My Boss LIED for YEARS... so I Made Him LOSE $21,000 - Reddit Business Podcast

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shady boss lied to me about my position and benefits for years ended up costing him 21 000 in reimbursements a few years ago i worked at a big retail company for many years eventually i went through enough grad school education to get my license to work at a higher level this meant more pay more job satisfaction more responsibility fancy title but unfortunately the job market was rough i stayed on with the company to work in a floater position where i would cover a large area and work all the stores on a rotating but irregular basis eventually i wanted to get a staff position where i have a single store assigned the area was huge the furthest store being over a hundred miles from my home and that is exactly where i was assigned to train for my new role it was a rough store people in my position were robbed and assaulted at gunpoint the neighborhood was very unfriendly volume at the store was among the highest in the state and staff turnover was as you might expect extreme well after training i wasn't being scheduled to float to other stores once a month at most i asked to be scheduled a little bit more diversely since most of the stores in my area were much closer to my home and didn't require four hours of driving a day boss man told me that i was the only floater experienced enough to handle that store i didn't buy it but what can you do right well a colleague of mine told me about the mileage reimbursement policy floaters working at a store more than 50 miles from their home can file for reimbursement of mileage over 50 miles each way this also included meals so i filled out a few of these and sent them to my boss to sign he didn't refuse but he actually never signed or filed them i suspected as soon as i left his office at the district center he tossed them out bossman tells me later they must have been lost in the system eventually the same colleague showed me how to fax those same forms to accounts payable bypassing the district boss so i started doing just that one day bossman calls me in a panic he wants me to stop filing those forms i ask to be floated closer to home but he won't budge he says he needs me at that miserable store he promises me that he will make me a staff role at the store if i promise to stop faxing those forms staff roles are a promotion and usually come with better pay and a few other little conveniences so i agree boss man says there won't be a pay bump right away but it'll come down the road that never happened two years later the situation at the store has become too toxic for even me i asked to step down from the staff position to be a floater again and be allowed to float to other stores boss man says that i'm already a floater never was in a staff position but he can't let me go work at other stores because it's better for me and the customers if i stay there for familiarity floaters don't get scheduled to stores exclusively so i'm being singled out because they're so desperate to cover that dump of a store at this point i'm livid so i start looking it took me months but i eventually found an opportunity to make my dream career transition i put in my formal notice and that's when the fun started well i kept a meticulous track of all my shifts and there is no statute of limitation baked into the policy so i started filing out those reimbursement forms to retroactively cover every shift from the past two odd years i skipped the meals part because i didn't want to go through all of the effort of finding receipts i had a friendly store manager start signing off on them and i sent them directly to accounts payable i didn't fax them all at once but for each shift in my final two weeks i faxed a few dozen in we still had a fax machine in this line of work believe it or not i figured what do i have to lose worst case scenario accounts payable declines the forms on my last few shifts i started getting the checks from accounts payable not added to my paycheck but sent to me directly mileage reimbursements are non-taxable income so this was all tax-free money coming to me it must have taken a while for the charges to show up on the balance sheet because a few weeks after my final paycheck i got a call from my now former boss he wasn't happy he got some big loss prevention manager involved and together they started saying that i was breaking some rule by requesting the payments they specifically claimed that i was ineligible because i agreed and i wouldn't be eligible in a staff position they then threatened legal action against me if i didn't remit the full amounts back that same week but i had the email chain from when bossman said i was never staff and i was always a floater i politely referred to that email chain before letting them know firmly that because i was lied to our prior agreement didn't apply and i was fully eligible all along corporate policy as confirmed by hr agreed with me so i let them know i wasn't returning a single penny in the end the reimbursements amounted to well over 21 000 usd and i transitioned into my dream job i would say that i would trade that money back for the time that i lost commuting to that miserable store four hours every shift but all that pressure motivated me to make the best career move of my life the great satisfaction of not only professionally surpassing my old boss but getting to tell him that his lies cost him way more on the way out is almost priceless i also shared my story and method with many colleagues who were being told wrongly by the boss that they didn't qualify for this policy this story does have an edit edit one thank you for all the support and comments as many of you correctly guessed i worked as a community pharmacist i do want to clarify that most of my workers technicians pharmacists front end staff and customers and patients were amazing people between them and my subscription to audible with a long list of books i always wanted to read it made the situation tolerable with all