My Dad Is A Hot Rod Hoarder...

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what's going on you guys i'm trying to think so much has happened and i've been absent from youtube i've been doing things busy with school freelance work and i don't know i think for all of us it's just crazy times but uh for the past month or so my dad and i have been working on the garage organizing and making it all nice a while ago i told you guys that we're gonna work on bad news and before we wanted to work on it we wanted to clean up the garage it would be better for filming and all that and it's just been something that my dad has been wanting to do and i've been asking my dad to do for a while and make the garage all pretty it's a nice set now it is before it was all all over the place you could barely walk around and stuff so it's really nice right now i'm excited to show you so a year ago i told you guys that we were gonna work on my dad's 32 um well that never happened life got crazy but hopefully we can get to it this year we got to fix the other hot rod first and then this is my dad's 67 bug that he's had for a long time um it's kind of like a a relic from the 80s as you can see the paint job but uh this thing's pretty fun to drive it's really small and if you haven't driven a bug it would totally surprise you driving this thing it's i i didn't know what to expect and it's a fun little thing to drive around um i'm sure that's fun to drive but that will be coming hopefully soon but yeah let me go get my dad and we'll give you a tour of the garage and show you everything he's been collecting this stuff his whole life so i'm sure he'll be happy showing it off but yeah let's go get him all right dad you ready to be on camera all right what's taking you so long all right you're finally back on camera it's been a while yep it's been a crazy year i'm sure a lot of you guys have experienced this crazy year too but um i felt like i was like more disorganized than ever because we had been working on our house and more you know restoration work and stuff like you can see the garage door i always wanted to do like an original 50s style or 60 style wood door the one that we had got beat up from our skateboarding and stuff so anyway this one we found a guy that could build like he did it in the 60s and um but the old one was aluminum yeah that one was really light it was light so this thing is like really heavy but the one the funny thing is that my friend keith wiesner you know my club and the artist he had done a drawing recently of a garage door just like this and that's kind of exactly what i was thinking in my head so i sent him a picture of the garage door when it was done and a picture of his sketch or his drawing with you know car in front of it whatever and he's like oh man i i knew i got the idea for this garage door from somewhere but it was a total reverse he had forgot you know he did the drawing and we did the garage like the garage door like he was wrong well just open it up okay let's see so i'm going to set this coffee down don't drop it so you got to get a firm hold on it oh yeah so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] after like things went down this year i felt like i was just like i said disorganized with everything so one thing that i thought like if i get the garage somewhat organized again then maybe like we get more work done easily and um ben's always been on me about my bikes being everywhere and moving bicycles and so i thought like one thing is like cool we could make the garage even better for filming and maybe doing a podcast to finish decorating like i wanted to like and make it make it functional at the same time but and also make it like a display for all the stuff that i've collected and or um things i'm not using yet yeah so how many like how long have you been saving up all these items for this like how long like what's the oldest thing in this this whole garage that you've had like how long have you had it for like well this has been your whole life right yeah i've been collecting since i was a little kid i guess but just you know i've gotten more and more stuff but i i i'm not really a a hoarder i wouldn't say my friend coop called it um he said he's an accumulator so it's like a like it makes you feel better that you're you know but i think all the stuff i have a lot of it's ended up having value and whatnot but i just it's all stuff that inspired me and that i love you know um yeah and so anyway but back to the oldest thing i guess this would probably be the this sign right here um the a no not the a the the oh the street sign yeah that says teasdale that um that that's from the first house that i lived in like the street corner how when do you think that sign was made it looks ancient probably in the 50s or the 60s is that a bell on it too no that's that's what mounted it to the post but the funny thing is that we lived in the house until 1971 and then my aunt and uncle susanna robert they bought the house for my parents um and that sign was still there but at some point when they lived there this they replaced the signs they decided like they would put new street signs around so that they were discarded that and then my uncle took it and then they had to hang in their garage but then when they moved from that location um i don't remember how or why but i got this i got that so it's one thing it's cool it looks neat and