My Dad Cheated On My Dying Mother & Now They're Inviting Me To Their Wedding. I Just Destroyed It!

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my dad cheated on my dying mother and now they're inviting me to attend their wedding unintentionally I destroyed their wedding when I was 17 my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years later she passed away during these two years my dad was not around much he was always working and going on business trips my aunt and Grandma took care of Mom about 5 months after my mother's passing my dad introduced me to his new girlfriend I was pissed I yelled at him how quickly he moved on from Mom when they decided to tell me they had been in a relationship for 3 years my dad dad had been cheating on my mom while she was dying his business trips were to meet his affair partner I was so angry I packed my stuff and left his house I haven't spoken to him since that day currently I am 25 the only family I speak to is an aunt who helped me when I left my dad's house a few days ago my aunt called me asked me how I was and then asked me if I heard from Dad I said why would I hear from him again my aunt said dad is getting married to his affair partner and by going to his wedding it would help us mend our relationship I said why would I do that he is dead to me there was a silence on the phone for a a bit before my dad replied asking if that was what I felt about him I immediately cut the call when I heard his voice I realized he was with my aunt when she made the call to me I texted my aunt telling her I asked her not tell Dad anything about me and she agreed back then she texted me back saying I was an for saying what I said and my dad is crushed hearing that and that I should move on by now I did not want to argue with someone who helped me so I blocked her over the next 2 days I got sent a wedding invitation to my mailbox the only person in the family who knew my address was my aunt and she gave my number to various members of the family I am being bombarded with calls and texts from dad uncles cousins aunts saying I should give him a chance and come to the wedding some calling me names for saying what I said I got a text from the affair partner saying my dad is thinking of postponing the wedding and I should just talk to him for context the affair partner was a friend of my mom and knew she had cancer I said it's not my fault if he postpones the wedding I don't want to have relationship with Dad or her they are trying to force it it got quiet after that but being told by so many people from my dad's side I am an did leave me conflicted but I am sticking to my guns so am I the bad guy a few relevant comments your aunt violated your trust and the rest of your family needs to be cut off too yeah I have blocked 39 numbers but what my aunt did really made me sad I genuinely thought she cared for me it feels like there is a catch here for them to want to reach out now and not years ago actually I thought about this too and I think you may be right because I got some text like it's a son's duty to take care of his father and your future kids would want their grandfather in their life on safety thank you I am in the process of changing my number and updating contacts as for where I live it's a pretty secure apartment you can only come in after me or someone buzz you in then you have to write down your name with security and the elevator works with a key fob only I am hoping that I don't have to move but keeping my options open if it escalates I think op is not the bad guy mini update in comments I sent a text all 39 number who called or texted me detailing what Dad did and blocked all of them I don't care for their responses update first I want to thank all who commented on the first post and all who messaged me it really helped me stick with my decision to not go to the wedding I wanted to update earlier but it's been pretty hectic with work so after the many texts and calls from multiple family members I sent a text to all the numbers detailing what Dad did and why I choose to be no contact with him I then blocked all the numbers I have changed my number but kept the old number in a separate phone to collect evidence if they start to harass me from random numbers but luckily nothing happened and I thought that was that a week or so after that my aunt's fiance came to my apartment he knows what time I get off work and was waiting for me in the parking lot I was apprehensive but he assured me he only wanted to talk and according to him the text I sent has caused a storm in that family he told me that some of the cousins who did not know what happened in the past started to question dad and Affair partner and they started to get defensive and deny it but someone revealed that it was true this has caused a massive argument within the family with some cousins pulling out of the wedding dad wanted to postpone the the wedding so he can talk to me but the affair partner threatened to leave him if he did that the news of what Dad and Affair partner did also reached some of their friends who were at one point friends of my mom as well some of them has also pulled out of the wedding and this caused the affair partner to have a breakdown and started Banning anyone who brings it up family members included from the wedding according to aunt's fiance she is blaming this all on me says I did this intentionally I laughed at that the wedding is still somehow happening I asked him about my aunt and how all this started and he said all he knows is that there was a conversation of how bad the family would look if I wasn't at the wedding and that my aunt offered to call me he said that he disagreed but she did it anyway he said that he is only here because he felt I needed to know what happened I thanked him but said I will be going completely no contact with her and by extension him as well he agreed wished me well and left I am not going to lie and say I am completely okay I miss my aunt I miss my mom but I know what I did was the right thing I am currently staying with my girlfriend and she has been cheering me up by coming up with absurd ways way to ruin the wedding as a lot of you said I should try therapy and I'm going to take that advice some of the comments has made me realize that I have bottled up a lot of grief and anger I am super nervous about it but I also feel it'll do me good so once again thank you for all your comments and advice op you are really not the bad guy everyone should have a significant other who cheers you up by absurdly and hypothetically ruining the wedding of your father and his affair partner Bravo girlfriend let me know what you would do if you're in this situation in the comments if you subscribe remember to click the Bell icon for notifications to enjoy all the stories use the playlist at the top of the description of this video see you in the next video
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Id: dHPZForYfE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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