My Biggest Organization Video Yet! 50 Craft Room Organization Ideas

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hello everyone welcome back to the channnel it's Mary I'm super excited to bring to you another compilation video of some of my favorite ways that I organize in My Craft Space I scoured my YouTube channel to put them all in one place because I've realized I've done so many over the past few years and I thought this might be helpful also for me I want to go back and see what I've done what I've changed and what used to work and maybe doesn't work anymore and share a bit of that with you if you look down below the description box or in the description box of the video you're going to see time stamps if you want to jump around but I tried to categorize them as best I could it's just a lot to go through so it does move pretty fast grab your favorite beverage and let's get into it okay I'm actually going to kick off this video with one of the most commented on things I shared in one of my videos which was some digital organization first before we get into that I want to show you something about my videos and likely about a lot of the videos that you follow this more button right here this is where you're going to find the description of the video so when your YouTuber says that that's what we mean so right here are some timestamps if you click on those they're going to take you directly to that part of the video but at the bottom if you keep scrolling you're also going to see sometimes they have pictures assigned to those areas of the video so right here I have this video broken down into certain timestamps with uh pictures the pictures don't really correspond here sometimes they do so you can just click to that and it'll take you right to that part of the video so I wanted to make sure I hit up that piece okay so if you also are not subscribed I would love for you to join And subscribe to my channel and here is how you do that you hit that little button right there that says subscribe no I'm kidding but also you can put alerts on if you wanted to um you can do all notific ations or you can do um like personal quite honestly I don't know what personalized means so if someone does know put it down in the comment section I'd be very curious to know okay so let's go into the digital organization I want you to be able to create playlist for yourself so you can go to this little three dot thing there click uh save playlist and you can create one and now you can name it whatever you want so you can compartmentalize the videos that you want to keep and refer back to based on whatever category works for you so you can also make them public or private that is of course up to you but then while we're here in this section you can also share videos so if you hit that share button um you're going to be able to copy the link and you can paste it into emails texts whatever just say you have a friend that might want to see a certain video that's how you can do it as well I know this might seem sort of Elementary to a lot of us but a lot of us maybe it's not maybe it's new information so I just wanted to try to be help helpful with that okay so to access your playlist go to your homepage of YouTube and you can see that button that says playlists all of yours will be listed nice and neat and organized all right let's go into the next one a bunch of Dollar Tree organization so if you have been watching my channel for a while probably none of this is going to be new but that's the great thing about kind of putting an allinone video it's a One-Stop shop for now and I get to talk about some of the updates of things that I have since shown you and now what I think about or what I do this tabbed folder I think is great it's so inexpensive and you can do um you can kind of categorize or compartmentalize your projects you can put paper in there scraps in there keep it all nice and neat you could buy a bunch and you wouldn't be spending a lot of money so I really wanted to U make sure I showed you that one okay the next one and by the way I'm moving through these pretty quickly cuz we have so much to talk about so I uh have these little uh containers here now I think this is adorable first of all it matches my color theme in my craft room but also if I'm going to go on a crop or if I'm hosting a crop um these are really great to have for people just to keep things organized it's also a really great caddy to move around with and to put off to the side I love these little bins I keep these in a drawer next to me and actually I happen to have all of my tools uh and when I say tools I mean like screws and things like um for I guess like the mechanical pieces that I use in my office just with video recording and all that so I keep those in a drawer they fit perfectly in the Alex drawers and um I just have them filled up with different stuff I love this bin this is um obviously all of these are Dollar Tree but I love this bin because it's a larger type and so I can place those large stamp sets which I always have a hard time fitting nicely they fit well here so I really love them for that all right next up we have just some organization in the Dollar Tree just to kind of encourage you if you're trying to make things look nice and coordinated and pretty or whatever however you want to do it you can buy a lot of different sizes and shapes but that coordinate together so I found these in the Dollar Tree I thought they were so super cute they would look really great in your shelving um just nice and coordinated if that's the look you're going