i would probably have that anyway but it means a lot because it's like the corner where i uh yeah lived at that's really cool yeah um do you want to get started on this side of the garage and we'll work our way around yeah so maybe start off with the shelves that you put up so actually should we talk about this because that was like the first thing oh yeah that's what that started the whole thing so this these little drawers here don't open one up yeah but this one now that has all the stuff that is left over from bad news so if i need a part um or whatnot yeah so we're a lot more organized yeah well that's stuff you can't work on cars with well actually we're not quite there yet because we don't have the names on them we only have bad news but like one of them oh like this is all like miscellaneous stuff off my mustang um like here's like some break components and stuff like that so we're a lot more organized where before we just used to keep them in like weird canisters and stuff and just so so it was funny i went to buy parts for the starliner like a surplus store that has really cool nuts and bolts and whatnot and then this thing was on like it was on a little like rollaway thing it said for sale and i saw it one day and then i thought man that'd be cool to get but i left and i for some reason i bought i had to go back and buy another part because i didn't get enough and it was still there and i thought man i'm just gonna get that it's 40 bucks so that kind of started i brought that and i thought man we should it'd be nice just to have in my mind i know where everything is in the garage but nobody else could find it like if i told ben hey go find this part for the 32 or this part for bad news it'd be hard for him to find so now like i tried to get everything for each car or each thing like in one area yeah that's gonna be a lot more helpful and then um so anyway so over here this is other first thing i did was i'm like i have these wine bottles and and this is uh from when ben and i and his grandpas we went to bonneville and we took salt from that we took from the salt yes anyway so i thought hey i should put those in that little corner this area was never used so i actually still had the top to the workbench that i had that was built for me by my step-dad jim when i was a little kid so these two shelves we built out of that workbench and now all the hubcaps are pretty much up here um skateboards hanging this guy used to skate with tony hawk back in the day and actually tony hawk reposted one of your photos yeah he did yeah yeah i listed again yeah i wasn't pro i was amateur but anyway um so this you know it's just like all the oils and whatnot one easy access to get to it it was all in like crates before and the other thing that we we did was that this cabinet over here um used to just have all kinds of miscellaneous stuff in it and you know like this came from i found it was in the street the neighbors were discarding it but anyway now that's you yeah so you know that's me with bad news before it was bad news when i was five just slight differences there's a photo of my mom and dad's outtake from rotten custom magazine that's me they're holding a model t toy um anyways just open it up so anyway so so anyway so now this is all paints like spray paint and stuff organized black color somewhat right yeah this is like model paints you can see here some old high-tech boy cottington paint that um i guess now is collectible he's no longer with us and i think a lot of things that are collectible yeah but i mean i bought that new yeah it's just funny and then um oh yeah we put the skateboards up there those are my uncles robert williams i did a video on that in the summer if you want to check that out but this is basically inspired by his car like the all the color and stuff and the graphics yeah and then the there's another board back there they did like a limited run and there's another board back there but we can't see that and we got chucky right here and that i don't even know where i got it or why but he's just always he's been here for like 20 years so we just keep him yeah oh and then here's a tool box that my dad picked up from me but this is like a relic from history right here it's got some cool stickers and stuff it was going to go into ben's car but then we thought it was going to bounce around and whatnot so ben came up with the idea to put cds in there because sometimes we still listen to cds yep with the cd player here and some speakers yeah so this thing's awesome though right yeah i love it look at the back of it it's got all these cool stickers even the pows have a nice never have a nice day so yeah this that whoever had that was an old hot rodder yeah in the 60s probably we cleaned it off it was fun to restore and stuff oh then whose cigar is that uh that's one of bill heinz cigars and this is a little rag that was printed and he signed it for me so here yeah bill hines and then who is he exactly for people that don't know he's a really famous custom car builder and he was a super cool guy he was i don't remember what disease he had but he was degeneratively like kind of like had problems but he lived for a really long time he's like you know like he was from the east coast originally but um he was known for smoking a cigar all the time so i don't know a couple years before he died one time at the uh moon eyes party the wrathful party he was he