My $500,000 Trading Account Update #4

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all right here we go welcome to coffee with marcus this episode 137 and today we're going to talk about where is it there about my 500 000 account update i'll show you the current trades that i'm in and then we're doing a deep dive q a questions and answers your questions i'll answer so good to be back are you ready to get started let's do this this show is about real money and real trades i'll show you the trading strategies that i personally trade the tools that i use to trade my own accounts and we will talk about the right mindset of a trader now talking about mindset i'm going to show you how to create src profits and src stands for systematic repeatable and consistent because that is the key to long-term success in the market so if you are sick of all the hive and empty promises and you want to learn trading strategies actually work then click on like right now and let's get started all right fantastic it's so good to be live with you it has been a while how much has it been almost two weeks so in a moment i'm gonna fill you in what i've been up to over the past two weeks and then also we're going to take a look at my account and see how am i doing in terms of achieving my goals because let me just share it as you know i do have a 250 000 account i put 250 000 in uh turn it into a margin account so it's a 500 000 margin account and my goal is to make 15 000 per month so yes we will absolutely talk about this but hey first of all let me fill you in what happened for me personally over the past two weeks and i this time brought you a few pictures now so here's what happened why i haven't been doing a coffee with marcus in the past few weeks i was traveling i was on the road because both my kids my son julius and my daughter vivian they are sailors and uh let me actually share a few things with you so this year i want to share a few pictures because you you might not know what this looks like so here is my son julius that's him his skipper lucy and that is the boat that they're sailing it's the so-called c420 uh so this is them sailing the boat and as you can see they are doing it competitively so yes they are racing this boat so again there's julius my daughter vivian that's her so here's vivian same boat and the skipper is james let me see can see him here so this is the boat that they're sailing as you can see really super super colorful and when they are sailing in regattas and uh so last week we were in jensen beach florida and this is where we attended a national junior olympic regatta and you see when my kids are out there i'm usually out there there's not a picture from last week there's a picture from a few weeks ago so this year is me yours truly uh driving the coach boat so there's a rip and this is the coach jeff so he's on the rip and uh the two of us are then watching them so this is uh these are my two kids and there's a there's probably around uh yeah uh last time in florida when we were there around 100 boats on the lake and yes in a moment we're gonna go to trading i know i will talk about the strategy here uh we will talk about all of this anyhow i want to share something else with you because when we are traveling to these regattas so this is how we are traveling so uh this is my rv uh it's a 40-foot rv and then we have this 32-foot enclosed trailer and the boats of the kit so these boats uh this here as well as this one are in this trailer that's not what i will show you i will show it to you in a moment anyhow so uh we are traveling then uh well across the nation actually and uh we have been at the northeast coast so we have been uh cape cod and we've been in san francisco and we've been a lot in florida on the gulf coast here as well so it's just lots and lots of fun and as you know uh so last week we had this this cold front here in texas and it was really really really bad and uh so this is why we decided to just stay another week in florida so that's what we did so we were traveling back uh just this last weekend a couple of days ago however here is what happened on saturday on saturday uh on my big rake here uh one of the belts broke it's a diesel pusher uh so the air what is it the air conditioning system or something like this somebody uh who is super smart knows about all this uh it locked up on me and one of the belts broke so we got stuck on i-10 somewhere in louisiana and if you want to tow this rig you need a really really really big tow truck so this uh the tow truck so tim from gerald's towing thanks tim you were amazing so they towed it and right now um it's still being repaired it is still in louisiana i just jumped in a car rented a car with my kids there you see my my daughter vivian and we arrived uh safe and sound back in austin yesterday afternoon and this is why i am with you here today so this was quite an adventure and this is why i have not been able to do coffee with marcus and show you the trades that i'm doing over the past two weeks but hey even when this is the cool thing even when you are living in something like this you can trade so i'll show you exactly of what i did while i was being on the road i'll show you uh i think a stupid mistake that i made i think it was a mistake i'm almost pretty sure that it was a mistake so i'll show you uh that right now cost me around five thousand dollars for making this stupid mistake and i'm sharing this with you so that you don't make the mistake but i also show you what worked out anyhow is this some good lewis said the air compressor yes you are absolutely right that is exactly you see i can only drive this thing i have absolutely no idea about engines or anything like this anyhow um so good to have you so let's see let's