my best friend who gave up singing. (surprise)

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so what are you doing this weekend so Friday I'm having a tall latte with my tell friends and Saturday I'm going bowling with my bowl-cut friends and on Sunday I'm doing a group blind date with my blind friends do you remember any of their names oh well I'll have you know that one of them's called cereal box personally I've never been the kind of guy who has that many friends most of the time I mainly had one best friend and in highschool that friend was Mike I actually called Mike pretty recently it went something like this yeah this is Mike hey man it's joel from high school my dude my dude my dude basically he's my dude however right after that Mike told me something that made the call take a bit of a sad twist part one school life you see when I was 15 years old I am rolled in a high school with a particular focus in music in Sweden where I'm from I met Mike on the first day and we immediately became friends we had a few basic things in common for example we were both introverted and about the same height however Mike had some things I definitely didn't have he was athletic charismatic and naturally funny I on the other hand was incredibly skinny self-conscious to a fault and lacked any type of comedic skill but I could throw a mean baseball you suck because we were the same height and hung out together literally all the time people thought we were twin brothers and doing matching poses in matching outfits in the school photo didn't help that pretty much every break between classes we would end up at the school cafe and have a coffee and a choc lip all each however because we were total bad boys we also skipped a bunch of classes to play each other songs with written Michael would generally write love songs and I would write kind of emo sad songs my dude check out this song I wrote you lips so beautiful your eyes are miracle my dude that's so sick to get this one I wrote I wanna die skipping classes to do this wasn't the only way our friendship impacted our schoolwork one time we got an assignment to write a paper in science about cows more specifically it was a paper on what might happen in the future because of the cows methane gas pollution that is their burps and their farts ha ha somehow we didn't find the premise of that silly enough instead our final paper read something like this it was early June the cows at lingonberry farm for just being cows doing cow things then they heard a loud engine in the distance it was the crazy scientist man Grasso butt-wipe flying his biplane when he was above the farm a number of containers opened up releasing a liquid that rained down on the cows instantly the cows developed incredibly high IQs and devised a plan to switch to places of humans and cows worldwide this was all part of an graça butt-wipes plan so as you may have noticed there wasn't a lot of substance when he came to knowledge about cows and also a very unfunny random equals funny brand of comedy going on from what I remember I think this story ended up being about a man in a top hat stuck in the middle of an ocean talking to a piece of synth in cheese it's so unfunny we handed in this paper and we got the lowest possible Swedish grade called IG which stands for not approved our teacher even wrote letters to our parents about our bad behavior maybe we should have written an email love song about cows instead anyway Mike and I got super close during this time and I even joined his family for their vacation to Croatia there's a lot of crazy stories from that trip I might tell them another time part of why people thought Mike was so funny was that he was great at impressions he would do voices from famous TV shows and have people rolling my dude my dude me trying to emulate him doing that since I had no comedy skills was his start what led me to do my one guy ex voices videos so I kinda stole his idea and made hella money out of it not really though because the record labels claim part two the band remember how I told you that Mike and I used to write songs well in order to give them justice we started a band with some friends we were called wrong direction I know at this point many of you will draw the parallel to one direction but unlike them we were five guys who made pop music this is a song that Mike wrote and sang on you can hear how freaking good he is at singing and songwriting already even though he was only 15 if I can feel here's a picture of our band during the first year of high school note how our outside in t-shirts even though there's snow our noses were red from the cold and that's why we made this picture black and white so here you can see me and I play drums this is Jacob who sang on most songs email who played guitar zachary who played bass and this weirdo here is Mike Mike understandably never liked this picture because he looks like a total in it but I decided to put it up on our MySpace page anyway because I liked how I lived in it in the end one direction the wrong direction never really took off and we broke it up after high school I met new friends and lost touch with everyone including Mike [Music] part three the call so now that you know a bit more about him let's go back to the call I had with Mike a few days ago I see you guys know I had gone through a breakup and I was looking to fill up the void in my life with friends that I really like and get along with that's a side note if you're a friend of mine and you're watching this and didn't get a call that