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stop recording for a minute stop recording it's not ugly yes it is no it's not guys and welcome back to my youtube channel so as you can tell from the title of this video i'm going to be doing the long awaited nose vlog also as you can tell from the title i am botched so i do not like how my nose came out so if you guys want to hear about my experience with my back nose job then keep watching okay so right off the bat let me just show you guys my nose so i don't know if you can tell but it has an indent right here so this right nostril is collapsed and when i go up like this you can tell that it's crooked and it has like this weird shape to it and then this profile and this profile look different so it's very like beak-like and round and just like i don't know it looks really big and weird and then this side looks completely different i actually like this side profile better than this one but i like this nostril better than this one like okay you can tell it's just [ __ ] up so basically i'm gonna start from the very beginning right off the bat i regret getting my nose done if i could go back in time i would have never done it so when i decided to get my nose done i was going to vlog the entire experience for you guys like i always do so first i'm just going to show you guys the video that i recorded right before i got my nose done so i'll put that in now hi guys and welcome to my nose vlog so today i am getting my nose on at 1 30 so i was i have not been able to eat since last night at 12. it's like 8 o'clock in the morning right now i'm not really nervous for the surgery but i'm nervous to see if i'm going to like the results or not because i don't hate my nose i just want minor things changed about it so i'm scared that it's gonna look completely different and i'm gonna look completely different so let's just pray he's not gonna break my nose he said so basically i'm just getting this part you see that it hangs down and then making the top of it a little bit more refined so it shouldn't be anything too crazy i'm hoping that i still look like myself and it's just a little bit like better side profile but still me you know so yeah you guys i'll record once i'm on my way to my surgery these are just some before pictures of how my nose was before and then my side profile just looking at these pictures i am so salty because my nose was perfect and i should have never messed with it as you can see my nostrils were symmetrical here and not all slanted and this doctor did do my breasts and my butt implants so that's why i trusted him to do my nose so when i did go in for that original consultation i was told that my nose was not going to be broken and that what i wanted to be done was really small and minor and that i wasn't really going to look much different it was just going to be those little things as you can see i posted these pictures on my instagram and i was like wish me luck because i was literally about to go into surgery and then right before he told me oh we actually are gonna break your nose so then i put that story on my instagram with the like my mouth all open and i put he told me he was gonna have to break my nose after all so literally right before getting wheeled into surgery i was told that they were gonna break my nose so i didn't really like that because i am a very like anxious person i do have anxiety and i like to think things through i like to plan things out so i really felt like i didn't have time to think about it i was i had already paid for the surgery in full and it was about eight thousand dollars and i was literally about to get wheeled into surgery so what was i supposed to do say no never mind i don't want it so i was like okay if you say we have to break it then break it i 100 trusted him and i had no reason not to so right away when they took my iv blood was literally everywhere i have a picture that i'll insert now so it was really really bloody and messy i don't know if that's normal for getting an iv taken out but that was like the first red flag i felt like i was really really nervous before this surgery and i'm usually not nervous before surgery but i had like a really uneasy feeling and i remember i kept telling my mom like i don't know i don't feel good i feel weird about this like something felt off and when you were going to get a cosmetic surgery done the plastic surgeon usually gives you like a huge packet of like things you need to do before surgery how to take care of it after and i never got a huge packet like that about my nose like how to properly care for it and i did have a lot of other friends that got their noses done as well and they got those big packets and they were taking like arnica before their surgery and they were given like special ice packs and like casts and stuff like that so i felt like i wasn't really given any of that i don't know if it's because i was already a patient of his and we had like that connection so he didn't think he had to give me a packet with the care instructions i don't know but i did not get a big packet like that before my procedure i didn't get no care instructions second of all i was told they weren't gonna break my nose and then right before surgery they said they were gonna break my nose and third of all there was blood everywhere when they did the iv so i was just in such like an anxious state like even going into the surgery i wasn't excited i was like mad anxiety once i woke up from my surgery i was obviously under a lot of anesthesia and when they put you under they do put tape over your eyes like to keep them closed during the surgery so when i woke up from the surgery which i'll put that video in now oh look you open your eyes it hurts open um that's what hurts me when i open i can feel it to the other one that one's not so gooey about this one yeah that one is the one that hurts when i open it okay we just left i just got my nose done i