take a look at the markets and let's see what has been happening in the markets and if i really missed anything and you see over all the markets here we're looking at the nasdaq so the nasdaq today uh pretty much selling off but february thus far hasn't been too exciting i'm just marking this where february started and if you look at the one month performance thus far uh so from february to right now as you can see we're just slightly down so markets are not going anywhere so in fact we see here the performance of the nasdaq over the past months has been a negative 0.73 i think the spx has been doing a little bit better so upper percent nasdaq down a percent so not really a whole lot going on so how do you trade this and this is exactly what we'll talk about today so let me actually jump right into my account to show you what's happening in the account and then we're going to talk about each trade here and how we are doing so as you can see right now i have five positions in the account and hey look at this four out of these five are actually right now red so but but let's back up let's pick up for a moment so let's just uh see first of all what am i doing here overall well uh this is where in the beginning of the year i put 250 000 in cash into this account here and i turn it into a margin account so therefore i have five hundred thousand dollars in buying power and my goal is uh to trade for income uh which means that uh my goal here is to make uh fifteen thousand dollars per month and if we if we just break it down a little bit so this would mean a 180 000 per year um and this is if we take the uh let me just use my handy dandy calculator here for a moment where is it there it is if we take the 180 000 per year and divide it by the cash that i put into the account so this would be that i'm shooting to make 72 percent per year now um if you have been following this this game stop craziness and where people say oh my gosh they they doubled quadrupled quintuple 10x their account you know what good for them that is not for me uh for me it is all about s r c profit so let's talk about this for a moment and uh here's why this for me is so important you see uh with src profits let me just write it down uh my goal is let me see i can turn this there we go so the src stands for uh s oops is systematic the r stands for repeatable and the c stands for consistent so this is what it's all about and this is why i want to share my strategy with you right now that creates these src profits because see having these windfall profits this is cool this is great this is amazing but if you want to trade for income and this is what this is all about and again i mean if you want to yolo it you go for it i mean good for you uh for me it is trading for income which means that i have to pay bills at the end of the month so i need to make sure that i can take money out of the account every month so uh let's just see uh so today today as we are doing this video we are in the last week of february so it is february 22nd and uh let's talk about so what happened thus far so if you're new to this channel you might be wondering okay what is happening and then of course in a moment i will actually show you the very specific trading strategy that i use for this um there make this okay let's turn this into a heading two like there we go okay so my goal is at the end of the month i want to wire out any excess of the 250 000 that i put in there and uh so let's just go back here because this is where you will see on there we go this for my account on february 1st so the first of the months i wired out 21 281 so uh okay wired 21 281 into my personal account and this was in january so this was basically february 1st so after this how have we been doing thus far so we'll talk about the individual positions here in just a moment but let's just uh see overall so this here is the realized profit thus far so the realized profit for this year is 40 42 953 okay so let's write this down so um profits year to date what did i just say 42 fifty three forty two thousand nine hundred and fifty three yep nine hundred fifty three there we go okay so these are the realized profits now right now i have several trades going on and this is where i just wanted to show you because here on this channel you'll see the winning trades the losing trades anything right the good the bad and the ugly so right now the trades that i have on are actually down three thousand seven hundred dollars so if i would close all positions today which i'm not planning to do but if i would do this uh then i would be left with thirty nine thousand two hundred and twenty seven dollars and and this is not bad for two months because um my goal was to make 15 000 per month so thus far knock on wood i'm over achieving my goal so we are good there so let me just uh briefly talk about the trading strategy that i use for this and then we take a look at the individual trades and then i will also talk about uh let me just see my 5 000 mistake okay because this happened while i was traveling and i wanna tell you about this so that you can learn from this mistake and uh in hindsight it was a mistake in the moment it didn't feel like it but uh yes i mean realistically i made a mistake anyhow so um the trading strategy that i used here is the wheel strategy and uh here is what we what i do with this first i sell uh puts i sell put options and uh collect collect premium there we go uh so then sometimes i'm getting assigned the stock and if i am getting assigned the stock i actually put this in the next line then i sell call options and collect premium so pretty boring right i mean it doesn't sound too exciting and if you would like to learn this strategy more detail i'll leave a link below this video here