for that is not a look you have to have I'm just wanted to make sure I shared that they do have those there and then they also have these little containers that I love because they clip closed which keeps your stuff from spilling out you can put anything in these embellishments all of your little pieces whatever you can break up your uh sentiments and put them in there I chose to do embossing powders so um I and again they clipped closed so I put a little spoon in there for my embossing powder uh here's a little Pro tip if you use an anti-static bag in it uh it keeps keeps it from having the stuff stick all over the place on the lid and things like that so that helps um but then I just transferred all my embossing powders into them and then I put little labels that I had on these other containers which were leaking they were so cute I got them from the thrift store those little glass containers but they were not good for my embossing powders and this is just how I use them so um I do like the bigger ones that are similar to this they clip cloes just like that but they're Square I like the better just because it fits my card stock all the way in there but these work really well they were three to a pack um for $125 so let's talk about embellishments in here now I will show you later on in the video my preferred method for embellishments that is a little pricier but we're talking about a little bit of money savings here for your organization I picked this up you can also head to Harbor Freight which a lot of you have recommended in the comments this is a plug for you to read comments on some of these videos I share because you all share the greatest tips and so someone said Harbor Freight has a lot of organization for small things um this was again Dollar Tree and I would only recommend this for sort of larger embellishments I put some tiny stars in there and they just kind of move around a little bit too much so it's not my preferred method but it is great there's a plane coming over normally I would edit that out but that plane was so close I thought maybe I should record it just in case all right moving on also at the Dollar Tree they sell embellishments and I'm not saying you have to love the embellishments but these containers and the container they come in hard plastic um $3 that's actually pretty good so if you look at stuff maybe the innards you don't like but the containers you do so consider that too when you're looking out at some of the less expensive places to shop um yeah so I wanted to uh share that in just going to show you up close I actually really do like these embellishments they're super sparkly they'd be great for Shaker cards um so I kept them but yes so look at the containers also okay I want to show you a container I got from the Dollar Tree which now allows me to set the record straight this is my hot mess of a desk this container I first showed a while back and I said it was $125 that was a big fat lie but it wasn't intentional this is actually from the $5 part of the Dollar Tree so I wanted to set the record straight there and apologize uh I use this container mostly for either ongoing projects or things that I have to work on upcoming if I'm working for uh designing something for a company or I have a video do or something like that I usually keep it all in this space so that I can just go to it sift through and get to creating so that's what I like to use it for but man can you use it for anything so um that's a really great container may not be the cheapest place you can find it but I do love the clippable containers uh again now let's look at this gross drawer now this is my embellishment drawer here's a plug for your organization in that you really have to purge stuff you are not using clear it out because it takes up mental real estate if it doesn't take up physical so get rid of stuff you're not using and I did just that now this is a clip from that video but I will tell you I'll rehash this here I really donated a ton of my stuff and the stuff I wanted to keep I kept it in these really cute sort of candy jar things I don't I wouldn't put real food in there because I just don't feel like they're sealed enough to keep it fresh but many people have so you know you can but I'm using it for my craft room now since the recording of this video I actually downsized even more and I use I've repurposed those candy jars for something else but here I'm just showing you I'm going through and I'm pulling out the amount that I would reasonably use okay look at this this is almost embarrassing but I know I'm in good company here and we're a family and you won't judge I got rid of so many of those embellishments I only kept what I truly wanted and would use in the near future not in the five or 10 year plan okay okay I'm on to you I know you think like that too so here I'm just showing you some clips of some other small containers you can get you can get a lot this is T to a pack if you want to use for your embellishments as well now I love this it's kind of like a hack but also storage um this is one of my favorites so I got one of those sponge holders that you use in the kitchen and one of these little candy jars I guess but I'm using it as a trash can I love the clear look they're both clear it matches it's cute but I'm using the front piece to hold my wet shammy or my stamp cleaner out of the way cuz often I will put it right onto my project space and I'll either make the mat wet therefore putting my card panel in it or I'll put it right on my card so now I have my trash and this thing little holder