My Crazy Strange Addiction Obsession

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hey guy welcome back to the Internet as always I am coming to you live from the inside of a giant whale it's time to get serious that's why I put glasses on that's what they in tĂșcume Lien's of people have their lives ruined each and every year from some form of addiction whether it's drugs porn food even things that aren't fun people somehow find a way to get addicted to it's a very relatable concept which must be why TLC has two different shows whose names are synonyms of each other what why are people talking about this every day this show is just this show post thesaurus but I'm supposed to believe they're different they're just on the same channel yet okay but that's TLC for you isn't it the self-proclaimed Learning Channel where the only thing you really learn is how much better your life is then almost everybody else is sure things get tough sometimes I'm not always happy but then TLC is there to remind me hey at least I don't have 46 children and I'm not marrying someone I met three days ago and I don't live inside of a cake guess life's not that bad but TLC is now I do want to say before we get into this I understand that this is a very easy video topic these shows are made to be ridiculous it's not even really an observation for me to say hey that addictions kind of stranger there's something freaky about that eater that's the point of the show that's why they make them that's why people watch them I get it but you know what a wise man once said to myself that sometimes the lowest hanging fruit is the most enjoyable to eat also I couldn't reach any of the other ones so I just grabbed this old lemon because it was already on the ground so with that being said today I want to show you guys a few my favorite clips from a TLC show called freaky eaters which is another my strange addiction clone but specifically about people who are addicted to weird foods like this guy is addicted to maple syrup this girl is addicted to coca-cola this guy eats raw meat this guy eats raw meat it was just a relaxing moment one of those quiet things where you do it on your own and you're like wow this was nice [Music] oh yeah I got an idea don't do that be good I'm not here to just point out that that's a weird thing to eat that's the point of the show obviously it's weird to eat Rami what I do want to talk about is some of the interesting production choices that went into making these shows cuz there's a lot of hilarious details in here my absolute favorite episode of freaky eaters is this one where this lady is addicted to ice cream bars she eats like 40 a day since my divorce I have been using ice cream bars as a crutch weight started coming back on and that just deflated my self-esteem it's kind of interesting to notice like the psychological things that cause these addictions to happen like in this woman's case she went through a divorce her sons moved away she was all alone she discovered ice cream bars and it kind of filled that emotional void in her life so I actually feel pretty bad for her she's not like your standard strange addiction freak show where it's like I like to chew on rocks all day because they make my teeth hurt even though I would also like to see an episode about that guy because I'm kind of curious about the rock then I think the most scripted part of these shows if they're not entirely scripted I like to believe that they're not only some elements of them are my favorite part is the initial meeting between the subject of the episode and the hosts of the show they catch up with Kimberly as she stalks up on a few days of ice cream bars Kimberly yeah hi there I'm dr. Mike Dow nice to meet you we're so like they have to do this very stage thing where she's buying the thing she's addicted to in the store then they come barreling down the aisle and she's so caught off guard just getting 14 boxes of ice cream as I often do nothing to see here certainly no one's about sneaky finally or anything like that lady here do you like frozen treats I didn't expect this we just want to talk do you know why is there something we need to be busting you for you're the host of this show are these two goofballs one of whom has the funniest name I've ever heard in my life JJ virgin okay so while still standing in the middle of the frozen food aisle Kimberly starts telling this very emotional story of how she got this addiction which I imagined must have made it very difficult for any other shoppers in the store I cut loose the husband in my life and instead of feeling liberated I just kind of like went into this grab tail spin need to grab some pop sells I went for kind of a meltdown now where this show truly goes from good to great is during the shock therapy sessions which are completely unnecessary you see within the first couple minutes of the episode Kimberly has admitted that she would do anything at this point I'm willing to do anything just shake this habit and get on with her life so you'd think they've already convinced her that this is what she should do and from now it's just about getting healthier choices out there right no no no that's that enough for Mike and JJ they have to drive an ice cream truck out there is something we wanted to show with a picture of her in a giant block of ice that's your just in case you forgot the theme of the episode is being frozen Kimberly smashing that ice is symbolic of this journey she's gonna have to smash through things that she's never dealt with in her life you're right I think she's ready to conquer this addiction head-on so let's get oh there's more we've taken your ice cream bar sticks and laid them one after the next after the next and we're gonna walk that trail okay they go to the park and walk almost a mile