in the description i'll put a link to a playlist where you see it in detail but this is pretty much what is going on so let me show you a few examples here and i want to start off with some of the new traits that i have actually let's start with right so right is a trade from last week um there we go i want to share right here so right i sold a put with the strike price of 21.50 that expires um this friday let me just put a vertical line here so on february 26th it is this friday it expires so if if we are um we are closing above 21.50 i'm in good shape i will just collect the whole premium and the whole premium on right was um the total premium collected was 1974 so eve right closes above 21.50 uh by friday on friday then i'm good and i'm just collecting the premium of almost 2 000 on the stock however if it closes below 21.50 then i'm getting assigned and then i will be selling calls so this is one of the trades that i'm in another one that i entered earlier today and for those of you who have subscribed to the power income alerts i send this to you so that's amd so here with amd uh the trade that i'm in is that i want to see that we are staying above uh 83.50 by friday if this is happening amd i sold it for 48 cents then i would make 576 dollars in just a few days because friday is what four days away so here you see it uh so the idea here is to make at least a hundred dollars per day per um contract for per option per position that i have here so another one that popped up on the scanner and if you're wondering how do i find these the tool that you see here right now is the power x optimizer and the power x optimizer shows me all of the stocks that are just perfect candidates for the wheel here and this were earlier today i mean even right now amd is still popping up here we go and also earlier today there was dropbox on the list so dropbox here uh let me just add this um so i want to just do my bookkeeping here a little bit dbx because i got filled on dropbox while i was getting ready for the show here for you so dropbox uh that's a trade that we did with our mastermind members and here what we are looking for is if dropbox stays above 21.50 by friday then uh we're making how much money do we make then uh it would be 658 okay so that's the idea there so these are the three traits where i sold puts so this is where we are if you're looking to the strategy this step number one so if we uh if you're looking at step number one two and three there we go so these are the three that i'm currently having right now so let me just show you this is for example right it is dbx and what else did we have amd okay so if i'm getting assigned the stock and this actually happened with two stocks the first is apple so i got assigned in apple and i want to show you this trade and this here is also my five thousand dollar mistake um and this also happened for gdxj and in gtxj i have been able to sell there we go call options so let's talk about apple first and what happened here so let me just go back here to the charts there we go and i want to bring up apple so on let me just see when exactly this mistake happened um going to activity apple on 216. okay so right here on this day this is my first day of being stuck in florida in this rv so i'm in florida cannot go back to texas because we have a horrible snowstorm here and because of the horrible snowstorm we want to make sure that we are safe and not driving on icy roads so i'm stuck there and i'm looking at the charts and this is when uh my a little voice in my head says you know what rock markers now that you're sitting here being bored why don't you trade worst idea ever to trade because you're bored now honestly at this point the chart looked good i saw some support at 133 so i sold the 130 c3 strike and uh here if everything would have worked out perfectly uh i would have made uh what 560 day uh dollars in four days i still kept the premium but here's what happened so apple actually dropped as you know so i got assigned so right now i own 800 shares of apple at 133 and apple keeps dropping i mean apple has been all over the place today you see it has been as low as 150 25.60 and as high as 129.72 but it has been all over the place and right now on this trade i'm losing money now did i force this trade a little bit maybe because again i was sitting there in florida in the rv nothing else to do couldn't go live with you so the reason why i'm going live with you is that it distracts me from trading anyhow so um so this is why i did it here and uh today so i was assigned on friday and today there is not enough premium for me to sell so if you're looking at this so if i'm getting assigned the stock then i sell call options and collect premium with apple so apple not enough premium so that didn't work out let me see i probably should have this format that gives me a strike through so i have to wait until apple bounced back here a little bit but i'm not overly concerned see uh yes i am right now down like five thousand dollars and again what what is the account size here the account size is 250 000 500 000 in buying power so if you're down five if you're down five thousand dollars how much is that one percent one percent of five hundred thousand is five thousand and i know it sounds like down five thousand dollars i mean for me it's one percent and not really a big deal so but let's talk about the other trade here so what happened with gdxj i also got assigned let's take a look at this trade so let's see what happens here and again this is where we go back to um okay what are we doing here number one we sell put options and this is what i did on gtxj i got assigned the stock and then this morning i sold call options so here's what happened uh gdxj uh i want to show you