had a bunch of these out there in a mug i don't know it was like 10 bucks or something but i thought how cool is that that you know it's a weird thing to have a smoked cigar but that was like his trademark so you know and then this i just had this cigar box so that's funny yeah oh and then you're wanting to show this oh yeah this is what started everything this year yeah so this when i started cleaning the garage i was i this was out here like i guess i i picked up some newspapers back in january this is january 31st 2020 and i picked this up um i'd save uh a bunch of paper for masking like you know to paint something but i'm like this is before i even knew i didn't even think anything of this at the time but you know about a month after this things totally changed and we can't say the word because of youtube but you all know what it is yeah um so yeah we weren't really able to walk anywhere around here it's just full of stuff and i might have to add that part of that was because of the house that was the problem what really happened was that the it was kind of mess in here but when the house started getting redone uh the room that bends in we had to move a bunch of stuff out of because we changed the wall uh and so anyway everything ended up in here yeah so that that was like the downfall and then you know we we had a lot of stuff we wanted to get rid of and we've gotten rid of all kinds of stuff by uh selling online and um but mainly just we're just giving stuff to goodwill and it still doesn't look like we got rid of anything but it's unreal how much stuff we got rid of so one of my biggest frustrations with this garage was how many bikes my dad had in it it was absurd so basically i got him to move a bunch of them to different sheds hang him up so he only kept his favorites in here so we'll have him go through that but uh but i don't know where to get started let's go let's start with your uh favorite bike this is it probably i'd say this purple one yeah it's called a j33 schwinn stingray and they only made it in 1965. it has a springer fork and it's a standard size 20-inch wheel it's a two-speed rear hub to the unknowing or whatever it just looks like another stingray but everything's different on it because it's one year only yeah so what got you into collecting these bikes well i had a stingray when i was a kid and actually that's one of my favorite bikes i should have it in here but it's actually in the shed oh i guess i lied well no i mean i don't know why it's in there right now but it is so um i had a 1973 or have a 1973 stingray and um you know it was right at the end of the banana seat thing and when bmx started so uh you know i was on the tail end of it so these bikes are older than me you know most of these but um the the thing basically these things are like they're all automotive uh style like based around automotive customizing and hot rodding style do you want to take one out yeah well look at that easy access oh yeah so you know this this one you know all the cars back then they had you know there's a lot of chrome like custom cars had white interiors white seat the paint on all schwinn stingrays is like candy like this is called violet and this is an opal opalescent violet which is the earlier color but that's the thing is just like it looks like a little hot rod it's got a slick tire it came with a slick just like is based on you know drag car yeah and it kind of reminds me of all like the patina muscle cars and stuff it's like the same vibe like these aren't like some of your bikes aren't perfect like the paint's all like you know it's the kit has been going doing jumps and yeah hopping curbs and stuff and banging against the wall and stuff it's funny with my bikes i kind of struggle with i want to customize a lot of stuff and i like them custom but i also like them all stock like a muscle car collector would be but um i'd rather have original paint even if it's totally beat up than have like a repainted bike even though it's nice to have a restored one yeah all my bikes are original paint yeah and then there's another example it's like the mag wheel right yeah so this is like totally like but this is a a accessory fork that's uh extended fork like a chopper fork from the 60s but but this is it's called a mini mag so it's actually like a five spoke mag just like a hot rod or you know they based on sports cars too yeah and then this thing's pretty crazy too this is yeah this you will not let me get even close to this because he's afraid that i'm gonna hit the graphic on it and scrape it but yeah it's a pretty crazy bike it's got the dual shifters and stuff it's pretty crazy yeah it's got a it's a murray eliminator and it it has a slick and it's got like a one of these is for shifting and one is a like a power break so you could do like a skid um no burnout yeah burnout but anyway yeah this bike it's funny because the i got it oh actually the funny other thing is that i have all these bikes and all this stuff but most of it i collected before it was popular so i didn't pay like anything like what they go for most of them i mean i have paid high prices on a couple bikes but most of my stuff i just you know i lucked out i was ahead of the curve or came across stuff you know everything was swap meets garage sales and then obviously when ebay happened yeah a lot of this stuff came about that way and then uh well that's from your car accident when