of popsicle sticks that the crew had to put down and then pick back up which I find hilarious but this is all to get her to realize the magnitude of her issue which she already has but they're doing it anyway but that's not all the trail of popsicle sticks led to this giant pile of boxes I thought for a second when they revealed the boxes and they showed that it's in the shape of a giant chair that they were gonna make her go sit on it go sit on your throne it's the rightful ice cream Queen but they didn't do that so I was a little disappointed me realize that I couldn't justify the ice cream bars anymore Wow guys that's a lot of ice cream now I'm definitely gonna stantly have one more surprise for you Kimberly but I their son drew no relation I actually don't know that guy but he comes out from the pile of ice cream boxes to give her a hug I like to imagine that he was sitting behind those boxes waiting for his mom to come for like an hour while they filmed the rest after the shock therapy Kimberly is very ready for the next day oh good I'm glad to hear the shock therapy's over and they're not gonna be sending any more messages to her via over-the-top visual examples wait then what the fuck is this oh it doesn't fit I think she gets it I think she's ready to move on you can see in her face like okay guys I get it you can stop doing this now that's what I'm saying I love this part of the show hey thanks so much for coming out here I really appreciate it I know my addiction is out of control but I'm ready to do something about it you know it's just ever since my divorce I I've just been so lonely and we put a bunch of pasta sticks hanging around I'm sorry popsicle sticks on the ground oh no I know that's way too much and I need to tell me sticks you I don't need to stay if we also put a bunch ice cream on your table hey what the hell that's what ice cream looks like oh yeah I know that do I have to clean this up yeah you probably should it's kind of getting all over the place like there's another one where they make this guy dump out a whole bunch of maple syrup Daniel was angry because this is his jug of choice and he wants it Daniel got progressively madder and madder during the whole process we pissed Daniel the hell off and we kind of liked it you look pissed and what did you learn today Daniel when you pour that into your body it's like treating your body like a trash can well I don't think that way see Daniel by doing this now you understand that maple syrup belongs in the trash but I didn't want to put it in the trash but you did yeah because you told me to you look pissed joke's on you guys so as soon as those cameras are off I'm coming back and slurping up that whole garbage game meanwhile Kimberly is doing a lot better now she's gone four whole days without an ice cream bar which is great progress I'm really happy for her but then they decide that that's not enough they need to also change her face you've been working on the inside so we're gonna turn it over to her to do a little on the outside yeah now that she's not a hideous monster anymore they reveal her to her family and friends and for some reason they edited this sound bite in twice oh Emily was having a great time at the reception we had one more challenge for her oh you thought the trials were over you thought she was just enjoying a celebratory party with her friends and family hell no this is all part of it we brought ice cream out in the middle of the reception and then they came up and tried to serve Kimberly yes No thank you sorry but that's just not looking very good to me right now oh very good to me right now it's so funny to so politely and awkwardly reject something that you could have just said no thanks to would you folks care to see a dessert menu I'm not thank you I'm sorry it's fine it's just not looking very good to me right now it's not a big deal I'm sorry I think you just passed the real-world test I don't know if I would count this as an example of a real-world test there's almost nothing real about the world that they're in right now she's at this party throwing for her where they're all celebrating her ice cream sobriety and they offer her ice cream in front of cameras and she says no thanks who in their right mind would possibly say yes that would be hilarious though imagine how the mood would shift in the room if she was like oh my god yes give me that fucking ice cream the room goes silent she is like ice cream all over her face everyone's just staring at her weren't you all dancing we have another surprise we had something shipped in for you you ready I feel more satisfied right now then if I would have eaten three ice cream bars she's so specific about the number like she thought about it for a second this moment was incredible I feel better right now than if I had two three four no four does sound pretty good three ice cream bar and there's nothing better on God's green earth than for ice cream bar you know what though I'm very proud of her she showed a lot of growth I think that's very relatable to have some sort of psychological trauma that causes you to over eat or to have some kind of crazy addiction to cope with the fact that you're going through this other thing that's awesome I feel really good for her not all the show is like that like that guy who ate maple syrup was just an asshole the whole time I'm gonna eat a lot of maple syrup he was so resistant to change this woman went into it knowing that her life was on the line this guy's like fuck you I maple syrup and there's nothing you can do about it ever had a day in your life without me though this girl apparently only eats french fries and therefore has absolute meltdowns when faced with eating anything else like watching her there you probably thought she went through some really traumatic