wanted to talk about what that was like and when I saw when I got on the other side when Thomas of the side what I can see immediately was it was like a black abyss I can see ground low and sky to it that was black except in the distance the the color that I can see was heaven I can see heaven I hail and the horizon and light was coming out of it the thing is it was something that a couple things to clarify once I saw this when I got on the other side there was a few things that came to my realization instantaneously one I had no question that I was dead too I had no question that was heaven that I was seeing because now I could see it I could feel it I can feel the love of God coming out of heaven but also what I can feel is I felt the presence of God instantly as it on the other side and the first thing I thought what I got there was I consider myself an atheist before this experience and when I got on the other side I realized I was completely wrong that everything I thought I believed was wrong but everything I was taught growing up was right I also can see I looked down on the ground and I could see my body but as I was looking I'm from I was looking from heaven to the earth I can see the earth its entirety I can see the beginning of time and end of time it's hard for me to explain now because now I'm back in my body so there's a lot of elements when somebody has not about experience it's hard to scribe but what I do know is I was standing in what we call this purgatory I could see millions of souls around me and as I can see all the souls were all going to heaven we're all waiting to go to heaven but what was preventing me from moving forward was I can feel there was a way of my sins preventing me what I also felt was the desire to be there and now I'm going so when I was standing in purgatory there was a burning desire to be with God but I could not be there that's what most people could describe us of that torment there was a sort of torment to it that I could not my soul want to be quenched by God but I could not get there yet I also felt behind me I can feel death and darkness I can feel hell so that was instantly what I can feel around me I can feel was sort of my own anguish but also wanting to be quenched by God because I can see heaven and just seeing it alone was something that woods cannot describe the point is that no matter what you believe there is a truth than a reality to death that there is a God that whether you believe it or not he exists and it is our destiny to get there when I crossed over I felt that there was the one thing that defied my life that my purpose was to die and go to heaven I can feel that when I entered on the other side it was an instant reality and all the millions of souls around me felt the same way the point is that God is real even if you don't believe it and all of us have to go there and we'll be faced with that reality next time the next installment will be about what I actually saw I was visited by an angel what that was like and what happened to that thank you for watching see you next time
Channel: Rev Jeffrey Couture
Views: 85,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: purgatory, death
Id: ai1yng7adoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 2sec (242 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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