off to the side so that is one of my faves next up we have some hooks so I am not sure of course what your setup is but I have these bars that I can use and put hooks on and if I want something really quickly reachable I can use these hooks to store uh some of my adhesive I have the foam and then I have the regular double-sided adhesive but you can also put scissors on there anything that has a closure that you can put on a hook it's basically what we're dealing with here so that's an idea and then I also use these shower rings for an alternative idea I like to use real estate in my space that's just not being used and the edges of these wire things in my closet they're not being used and I have a bunch of washi tape and so I thought why not put the washi tape and the ribbon onto these now you don't have to take them off you can just pull the tape right off of them which I thought was really fun and easy same thing with the ribbon so I can just kind of pull that stuff down so yeah so I I really really like that and I think that was uh super convenient to keep stuff up and out of the way this is a tray from the food section at the Dollar Tree and I just love it to put inside my Alex drawer so that I can keep stuff from moving all over the place this one is I think intended for maybe like nail polish I don't know how what kind of nail polish would fit in there but um I'm using it for something else we're going to put some ink in there uh I'm going to use this for well for stickles so I love storing my tickles is like glitter glue I love storing it upside down it just makes it really easy to use and they fit perfectly in this little container and so the first use that I'm going to get out of that is just to store some of those uh nvo drops pops of color or the stickles in there okay so that's my first use for it my second use is alcohol inks and I love this too it keeps them up and in one specific place so that's how I have uh that second one stored love that as well all right let's look at some ways to reuse or recycle or alternative ways to use stuff now this one this isn't anything to write home about but I wanted to encourage you to maybe look at some stuff you're going to throw out in the recycling bin and see if you can use it in your Craft Space so I'm just cleaning up this black container here um you can spray paint them you can put uh pattern paper over them however you want to do it I made this so super simple because the it's more the idea and less the look of what I made that I want to share I cut out some holographic card stock with some circle dyes this way it gave me a circle Rim that I can put on top of this um black container this was I think like an energy drink or something like that that was what came in the container originally and I'm just I taped that right to the top just to give it a fancy little look on the top of it I put a sticker on the side of it and then you can put this off to the side and put some of those those taller items um that are harder to store and just have that off to the side and that's it very simple and it didn't end up in the recycling that doesn't get recycled so it's it's sitting on my desk all right let's move on to the next kind of reuse recycle thing this longer portion of this is actually in a video I'm going to talk about in just a second but I have a wooden board underneath this magnetic uh sheet here you can buy this sheet in a roll and and I am going to cover it because I have not found another use for it I don't use it during the holidays it's a solid wood piece it's just sitting there so we're going to cover it with Magnetic sheet and I'm going to use it for some die storage I think this has to be one of my most favorite things I've done in my craft room lately because it has exponentially altered the way that I use my dyes they are so much easier for me to grab and use it's right next to me and I could wouldn't be happier with it because otherwise I wasn't going like the 10 steps it took to go sift through a pile of dyes um I know that sounds lazy but I when I'm creating I really just kind of want to see it this is the way my brain works I see it and then I have ideas for it so let me talk a little bit more about the die storage and the video I have for you okay this is a great place to pause and talk about the new Summit that's coming out this one is probably my favorite so this is the second time that the paper Crafters get organized Summit is taking place and I find it to be one of the most applicable and useful Summits that I've been to personally so I'm excited to be a guest speaker with the summit this year so just really quickly about the summit it is going to run from April 19th to the 21st so it's 3 days 28 guest speakers are going to bring you their ideas in specific areas of crafting organization so my particular video is going to be in die storage and I had so much fun with it in fact I revamped my entire organization system because of this summit video so I'm really excited to bring that to you you just saw a snippet in this video you'll see the longer version of that also some additional ways that I store my D so I'm hoping that it's really helpful for you in your quest to get those Dy organized I do want to note just a couple things about the summit when you sign up for your free ticket which I highly recommend that you do first before you decide or jump into purchasing anything get the free ticket because then you're going to be offered the lowest price ticket right after that so if you want to purchase this to have these seminars for life with