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[Music] hey guys it's heart and welcome back to my youtube channel so um a lot of people have been requesting that i do like my top favorite bags but because i love fashion so much i'm going to be showing you my favorite items here in well this is the same place this is my walk-in closet i kind of rearranged my stuff here so i could see things better and appreciate what i have and mind you everything in my closet has a story so today i will be featuring my favorite bags accessories clothes shoes will definitely be in a different vlog because that will take me a century to talk about because every shoe has a story so that'll be a separate vlog so okay let's start today with my favorite bags shall we i actually like all of my bags but i don't really have a whole lifetime to talk about all my bags this is the louis vuitton cappucin or cappuccine or however you want to call it correct me down below if i'm not saying it right but yeah i think it's very very cute this is actually a gift from them sent from paris i work a lot with louis vuitton because i am such a huge fan it is actually the first ever bag that i got just a little trivia my dad when we were really young you know my dad is also into fashion and my mom we used to go around beverly hills and he got us all a bag and i was still very very young then yeah this bag is very very cute and i think it is you know it's small it's very modern but there's just so much that i can put inside so i love it and again it's pastel it's very chic and i just love it i think it's very unique up next we have another favorite brand oh i put uh oh what did i do i have concealer on it not good this is from party it is inspired by the cartier boxes this was also given to me by cartier with ssi i love ssi i do shop a lot of ssi stuff they carry a lot of stores like cartier tiffany's name it's everything in greenmount mostly or that's all ssis so i love love this bag because i think again i love stuff that are unique that's a conversation piece and again it's small it's very modern it matches everything even if it's red um and i just love it and i am again a fan of carte so i needed to get their back next up this is very very nice um this is actually my second bag because they replaced it this is from juliana serginko third show that i watched but i love uliana i'll be showing you some of her clothes and i think it's very very unique you could put your lipstick your a piece of tissue there's just so many little things that you can put inside this bag and i love it because it's from their couture lime my friend said it reminds her of a teapot but it's not i've used this for the sauna and again it's something that you know i love to have carrying around because it's a good conversation piece and again if you don't use it it's also a good display it's beautiful it's pretty so yeah oleana serginko one of my favorites and it also reminds me of paris so i love just looking at it using it from time to time it's just very unique and different okay next so i have two identities so i love this this was a gift also from them it has my signature love marie i love this because it's an id bag not a lot of people know me as love marie took a while for me to establish myself with my real name and so i decided that this would probably be a really really good idea because it's like an id tag so whenever i travel or whenever i go to dinners it's uh you don't really have to introduce yourself and of course i have um me as an actress this is heart and i think it's just super perfect these two bags are my favorite we would go to lane crawford in hong kong and they would have dogs they would have fans and they were just so intricate and it's an art piece so i am so obsessed because my dad always told me you know what heart i'm not gonna buy you this bag i want you to work for it and when you're old enough i want you to collect this bag because it's just so it's an art piece and it's so beautiful this is my little pill box so it's like a lollipop what else is it oh it's vitamin c potency it's the only thing i need these days and i also have this dust sound and i love it because it's just so pretty and it's just so lovely it is my favorite actually it is a hot dog bag yeah i have to work more so i can collect more but it's also nice to just you know paste it a bit if you're just starting to collect bags it's nice to take your time when you collect bags because if you don't want to be like somebody that just buys everything all at the same time you want each one to have a story like i worked hard for this i got this when i turned this age i got this or something like that so again if you are dreaming to have something that's very exquisite or something that's hard to find you know anything is possible stop settling for a bag that i want this beautiful black bag but it's too expensive i'll just get this back no i actually you can achieve it you just have to wait even if you give yourself five years if you just stop buying so many other black bags you will eventually get your dream back so that's my advice stop buying dupes you know just save for the real one i mean we all want the bag right now but it's just really you know you're settling and you don't want to settle when it comes to love life you also don't want to settle so you just have to wait for the right one and you save up for it anything is attainable believe me i mean yeah you see me with all of these things but you know i went through so much in life i've been working for the longest time and i was doing so many other things on the side so i can get my dream bag so you know what stop settling and wait for the right one and you don't want to just have all these black bags for nothing just get one bag and it's the only bag that matters and it'll last you a lifetime the bag that started it all for me so i always wanted um an hermes birkin um and an hermes kelly ever since i was young because i saw my mom wearing one but my dad never really liked it on me because it looked a little bit older they said but until i saw i remember at that time it was lindsay lohan she was wearing the bag i was like okay i want a bag um so the bag that started it all for me is this this brick in right here this was actually a gift from my dad i was 22 23. the reason why i remember this bag first it was my very very first one second was my dad and i had a really really bad fight and we haven't spoken for a really really long time and when i finally made peace with my family this was the bag that he gave me um talking about bribing me to leave my life um although i was still sad about leaving my old life um my freedom at the time he had a really funny way of doing things and yeah he gave me a bag so i'll never ever forget this i remember the same bag i had to get fixed i was young and i didn't know how to take care of my bags and it was full of