My Dad Never Has To Work Again.. *super emotional* | FaZe Rug

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Alright guys, how's everybody doing today welcome back to a brand new video my name is faze rug if you're new here hit that subscribe button and become a rug rat today super close to 7 mil and I'm sitting here with mamma rug my mother my beautiful lovely mom and I am so excited to be bringing you guys this video I've actually been planning on doing this for about six months I actually opened like a separate account just to do this And I kept putting money in there every single month and today's the day where I am going to be retiring my dad from work Like this is something huge in my hands right here is a check for $100,000 thank you It's mine My dad is a hard-working, man. He's been working for over 30 years like not only does he work at a liquor store But he worked super hard at home. He doesn't stop working. He loves working, and I really admire that about my dad He inspires me to keep working and the fact that I'm able to do this Really touches me in it puts the biggest smile on my face And I just can't believe that I'm put in a position where I'm able to retire my own father from work And it's all. Thanks to you like you watching the video right now. I love you guys thank you so much for allowing me to do this and Continuing to support me every single day like it means a lot more to me than you guys think And I seriously appreciate the support every single day I read comments I try to talk to you guys and try to give to you guys like a lot. I was thinking about his reaction How is gonna be much go crazy or say? No. I'm not gonna Yeah, cuz guys my dad really likes word so like I'm hoping with this money right here is gonna At least help him be less stressed because my dad stresses out a law about paying bills And I always want to help him so you always do yeah But this right here is something that I want to change his life So I don't know how his reactions gonna be I haven't even hinted at him that I wanted to retire him But he loves working, so I'm not gonna stop him from doing something that he loves but I would at least make him feel more comfortable and Less stressed cuz you know stress sucks, and we all go through it. Okay, if you're stressed out there Don't worry it always gets better Think positive always talk to someone because I've been there my mom's been there my dad's been there everyone's been there Everyone's been through stress its life, but you can always overcome it And uh I don't know I might get emotional giving this to my dad because guys I just want him to be happy I really want him to just be happy And he is always happy when he's home, and he always wants to make youtube videos And he always wants to help me with videos and on top of that he pays bills. He goes to work That's like an hour away from here And I always say it and people probably laugh at me we are blessed very my mom stopped going to work because my dad like retired her when she got pregnant with my brother So I kind of want to follow in my dad's footsteps I'm like you know what he retired my mom like let me retire my dad like my own father my own hard-working father I want to be able to retire him and That's not good. he's gonna be just sitting on the couch and watching Netflix yeah He goes to where guys I'm telling you he wakes up at 5:00 in the morning every single morning you leave the house 5:30 comes up works like five five six times a week I've achieved many of my dreams because of you guys I Got big on YouTube Became an entertainer which I wanted to make people laugh since I was young check that off the list um I put my family into a beautiful house Which was another thing I wanted to do growing up all thanks to you guys so check that off the list I bought my mom Her dream car which is something that I wanted to do I'm in love with my car check that off the list and it's all thanks to you guys and now The big finale I am about to retire my dad from work or at least attempt because my dad loves to work So I'm not gonna stop him for doing something that he loves but I just want him to feel less stressed and comfortable and just pay off his bills and Go to work less and just maybe go check up on the business here and there now we're gonna wait for my dad to come back from Work works, and and we're gonna see how this goes Yeah, no this is like a New Year's gift to my dad like to start off his New Year feel less stressed You know he's getting old, no dad I love you I'm just kidding you're not getting old you watch every second even the commercial one, baby Yeah, though guys, but yet to start off the new year. I want my dad to just be more comfortable Go to work less and enjoy his life once again. Thank you. Thank you watching this video. I love you I love you so much. You guys have changed our lives for the better, and you guys have given us a lifetime I've never even dreamed of like it's more than a dream come true So thank you guys, and I hope you enjoyed the video look who just came home. I'm excited Sup dad There's a camera there's a camera How was work today, uh how's your son's doing today? I'm the paparazzi hit Hi, how are you? good Bosley! he doesn't even say hi to my mom Yeah it goes like this from the right my old man is home, I'm happy Dad Dad Dad listen I have a huge surprise for you Another surprise you just got me a surprise for Christmas Yeah, I know, but this was like something like bigger and it's for like the new year Yeah I'm more spoiled than you Dad no this was huge like I don't know how you're gonna like take it, but let's just go give him the gift Let's do it. Yeah nice little office. You got here dad shout out to sonickae. Alright, I want to give you your gift, but let's go in your room. Yeah. It's not a prank. Don't worry Is it just for me or for your mom? It's it's for you Dad sit down you