exactly what the breakdown is so gdx day my strike price was 48 it has now changed to 49 and i'll show it to you in a moment so it was 48 and i got assigned so this morning it popped higher and this is why i was able in gdxj to sell a call with a strike price of 49. now by doing this and again this is where the powerx optimizer helps me tremendously so by doing this i was able to collect fifteen hundred dollars fifteen hundred dollars in premium now this expires on friday so making fifteen hundred dollars in four days in addition to making 576 dollars on amd plus 658 so let me just see uh where are we for this week thus far so just with these two traits that i entered today 658 plus uh 576 plus um so this is just in premium 1575 so this this premium collect is 2 800 nine dollars now here's something really really cool i'm actually making some money on the gdx stock i got assigned at 48 and right now the price is fifty dollars and twenty three cents so i'm making money on the stock i'm making uh what four thousand six hundred ninety three dollars all right now i'm losing a little bit on the call but overall for gdxj i'm still up two and a half thousand dollars so uh that's not bad at all so this means that uh here since i have 2100 shares i can potentially uh potentially let's go back so uh let's actually write this down here for a moment so my five thousand dollar mistake apple um sold or traded too early probably because i was bored which is never a good idea so why am i mentioning this mistake yeah learn from this mistake what do you learn from this mistake don't trade just because you are bored anyhow i did with my mastermind members and so my mastermind members are in this trade as well and we'll manage this trade and we'll make money on this trade it'll be fine um anyhow where do i want to go okay so this week let's talk about this week uh so there we go and i'm turning this into a heading two oh you can't see it there we go hahaha now i see what i did there okay so this week um on three trades that i have open i will collect and this is the cool thing uh 2800 and nine dollars in premium and you see this is where it doesn't really matter whether these trades whether i get assigned or not i will get this premium regardless right so this is the cool thing about this wheel strategy and selling options here so um plus let's just write this down plus if gdxj closes above 49 on friday and right now it's already trading at 50 and 23 cents uh so if this happens um i will make an additional one hundred dollars per option and i traded 21 options so this means 2 100 so this means that if everything goes okay and gdxj closes above 49 on friday again looking at the uh looking at the charge so if it closes above 49 on friday which could happen right uh then i would make the uh 2809 plus uh 2100 so 4909 4000 nine hundred and nine in one week that's not bad at all that's actually pretty darn good now uh let me just be absolutely clear here before we continue uh i'm really really good at this because i've been doing it for a long long time when i'm sharing these results with you in no way shape or form is this uh something where i say oh just uh buy my book or buy the powerx optimizer software and you will get the same results no i mean i'm really really good in fact um later this week or next week i'll do a video a comparison video where you see two traders two traders using the exact same strategy using the exact same tool and vastly different results why is that why is that so we'll talk about this in one of the upcoming coffee with marcus of how it can happen that two traders with the exact same strategy the exact same information the exact same tools can have vastly different results okay i just want to mention one more thing so um let's actually talk about here the tools that i'm using so the tools and we talked about the strategy the tool that i'm using here is uh first of all power x optimizer which is the software that i'm using every single day optimizer right so this finds the best stocks to trade for two different strategies and the first strategy is the power x strategy and the second one is the wheel now for the power x strategy we need a directional market and uh i haven't seen the directional market yet because uh we just talked about it where are we for the month here i mean if you look at the the nasdaq uh so for the months we're looking at the nasdaq and we are actually down one point two percent we're looking at the s p and we are up point seven percent we're looking at the dow and we are up one point three percent so this is pretty much a choppy flat market here right i mean so not a whole lot going on i mean even year to date yeah just barely up three percent i think nasdaq up 2.8 so this kind of shows you that right now the markets are rather choppy so we need a directional market for this and i have taken only one trade according to the park strategy thus far this year now the wheel is perfect for um a direct nest market is this how you spell directly less now we do okay and this is why thus far this year i've mainly been trading the wheel strategy now here's one important thing this is one of the things that i learned from my kids um so watching my kids sail whether it's vivian or julius and i i just keep saying this because it is so important okay you can change the wind can change the wind but you can adjust your sails so super important i can't change the market you can't change the market um wall street bets can they change the market maybe maybe not right i mean you get the idea nobody can change the market in the same way as we can change the wind but we can adjust the sales and what does this mean what does adjusting the sales mean for us as traders okay so let's translate it is choose the