you got thrown out of a uh keith's car right yeah so that was on me luckily i didn't really have a broken neck but that was what i had on me in the ambulance so you got the wait did the seat belt rip out and you just flew out of the car or what happened yeah basically i got broadsided or what car was it it was his roadster which is now totally bitching and finished but it got demolished you know i luckily i was hurt pretty bad but considering what happened you got very fortunate photos right i took a photo as i rolled on the ground i flew out of the the seat belt broke and the seat back went like 20 feet in the air my friend said and then i flew out over the door and somehow people said maybe because i skate you know i was able to not get hurt but i i rolled and i skidded and i just had like a a ripped my jacket ripped but um and then i ended up by the curb and then i started taking pictures with my phone yeah because i've always taken pictures uh do you want to show them one of your old school boards up there one of those little guys this one so you also collect skateboards yeah yeah actually other things yeah i think well like most of my inspiration everything goes back to skating especially back then like everything in the 70s it was a new thing and there wasn't many people that were doing it although it did get a booned and then it died out but anyway this board is a funny story it's um it's an early hobie board my dad was in that was in the health food business and my family was and vitapak made these boards for hobie i think that's the whole story but anyway i got my dad gave me this in the later 70s because he knew the guy and it was totally obsolete like it was kind of like getting the you know like a 10 year old computer it was worthless because the the times changed so fast skateboarding evolved so quickly so but anyway i hung onto this thing the whole time and then later i found the correct uh wheels and trucks but now it's like you know it's obviously you can see it's like a mini skate surfboard um there's supposed to be a decal here but anyway but yeah it's a pretty rare board to get now even though when they when they made them i think when when my dad got this one they probably had so many of them they didn't know what to do with because they were you know leftover they probably threw a bunch of them in the trap they probably had hundreds of them this guy knows too much about too many things and then we put up another shelf or actually did you have that shelf kind of up there oh yeah i started building that like right before all this yeah but then we kind of finished it yeah so that's got your fenders from the 32 up there and then we put escape more skateboards up there because we have too many then that's your horse from when you're a child right yeah so that's it's called blaze and uh it's dated in 1961 that's when they made them but i got it probably when i was a kid like in 67 brand new and it's like you know it right rocks back and forth yeah it used to make a noise like when you pull the cord so i've had that thing it was at my mom's and then my mom got tired of having it in the yard the two the legs on the backside were eaten by some of our puppies so it only oh yeah on this side it's a missing one but we try to make him get rid of it but he found a spot for it so everyone's happy now so ben's mom my wife nicole she was driving her crazy because it's been in the corner of the yard and it i don't even know why it means anything to me because i don't ride horses or anything but i guess because it's been with me so long i was like you know then i looked up here and i saw we hung up this old bb gun that i had and i thought man that's cool it goes it's like a western horse and it goes with the bb gun and it's you know looks cool up there yeah um okay let's let's go over to this corner now it's a lot to look at in this corner oh here's uh two motors do you want to get into that maybe yeah the the that motor over here they're both ozil motors like 50 to 53 engines this one i think has 56 heads on it but i'm not positive this one's rebuilt that one was originally supposed to be for bad news it turned out it wasn't good like i thought it was it's a long story but the engine in the car in bad news is actually was at a lee pratt's 44 and he's a amazing guy and um it's great i mean it's neat that that motor is in this car he changed it i i wish he would have left this engine in his 40-foot sounds good yeah but he put in a chevy that he had always wanted to put in a car so he yeah about the same time just by luck you know we were able to buy that and actually this is funny i when i was cleaning up i i found like paperwork from when we were building the car and then i saw this like this was the note that i wrote or i think darren my friend darren wright might have written this so it's a like it just says has a magneto and also rebuilt old's motor 53 olds motor uh old race car engine so it was 800 bucks what a deal yeah and then uh so yeah do you want to show them the magazine cover for almost 10 years i worked for run custom and street roger and all the magazines and this is one of my favorite covers that i worked on um you did it i art directed and laid it out did all the graphic design did the 60 year logo and you know i had the chance to work with a lot of people that i had known outside the industry like rob fortier and brian brennan and ryan manson