extras that come along with the ultimate bundle do it after you sign up for the free ticket okay that's sort of the hack in the situation to save you money but you do not have to pay anything you can attend for free you'll have 24 hours to watch those videos you can watch what you want you will still get a lot of freebies from a lot of the guest speakers that are doing it I know I have a freebie for anyone who signed up for any ticket and then I do have an extra bonus for the ultimate bundle one last thing about it I personally have a live Q&A after my presentation goes live so you'll get all those details once you sign up but I'm super excited to chat with you about it answer any questions and also learn from you because I always do okay so you'll find the link to sign up for your free ticket Below in the description I hope you'll join us it'll be so much fun and I know I am constantly on a quest to organize my space as this video that we are currently in will tell you I hope to see you there let's get back to this video all right getting back into some quick ideas for alternate uses these are wine holders I see a lot at the thrift store so if you see one grab it up because you can use it for storing your wallpaper your vinyl or your wrapping paper whatever you have I grabbed it put it on its side and this is how I was storing my stuff and you can fit multiple rolls inside each of those little wine pieces so that was a great way to reuse something another thing that's kind of outside the normal crafty box are these containers here now these are for intended for cassettes or phones you can actually a lot of them use for in pads and so I had two up on my wall that I would use for my distress oxides and my Catherine Pooler inks and they were brilliant this is before I painted them white I finally took the time I spray painted them white they looked great in my craft room so I thought this was an interesting way to do it I've also seen these at thrift stores too um so you can check out there I now store my inks in these containers now these are the ink storage units from and I waited for them to be on super sale which I will always notify you when that happens um so make sure that you're subscribed to my email list I send out all of those updates um for you but yeah that's how I store my ink pads now and I couldn't be happier with it they're super sturdy really great and I really love them all right another alternative use this is supposed to be like a paper towel holder I use it for my rolls here and I to this day use this just as it is I have my foam rolls I have my adhesive they're easy to take off and put on I have no idea why I'm moving so slowly in this video by the way I don't know what was happening there but uh maybe I wanted you to get the full effect I don't know was it supposed to be satisfying I have no idea but anyway that's how I store on this paper towel holder love it this I got from the thrift store and it's a magazine holder I guess is the intended purpose but I use it for all of my um plates and things for my die cutting machines keeps them all together in one place I love it it's really good has three compartments so thrift store for the win on that one so make sure you're checking out your local thrift store you can find some really good deals our next category is Supply and Tool organization so this is sort of like all the other stuff right let's talk about pencils now I did not get this from a craft store I got this off Amazon it's four pencils or markers and I keep my Prisma colors in there and keeps this humongous set all together um you can fit three pencils into each slot so if you want to do blends you can do that that was really great so I love that one this is how I store my swatches I use a 9 by12 album or binder and I put them all in page protectors and I just keep them label them and it's all right there I can grab one binder it will fit so much this particular binder is huge and so I love that I can just grab and go when it comes to um my swatches I Swatch out inks paints even pops of color I swatched out so that I can see what they look like when they're out of the bottle so that was just the way that I do it it's another way for me to use what I have instead of thinking I don't have what I need when I really the the binder is the proof here's another way that I use a binder this is a smaller 6x8 this aside from my die storage has to be my favorite way I store stuff and have been consistently for years I use my stencils because of this binder I'm not even kidding before they were a hodg Podge mess in their original packaging all over the place and now they're all in this beautiful binder doesn't matter what one you use um but this system it's itself is really really great for me and it's been keeping me using what I have all right let's talk about this this is great I get to update you all on this item now craft companies have this for sale it's you can see it on the screen what I'm showing you I don't know if those prices have changed since recording that original video but a lot of you have told me that you can find it at Walmart in like the baby section or something for $5 so that's cool so check Five Below check Walmart um I really do like it I think it keeps the stuff sturdy in place off to the side and it's thin so it has a small footprint so I really do like those I think those are a great item I can also put markers in them let's say I'm going to go mobile and color downstairs on the couch I can do that as well so um I I really do like those but again they you can find them cheaper