strategy that's best for the current market conditions right so actually fairly easy fairly simple there we go okay so just sharing a few things that work for me okay so um i i promise you that i give you an overview of my account and now since you're here live i want to dive into your questions because i appreciate you being here by the way are you enjoying this video thus far is this helpful when i'm sharing these things where i'm sharing my trades when i'm sharing my mistakes and when i'm also sharing my successes if this is helpful for you do me a favor and click on like really quick uh this way i i see it don't type in yes because then the comments are just flying by click on like this would help me tremendously because then i see what videos you like the best and i'll do more of the videos that you like so um let's just see oh my gosh there are so many questions so good to see and yes christina i'm finally back i left florida okay jeff from our mastermind also took the dropbox trade you got filled at 15. i got filled i believe at 14. let me just double check let me see where i got filled on the dropbox oh 13. jeff you're doing way better than me here okay good i say i'm good to join live today good to see you here fritz os bayern servus cousteau oh it's the hybrid uh if i lived in munich before i came to the united states and uh yes uh thanks for asking everybody here is okay uh you see this were uh just um for a moment i want to share what happened here in texas was i mean i wasn't there it was amazing uh power grids uh went down so there was no power there was no water uh the the roads were iced over schools closed and i know you guys in the north you're dealing with this all the time and i'm from germany i know how to deal with snow and ice we in germany know how to deal with snow and ice in texas we don't because we usually don't especially in austin texas we don't have it we don't have we don't even know how to de-ice planes the airport was shut down for for two days now here's the one amazing thing that i have noticed first of all people send me text messages neighbors friends asking are you okay do you need anything um i'm in a facebook group for our neighborhood here and this is where i saw that people were actually saying hey i still have some water who needs water i still have some food who needs food somebody if you don't have power and you're freezing right now come over to my house and this is something because people ask me all the time why do you move to texas from germany this is something that i'm experiencing here in texas i have experienced over the past week where people were there for their neighbors for strangers where just people helped each other and one thing one thing i did not hear anything about during this crisis that we had here and that was looting as far as i have heard from friends neighbors even in the news there was not a single case of looting everybody stuck together and this is what i appreciate about living in texas here anyhow just want to share this with you and yes your state might be as awesome as texas and i appreciate all of your concerns uh for my safety and yes we're doing good everything is okay a few busted pipes here at my apartment complex but overall we are good anyhow so uh the reason is because i know that you're in new york and i know that you're dealing with winter and ice and all this all the time and we don't for us it's unusual uh you see for us in texas it's more about keeping the heat out of the houses right so because it's usually pretty warm here in texas then really being concerned of having a lot of heat inside the houses anyhow so um good good good so let's see there are just so many great questions that i want to answer here because let me just uh scroll down here there's so many questions coming in so i want to take a look here at what the team is helping with that i have really the most important questions to help you so um i'm thinking about subscribing to the power income alerts this wheel strategy suitable for an upward training market what will the service do when the market is inevitable in a downtrend well this is where it goes back so great great great question uh let me just show you so what are we gonna do uh when the market is in a downtrend we can we we can change the wind we can only adjust the sales so we will see what happens then i mean i won't leave you hanging so uh i mean thus far everybody who subscribed to the power income alerts has made the investment in the power income alerts back in the first month so will the market crash over the next few days anything is possible highly unlikely if you ask me okay so um cdh 78 us so when you trade the wheel you have to take any precautions around earnings after having being assigned and owning the stocks already yeah i mean i want to make sure that i'm not going into earnings here i think with all the stocks that i have that i'm trading right now i should be good uh let's just double check here so apple uh already had earnings so we have another 71 days until earnings amd just had earnings uh dbx dropbox just had earnings gdxj it's an index and as an index etf here of gold miners doesn't really report earnings just pays dividends and right we have another nine days here so yeah this is one of the things there where i need to see the idea is that right stays above 21.50 for the next few days then this expires worthless and i will not trade right into earnings so all of the trades that i have on right now are doing good here so great question absolutely okay so um luna the water golden retriever love this says i have the power x how can i copy what you're doing very easy if you have uh the tool powerex optimizer um just look for uh the the stocks that are popping up here and