and all kinds of guys you know kev elliott who had worked with um on other english magazines beforehand but anyway this the cool thing about this also is that those are all my magazines from my magazine collection and ben actually shot that photo in the backyard like when he first started when he first got a real camera yeah i remember that yeah and then um what's going on over here just a little bit more of a display of uh this green frame was actually from my neighbor across the street a cool guy and i always liked it and when he was actually after he passed away the family didn't want it and i i said i'd love to have that um so this this glass here this is actually out of my deuce coop and i love how it's my uncle actually was the one that showed me how old gla old car glass would separate like that so it it you know it was in the car for a while but when i chopped the top with scott gilner we had you know i got a new piece of glass this cocktail sign is actually it's one of my favorite things it's from a restaurant called the witch stand that is now like a health food restaurant or something but it's one of the like really cool atomic age yeah it's a really cool sign yeah one of the other things i really like is like modern architecture and then um so we got the compressor in but that's been there for a while shout out to my grandparents for hooking that up but you know you guys were getting mad at me for using manual tools to loosen up my lug nuts so now we have some proper air tools and so let me tell you it's a lot easier to get the wheels off my car now and then this this whole wall has got a lot going on maybe we could start from the top those nerf bars up there were from a 27 roadster that was from a bunch of cars that were up into hunga actually the car got redone but john fisher in my club his 29 roads through the black one it came out of that yard so when the guy when the guy bought the car and he kept it a traditional hot rod but he discarded a bunch of the parts and i got a bunch of parts off that at one point those i bought those because i they're for 27 t so i thought about putting them on on the car before it was bad news yeah um and then as you can see this 32 ford five window dash that's like the swap meet price that's on it from when it was bought which you know i think it's 75 bucks yeah i think it's a lot more now and then this dash i cut down this is supposed to go into bad news but it never did it still might but i was going to make a custom dash of this 51 ford dash and then these came out of a garage in la they're they're for a buick nail head one's been cut down but they're headers um they came out of it like an old hot rod was stored pretty cool yeah and then drill press that's really cool yeah this was a estate sale uh fine and then this whole thing it looks simple but i got this at the same estate cells i got the drill press but do you want to open it up yeah we made a base for it and a new top and then strengthened it for the drill press and then now all of our power tools and stuff are in here yeah that's cool and then um do you want to move that sign real quick yeah so then we have more container with a bunch of different stuff in there a bunch of nuts and bolts all kinds of miscellaneous stuff so and this is actually pretty neat this moon eyes uh it's you know the american graffiti piston shifter knob but it's actually from yokohama from the muniz japan store my dad went to japan to visit my stepbrother back when that store first opened up in japan so it's a really old one even though they still make them i don't know if the packaging is like that crazy that's cool the calendar did you say lefty gave it yeah so my friend lefty he sent a few of us in the club some of these that i don't know what his story was how he got him but he got him he like sent me this one because my birthday is in september i wasn't born in 58 yeah not until 58 but september so yeah look at how cool that car is oh yeah and obviously the chick's hot but and then uh oh yeah here are my uh valve covers that were on my car and then didn't work that i had to put spacers with them and then the gaskets broke and they were a hassle but if anyone has these that are like the tall version for a small block ford let me know because i love how these look i do not like my little brock valve covers and then um this thing's pretty cool too it says andy guard i can't remember the maker but i looked for one of these for a long time i had one of these when i was like two years old and i have a photo of me from the front on it but i didn't even really remember like what it was or whatever for years i finally found one on ebay so it's not in the perfect condition but it's it's pretty neat it's the same exact thing as the the barbie and ken car but just bigger the barbie can hot rod yeah so anyways you know and then that's funny i thought i used to ride on that thing yeah your your little butt yeah and then that's uh another mag wheel for the bug right yeah that's an mp5 spoke that was one of the first things we started yeah we put on the wall there's a little quick story but my friend robert he had a show bug that scott gilner built that was black convertible had polished five spokes on it and the first show he went to with me was at irvine meadows and the japanese guys were buying a lot of vws at that point they probably still are but they would carry around like briefcases