can't open my eyes so bad this one can open but not this one it looks so bad it looks so bad so when i woke up from the surgery i was complaining that my eye was super irritated and bothered i felt like there was tape inside of my eye and it was scratching my eye so when i was trying to wake up i could not open this eye and i remember i kept trying to tell the nurse and my mom like i have blew my eye i can't open my eye but i was obviously on drugs because i had just been put to sleep so i i felt like they weren't taking me serious like i was like i can't open my eyes something in my eye and they were just laughing so that like really upset me too because like if you're a nurse and someone's telling you that something's wrong with their eye i feel like you should try to clean it or see what's wrong with their eye not just like ignore it so my eye ended up getting super irritated for the first 24 hours i literally could not open my eye and the sun hitting my eye heard it so bad and my eye was constantly watering you guys i literally bought a freaking eye patch i had to have my friend go to walgreens and buy me an eye patch to put over my eye because that's how much it was hurting like i literally couldn't even let the sun from like outside hit it like i was wearing sunglasses to cover it because my eye hurts so bad so i don't know if the tape or something cut my eye or what happened but i mean that has nothing to do with the actual surgery but i'm just saying as part of my experience my eye was like all [ __ ] up so i wore an eye patch for literally like the first two days so after you have a surgery the very next day you have to go for a post-op appointment so i was going for my post-op appointment i'll put that video in now okay you guys it is the next day i look so cracked right now but this is how i look yes i look cracked so let's just ignore but my eyes are really bruised right now because he did end up having to break my nose i know he said that he thought he wasn't gonna have to but he did but yeah it's really swollen right now you can see my hanging calyamela is gone so far i really like it but my post-op appointment this eye is hurting me really really bad for some reason it like keeps watering i think i like scratched my eyeball but yeah you guys this time looking 100 correct so that was the very next day after my surgery as you can tell i no longer had the hard cast on my nose so when you get a nose job and correct me if i'm wrong you guys if you have gotten a nose job before but they usually put a hard cast over your nose my hard cast literally fell off my nose three hours after my surgery so after i woke up and drove home as soon as i got home the hard cast fell off my nose so i was like what the hell like how come it just fell off like that so when i went the next day for my post-op appointment i was like hey i just want you to know that my cast fell off and he was like oh no it's fine and obviously i've never gotten my nose done before and i blame myself because i didn't do a lot of research prior to my nose job just because i trusted my doctor like i said he had done my whole body so i thought i put all my trust in his hands which that was my mistake because i should have done my own research instead of just trusting someone when he said i didn't need a cast on my nose i was like okay i guess i don't need a cast you're the doctor so the entire time i was healing i had no hard cast whatsoever all i had was that like gauze that was on my nose which was literally just medical tape and it was all bloody and crusty and i was thinking maybe he was gonna take it off and clean it and like replace the tape but he did not my face and my eyes got super swollen and bruised which i guess is to be expected because i have seen some people get nose jobs and they don't bruise at all and then i have seen some people get nose jobs and they bruise to eyebrows so i will leave some pictures of like my bruising so my entire face was swollen like i said i had bruises all under here all on my eyelids so for the first two weeks it was very you know a lot at first i really really did like it even though i couldn't see it i just assumed it looked like my normal nose minus the columella so i was happy with it so that day when i went to get the um like bandages taken off and my stitches taken out i'll put a video of how that day went right now okay you guys i just look very disgusting and oily and gross but it has been one week since i got my nose job i'm still a little bit bruised but the swelling has gone down a lot and now i'm at my appointment where he's gonna take the stitches off and i think he's gonna like reveal the bandage and maybe put a new one on so yeah you guys let's go and see what it looks like is it gonna hurt no not not really i mean it's a little bit can be a little bit uncomfortable when i take the actual stitches out but it's definitely not bad okay you guys i just left my appointment and he took the stuff off um i just finished crying because i hate it so much it's so ugly to me um it's really really swollen right now still and i guess you can't judge it until the swelling goes down and it's not gonna be fully healed for like three months and then the tip doesn't fully heal for a year so i can't really judge it right now but i literally hate it so much and i want to cry and i want to hide in a hole yeah i can because i hate it so much i want to cry again okay let's stop recording for a minute stop recording it's not ugly yes it is no it's not christina it's not ugly your nose was never ugly to begin with so how could you make it more ugly what's ugly about it look at it that it's swollen it looks weird i look like my face has been smushed in no no you don't look like your face has been smushed in not at all literally not it's just swollen i swear to you it's so swollen right now you can tell because it's all shiny and stretched okay i'll tell you guys again how i like it in a couple