My AT HOME MANICURE Routine! | Nailpolish that lasts!

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hey guys so today I'm gonna be showing you how I like to do my nail now I have been doing my nails at home consistently for over a year now and I'm gonna walk you guys through each and every step that I like today to take to achieve my at-home manicure and I encourage you guys to try it out for yourself like why not it's just something for you to do to just relax you at least it relaxes me I genuinely look forward to doing my nails and it's so therapeutic for me it's so relaxing for me and it's just like a self-care moment and just like me time and I'm gonna walk you guys through each and every step that I like today to take to achieve my at-home manicure now the video portion that you're gonna see is actually gonna be completely different nails and this today I'm wearing SC's Fiji which is such a pretty like neutral pinky shade for my skin but in the video you're gonna see more of like a creamy whitish shade that is also really nice that's because I forgot to film the introduction for that video so I filming it on a different day actually I also just finished filming my Amazon favorites which is why the hair the makeup looks very similar I just switched out the lip and the top that's a YouTube hack for you and suddenly take it for a day anyway I'm going on and on I love doing my nails at home you guys know this if you follow me on social media and I encourage you guys to try it out for yourself like why not it's just something for you to do to just relax you Lisa relaxes me and it's like me time you know and I say this in the video later on as well but like I encourage you guys to find something that it that you do just for you it could be as simple as like a sheet mask or a face mask a hair mask a massage working out something that you do for no one else but you as women we spend so much time taking care of other people and sometimes we just forget about ourselves and I want to remind you again that you're important and it's important to take care of yourself first even with these small things like giving yourself a Medicare let's get into the actual portion of today's video okay so let's go ahead and talk about everything that you're gonna need for your at-home manicure so the first thing is totally optional but I do really recommend it because it really gives like that at-home spa experience that much more and these are literal bath salts that I got from an event at with it cosmetics but you can literally find these everywhere and with this let me grab this very very carefully you're also going to need a bowl with warm water and you know what as I walked through the other products with you guys I'm just gonna go ahead and put some in here to kind of let it soak we'll soak our hand to this in just one second so let me put this aside now here's everything else that you're gonna need the first thing of course is some sort of nail polish remover and this one right here is from Olive and Jun it's really cool because you just like put your finger right in there and never moves it so easily you'll see down one second in terms of tools you're gonna first need a nail file I'm using this one from Sally Hansen a nail buffer this is a must for me the cuticle pusher and then lastly and cuticle trimmer cuticle cutter whatever you want to college this is optional you don't need this but it is nice to have just in case so these are all of the tools that we are going to be using in today's video now in terms of the nail polish these are my three that are a must for me of course the first one is a base coat I'm using this one to date from Revlon that I really like then I have my nail polish of choice which I will talk about my type of polishes in just one second and then last but not least you need a good solid topcoat base and top coats I cannot recommend enough to you guys these are a must find ones that really you love and you use all the time for me I kind of switch back and forth between a couple of them but I have been going back to these two right here I really enjoyed this combination right here the first thing I always like to do is actually just put like a little towel this is just one of my kitchen towels on so that I don't ruin anything and then I also have my tools like right on the towel as I need done then what I like to do is just bring over the you know little bowl of water that we have with our bath salts but before we do that I'm actually just gonna get started and remove my existing nail polish now I just want to show you this is like five we're and you can see like now I'm starting to see little cracks on my polish and now it's like starting to chip a little bit more on this hand because this is my more dominant hand but like it's still really good for five days you know what I mean like if I hold if I'm back you really can't see much anyway let's just get started ring the Polish and you just wiggle your finger right in there and it comes off so easily so I believe you like this we can also just use like a regular nail polish remover alright that is it for the nail polish remover and here are my nails all nice and polished free and now just gonna go right in and just soak my hands in the water for like a good four to five minutes [Music] finish it's five minutes now so I'm just gonna go ahead and remove my nails just quickly dry my hands with a fresh towel and completely move this out of the way so that we cannot work on our nails like this now my nails and my cuticles have softened a little bit let me kind of zoom you guys in so you can really see what I'm gonna do here because I want you guys to get a close-up look of this so don't worry about the little marks there that's just from the nail polish that's normal but we're gonna just quickly start off by pushing our cuticles back and I know I have a cuticle trimmer there but normally I don't even use it on every single nail I only use it in the areas that I really mean it that's a big piece of advice that I want to give to you guys just don't over trim your cuticles with it as painful and they just grow so much more if you do that so just gently push them back this might not look gentle but I promise you it is [Music] now I'm gonna take this little buffer and just kind of gently buff around my cuticles as well as on my nail and I don't over buff because that's how your nails get to be too thin and that's what I was finding like with nail salon they were