experience she ate one carrot how most of those clips are pretty old they're all from like 2011 so let's check in on some newer episodes looks like this girl's addicted to burnt sausage should be interesting [Music] she's about to why is the music so loud I can't even hear what she's saying cuz the music's so loud well I think I've seen enough of this to say that freaky eaters is the best show on television it's a shame that the show only ran for two seasons because I'd love to see more but there's just no more episodes so I made my own [Music] by himself without any friends or family on the surface he may seem just like any other lonely idiot but there's something much deeper going on here I I like to drink mouthwash I usually have 20 maybe 25 bottles a day look I'm sorry guys but I don't see the problem with this it tastes good and my breath smells amazing what we need to do is try to convince Martin to stop drinking mouthwash because his life is on the line put that down what the heck I definitely wasn't expecting this to happen sorry can't do that again I don't think that was very believable sure what the heck I definitely wasn't expecting this Martin seems caught off guard it's time to tell him why we're here it looks like you're enjoying a little afternoon snack there huh this you want some I certainly don't Martin you've got to stop drinking mouthwash it's not good for you okay now I'm mad who does this guy think he is well I like it and I'm gonna keep doing it and there's nothing you could say to or show me that could possibly convince me otherwise we thought you might say that which is why we brought you something Martin this right here is two bottles of mouthwash this is the amount of mouthwash you drink after having one bottle of mouthwash twice I was shocked when I saw those two bottles of mouthwash seeing them side-by-side like that made me realize just how much mouthwash I'm actually drinking and I it's time to stop well PJ makes some good points clearly mouthwash is a danger to my body and I shouldn't be ingesting it in such large quantities I will no longer be drinking now we had a feeling you might resist but which is why we brought in your son to tell you how worried he is about you daddy please stop drinking mouthwash on my son they what that's just some fucking kid what the hell kid you said this was your dad I wanted to be on TV my son is older than me he's not some little boy I'm sorry he said he's older than you my son was born with a rare disease that causes him to age rapidly and you know what today's actually his birthday and so is tomorrow and the next day and the day after that and I imagine that must be really difficult to deal with all on your own yeah maybe that's maybe that's why I started drinking mouthwash maybe I just wanted to make myself feel the pain that my son feels every single day well I for one respect why the fuck are you still here I thought we were all hanging out you're not my son yeah you should probably leave fine by the way I think that guy's dead oh shit and now a word from our sponsor hi I'm standing up we've had a lot of fun today talking about foods that you shouldn't eat so now I want to talk about foods that you should that's right it's hellofresh as a lot of you might know Amanda I've been using hellofresh for almost two years now long before they started sponsoring me you love how convenient and simple it is everything is delivered to you everything is pre-portioned which is great because I can't tell you how many times I bought a whole thing of veggie stock when I just eat it a little bit or a whole bunch of garlic when I needed like three cloves hellofresh has helped us cut down substantially on our food waste it's honestly also kind of fun to pick the meals you're gonna get every week you just open up the app and scroll through their options they have like 17 to choose from each week there's so much variety and it's flexible too are you gonna be out of town one week that's fine just skip it you don't have to pay for meals if you're not gonna be home to eat them you can also try they're gourmet meals if you're feeling fancy or if there's a special occasion Amanda and I just tried their crab cakes recently and oh my god they were so good hello fresh starts in just $6.99 for serving making an America's best value meal kit I love it I wholeheartedly endorse him and if you want to get eight free meals that's $80 off your first month of hellofresh go to hell afresh calm and use promo code I am a little stinker 82 yeah it's that simple now back to the chair well guys that's gonna do it for news video thank you so much for watching remember as always if you like this video to please email youtube and let them know they need to integrate some sort of feedback system on their website so if you liked a video you could maybe click a button and let them know that it would be great if you could email them and ask for that thank you in almost exactly one month I will be touring with Danny Gonzales and Curtis Connor we are performing our live comedy show all across the nation so that's something you want to go to tickets are still available at we are two different people toward calm but anyway thank you again for watching this video thank you hello fresh for sponsoring this video and thanks to a third thing for capping off this Center I got to go Google how much Listerine residue you can drink before you die so see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 2,471,377
Rating: 4.9629235 out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, funny, lol, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, my strange addiction, my crazy obsession, tlc, tlc rant, tlc react, tlc cringe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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