months because right now i'm really hated so as you guys could see when i got the stitches taken out it hurt like a [ __ ] so we stopped recording because it just hurt really bad and then when i actually finally saw my nose for the first time i hated it i knew right away i didn't like it i feel like obviously when you very first see the nose it's not the final result it's swollen you don't know what the 100 percent healed result is gonna look like but you do have an idea of what it's gonna look like it's basically gonna look like that but less swollen so right away i freaking hated it i hated my side profile because as you can see looks weird and then i noticed that i had this indentation right there on the side of my nostril like i just knew right away i freaking hated it so i started crying and now i am more than five months post-op i'm almost six months after my surgery so obviously now i know that i don't like the results but even then i knew i didn't like it but i was still trying to be like maybe it's still swollen like i was just trying to be like optimistic that's why you can tell on a lot of my older videos i'm always wearing the tape on my nose i just wore it because i literally hated it so much and the doctor did tell me that i could put tape on it myself if i wanted to because i didn't want like that bloody stuff on it and it also kind of upset me that after he took off everything he didn't even wipe my nose like even when i was crying like i still have crusty dried blood like i don't know if they're supposed to wipe it or not but i never got wiped so i don't know and if you go back to like my old instagram pictures you can tell that i always had tape over my nose i was always like looking down in pictures or covering my face because i just didn't want to show my face even in like my youtube videos i would always be like oh i don't like my nose or oh it's still healing or oh i have to put a tape because i was just really insecure about it so if you guys could go check out like my older content you'll definitely notice that like i was saying i was noticing that over time my nose was actually becoming more collapsed and crooked so i just wanted to show you guys some pictures that i took during the process of my nose healing i just want to show you some like side views how one profile looked completely different than my other side profile one side i actually kind of liked and the other one looked completely different my nose was just so crooked you could tell i had that dent on the inside and then i'm gonna also show you guys some videos of like progression that i took but luckily it was like during the like beginning of like the colvin the pandemic thing so we had to stay inside so i was like okay i'm just gonna wait for it to heal at least we have to stay inside at least we have to wear masks i was like at least one good thing if i was gonna [ __ ] my nose up at least i did it during a pandemic where were forced to wear masks and stay inside right so basically i started posting on youtube again once my nose started to heal a little bit more and i remember making a comment in one of my videos saying that i didn't like my nose and that i thought it was a little bit crooked but maybe it still needed to heal and i actually had a girl dm me on instagram and she got her nose done by the same guy who did mine and she said she had the exact same problem and she had to wait one whole year to get it fixed and when she went in for her second surgery he messed it up again so i felt so bad for her because she literally sent me pictures of her nose and i swear to god it was crooked just like mine and she trusted him to fix it and he messed it up again so now she has to get a third surgery by another doctor and she just wasted so much time and money and i just felt so bad and especially knowing that she went to the same exact doctor as me and he did the same exact thing to her after i posted that video saying that i kind of didn't like my nose the office actually did reach out to me the office that i got my nose done at i was gonna reach out to them but i wanted to wait for it to heal more because i didn't want them to tell me like oh no you don't like it cause it's not healed like i knew i didn't like it so i was gonna wait like four or five months to tell them that i didn't like it once it was more healed then i think it was like two or three months and they messaged me and they were like hey like how are you liking your nose and i told them that i didn't like it and i sent them pictures but basically i sent them pictures showing that it was crooked that the sides were not the same like i sent all my concerns and they told me to come in for an appointment and everything to like check it out so i was like okay and i was telling when i was super depressed about it and i really did not like it because at the time it was really really affecting my life like i was just like so insecure about it and i didn't want to leave my house and i remember the lady responding to me and saying don't worry about it how your fans were on it and when they said that i was just so blue because i was like dude why like i don't know maybe i'm crazy but in my opinion i felt like that was kind of rude to say just because like why do i have to tell my fans that you're gonna fix my nose like i'm upset about it i'm the patient whether i have fans or subscribers or not you should care about me you shouldn't care about what my fans are going to think you should about what i think so the fact that they knew that i didn't like the nose that they messed it up that i was super sad about it and depressed and not able to leave my house because i expressed that to the lady and she literally said tell your fans we're on it so that really upset me as well and i expressed that to them so i'm gonna let you know what happened because now this is time for the real tea okay so basically it was like two or three months after my surgery