wanna treat, you wanna go for a walk Okay Okay, okay, oh My god is crazy. I don't know this is like crazy to me No, there's nothing you trust me so watch behind But listen I know how hard you work you go to work almost every single day I don't know how you're gonna. Take this surprise like I don't know if you're gonna like you or like I don't know, okay, so I've been playing this for six months I open literally a separate account and have been putting money in every month like from my paycheck because I want to like Retire you from work, and if you don't like that like I just want this Show that month yeah, I Want to give you this? Because I see how much you're stressed out with bills, and how you still go to work And I don't want to see your getting old But like you know like you work extremely hard and this like I don't know what you want to do it if you don't Want to go to work anymore, I mean, I'm sure you still want to go to work. I don't know Wait keep looking at me unafraid. It's not afraid I would never ever do a prank like this. I think this is serious I want to give you this check for $100,000 For me for you and because I want you to be more at home and be comfortable and be less stress Mm-hmm I'm gonna cry here the nobies Hey. Oh, yeah, yeah But, but you know this is been literally my dream since I was a kid I was like can see how hard my dad works I want to work as hard as my dad and then at the end I want to retire you or I want to help you guys out to where you don't have to work anymore like at least be less stressed because I see you in the office at least four hours a day just paying bills paying bills And I'm like you know what Dad. This is something that I didn't want to do I know I know my work, and I like I go. I enjoyed but with this I just want you to like you could still go to work But I want this till I got least like make you less stressed and feel more comfortable In LA. I mean everybody's dream like the kids. You know they come up with something like this to their paradise There's something I never seen him, but I don't know your brother. He did so much for us. I mean, it's It's enough. You know it's yeah, Brandon has done a lot for us retired me from Warren. That's something big I never bothersome I Will never thought like I don't know something big Come I go he's not something like that would think you really oh hell Yeah, let's go like it's something Valley like probably hearts a commitment like big commitment from you - so what do you say? Look I've been work on this business for almost three decades He just heard that phrase this is like my Second home when I go there like I'm just by going to my other home You know do my work and stuff, and I mean yes. It's a lot of work. You know going garden stuff, but I enjoy, but you know I'm gonna miss my customer and stuff but But it's okay for me if I still go for like at least couple days a week Like what I meant like you could still go check up on the business go do whatever you have to do But I just want this to like make you less stressed and make you feel more comfortable like oh I paid the bills for the next couple months like I'm good like I don't need to go every day to work I'm good like yeah, I mean that's gonna help a lot. I mean, this is this is big big. I mean everybody's dream You know this money, but oh That what do you say I love you I know I can't imagine like what am I really so that I hope this helped out and I'm telling you I've been playing this for a long time. I have never hinted active once I thought of staying like Oh dad like I have a huge surprise in a couple months like they okay I Have the best kids When I say it seriously we're blessed army and They think about me like Of course they think like okay, I care about what they come up with this like to retire me from work. That's something big Yeah, I care about your happiness. Everybody's happy dislike holiday put that over mine. Thank you I hope this literally just like pull the weight off your school. They're like it's a big line Yeah, that's good. That's that's what that was my goal Comfortable, that's good dad I mean like I know working is in your blood so like of course you're probably still gonna like go to work here and there Thank you very much your source This is drain And I'm gonna continue working hard myself for the rest of my life So this is what I love to do making YouTube videos making you guys laugh, and then we're gonna make my family help Of course we were there before you were famous we're here and we'll be there always. Thanks guys. I love you Thank you of course of course Guys I hope you did enjoy the video like this is like touching to be out of knowing. I'm crying. I don't wanna she Was tearing up behind the camera guys, it's okay, well like my dad says choke, but Okay guys well, we've in the video there. I hope you did enjoy if you did Please be sure to drop a like this is something I've been wanting to do for months now and finally being able to do it. I couldn't be any happier This is the exact reaction I expected and I loved it. I I love my dad. I love my mom I love my brother I love you guys, and thank you guys for making this possible and Ramos to seven bills So you know you don't hit that subscribe button I love you guys tweet at me at Fay's rug Instagram at rug phase you already know interact with me on that social media stuff and other than that's been drug And we're out peace
Channel: FaZe Rug
Views: 5,627,836
Rating: 4.9140282 out of 5
Keywords: faze rug, rug, faze rug dad, faze rug work, retired, retired from work, retired my dad, my dad retired from work, i retired my dad, i retried my dad from work, emotional, faze rug emotional, super emotional, i finally retired my dad from work, dad, reaction, crying, surprising my dad
Id: Iyl-I0cs5t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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