just taking forever and over buffing my nails and ever since like you know doing my manicure at home I'm so gentle with my nails you know what I mean you don't overlap you don't need to over buff else have been bucked and now it is time to kind of like look and assess and see where you need to genuinely remove your cuticles so I will just tell you on this hand these three nails look pretty good even like even this one looks pretty good I'm like looking for you know something to move here I do have like some extra skin pick on the side so I'm just kind of quickly and gently remove that off you don't want to be work with this at all now on this hand because this is my board like dominant hand like my cuticles here definitely need a little extra love so what I need to do is just start again very gently and you don't want to go too deep because not only the painful but trust me when I tell you your cuticles will just grow that much faster okay that looks really good and now it is time to start filing your nails now for me I actually don't need to trim my nails at all if you need to now would be the time to do it for me even like the shape is pretty good because I actually just did my nails a few days ago like four or five days ago so I'm just gonna quickly file them into place which for me is always like straight you can keep your nails into any desired shape that you like [Music] okay nails are in shape and ready to go I'm just gonna go ahead and again take my clean towel and just quickly wipe my nails I don't want to wash them right now or I don't want to apply any sort of lotion because the actual surface that we buffed is going to help our nail polish kind of last even longer so I just I will hydrate and like moisturize my hands in a little bit but for now I'm just gonna move right into our polish starting off with the Revlon quick dry base coat and just go ahead and start to paint my nails and you just want to keep a nice thin even layer let me just make sure you guys can see me you just want to keep a nice thin even layer and apply it on your nails a lot of people think that a base coat is not necessary for me I really would argue against that it really really does help keep my nail polish on longer it helps with chips it helps with the little cracks on your nails all of that I really recommend to just find a good base coat and you'll see a big difference [Music] since this is a quick dry base coat we can just go right on top and go to our polish now this is like a miracle gel type polish I don't know if you're supposed to use it with like a gel base and top coat I'm currently not going to and that's okay because I have used this with my normal base coat and top coat and it works just fine and I just do like one thin coat and I don't like to go over too many times I know I just it looked like I want to wear like 10 times but I'll do probably like let's see how many coats I do 3 4 to 5 coats to like really get all of my nail covered with the Polish okay so this hand is done and now moving on to my right hand and you know what painting my nails with my left hand just took a little bit of practice and I just have to be a little bit extra careful this does get a little bit more messy than my other hand because I'm using my non-dominant hand but you know what it's just practice oh my gosh I don't know why my hands are shaking right now it's just like so much pressure to film this yeah we're still doing it okay so this is the first code and I will just kind of let this like this for about a minute before I go in with the second coat and while that's kind of drying I will just clean up any mistakes that I see and then again you just want to hold it very very still and let your nails relax just for about 45 seconds to one minute to let the first coat kind of sort of dry and then we'll go in with the second coat now also I normally will do just about two coats I don't really ever do more than two coats because then it the nail polish gets to be too thick and it actually can crack even faster I know that doesn't seem like the case but for me does so for me my sweet spot is always two coats of nail polish that works so well for me so I moved the towel and already started on my second coat I did these two so now I'm gonna continue on with the rest hopefully I don't get any nail polish on this table you guys already know what's coming it's just like a simple second coat and then we are good to move on to our top [Music] [Music] all right so I finish my second coat as well and now I'm really just gonna sit still here for a good seven to ten minutes before I apply my top coat it's really important to let your nail polish dry thoroughly before you apply a top coat in order for it to last for a good like four to five days so again this is a new podcast watching youtube video and just sit back and relax for a few minutes okay so it's been like a good seven minutes oh my gosh you can totally see me in a little bit here I didn't even notice or the cap of the nail polish but anyway let's go ahead and get started with painting our nails with the topcoat this is one is really nice because it really locks and seals and nail polish in place and it's also very shiny as well also I will say keep your topcoat to a very thin coat you don't want it to be too thick because again then it can chip even faster this hand is finished with our nail polish okay so here are my nails all done that but before I finish I do also want to show you guys two additional steps the first thing is using a cuticle oil and then the last thing is hydrating my hands first thing I'm going to do is use a cuticle oil and just apply a good amount on my cuticle area and then you just want to take it and really kind of like rub it in okay last thing and then I'm going to show you guys the final look is some sort of hand cream and here is the final look I love how they turned out they just look so nice and clean and simple anyway with all that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs ups cup to my channel leave me a comment below and I'll talk to you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Arshia Moorjani
Views: 113,597
Rating: 4.8813934 out of 5
Keywords: happytreasuress, desi youtube guru, arshia bhalla, arshia moorjani, vishal moorjani, indian beauty guru, desi beauty guru, indian makeup, makeup for indian skin, indian makeup guru
Id: 2rftdBDmtKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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