so i had already made videos saying in like my day in my life that i wasn't really sure about my nose i didn't really like it so i went there and i told them everything i didn't like i told them that i didn't like that this was literally collapsed that my nose was crooked i told him i didn't like that i didn't have a cast on there i told the doctor what the lady texted me about my fans like i was just very upset you know clearly and the doctor did end up apologizing for the lady texting that to me and then the woman came in the room and apologized to me as well she said she didn't mean it like that and she's sorry if i took offense to it or whatever so i forgave her i was like it's whatever like you know a little salty but it was whatever and then in regards to my nose the doctor did say that yes it was crooked he looked at it and he admitted that it was crooked and he said that he would fix it for me for free and then i told him that i didn't like that it was indented here and he was saying that it wasn't indented he's like the indent isn't bad so that's where me and him just didn't click because he was saying yes it is crooked but the indent is fine and i was looking at him like no it's not fine it's my nose i don't like that so he was saying that he would do a second surgery for me for free but he would basically just go in and make my nose like this like you see how it's crooked to the side they were just gonna go in and make it a little bit straighter like that but even if he did straighten out mine like this part it wasn't gonna fix my nostril being like indented and he kept saying that the indent wasn't bad so they weren't gonna fix the indent so just because he didn't think it was bad doesn't mean that i wanted it like that so i obviously was not willing to let him redo my nose because one he didn't agree with this thing being indented as a problem and i had actually already gone to two different consultations with reconstructive like plastic surgeons that redo nose jobs and they both told me that my nose was messed up and that this nostril was collapsed i did tell dr schifrin that like that this was collapsed and he was like no it's not no it's not so i was like okay well i clearly don't like it so i was very upset and we're trying to figure out a solution he's like okay well you don't like it so he did offer me a full refund in exchange for me signing a piece of paper saying that i couldn't talk about my nose so basically i wouldn't be able to do this video for you guys i wouldn't be able to say that i didn't like my nose i would have to delete any comments saying i don't like my nose all the videos that i have saying that i don't like my nose if i get my nose redone and i film that like i wouldn't be able to say anything about my nose so obviously i told him i didn't want my money back because i rather tell you guys what i experienced than get my money back then i just left so basically that was it that was me telling the doctor that i didn't like it he offered to fix it but we couldn't see eye to eye and then he offered me my money back but in exchange for me not being able to say anything about my nose job at all or talking about how i don't like it so i definitely rather tell you guys that i don't like my nose job and share my experience with you guys so that no other girl has to go through this then have my money back like i really don't care about the money it's more about like i don't want anyone to have to deal with this because it's super frustrating especially like when you save up your money and you're excited for something and you're nervous and you wait and you think that this is gonna make you be more confident and feel better about yourself and that it does the exact opposite so if i can even help one girl not get their nose messed up then it's worth it but yeah you guys that's pretty much it for my botched nose job as you can see like i said for the one millionth time it has the indent here it slanted my actually don't even mind this side profile i actually feel like this side of my face is kind of cute like i like this side profile but it's this like what the [ __ ] looks like two different people like decent scary like i don't even know why it's a thing but i need to fix my nose i am actually having my nose redone by a reconstructive plastic surgeon i am going to the same doctor that this girl from my job went to and he did such a good job and literally when i was on facetime call with him he like drew my whole face and how my nose should be he called out every single thing that i didn't like about my nose before i even told him so i'm really really excited about doing that i am getting my nose redone in december so i do have to wait 11 months before they would redo it so basically an entire year i'm waiting so i have like what i have like five more months that i have to wait before i can get my nose redone so i'm super excited and nervous about it excited just because like i obviously want this fixed but i'm nervous as well just because like it got messed up the first time and if it gets messed up the second time then i'm pretty much hopeless because i'm not going to want to get a third surgery so fingers crossed that they don't [ __ ] it up a second time as long as it comes out good in the end it'll all be worth it but that's pretty much my experience you guys if it's not broke don't fix it so yeah you guys i hope you liked this video of me telling you why my nose is botched and if you did please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel thank you [Music] i was singing my song oh i was like body plastic not ashamed hmm can you see me
Channel: undefined
Views: 4,046,399
Rating: 4.9304404 out of 5
Keywords: Cristina, tina, nose job, nose, blog, vlog, nose blog, nose vlog, chicago, botched, bad surgery, crooked nose, Cristina's nose
Id: djstn-mV_jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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