My buddy takes a hit - Rodeo Time 93

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I can fly an old woman taught me we're flying today on rodeo time rodeo time gotta get it all down whoa it is a beautiful morning in Winnebago we are at the arena wreck Casa de la Dale I'm about to check out this freshly plowed arena we're gonna be bucking some stock soon so got it plowed up got it mixed up with some of the ground underneath son feeling good on the beaches of Winnebago all son that's what I'm talkin bout Oh got them bucking chutes ready to rock [Music] whoo watch out camera make room for the we're here on radiator ranch we're ranch it we're ranching hard and I'd like to thank you for joining me I'd like to thank you for being a citizen of Winnebago and what does that mean to be a citizen of Winnebago well it means that you're going on this journey with me you may or may not have dealt where you may may not be subscribed to the YouTube channel but in your heart of hearts you know what time it is that's rodeo time you know that what Dale Brisby be doing is be he be keeping at 90 riding bulls and punching fools feeding stock bucking stock around the clock that's me Dale Brisby coming to you like your favorite frisbee don't even know what to do so I want to come over there and help you ranch or do I want to go explore cuz I can get out the front gate jakey then these big soggy Rascals y'all ready to buck we're gonna be bucking y'all soon we've made it to Munster we got to pick up some feed low-starch over there well supposed to have me some k9 - whoops feet get some straps ready and get back on the road gessie this morning actually stopped in a little place got a burrito chorizo beans cheese sour cream pico they ain't charging enough Ulsan $4 for this burrito ain't charging enough it's like part of the reason I enjoy this trip so much I know that I'm gonna stop at the burrito shop i'ma start at the beginning I'm gonna back up so I'm not really I'm not cleared yet I had a hand here and he I he's a good hand he's a friend of mine and he came and so he was helping me today so I was gone and so I came back today I got back and I wanted to see how good a job he did did a great job while I'm out here I'm trying to collect my thoughts right now I'm a little frustrated and I'm also scared I'm nervous Lucas shut up we can't hear me I don't know why I'm yelling at him so I came out here I said I want to see the kind of hint I want to see if you made a good hand how well the job he did and anyways he did a great job in my search I go through the bucking horses I'm trying to get over here see how my friend did for me and and I'm like I see Boone and he's like kind of like looks away and I'm like wait a second something doesn't look right and I find my majestic animal steed like this that's how I find him that's the first thing I see sniffle his eyeball is like cave in look how I found my best friend i sunken in you know why cuz he hit something you know why he hit something because he was trying to get away from something you know what that something was this frickin bucking horse Baptist he's always picking on the other horses he's a bully you're a bully 88 and a half points and pay kiss Texas look at me I'm gonna freakin try to bite the new horse I'm gonna try to kill boon guess what you're not the big man on campus Dale Brisby is look at you running away you're not so tough now are you Aria trotting away that's right front of the line when it comes time to eat back of the line when it comes time to get spurred by Dale Brisby I'm talking about the day I'm cleared should I get on the Baptist should I spare his face not his face literally I wouldn't do that but I'm saying like a normal bronc ride I want to be a rodeo company right there Winnebago rodeo come I want to be a rodeo company that's known for good Bronx that guys want to get on I want to give the Baptist's per Brisby ax should I do it in boot for Boone's honor and Boone's gonna pick up what do you think about that Boone's gonna pick up to answer your question why have I not taken this horse to the vet yet I immediately put him in a trailer and called like for vets she said calm down Dale Dale calm down yes it's a she and she's attractive yes no she's got a family I'm not listen I'm emotional right now because it's Boone don't called she's like Dale calm down you don't have to bring him right now he's gonna be fine till tomorrow morning bring him tomorrow morning morning ladies and gentlemen it's a new day Boone's eyes a little better we've got our man here Kaylin he's killing it on the feeding game I got to show you the feed room Halon how are you for good how are y'all doing this morning Kalin's buddy of mine helping me out you get all this bags fed before I got over here I'm sitting here thinking which bag do I wanna grab I'm gonna walk down the middle gonna grab from this step from that stack don't wanna grab from this stack from this stack so much room I could dance a jig in here hey hey well Dale yeah Garrett he did all this by himself he unloaded and stacked all this by himself very impressive you got to admit Garrett let's know in the comments Garrett what you think did Kalyn stack this feed better than you did in your tenure here at radiator ranch I'm gonna go ahead and admit hits he stacked it better than I stack it better better a little bit of drainage we're still taking you in old buddy about what happened he wheeled around real fast to get away from him smack his eye on something that's what he did right here you wheeled around real fast one time and it is thanks honest and but and this opened up there's like skin because there's just that's there sinus cavity you think that's their brain if their brains up here this is just wide open broke the bone looking a lot better just don't look over there we don't need that he's not a source of income right now he's sure dang sure was a year and a half ago like you got to take care of something that takes care you you know what I mean and also he's my friend Booton you're my friend so it's one of those deals on the fence but when it's on the fence tie goes to the runner you know what I'm saying watch your Bush let you buddy back him up back him up guys I was the first team all-state trailer back and they wasn't even a competition that's how good I was they still sent me a medal but today and they go to Kayla we leave behind would you ladies fill these orders in the rain that's why you're not getting top paying I don't know it wouldn't be good for the orders good job keep it up okay ladies and gentlemen the moment of truth I know you're also very worried as am i I appreciate that I appreciate your concern as I would be concerned for your favorite animal getting hurt bird this is gonna be okay we're about to give him some meds the good stuff as well as some eyedrops now it's Boone and Lucas Godley all my old animals are medicated you're not gonna go deaf are you I do have to yell at him a lot no sir nope nope he's just in here for a second get out of here turn around and walk back to the hay-bale I know you're not Baptists your brisket but you might as well be going back to the hey Bill thank you for watching this episode of rodeo time where we have been jug that's strange it just strange it part of ranching is taking care of your animals you're gonna have an animal you have a responsibility to make sure that they are healthy get good nutrition any veterinary needs that they might need like whenever they hit their own a post cuz of the Baptist yeah you hired me who I'm going to spur soon and give spur Brisby oh you guys want to learn what spur Brisby is watch this episode of rodeo time coming up here probably the next month it's gonna happen ol Sun brisket YouTube you come over here and you want some you're gonna get it on to the next one old son thank y'all for watching see you tomorrow tomorrow [Music]
Channel: Dale Brisby
Views: 185,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodeo time, bull riding, cowboy, dale brisby, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, ranching, wrangler national finals rodeo, professional cowboys rodeo association, Professional bull riders, ranch horse, horses, horseback riding, Horse training, colt breaking, barrel racing, team roping, tie down roping, horse, cow calf operation, feedlot operation, sale barn, rodeo
Id: m4FoP7d4Fmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2018
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