molds and it was almost destroyed so i had it fixed but yeah this is my first ever bag i was very tempted to paint on it but the memory was just too beautiful and too funny that i just wanted to keep it as is so yeah this was my first ever birthing pack this is another bag i have painted on this bag for three times over and over but i think i've i've found the right painting on it this was the bag that i know the second bag that i painted on when i started to paint on bags it was their lizard skin then i decided to get this bag um and i painted a girl with an umbrella then i eventually painted it with different colors i think i took photos of that but i honestly did not like that painting i was just too lazy to change it and i just wanted the right mood the right time for me to paint on it with something that i feel was more muted who i am because i was just experimenting the last time i love this series i do have a big painting of these pretty girls they represent different emotions that i feel or probably different people that i see when i travel i love painting girls i love putting eyeliners and lipsticks so that's how it is i mean that's the that's the honest truth but honestly i did enjoy making this bag this is actually not a birkin this is a hack 32 i am not so much of a fan of the birkin 35 because i feel like it's too big on me it looks like a luggage the hack 32 is a bit more it's longer you can see that the hardware is different but i love it because the size is just perfect it's perfect for my traveling it's not too bulky um and yeah that's it's a bit different also i also gave my husband a hack although he doesn't use it maybe i should just use it but yeah um a hack is also nice and it's actually easier to get because not a lot of people get hacks okay so my next bag this is the bulgari serpenty forever handbag it's a shoulder bag i love it because it's adjustable it can be also a clutch you could just hide it inside this one was actually something that i got from zolora they do have it in zalora and i also like it because it has a little mirror inside um and i also love the details i do have a few of these coming in also i ordered from zalora it's very very pretty i like the color it matches everything it's easy to wear and it fits a lot of stuff and i like the the detail it has malachite eyes you know i feel like not a lot of people wear this bag because i usually go to bulgari for their jewelry but i do love their bags and i do plan to buy more so we will save the best for last this is the himalayan birkin 25 i chose a 25 not a 30 because a 30 is a little bit more for everyday i wanted to wear this only for special occasions i'm not gonna lie it took me an arm and a leg and a whole lifetime of working just kidding um half a lifetime of working for this bag but i definitely considered getting this bag because it is an investment piece definitely my husband would not allow me to spend my hard earnings on a bag that i would just throw away and not use or just put on the shelf if it was this expensive it is the only bag that i could probably oh no i would i would probably hopefully i could save everything but in jesus name my house is not going to bring up but um it's definitely an investment piece you know when you check online there are different prices christie's also they have auctions of this bag because if i'm not mistaken they do not produce this bag for the meantime so the prices really went up but all the prices whenever i google or whenever somebody tags me of this price i did not get it that price i got it definitely cheaper because i got it when before it became like a hype and so i got mine i'm not going to say the price i think that's kind of weird but i'm definitely not what you see online um but i was very lucky that i got this bag it took me a really really long time to get this bag aside from i had to save for it it was just unavailable and it was just so hard to get a birkin 25 that was a himalayan but it's definitely something that i do treasure and hopefully my kids don't end up selling it in the future hopefully they can put it in an acrylic box and just keep it and use it whenever they want it's definitely an heirloom it's definitely something that you can pass on i would definitely not get the one with the diamonds on it and not that it's not an investment piece it's just i cannot afford it like i wouldn't do it i just wouldn't i'm happy with this i don't need more and more more but um yeah i'm really proud that i got this because definitely it has tripled the value has tripled and i definitely got my money back more than once twice thrice so this is definitely the best bag ever and now we're going to move on to my next items because we kind of spend so much time talking about my bugs but can i just have one last one one last one i know i saved the best for last but this is something that i love this is the latest of christian dior again i'm gonna make this super fast i love it it's handy it's stylish it's sleek it's chic i could wear it with whatever you could shorten the strap you can make it into a body bag and it's you know this this shape is just classic okay how do you take care of your bags um definitely when you're wearing your red lipstick you have to make sure that it's smudge proof it's definitely the type like a l'oreal infallible type that you need oil to remove the red lipstick because it does stain your bags or whenever i do wear white dresses i make sure i mean white goes with red lipstick but i definitely make sure that i wear the right lipstick for it i do make sure that i wipe my bags with a dry cloth you know the cloth that you use to wipe your cars that's exactly the one that i use i also have a dehumidifier in my room especially with our weather here in the philippines it's very humid a lot of bags that were destroyed but thank you to dr leather for fixing my bags and also um it depends what bag this actually really works i got this from joy's closet i think i talked about this um in one of my vlogs before so she sells this it's a shoe bag wipes and it is nice because it does it's not too wet and but it depends which bag you're also going to use it on definitely not on your birken bags but with some bags it's just yeah really taking care of your bags make sure that it lasts more than a lifetime yes one last thing i know having a dust bag is great especially when you're traveling but i do not recommend putting your bags in a dust bag because it does trap all the dust it's not really good because you have to let your bags breathe i know it's weird but they're alive just kidding but you have to really make them breathe or you can have a dust bag if you do have a dehumidifier or if it's like in an area where the sun is shining bright on it because it does affect the color especially if you are into birkens or leather bags with color because the sun definitely damages the bag so yeah