of cash or like bags like duffel bags so they tried to buy my car and i wouldn't sell it even though they offered a lot of money i'm glad i installed but it was it was pretty tempting because it was a lot so anyway robert's car he sold it he and so he left there without his car and this was never this was meant to be his spare tire but it was never in the car or spare wheel so funny so there was a chrome jack and a few other parts that i got from them because they weren't in the car and then uh what's the story on this car too so this pedal car it's it's a different name brand but it's the same one that my wife nicole had when she was a kid there's a photo that we have of her and um my mom and dad bought her present as a little gasser pedal car it's funny how good the colors are on that thing and then uh do you want to show them the cabinet as well oh this one yeah yeah so this was our paint stuff was in here before but now we kind of just like it's more organizing yeah everything in here is like useful except for this is like collectible paint but you know we have like you know like things that are oils and whatnot over here and buffing compound and this is like more like real carb paint and then detailing stuff and thinners and whatever you know so and tape this is all adhesives and glue so hopefully it stays hopefully it stays organized oh i could smell the fumes from here yeah and then we got my aunt and uncle up there and then yeah and then that that's another cool the other photo is uh eddie skidarion when he was a kid when he was like a teenager back in the 30s that's crazy yeah um so this this area this this has been here didn't change much but i added all these things you know like so much to look at oh no i was just saying we had this oh yeah we had this and then this this is a little cool story behind this too actually the guy that i got the drill press or the estate that i got the drill press from the drill press was on this when i bought it and um it's a craftsman from i think the 40s or the 50s yeah but the guy who owned this worked at lockheed martin in burbank yeah back in the day so it's pretty cool like it has like local history and you know part of the wartime effort or post-war yeah pretty cool and then so this this is uh there i am again that other folk that you saw earlier that's me and my parents and then this is the the feature from run custom in the 70s of my dad's car which he still has and it looks exactly like that that's crazy and then this is a a calendar that i did with tornado design some other people on von dutch so even though the calendars have a date it still has killer pictures and then we have all like the wood over here one other thing if you come over here we have it we used to have this thing in our house we had a vintage globe in the house and ben wanted me to sell he thought then i thought you know what the way this year's been let's hang this thing upside down yeah so that's funny got an upside down world and then let's let's get into what's going on with bad news that's the next project now that the garage is pretty much done yeah so as usual in my life it seems like things take longer for various reasons to happen but we took out the transmission and to fix some stuff to go to the santa barbara drags that trogg race a gentleman drags in santa barbara and then i found some other problems i thought hey you know let's not rush it back together let's fix everything because the car never been apart since we built it you know yeah so comment down below if you guys want to see a video on this i'm i'm really into doing that and we hopefully do it soon yeah so when everything started happening this year we went and we got the flywheel surfaced and we got a new clutch disc and new throughout bearing a bunch of stuff from valley friction because we thought man i wonder if some of the businesses aren't going to be here any longer that old you know small businesses so i think they survived but anyway so we got a bunch of parts and then you know things just got stranger and stranger and we didn't work on the car but started doing you know a lot of other things and you know working on the garage but now that was the other main goal is to make you know get back to this thing there isn't that much it's not like super complicated you know it's just you just got put off you know yeah so we'll have to do that hopefully no more uh bad news will come out of this year so that was a long video i don't know how many of you guys have made it to the end but i thought it would just be cool to leave it in long format and you know some of these videos when they're cut short you know some people want to hear more about certain things so and it's a cool thing to document we'll look back at this years from now and be like oh wow i don't know i feel like this whole year is just like uh just crazy times it's cool to preserve stuff so yeah stay tuned for more videos and we'll see you guys soon [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Four Speed Films
Views: 73,339
Rating: 4.9240923 out of 5
Keywords: autotopia, autotopiala, motortrend, a&e, hoarders tv show, a and e, full episode, thecraig909, iron trap garage, rat rod, patina, ratty, patina paint, california, suburbia, vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 37sec (1957 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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