My Cat Eats Everything! | StacyPlays Tasty Planet Forever

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hello everyone and welcome to another episode of a wild at Wednesday and Happy Thanksgiving if you are in the u.s. in honor of Thanksgiving I thought I would play a game about eating and more specifically a cat eating which is very ironic because I have my cat pipsqueak and if you can tell he loves eating he is a giant cat blob who just keeps getting bigger and he very much wants to get down I will let him get down but anyway okay let's go ahead and start the game I really don't know much of anything other than I believe you play as a cat who is trying to eat everything in Paris oh my gosh there's all these different levels let's go ahead and click on cat oh my gosh you know it kind of almost looks like pip except it's orange instead of like white and gray but look at all these levels holy cow I don't know how hard this game is but let's just uh let's check it out a lesson in cleanliness okay it's filthy in here not for long I got this a tiny all the time he can't know a prototype cleaning robot from my cousin life like tiny pet cleaning cat cleans up by eating up dirt pests dust and more now with self-replicating technology grows to any size to handle the job yeah ready to receive eating instructions hurry customers will be here soon eat everything meow affirmative Oh No why did he say that use the mouse arrow keys or game pad to control the cat eat everything that is smaller than yourself oh no oh look at me go Oh like that's not that's bug is bigger than me okay so just eating these little green specks which I have no idea what they are and I'm growing real big oh I'm good at this I'm gonna be so good I ate a bug I could eat the bugs oh oh I'm getting bigger oh then I'm just gonna go for the bugs then I'm gonna be able to eat a croissant soon wha oh no it did damage to me okay hold on got it all right you you eat you okay I'm just a little tiny pipsqueak mouse oh they're peas that makes so much sense I'm in a French restaurant they're peas okay got it all right I'm getting all the peas I'm I think I'm almost rat sighs okay I don't know man I'm kidding I'm almost rat sighs if we see like a little rat I feel like we could go for it I'm 5.4 9 centimeters and I've been eating a steady diet of cockroach I it's a mouse confirmed I can eat the mouse oh my gosh oh there's a knife I okay okay let's just eat all the mice I'm doing the restaurant a good service here in eating mice can we eat a croissant no those are just obstacles for us I guess in getting the mice where are ya I'm gonna get ya you can't escape from me I am the cat blob oh I don't know I wonder what comes next after mouse because oh I hit the knife I impaled Pippy I'm sorry pip go and I'm getting good at this I must say I could eat croissants confirmed I can now eat the croissants what about the baguette okay I've eaten all the croissants I ate a nice I'm just eating the knife is that okay I ate I'm drunk now I had some wine oh my gosh oh we've zoomed out oh there's a person no am I gonna have to eat the pike I could eat the baguettes now I mean they said eat everything and so I am now eating everything the knives cannot be good for my digestive system I don't I don't want to eat a person that seems really bad by the way like who are these waiters that just like leave knives and bread everywhere I oh my gosh I ate a waiter I'm eating the waiters I'm destroying the world did you hear the screams I can eat chairs oh my gosh oh I just ate a customer this is like so this is my worst nightmare of like pip becoming a blob I completed the level thank you let's continue oh the arrow points to the largest nearby entity you can eat now I've I've broken out of the restaurant I'm eating poodles I'm eating little French poodles that's so sad Oh No okay can't eat people that's good okay let's just eat all the poodles this is so terrible oh I can't eat these people I can eat the green pedestrians I just can't eat the cyclists yet oh the screams the screams are so terrible I can either bicyclists confirmed I can eat the cyclists now oh my gosh I'm unstoppable aren't I full oh no cause I'm a robot this is this is what's scary about robots they're gonna take over the world and kill us all I just stay in this bike lane I can get pretty big I can eat the bushes I can eat that like the full-on trees I can eat the trees oh my gosh I'm destroying property now and still murdering people but look at that score hold down the mouse button to accelerate more quickly oh I've got super speed now I'm small again though that's interesting I have to just go back to croissants but now I can also eat the bottles I'm leveling up faster I feel like now all right it's baguette time maximum damage oh the waiters going down sorry man he told me to eat everything and he's the boss I wonder if I've eaten him happy Thanksgiving everyone Oh pip are you seeing this whoa it zoomed out this is a huge kitchen you said the key oh we're in the dining room now sorry people sorry oh nice oh my gosh I can eat ovens oh my gosh I had no idea I'm getting so huge you guys oh my gosh I completed the level that's crazy I didn't quite get to the end of the star I wonder how you do that somewhere beyond the streets oh gosh okay so I've started small again oh cars oh my gosh I can eat people already though I'm sorry pedestrians I'm gonna have to stay here and eat all of you okay we're up to the we can eat all the trees so I think it's only gonna be a matter of time we're pushing the cars around I think it's only gonna be a matter of time what's that a street lamp before we eat our first car not yet not yeah I gotta keep eating all these trees and all these street lamps I can totally push the cars around though that's crazy like where are you guys going where are you guys going I'm gonna come over here and munch on all these trees I eat a car I can eat cars now oh it's on oh it's on come here cars oh let's go back to the the main intersection what are those awnings oh my gosh I'm eating awnings and cars oh my gosh I can eat the huge trees now oh I'm oh I'm huge now you guys the Pippi blob has taken over the world or at least Paris I can eat the buildings I can eat the buildings now ohmygosh rond-point oh it's a roundabout okay I'm gonna eat people until I can oh my gosh this is crazy what are these pedestrians doing near the roundabouts anyway they were clearly gonna die by cars whoops and so I'm just speeding that up by by killing them as a huge cat blob I think I'm almost at