than even what I'm showing you here okay let's talk about how I store my glue dots now I have the pops of color um I have a lot let me refer back to the no judgment area I love the pops of color um they're so great and I love the consistency you've probably heard me talk about them I've tried a bunch these are my favorite but I'm not trying to sway you if you love what you have um but if you're curious they are fantastic so this is how I store them now I have this shelving unit that because they fit them all right but there are lots of things that you can buy to fit your stuff now this is all also I presume a nail polish tray holder something like that I think I picked this up at like a TJ Maxx or HomeGoods store so check those places out too for storage you can get a lot of stuff not that expensive there um and so that's where I picked those up okay let's go into my one drawer here I wanted to show you how I keep my blending brushes organized this little tray is from the Dollar Tree and so is the tray holding the round large round brushes again I don't like to keep my stuff flying all over the place I like it to be in a spot where it's not going to move around so I have those trays in there and I love those for that now on the right hand side I have my sponge dobbers I actually keep these in something that they weren't intended for I keep them in the containers meant for the pops of color so you can store them upside down but as you just saw I keep my pops of color a different way and I use this for my sponge dobers and it works great because they're not inking up all the drawer or anything like that they're just right in their spot so I'm a huge fan of those things to keep my sponge dobbers all right let's move on to the next item here that I want to show you and that is just a couple ideas for storing your card stock so I am an advocate for pre-cutting my card stock I find that's the last thing I want to do when I sit down and create and so I have it all organized here using these little labels you can makeshift all of this you do not have to buy this do recommend just having some sort of a holder now if you go if you are thrifty you want to go to Thrift Store you can find containers that have compartments in them you can uh look at like mail dividers things like that and you'll be able to put different card stocks and there you can label them so that's how I do mine I think it's just so great I have all all different kinds of card stocks labeled let's talk about this marker storage because I love it it's pretty it keeps each marker in its own little home but it's actually not how I store my markers anymore I was Finding with this marker storage which I think is lovely and if you never plan on moving your markers it's perfect but I was finding that I couldn't color anywhere but my desk and so for me that was problematic so what I decided to do was put all my markers back in their bag this they come in this I have the oh hooo 320 they come in these already compartmentalized parts of this bag right well they don't come colorcoded I had to do that but they I can put them in there lay it on its side and then what I've done is put a rubber band around the blend set so now I can just grab out the blend set instead of looking for three or four different colors and I can start coloring okay let's talk about these containers now these particular containers I wanted to find a way to store some of my um alphabet dyes I don't use them enough and so I thought if I had a place that I can put them all by letter it would work out for me it's a little much I'll be the first to admit but these are actually containers that are meant for the dobers um over at and so now I just have three of them and I use them for my letter dyes and I've also labeled the top of them with stickers this helps me actually pull them out and use them instead of having to sift through an entire I don't know envelope full of all letters so yes I do like it but probably just maybe cut out the letters you need as you need them and maybe you don't have to store every single letter and number out there for no good reason all right let's move on I love this storage for my stamps and dyes so these are not craft specifically branded but I got them off Amazon and I love them they're sturdy just enough sturdiness I don't know how to describe that but they're you can put just the stamp set in there and they wouldn't be flimsy I know I've purchased stamp holders before that were too flimsy I had to put a piece of card stuck in there these are not them so I love them they're really to me they're cost effective they're cheaper than the other ones you can buy them in the smaller size or the larger size I like to store my coordinating dies with them as well sometimes I keep the backing in there of the original packaging just so that I don't have to relabel them so that's something that you can do or you can just go through and if you like labeling like me have fun doing it these envelopes here I wanted to show you are super sturdy now I have these you can definitely mail out Slimline cards in them that's great but I also wanted to show you something that I do if someone were to buy a card for me or if I were to send it as a gift what I would do is I'd put the card card into a kind of smaller but more flimsy I say flimsy is a bad word but like a thinner envelope then I would put it into this sturdier envelope here once I have it in there I can then stamp and label that out side envelope and then they get the gift inside okay that's one way to do it another option is to