means I don't like you and please don't contact me again I will always relate extra hard to Mike's life because we were such close friends and people always told us how similar we were except I look better in photos I feel like anything that has happened to Mike could just as well have happened to me he could have been the youtuber talking to you guys right now but instead you guys get me congratulations anyway on the phone call I asked Mike if he could send over some new songs he'd written and this was when it got a bit blown away he told me that after we lost touch he's had two kids and the kids always come first greedy little brats needing food and clothes and whatever this led to him not having the money to buy music gear he doesn't even have a working computer to me it sounded like such a waste that such a talented songwriter and musician can't even record even from a selfish perspective I just want to hear his music for my own pleasure I need more love songs about girls lips your lips are so beautiful don't judge me if I was in a situation where I couldn't record music I would hate it so I decided to surprise him with a studio people think you need a massive studio to record high quality music but in reality many of the biggest hits are recorded on small setups for example the microphone I'm buying from mic the same kind I'm talking to right now it's relatively inexpensive but it's used by massive artists like Fred chicken 21 pockets and drove slow so I put that microphone together with a sound card in a laptop and I headed over to Mike's house part for the surprise it was really great to see Mike again it's been so long but I felt like no time had gone by at all what was the best part of being friends with me when we grew up when we were like 15 I feel like I was a bit of a you were always better than me at everything I remember this very clearly you were always more talented than me however I was thrown out of the illusion that no time had gone by since high school when I met his two adorable kids look at you being a good dad pushing your kids and swings it's weird seeing my kept kids because in high school he was the really irresponsible dude who wouldn't even care about homework or whatever and now he's basically in charge of two human children who are just as crazy as he ever was they're exactly the same with music and comedy - do they know English they're kids it's insane Mike's so talented he even figured out how to clone himself yet it's a joke it blows my mind that someone my own age can have kids that are like real people with personalities but tiny it put into perspective how people can make difference but equally valid life choices well I've spent the last five years making YouTube videos mike has gotten a stable job and has two kids like he's an actual dad I could have been an actual dad right now with kids that call me Dad that's so freaking weird to me but to get a papa he under mr. Poppins or Vince can i I was just here but can be to Allah after playing with Mike skits for a little bit we were hanging out by ourselves and it was time for the surprise this feels like old times man having some coffee hearing you play the guitar it's like you're never left me actually I left you I guess moved away sorry about that so dude I actually I was at my parents place and I saw something that has to do with you and me I've got it in the card you want to see it yeah it's a surprise yes it's pretty funny don't get your hopes up an old picture was nakeds together anyway yeah oh yeah sorry this is some some gear here actually uh all of this gear is for you oh this is a new computer here this is microphone this is a sound card you're way too talented due to not be able to record when I heard that it was just like even if you only get like one hour every two weeks I think you should be able to do it I just no no I'm not lying I'm not like I just want to hear your music it's totally selfish I just want to hear what you'll make with it Mike's not an over-the-top person but him giggling like that is hilarious to me I knew he was very happy from just that to motivate him I told him to record something in the coming two months or else I'm taking it all the way and I'm never talking to him again I'll play you guys the song here on the channel when it's done only if it's good though like if it sucks I'll pretend this never happened no pressure Mike it was a lot of fun to be able to help a friend out like this if I'm gonna be cheesy and I am gonna be cheesy perhaps you guys watching can help one of your friends out with today just by doing something extra nice or being an extra supportive friend it definitely doesn't have to cost money and doing it will make both you and the friend feel great thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time bye thanks for watching the video guys I know it's different but we worked really hard on it so I hope you guys liked it if you want to do something supportive for me you can like this video subscribe and put on notifications maybe leave a comment like wow Rumi this video was not awful let me know what you thought about this new kind of video in the comments and I will see you soon bye
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,248,607
Rating: 4.9663095 out of 5
Keywords: animation, funny stories, roomie, roomieofficial, best friend, surprise, comedy, funny, cartoon, story, singing, music, jaiden, jaidenanimations, song
Id: 2uG04kG9ZQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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