that time the job retail market for pharmacy was and is also very rough and i don't think i can overstate that enough it has empowered big chains to abuse their staff this way in other ways this also endangers patient care not to mention staff's mental health i spent more than 10 months searching before i found an opportunity that involved me leaving the profession entirely the district manager who was the boss man and the general store manager who was fully complicit in this lie are both still working for the company last i saw moral of the story please understand your company's policies and ignore any verbal agreements or hr unsupported decrees otherwise and be kind to your pharmacy staff the job and the company are not always kind to them that story is pretty relatable and since the op didn't specify which big company they work for i feel like it's pretty easy to guess and i'm sure most people listening have shopped here before if my guess is correct i also worked for this big company for five years anyways i'm glad this person got 21k reimbursed and got to stick it to their boss on the way out like i've said many times before people always make a paper trail when your boss promises you something it'll save you in the long run you want me to shut up and follow directions okie dokie new to reddit and just discovered this sub reading your fabulous malicious compliance jogged my memory this happened around the 2000s when i was working for my uncle's fencing company so customer a purchased a newly constructed home cookie cutter everything building grade the land plots were divided by fluorescent orange marking spray paint hardly official my uncle submitted a bid per customer a's request and we got the project we had the lowest bid around 1200 lower than their competition the caveat we collect full payment up front not a deal breaker for most customers as we accept credit card payments this way both parties are protected from fraud during that time my uncle had just left his previous job as a land surveyor his specialty property line surveying the estimated property line marked by the above mentioned orange spray paint was nearly two feet off one side of customer a's property my uncle makes the necessary adjustments and we start digging the post holes customer a makes a surprise job site visit he sees our post holes and turns beat red he rushes towards us and starts dropping f-bombs left and right what the heck are you idiots doing you're giving away part of my property my jerk neighbor can't you jerks bleep and see the bright orange markings on the bleep and dirt i want you geniuses to fill up these holes asap and dig right where the orange lines are i want my fins directly on top of the orange lines i just about lost it when i was about to get in customer a's face my uncle stopped me and he tries to explain those orange lines are off customer a interrupts i'm the one paying here not you you follow my bleep in directions please if you would just let me explain no no no i paid you in full you're not paid to explain you're paid to build my fence exactly the way i want it where i want it this bleeping conversation is over he drives off and my uncle looks at me with the malicious smile let's grab an early lunch and then we'll give him what he wants i shrug over lunch he calls my aunt his secretary to have her draft a new joc work order aka a contract in it he specifically and officially noted that the fits will be erected 22 inches east of the official property line and that customer will show their full responsibility and liability should a conflict arise with their future neighbor the home next door was still unsold at this point aunt emails the contract to customer a my uncle and i have our two martini lunch hour aunt cause and says customary has signed and emailed the contract back to her and now that we have a paper trail we go back to the job site and continue working the same afternoon customer a pays another visit and says just checking to see if you decided to follow my instructions you two idiots didn't wait until i signed that new contract before resuming work did you we sure did as he turned around to leave i hear him mouth something like bleeping idiots upon completion three days later he signs off that the work was satisfactory he was still in jerk mode refusing to acknowledge either my uncle or i when we thanked him for his business four months later he contacted my uncle again requesting for a bid on a new project yep you guessed it to move the existing fence on top of the official property line we gave him an unreasonably high bid and still secured the project this time around he was a teddy bear throughout the entire thing always make a paper trail i don't know how many times i have said this by now but this is the best thing you will ever learn if you start a business or work for a big company actually if you work for any company this dude was a total jerk though i don't understand why people feel like they need to be this way towards the working class i hope he's learned his lesson for being a jerk i don't do anything right fine i'll do it your way i used to work for a private company which was owned by a wealthy woman who could afford to have her dim weighted stubborn and mean daughter run one of the departments it didn't go well but it was a small department and the mother was more interested in keeping her daughter happy than making a profit thankfully the daughter m usually only worked a few hours each morning to help me out and then she would leave i'm all for inclusion and encouraging people to learn new things but m was not fit for management and definitely didn't have the faculties for accounting she would help me and i would wait for her to leave so i could fix it writing legible notes sending notices giving customers change and receipts posting past due notices etc this went on for three years until i found a better job and gave my two weeks notice m was livid she felt like it was a betrayal m started staying all day to start doing bookkeeping she started talking to co-workers