my Airbus A320 homecockpit project - insights

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hello and welcome to my cockpit project this is the first video where not only show you the carpet and action and the flight simulator but also I decided to make a video and if you like it I can do more of these yeah let's start I'm sitting in the carpet right now it's offline the computer is running but the simulator is offline as you can see screens are dark and today I wanted to tell you some things about the carpet itself because some of you asked me some questions and I'll try to cover a bit in the video okay let's start first of all the cockpit is about three years in the making now I started yeah I think about three years ago with the first idea and with the first drawings and it took me about I think the preparation and the thinking process how I want to realize things and what I want to do took me about I think yeah four or five months and then at first I built the platform the cockpit is on it's a wooden platform and the whole wooden structure I use wood for the main structure and for the boxes and for the MIP stand as for the time being I will change few parts of that into a metal structure I want a better overhead base structure and I decided to make this a metal but this is a future project okay [Music] um are the Pena fronts are as I already told you in the comments from home cockpits FR I didn't make them by myself because I don't have a laser cutter and yeah I decided to buy those because uh Frank from home Crockett's FR is just doing a marvelous job in creating those they're really close to the original in my opinion much better than a lot of others you can buy out there okay and as you can see down here I have a pedal mod it's not fully complete at the moment only the center part is on there um the pedals themselves the plates for the feed I have them but I have to print an adapter in order to get a right angle right like in the real cockpit yeah and right here we have the site box there's the side sticks from arrows project it's on top of a first master warfuck magnetic base it's a very good couple because it's really nice and the feeling and the side stick is a replica of the original one also I have the tiller over here it's a design I bought from I think it was grab cat or um Cults 3G maybe I bought the mechanics design and also the tiller design it's 3D printed the plate is engraved I have someone who engraved that for me and as in the rear copper the tiller is movable and of course it turns back to the center position as for the efb I'm using a Samsung tablet PC I can rotate it I can take it out and I use um the space viewer to export the ESP monitor onto it during the flight yeah here we have the first prototype of a table it's just a normal draw mechanism right now and it will be close to the original at least that's the plan later on this year I will design a folding table and I want to put the keyboard in there so it's part of the table we'll see how this works later during the year yeah down here we have the pedestal it's not complete yet the front pedestal party complete um the mcdu is also um the the 3D design I got from someone um who just gave it to me was very kindly he engraved the flunk the front plate the buttons are 3D printed right now but I want to improve them later on the whole Electronics is do it yourself behind there and over here you can see of the already refined version of the mcdu I did the cutouts and those little in uh space spacers between the buttons and yeah this will be the version 2 later on with the electronics in there I might do a PCB but I'm really really at the beginning when it comes to PCP design this is from home cockpits again the um Electronics behind the panels are do it yourself I can show you later on at the MIP then I have the throttle gradrant it's part of a throttle Tech throttle box I just took it apart and took took the crudant the levers are really nice they're from metal and they feel really good when going through the gates um I 3D printed and designed those covers uh on the side you know in the original one you have the trim Wheels they are missing right now and you also have the decals on there I have no clue how to do that yet but I will do that later redesign or improve the throttle because the mechanics in there they're very cheap I'm really happy that I bought it used for 90 Euros that was a real bargain some of you might know how the how much the original throttle boxes cost there about one thousand dollars and well when you see the design in there I have my own opinion on that the radio panel is partly functional at the moment just to displays and I will do the mechanics later on I already 3D printed the the casing where I where the buttons are and all that will be connected later I think it will do this in March or maybe already in February yeah what's already working is the radar panel and the lights I can turn on and show you the mid lights they're dimmable like in the real aircraft and also the backlighting works also dimmable yeah then we have the engine starters this is something I'm really proud of because I designed the engine levers the master levers by myself they're unlocking levers like in the real plane and it's a two color 3D print as of now I want to spray paint it later on and this is a plate and inlay in here right now it's just structure print I'm planning on engraving laser engraving those plates later on because that looks much better okay over here we have the transponder panel um as of now the displays and the road queries are working and the keypad is in the making so this will be finished soon and one part of the cockpit that's already complete is the real pedestal with the speed brake and the flaps the only little setback is that the flaps panel is flat not like the half round shape as an original too bad frame does do those but it's fine and the mechanics in there I also bought them used they're from Prime cockpits and they work including the brake lever spoiler arm mechanism and of course the flap release mechanism yeah then we have the copy door panel including the Quarry for the queries I'm using the ones from chrome cockpits FR those are those units already with a PCP so you can easily connect them they're really really nice close to the original from the look and feel and I don't think I could make them cheaper by myself so um I really recommend those to you okay then we have the parking brake and the rudder trim panel the mechanics behind there are do-it-yourself the design I adapted from someone who gave me his original design and it's really neat because it's the push pull mechanism like in the real plane when you have to lift them and then current turn the handle and for the rather trim see you can and it also it all always turns back to the center and the reset button display also works then we have the printer panel is empty as of now but the plan is to include an 80 millimeter real printer in there because you can hook up a printer to the flyby wire mod and once I figure it out how to do that there will be a real printer in there and we will really need to print out the um theaters and the weather reports just a nice addition to the realism that's for the pedestal and if you take a look at the MIP you can see I already have the Isis panel in there it's just a display right now it's a five inch HDMI display the same as for the mcdu the buttons are