you look for strong support and resistance right i mean this is where we have right now as you can see apple is popping up amd is popping up uh popping up bed bath and beyond crazy meme stock wall street bad stock not really my thing uh dbx is popping up um i think ewz i traded recently was really great to trade so um just do this right or uh if you really want to have the the alerts here um go to power income alerts or if you're really interested and want to be part of the group that i'm trading together with uh pretty much almost every day mondays tuesdays and thursdays we do have a mastermind group so let me see am i using the right finger yes uh caller text lisa if this private group would be for you you should have a larger account size if you have a five or ten thousand dollar account this probably doesn't make sense because this is where we work together personally so there is quite an investment here anyhow these are all possibilities of what we can do together okay good um jb diem says i don't see the right trade in power income alerts yeah no i mean not every single trade uh that i'm taking i actually has a power income alert for a very simple reason sometimes the trades are running away the trades are happening so quickly by the time i'm getting the trade to you and you're reading this power income alert it's done this is why i highly highly highly recommend that you have this tool the same tool that i'm using here uh the wheel income calculator and the wheel scanner which is part of the power x optimizer because this way i mean all of the trades that i'm taking are coming from this uh from this scanner and so just making it super easy i'm using this tool every day that's where i'm getting my trades from so yeah but not every the right trade was a very very quick trade that happened when it happened which was last week at some point so i believe that i took this with my mastermind because it happened while we were trading together so while we are together it's of course something different than trying to get an alert to you in time so i believe we traded this together anyhow good good good all right question says excellent breakdown of everything just bought your book okay fantastic and very i see super interesting i just received this so yes we right now do have the power x strategy book in spanish so we do have it uh let me just see here so we have translated it into um two languages thus far so we have translated it into portuguese so uh the park strategy which is this book by the way you can get it on my website uh the english version uh for four dollars and ninety five cents so uh there's a link in the description if you would like to have this anyhow no so we have this translated now into spanish tada and into portuguese there we go and the wheel strategy is a book that i have already written and right now it is at the printer so this book should be available over the next four to five weeks as soon as we have a more definite date i will let you know so that you can pre-order it if you want to so for the wheel this will then complete your uh selection really really nicely right forex strategy wheel strategy so all looks very similar there we go anyhow it's coming it's coming okay good good good uh so carlos says why didn't you roll forward to the next expiration i mean what's the point of being assigned uh i will tell you the point of being assigned here's the point of being assigned it is part of my strategy and when i have a strategy follow your plan now uh again for you uh carlo it might be different your plan might be not to get assigned but let me show you something let me show you something really cool so here is um let me switch over here is um how much money i made thus far this year gdxj 12 861 dollars i got assigned i got assigned uh win 8740 i got assigned uber not quite sure did we get a sign in uber i believe we got assigned an uber hal apple the top five trades and i sorted it here by profit the top five trades are all traits that i'm assigned so carlo why do i want to get assigned because i'm making money i'm making money when i'm getting aside it's part of my strategy again your strategy might be completely different my strategy my plan says get assigned it's part of the plan this is what the wheel strategy is all about but great question carlo i hope that helps okay so juan pablo says why don't you sell calls even if the premium is not big uh get some money back on this no here's why so a great question and i want to show you why exactly i don't do this so this is where i have my tool the power x optimizer you see step number one is we're selling puts and step number two is we're selling calls and so this morning i was looking at the 133 strike for apple and they told me that i can only make 22 annualized and this does not meet my criteria i want to make at least 30 annualized and this is we're not trading it on a margin account and so when trading it on a margin account see i want to see 72 per year so this is where it clearly did not meet my criteria so um juan pablo great question but here for me it just didn't meet my criteria so this is why wait another day or two until apple pop x pops back up because i believe that apple will pop back up i mean this is where if you look at apple i mean in the long run what does apple do i mean apple goes up up up so we'll we'll see what happens here with this blip so i can actually remove this so as soon as we go a little bit higher here and we closed very close almost at lows of the day so we'll see what happens here over the next few days i think when we go up back to up to 130 131 then i'll be able to sell more calls here okay ashley says i'm brand new here hi ashley finished reading the park strategy last night thank you hope this