and customers alike telling them i don't know how to do my job i do everything wrong and it's all my fault we weren't a better department she would do this in front of my face too pulling someone aside to talk in stage whispers i can't do anything right if you say so i stop doing things my way and i started doing explicitly how she asked i won't take full usage from payment but instead give change like they're buying one unit i won't transcribe her atrocious handwriting i won't give past due notices i won't maintain the customer balance spreadsheet by the end of my last two weeks they had switched from using excel to using a spiral notebook to log customer payments gave away the laptop with the old notes and customer contact sheet and forgave any outstanding balances because m insisted my notes were wrong meaning they lost a couple thousand dollars and clients have no way to contact them unless they came in person since our department didn't have a designated phone number but remember i didn't do anything right man i don't know if there's anything worse than a manager that got their job because mommy and daddy gave it to them it's kind of hard to respect someone in a position of power when they didn't work to get there i don't know that's my opinion but what do you think was this guy a jerk for what he did you don't care what i wear to the party okay bet this happened a long time ago in a friend group of mine julia 27 female at the time of the incident was having a garden party julia was basically a good person but stressed out over tiny details easily and when she was throwing a party she could sometimes get a little well whatever the equivalent to a bridezilla is that's actually not at a wedding in this case she was driving all of us girls nuts with her vision for the party which included each of us in a different color coordinated pastel dress so that we could collectively look like a rainbow enter mickey 24 male mickey was and still is julia's best friend he definitely had a streak of mischief to him and he was also the only person who could usually make julia see how ridiculous she was being when she got like this we asked him if he could talk to her about it but he didn't get anywhere this time julia said entirely please just let me have this i've been working on it for months eventually we ended up agreeing to wear what she wanted us to wear so long as she paid for the dresses which to her credit she did meanwhile though mickey asked her what he was supposed to wear now julia's vision didn't really include specific plans for what the guys were going to wear she just wanted them in suits and stuff so when mickey asked her that in the middle of a hurried moment she blurted i don't care just wear whatever you normally wear to an outdoor party cue malicious compliance or at least mischief is compliance since i don't think there was much malice involved see mickey worked at a rent fair when he went to outdoor parties which he did several times every summer he attended as part of the staff and he had a very specific costume he was supposed to wear and so on the day of the party he shows up early along with most of the rest of us to help julia set up and he was wearing a full renfair jesters costume complete with cap and bells to julia's credit her first reaction was to laugh her head off her second was to swat him mickey did set up the jester's outfit and then fully admitted just before the party that he had a different outfit in his bag if she would like him to chain he hadn't intended to really mess up her party only to break her brain a little bit before it started julia eventually did tell him that it would be nice if he would go change but she did have to think about it she admitted she started to think it might be worth it just to see how everybody else reacted to this perfectly set up garden party with the pseudo medieval jester wandering around i kinda wanna hang out with mickey this is the kind of malicious compliance that i love it doesn't hurt anyone and people probably got a good laugh out of it so good on mickey for bringing the laughs to the party also i like that the op didn't automatically call julia a karen i know we do a lot of karen stories around here but sometimes people do just get frustrated when they're trying to plan stuff out so it's always good when friends can call out your flaws but also know that you're still a good person underneath your crazy that ain't no way to speak to a lady so i've been a shift supervisor for a retail drugstore chain for over a decade an unfortunate part of my job is i get cursed at a lot sometimes i joke that i'm immune to it some many years ago i was working at a store in a not so good area there were constantly homeless panhandlers outside we called this group of them the wasted bunch for obvious reasons they were becoming such a nuisance that we decided to exercise our right to refuse service and refuse to sell them booze they were able to buy anything else in the store but booze they didn't really take that well but it kept them away this particular day i got a complaint about panhandlers outside so i go out and tell them to leave it's the wasted bunch and they have a new friend we'll call him jon for this story before i tell them to leave i see one of the wasted bunch handing jon some money and overhearing bubba light the wasted bunch leave and john makes his way to the booze section to pick up an 18 pack of bubba light inferring that the wasted bunch have found a new way around our refusal i decide to handle jon myself i tell jon that i know he's buying booze for the wasted bunch so i'm exercising my right to refuse service jon gets irate after arguing with me for a few minutes he spouts some colorful language at me and makes his way out on his way out he yells a few swear words at a passing customer the next thing i hear is a female voice screaming honey honey no i see a woman about 50 grabbing her husband's shirt husband is also about 50. i'm going to refer to the husband as dave dave has his fist clinched and he is marching his way