dummies and the rotary is not in there at as of now also this will follow later on and the five inch display is put behind the panel with a custom 2D printed casing in a later video where I will show you what's behind the scenes at the map you can take a look at that if we move to the side we can see the gear lever also a working mechanism with push with pull and then you can pull up the gear and down and if I go over here just excuse to Rapid camera movement I'm not really used to the gimbal yet we have the triple break pressure goes working with three servos the design of the engraved plate and the design of the gauche is from Mobi flight it's free you can all use it and it's a really good design and when the cockpit is working the server is also working and showing the right pressure then we have the clock display up here with working Chrono and elapsed timer and then also the completely working Auto Bright panel as for the monitors for the displays I'm using Asus 15 yeah 15.6 inch USB portable monitors you you can buy those I bought them used for about 50 60 Euros and I took them out of their case and just put them behind the panels they fit 99 perfect they're really flat and the main advantage is that you don't need an extra HDMI port because you only hook them up via USB and that's it so that's really good and they're very good for showing the displays the ecam and the PFD and the ND panel yeah and up here you can see the two adjustments for the backlight of the glare Shield the backlight does work also dimmable this would be the intensity of the LED and I haven't figured out to do that yet you can do it through the Bobby flight software but that's not that much important the brightness of the LEDs as of now okay and then we have the glare Shield again the fronts are from home cockpit FR I bought the panel fronts and the the buttons and the rotary caps you can buy this as sets again a really really good quality and the Electronics behind there they're all do it yourself and to show you that I can open up the panel me I just need the camera camera really quick okay and we can just pull that off it's not fixed yet okay and then we have behind the scenes okay as you can see so as um it's again custom 3D printed this is just a dummy only the display is working because I don't have a copy load a first officer side so I just I decided to just realize the display and it's also already backlit so that's working then we have the FCU box it's a custom 3D printed casing and then I have the display units up here again those are the display sets for the seconds seven segment displays from Moby flight you can buy them a sampled or assemble them by yourself it's really good you have a PCP where you put the displays on and you have this block right there the cable the flat cable that goes the ribbon cable that goes to the max adapter board I can show you over here just tilt the camera a bit so see it better wrong direction there we go see we have a Max adapter board where you can put the max adapters at the max display drivers and then hook them up to your Arduino I'm using Arduino Megas one for the ethers that's behind there where all the cables go and the other one is beneath this um top where two other display adapters a place so the goal was to get the whole FCU out in one box and that's what I realized also what you can see back here is the Central management for the backlight the backlight is 12 volt LED lights strips and again I'm working with a dimmer which is hooked up to the rotary to the potentiometer yeah I bought those dimmers they're really cheap and took them out of the casing and just placed them at the place where they should be and here you can see how I realized the MIP backlight those again those are 12 volt LED lights and they are also hooked up to the dimmer which is sitting in the pedestal okay and the thing that's probably the most messy one at the moment is the overhead because it's really at the beginning the most important quarries and this place are working already and as you can see there are already three Arduino megas on there and again a display board for the two battery displays which are working and as I said the most important functions are functional and backlight is already partially realized I'm using those wooden bars and I have led strips beneath there and the goal is to do this all the way down to the sides so the backlight is spread evenly and later on there will be a cover on there so there is no light bleeding in any direction and what I realized during the last days was this front shell part cut from wood and partially 3D printed supports and this is fake leather which I enclosed the wood with so that I have the original look I'm really proud of the result and trust me it was a pain in the butt to realize that with the leather it took me about two and a half hours and yeah I got really really mad in between because it just didn't work out but now it's finished and I'm really satisfied and what's also finished is the outer window frame as you can see here and again I did a custom support so I get the right angle a little bit of perfectionism here but okay yeah I can show you the whole thing from the other side let me see I'll do that yep that works and as you can see there's the opening for the standby Compass instrument I want to realize that later on for now just the plate the plate is being printed on my printer as we speak so the hole will be covered later on so and as you can see over here I also realized the sun visor cut out I'm I'm planning on doing the sun visor maybe in a later stage of the project but it's not wrong to already have the cutout for it okay and what I also realized is the dome light again there's the 12 watt LED panel up there and of course when I switched the overhead switch it lights up it's not dimmable yet I have to use another switch for that to realize that but it's in the making okay and then for the last part for today I want to show you my good my pilot seat it's a car seat um and I put it on a custom and just switch on the light again I put it on a custom base you can take it off we move on to and what I'm really proud of what I realized during the last days is the the seat belt I can just show you the rear I 3D printed guides for that and again I got a really good bargain on a used original five point seat belt from a cockpit and I have this part right here and this part and then from up here the two shoulder straps and the only thing missing is the middle part I have to make a cut into the cushion of the of the seed I don't want to do that by myself I want to do have that done professionally this will happen during the next week and then the seat pad will work it's not that I want to strap in during a simulated flight but it add up it adds up a lot of look and feel if it's on there so I'm really proud of that and yeah okay that's it for today I hope you like the video and as I said if you like that and you can tell me if you want more content like this and if you have specific questions just put them in the comment below and be sure to subscribe and like the video in order to get an information when I put up a new video okay thanks for watching
Channel: CmdrJk
Views: 26,694
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Id: PeU9aIfcboo
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Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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