take the card and envelope and put it into this plastic envelope and label the outside of that which I have done successfully as well or you can store your cards in those envelopes so that they don't get messed up before you're ready to give them out or sell them so those are a couple ideas when it comes to the uh how to store your envelopes and cards or how to mail them out I know a lot of us probably don't do that you probably are sending the card for the card recipient but just in case um I thought that was a a really handy way to use it and also those envelopes that I showed you in the Box uh affordable and super sty all right we are moving moving into embellishments so I've talked about this a couple times in a few recent videos I was not using my embellishments I have an egregious amount of embellishments and they're just so pretty and they sit in there and they don't get used I transferred all of my embellishments into this One-Stop shop for me and that is this five tier drawer that I use now and I am using them like it's nobody's business okay so I'm very excited about that I'm not hoarding them I'm using them so I have this container here it's not super cheap but for me because now I'm actually going to be using my supplies I love it huge fan comes in a couple different colors so I wanted to make sure I included it in the way that I store my embellishments I'm not sure if that's the right way for everybody especially if you have Littles running around that might open up drawers and toss stuff probably not a good idea this might be a better option this has containers in I think it has 14 containers and they close individually ually and I really liked these um I'm glad I'm showing them on the screen though because on Amazon they look like clear clear acrylic but they're not they're like that regular plastic that's kind of Cloudy they're sturdy they keep the stuff closed but it's not as it looks on Amazon so I just wanted to make sure I cleared that up as well so that's another way you can store your embellishments um aside from the ways that I showed you from the Dollar Tree too don't forget about those and then lastly I just have a couple things I wanted to talk to you about organization from uh like office supplies this thing right here if you're a planner or a journaler or you're in school like me and you need to highlight and take notes on stuff I love this thing this is so fantastic it wraps around the book it has an elastic piece so different you know fits various size of journals and it fits all those pens and a little pocket there for tabs love it so I wanted to show that also if you're out and about maybe you're thrifting and you find magazine holders uh these are a great option not only for storing stuff in your your room your like office area but for paper for card stock so that is a really great way to keep all of your card stock in a nice and neat place and that my friends brings me to the final thing I want to show you in this video how I store my tape now I'm going to geek out about this if you didn't see the original video this stuff is great just a tape dispenser I'm sure you can get those at the thrift store I'm positive there's got to be tape dispensers there I picked these up on Amazon I got a clear one for my mint tape then I got a bigger one for my bigger rolls first I tried it out on this frog tape I use this for masking things like that in my crafting and it works beautifully one-handed and then I was like will it after my happy dance with my thumbs will it fit my double-sided adhesive and the answer is yes yes it does uh hello this is fantastic I just have it off to the side and I can keep my double-sided adhesive right there I don't have to go sifting through it or just leaning down for it I make things too complicated but yes tape dispensers who knew love it fantastic addition to my Supply organization and then this is one from Amazon I thought was cool CU it has both allinone but I was too cheap to buy it so I thought I'd just show you the picture in case you were interested thank you so much for hanging out with me let's close this video up that was a lot I hope it was helpful I hope you got a couple tidbits out of it and mostly I hope you share in the comments section what your favorite way to organize in your craft room is maybe you have a favorite way you organize a particular product share it with us sharing is caring and we all learn so much from each other all right to recap in the description box below you're going to see items that I showed in the video items that I used as well as the link to sign up for the paper Crafters get organized Summit I hope you'll join us it'll be super super fun and I think that's it I think I've said enough all right I'll see you in the comments down below and in the next video [Music] [Music] bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Mary Polanco
Views: 30,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crafting, mary polanco, papercrafting, foiling hacks, best crafting hacks, crafting hacks, best hacks, top 10 foiling tips, crafty shortcuts, craft shortcuts, craft, shortcuts to crafting, shortcuts to craft, must see craft hacks, largest hacks video, largest craft hacks video, mosthacks, most craft hacks, so many craft hacks, save time and money on crafts, craft savings, time savings on crafts, design hacks, crafty organization, craft organization
Id: PAKTucafq18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 36sec (2076 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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