you can put your dust back but definitely put like you know the yeah the gel balls the ones that you buy in ace hardware you know what i'm saying the one that you put in your shoes you could put it inside the bag if you're gonna have the dust bag but as much as possible i think it's better to just put the dust bag inside the bag and let it breathe [Music] moving on to my accessories so i love ever since i was a little girl i would always accessorize and when i started my showbiz career i was known for having all of these abubuts a little trivia i was definitely a fan of my dear friend jelena magdangal i thought that she was very unique and reminded me of people that really celebrated their individuality and i could definitely relate to that because i was like that um more is more and it was my way of expressing myself and i remember when i saw julina magdalene she had all these clips and she would dress up and didn't mind if she mixed patterns and whatever and i really loved that about her and made her unique it's funny i just wanted to say that because it's true and so you know this this has been with me well it accumulated actually definitely love dressing up my outfit with accessories here you have my all of my dior accessories for every day you have the pins you have this one and this one was a gift from my dear friend jewell um this is dolce gabbana i love that so yeah i bought these the first time i went to paris with my husband to be i really love them i always wanted a good pearl earring but then it doesn't look good on my face when it's sticking out um so when i saw this and i thought it was just so unique i wanted to get these um i usually love danglings because i i don't know i love pearls but i just can't have this stud it just doesn't look good on me this is like my my chanel area i do love collecting brooches this one i actually got from a vintage store yeah aside from it was a vintage store and i shared the story with somebody else it was cheaper than the others that you usually see in the store so that was really fun this was also from a vintage store i love that i love love this and most of my chanel earrings are from my dear online shoppers out there so they did give me a lot of gifts because i'm very lucky that i don't have to spend so much on chanel accessories because i have a lot of friends on online i i don't mind mentioning joy's closet fab and dainty orlean shop goodies for lux and they're just so many i love online shopping but because of the times and you know once upon a time we got to travel nowadays you know you it's important that you have friends from all over the world that can shop for you so yeah i just get my accessories from them or online i do love my cdcs um i stopped collecting them because i why do i need more um i think that's at some point you have to stop yourself and really just save up for your future but uh yeah i think i'm happy with the colors um this one is my favorite this is a baby pink it's like a bubblegum pink which is very hard to find i intended it to be gold hardware but it was just impossible to find so i settled with the silver but this is beautiful it has a really nice croc bubble pink this is the snake skin also really really nice dream bag is the snakeskin bag it used to be my dream bag but now that i've eventually said it my husband said okay um yeah so i love my cdcs i also love again brooches this is my favorite sceparelli i was very very happy that lady gaga was wearing the beautiful dove couture dress from scaparelli during the inauguration of the new american president and i loved it because i do share a piece this is not as big as the dove but it is beautiful i love that so i have my gaz bijou everybody knows i love gaz bijou gaz bishou is a french brand that i work closely with and i have a really good relationship with them it started with a bangle then it became this just kidding um this is beautiful it's like a nice cough gold plated super duper again i'm gonna say chic and it's lovely and i love the weight it's very quality and it's it's forever again you have the bulgari love that i love bulgari you have erdem i love erdem i love their stuff i love their gowns i love this this is paco raban paco rabano is very very known for his metallic dresses i do have a silver version of this this is actually like a necklace a scarf necklace and i thought it was very unique and very stylish somebody asked me on my comment section if i can show you my cartier collection my bulgari collection i don't it is really in a sacred safe place i do not have all my high jewelry at home i just feel like it's just not worth keeping at home in case of anything i do keep it in the bank so i do have a tray that i usually take out from time to time the rule is i have this tray i fill it up with you know the stuff that i need for the week or for two weeks and i keep it for a while and then i shift again um so if i wear my cartier bangles i definitely have to wear them because they have to be screwed on so i have to wear them for a really long time because i don't want to keep going to the bank and just keep changing my jewelry this month it's all about my favorite royal gem i love their stuff it is a local jeweler i love them because i love colorful jewelries like this one is from them this is their eternity and it comes in different colors i think i featured this in one of my vlogs and they do have this cute rainbow ring which is actually on sale this is also very very pretty because i love unique rings conversation pieces that aren't just the usual and i do love investing on those things because again you don't want to just have jewelry that are just like you know normal it's good to have classics i mean definitely a classic girl when it comes to my style but you also want to have stand out pieces and you'd be surprised because some of the pieces that are more playful are actually cheaper yes so in case you are on a budget which i am most i'm not gonna deny them always on a budget i definitely make sure when i get playful pieces uh they're pretty and they're affordable and that's what i love about royal gem because they make high jewelry kind of attainable for people with budgets so yeah this is also really really beautiful this is like a ruby necklace i love that so that's what i do when i have like a week full of work i do have a tray i fill it up with the stuff that i'm gonna use and this is the only thing that i have at home everything else is tucked away in a bank yes far far away you
Channel: Love Marie Escudero
Views: 1,640,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heart Evangelista, Love Marie Ongpauco Escudero, Heart, Heart Closet Favorites, Closet Favorites, Hermes Favorites, Style Vlog, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Royal Gem
Id: YiKU_uy6xsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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