towards jon screaming that ain't no way to speak to a lady dave's wife stops him before he gets to the door the couple get in line and i start ringing up customers with another cashier when dave and his wife get to my register i thank dave for being a gentleman but i'm okay dave wife explains that her husband does not tolerate people using foul language to women or mistreating women in the back of my mind i'm thinking dave is nuts jon is about the same age as dave but about a foot taller john also looks a little heftier than dave fast forward two weeks later and the overnight shift supervisor is dealing with the homeless man it's 5 a.m and the homeless man will not stop cursing every other word out of his mouth is a curse word he's saying it to the supervisor and the cashier both female and to a few customers the supervisor is trying to figure out what to do when dave comes in dave confronts the homeless man in a firm tone that ain't no way to speak to a lady apologize now homeless man then starts cursing at dave dave hands homeless man 20 dollars to please get lost and take his dirty mouth back to where he came from dave specifically mentioned several nearby counties and cities that have had bad homeless problems next thing supervisor notices homeless man running off and dave has a large cut on his arm supervisor offers to call 9-1-1 but dave refuses he claims that he was trying to give the homeless man a hug and something on the homeless man's jacket cut him supervisor grabbed some first aid supplies for dave dave buys what he came in for along with the first eight supplies even though he said we would comp them i come in two hours later to start my morning shift and my supervisor is telling me of the events of the night we pull up the camera footage and watch the events unfold i had told the overnight supervisor about dave but she had never met him prior to this i confirmed that that was him apparently after dave tried to give the homeless man 20 dollars homeless men pulled out what looked like a knife when dave tried to take the knife from him he got cut we reported the incident to the higher up stating that dave did not want to press charges and did not want medical attention just to give a perspective most of us have heard that cursing is wrong and that you don't use it in front of women however dave has been the only one we've ever seen in force it we later learned that dave is the owner and instructor at a mixed martial arts studio and gives free self-defense lessons so dave has a few black belts to dave and all the men like him thank you for being gentlemen but be careful let's raise a glass to dave i'm not a fan of violence against others but i also understand that sometimes people just need to get knocked out for acting up so shout out today for making the world a better place but remember kids dave has a few black belts so don't try being a hero if you've only ever fought people in fortnite am i the jerk i fell in love with someone else about 30 minutes ago it hit me i cried with the realization and guilt i'm in a committed relationship with a wonderful man we've been together for over 10 years and we have created a blended family together he's truly my best friend and i know how lucky i am to have him in my life a few months ago a new guy joined our workplace and i had an instant crush on him we get on very well and share a lot of interest we talk outside of work occasionally nothing crazy and i would never even entertain the idea of being anything more than friends anyways i found myself looking at pictures of him i knew i shouldn't be doing this but i did it anyways it was right then that it hit me that my feelings had moved beyond a crush not maybe love but certainly felt like it was for a moment now i'm feeling massively guilty i love my partner and i just thought of having any kind of feeling for anyone else makes me upset i would never do anything to hurt him ever but i can't stand feeling like this do i tell him or is it not worth causing trouble over since i know nothing would ever happen side note the other guy is definitely just a friend and i'm pretty sure he has nothing but friendly feelings towards me oh man the classic workplace love interest i won't lie this has definitely happened to me multiple times while i was dating someone for five years oddly enough these women were always from california a place i had never visited before but they just gave out this different vibe which i enjoyed also now that i've visited cali i love it there but i think this is just human nature to develop feelings for other people especially if you see them on a daily basis and get along the important thing is that you never act on those feelings i hate this idea that people can't be attracted to their friends it's like the moment you admit that someone is attractive it means that you have no self-control and things are going to get spicy it's called respect and believe it or not people still have that sometimes that's it for today's video if you want to make sure you don't miss out on any content hit that subscribe button and make sure you hit that bell to turn on notifications if you want to finish listening to all the stories use the playlist at the top of the description and if you're someone who live streams and needs copyright free music check out the cream of the crop music by searching cream of the stream on spotify or whatever music platform you choose remember it's free
Channel: Am I the Jerk?
Views: 105,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subreddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit, funny reddit posts, reddit, reddit storytime, r/confession, r/confessions, r/tifu, r/maliciouscompliance, r/prorevenge, r/choosingbeggars, r/IDOWorkherelady, r/Idontworkherelady, r/AmITheA**hole, r/AITA, finance, real estate, podcast, funny, am i the jerk, i am the jerk, im the jerk
Id: fLO5FQ85kho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 57sec (1257 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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