is a start of a great journey for me hope so glad that you could join us here live so so good to see you here anyhow chad says on gtx today why did you pick the 49 strike instead of a higher strike i sold the 51 call well you could do that i did it early in the morning after the markets opened and at that point i saw based on my criteria um see for gtxj i was able to sell the 49 strike for 75 cents so this would mean that i'm making oops there we go so the 49 so i plugged it into my calculator this morning this the power x optimizer in case you haven't noticed yet and i saw that i could make 114 uh annualized and i thought hey let's not be greedy so this is why i did that and uh again there's no right or wrong this is my plan and chad i'm following my plan and my plan is usually i sell close to the price that i got assigned or maybe one strikeout that's usually what i do okay so um sale says i like the wheel and uh life doing it would like to try your power x do you have a trial uh we don't have a trial but we do have a tour with paul so um we have uh paul who is a student he's a not a sales person he's a trader like you and he started trading uh two and a half years ago with the powerx optimizer and he'll be happy to give you a tour and show you exactly how powerx optimizer works and see if this might be a good fit so i'll leave a link in the description i believe if you go to you see a more of uh of an in-depth training of how i use this tool and then you can check in with paul whether he has some availability for a tour and he'll we'll spend 30 40 minutes with you to go over everything and see if this is a good fit for you okay good good good so um al is asking can you tell us what updates are coming for the wheel scanner and when it is coming out you know what i might do this uh later this week because we're running a bit out of time here right now but i i promise i'll show you maybe i can give you a sneak peek because i already have a sneak peek of the version 2.0 of the power x optimizer and then i can show you a little bit i'll let you peek behind the scenes of what's coming and it's really fascinating and i'm very very excited about the version 2.0 um now we need uh or the development team needs another three weeks uh before i can start testing it and so the rockwell trading team internally will start testing it in three weeks from now and we expect to test it for a week or two so expect the new version to be available in around what four or five weeks something like this so probably towards the end of march anyhow anyhow um so jc guillen is asking if you trade the power x with options how do you pick the right strike price let me show you this it's actually super super easy so uh this is where you see here for example for apple uh you see there's uh actually not two strike price there's two different expirations okay so you see the two different expirations you see the drop in percent you see the days to expiration and how much premium analyzed it is so i usually like to go for this one the closer expiration if we are looking at different strike price let me just see if i find an example with different strike prices here um there we go um no hold on one more yeah there we go for example so you see on march 5th so same expiration you have two strike prices uh 32 or 32.50 one you're getting 47 the other one 56 i would go for the one that gives you a little bit more cushion you see the drop in percent here is five percent versus three percent but you see we have in-depth training here so uh when you invest in the power x optimizer uh we have an in-depth training and we also have a private group so we have a private members area where other traders who have been trading it for a longer time as well as sometimes myself and my head coach mark are helping you out so but just general rule of thumb so yes you do need to watch the trading videos um just buying the software will not do anything for you if you don't know how to use it but we have extensive training videos here and ongoing support anyhow it was so good i could keep going here for another two hours because i really missed hanging out with you it's so good to be back and yes we will be back on wednesday and on friday so we are back on our usual schedule with three coffee with marcus live per week it's always uh 30 minutes before the closing so at 3 30 eastern time on monday wednesdays and fridays hey if you enjoyed this video and you think that others might enjoy it as well please do me a favor and share this video share it on on facebook on twitter by email on reddit i mean wherever you want to share it because if you think that this boring trading strategy might be something that others need to hear uh who experienced a lot of losses and now want to build up their account then help spread the good word anyhow i will see you in the next video in the next coffee with marcus next video whatever click on subscribe don't forget subscribe hit the little bell this way you get notified whenever i release a new video take care i'll talk to you soon
Channel: Markus Heitkoetter
Views: 9,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My trading account, My $500K Trading Accound Update Number 3, Coffee With Markus, Rockwell Trading, Markus Heitkoetter, Options Trading For Beginners, Options Trading 101, The Wheel Strategy, the PowerX Strategy, How to trade for income, what is the best trading strategy to earn income, what do I need to know about market conditions,, Markus heitkoetter course, rockwell trading software, markus heitkoetter options, rockwell trading course
Id: _cjlvx99sXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 12sec (2952 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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