car level actually oh yeah it's car time it's car time oh my gosh we're huge now next up world domination Tour de baguette whoo okay oh that's oh it's so confusing you can't go outside the baguettes until we can eat them says to eat all the small croissants ow Oh get away from me bicyclist just trying to get big enough so I can eat you oh I can eat the baguettes now all right it's on Oh Oh bicyclists are now fair game sorry dudes you were just trying to win the Tour de baguette and you didn't you didn't see this coming okay I'm gonna eat faster whoa hey whoa why are you chasing me and the police are asking me now I did not know that that was a thing yeah of course obviously they're like hey there's a giant cat blob killing like hundreds of people so we should probably get on that but you know what I'm gonna be the size pretty soon I can just eat the police myself and then it's really not a concern what now police huh what now I got police sighs I can just eat the cops wouldn't score very well on that level though fast food cafe a foreign restaurant chain is buying up the local restaurants eat all the red awnings to drive them out of town why would eating the red awnings drive them out of town for reference here's what a normal-sized cat looks like she had a milquetoast high milk why would the red awnings like they're gonna be like oh well they took our red awnings like we're leaving Paris alright let's try let's oh oh I've ate a red car I can eat the cars and the awnings oh I guess ok so the business that has the red awnings is the company like all the other awnings are different businesses got it okay two green one I'm losing points I'm losing points milquetoast is distracting me I'm petting my cat in real life no milquetoast i am very busy trying to run a business here and get these guys out of paris can they come this way no but can't fit right have we found all the red awnings I feel like there might be oh here's some we did it oh my gosh mounts us we're on level 10 I don't even know how to say that I don't speak French so you guys can just read that there's an outbreak of zombie-ism eat the zombies to save the city I thought we were the zombie technically so zombies are wearing blue berets and have green hands they're so sweet you would never eat a city milk toast would you okay let's eat the zombies oh yeah okay I can tell which one so the zombies easy am i helping the cops too oh oh no are they becoming zombies Oh gotcha okay oh sorry that's just oh sorry that's just a person ooh lots of zombies and a person I'm sorry I'm sorry some of them have green hands and some of them have like greyish green hands it's very confusing so I have to get to them before the cops get to them so that I can score the most points hello like almost all zombies now oh no sorry you were not a zombie sorry so bad Oh a one wait a minute I haven't been getting three stars this whole time I just got one star on that level I thought I was doing okay oh no I'm bad at this I'm a terrible cat blob we'll always have Paris okay we're back to the original and I gotta eat the peas and I can't get killed by anything else I've got a really trihard Stace okay come on eat the peas peas it's peas okay oh oh I can eat bugs now I can eat bugs now okay where the bugs wasting my time on these peas okay okay okay okay all right okay is it almost Mouse time not Mouse time yet oh but I'll be ready I'll be ready Mouse oh it's mass time it's mass time all right we got to get it we got to get a better score come on come on oh my gosh I'm so bad at this game just keep impaling myself with knives eating all the mice oh oh oh that was a streak that was a mouse streak oh I can eat the knives now and the croissants all right it's gotten bigger we can do baguettes now too so we are gonna clean up around you sir you've been very messy you're a terrible waiter out of my way I'll be back in the kitchen with all the baguettes okay all right all right come on come on mom Oh waiters we can eat waiters confirmed okay the chairs the patrons oh my gosh it's having mouse problems and not mice like my actual computer mouse is not working fast enough oh I think we just ruined it we were doing so good and now we're so behind and there's nothing here to eat I haven't seen a waiter in seconds I must have missed something what I can go outside oh oh we're back this is this is the finale baby come on oh go through the cars through the cars eat the people eat the people eat people Oh yep yep yep oh oh oh it's tree time oh yeah oh yeah carnage is real whoa I'm I'm zoomed out now get all the streetlamps can I eat a car yet yes I can eat cars now what about awnings yes can eat all the awnings and the vehicles all right come on Stace pull it off come on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh whoa we got buildings we got buildings in play now oh my gosh oh my gosh there's bigger buildings we're just throwing all of Paris at this point holy cow Oh everything's connecting like we're over here now holy cow oh look at our score go go pip go power tower oh my gosh that's a national treasure of France and we just ate it like it was nothing it's made out of metal that shouldn't be possible even for a robot oh my gosh we're like zoomed out to all of the arrondissement in Paris and we're just we went over a river that's the same we're eating city blocks entire city blocks is what it's come to right now oh my gosh we're now consuming neighborhoods gonna like zoom out to the world oh my gosh wait a minute I can't even like Oh turn off stars or one and a half stars I guess two stars we'll call it two stars we did it we beat the cat Paris level I'm gonna go ahead and end the video now that was that was something I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of a wild Wednesday let me know if you'd like me to play more levels of this game if you enjoyed it I thought it was the perfect game to celebrate my cute little cat blob Pippy who's gone from such a tiny kitten to such such a blob anyway I'm gonna go for now I will see you guys on another episode of wild Wednesday who knows what game we'll play next but until then Pedro my love you go rescue a dog
Channel: stacyplays
Views: 1,485,474
Rating: 4.9280829 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Stacy, Stacyplays, Staceyplays, Stacyplace, Stacysays, Stacy plays, Stacy vlogs, Kid Friendly, Minecraft show, Minecraft movie, Minecraft for girls, Tasty Planet Forever, Cat
Id: xOuMffvZX_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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