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hello everyone so today I am here to do a kind of interesting video um so basically if you guys have a good reads most people on Goodreads have like a favorites shelf and I feel like a lot of people don't like up keep their Goodreads shelves very well not gonna lie I go on so many people's like Goodreads and go to their like favorite shelf and stuff and I see stuff that I'm just like you haven't talked about that since you've read it because I feel like a lot of people when you first finish a book you love it so much you put it on your favorite shelf and you never go back through said favorite shelf and actually consider whether or not that book is a favorite book but I am a person who goes through it so often basically every time I add a book I go through and probably take two three four books off so it takes me a long time to actually get like a good amount of favorite books and basically the other week I hit fifty favorite books these are standalone books so these do not include series if you're wondering Harry Potter wouldn't be on this series even if I was doing series I don't have very many favorite series it's mostly just like Lord of the Rings and then some manga series like I don't like serious very much I hit fifty favorite standalone books and I figured I would show you guys I asked on Instagram if you guys would be interested in there's a lot of you said yes so we're just gonna go through my top fifty favorite books of all time the ones that have with stood the time like I have gone through and taken off so many other books but these ones held up obviously as you get higher up and getting into books that are from this year these might not stand the test of time because I haven't given them time to stand up to so yeah we're just gonna go through all fifty books from like I'm starting at the bottom of the list of the oldest books up to the newest books and just kind of talk about them and whether or not they stand the test of time and all of that why I like them when I read them etc so let's just get on into it so the first book is probably the only children's book I still have on this lid not not necessarily books that I read as the children as like a child like I read this when I was a child but like a lot of these books I read as a child but they aren't children's books this one's like the only one that's stood up and that is the Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster I love this book I read this so many times as a child all the way through until the probably like middle school high school I would read it like once or twice a year I love this book so so much um so yeah I just this is my only like really old child's book I got this and I think I read it first in like preschool or kindergarten and I remember it was like kind of special because my mom took me to our local used bookstore and said I could pick up whatever book I wanted I picked up this exact edition of this book which I still have 20 years later and I picked this out and I read it all the time next up we have probably an author that I should have read when I was older but I read these as a kid and that's basically anything about HG Wells specifically I have War of the Worlds on here I love HG Wells books I think I read them probably in elementary school late elementary school maybe fourth or fifth grade and I loved them I loved sci-fi but I was really really big into sci-fi and I loved it she was next up we have one that I've talked a lot about and it's one that I read in middle school and that is Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen this is a book that I just I absolutely loved it I don't really remember much of it anymore but it's always just had that special place in my heart of a favorite it's also very special just because I was going through a lot of bullying and stuff when I read this and helped me all that emo stuff but I remember it being so so sad and I keep having people tell me that I should reread it as an adult because I'd probably love it even more now another childhood favorite again this was probably about middle school this was my favorite classic for a very very very very long time until like college actually so that is Lord of the Flies bye what is it William Golding yeah I love load of the Flies I think it's just fantastic I think it's so much fun I've read it so many times I think I read it twice in those school in like two or three times in high school and I loved it every single time I think it's so much fun I think it's such an interesting book to analyze especially as like a younger kid into high school and stuff and I remember all of the classes that we would do for this being really really fun and yeah I would love to go back and reread this one especially with more literary knowledge that I have doubt so Lord of the Flies there's my favorite classic for play a decade and it got beat out by a book that will be on here later the next book I have is all just very special because this author is actually from my hometown this is her first book ever and now she's like kind of known which is so interesting to me I remember she actually came to our I think it was elementary or middle school and she like gave us copies of her book and like mine's like signed like twice because I saw her twice and I the book takes place in my hometown so it's just really really special and fun and I remember loving it so so much and that is into the wild by Sara Beth Durst and yeah sorry about thirst is a like why a adult fantasy writer now which again crazy because I remember when this came out and yeah this book is honestly what once upon a time ripped off I'm constantly mad for Sarah Bathurst about that show because it completely ripped off this entire book and yeah I just I remember loving this book so so much I don't obviously live in my hometown anymore but that's also where she signed it I don't live in my hometown anymore but this book also just every time I read it like or even look at it I just have such a nostalgia for my hometown where I grew up so this is fantastic I think it would be considered children's and why a ish but if you guys are interested in like once upon a time check that it and next up we have one again I feel like I should read this again as an adult but I read it back in middle school like late middle school and that is the Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini this is probably like the first real adult book I ever picked up and again I wanted I was in seventh or eighth grade and I absolutely loved it and I don't know how I like there's a couple of scenes that have remained in my head forever and I remember I made everyone in my family and all my friends and stuff read this and it's so so sad it was one of the first ever books that made me cry and I remember I just love this book so much and I for some reason remember it very very well I also remember I picked up all of his other books and never heard them because I was just like I bet you it's not gonna be as good as the Kite Runner so this is I feel like a pretty standard classic book on people's favorites list so yep I read it in like middle school probably not the correct age to read that book next up we have a native son by Richard Wright my fantastic absolutely destroyed copy of this book this is a book that I read in my freshman year of high school in for my favorite high school teacher and I just loved it it basically follows a black man who is charged with the murder of a white woman even though it was an accident and I think it takes place in like 1800s 1900 something like that nineteen thirties maybe yeah I think it's 1930s I can barely read the back but um I just remember absolutely loving it and just like finding it so fascinating and it's been like the only American fiction book that I have ever really enjoyed and obviously I have all of these tabs and stuff I would look again would love to go back and reread this but I'm scared too okay we have another child food this one is just a bit up on the list because I recently like I reread it in like 2015 I think but yeah this is a children's favorite and that is the Hobbit by Tolkien as I said Lord of the Rings would probably be the only series that would make this list The Hobbit I've read a lot more than Lord of the Rings though I probably read this four or five six times I love The Hobbit so so much so yeah I mean do I need to talk about The Hobbit I've read it so many times I love this so so much it's amazing fantastic book next up we have Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur golden I know that the book is pretty like controversial but I absolutely loved it but then I also read the other books that's supposed to be based on this and they're controversial too so I don't know what to think but yeah no more suffocation follow a young girl who becomes a Geisha in Japan and I just remember absolutely loving this book again it's one of the few books from this time here that's actually tabbed I didn't use to annotate or tab my books but this one was just so beautiful that I did and I love this book I wish I had a nicer cover because next up we have a bunch of Murakami right in our front so I'll go through these pretties quick wind-up bird Chronicle I've read it since obviously absolutely love this book it's my second favorite book of all time if you guys wanted to know more about Murakami check out all my videos I have a full playlist for him and everything Wonder Bread Chronicle is my absolute favorite by him and it's all about a man who loses his cat love describing and then we have my second favorite Murakami ever which is wild sheep chase I have yet to reread this one so I need to see if it stands up but I just this one was the most whimsical and funny and just magical I guess to me I thought I just had so much fun reading this book upon first to read I'm sure I will love it second read love it about two guys who are trying to find this guy who took a photo of a sheep with a star on its butt it's a good ten next one was actually won by just very recently reread like two weeks ago for the MARTA company my thoughts you can check out my video um in that it south of the border west of the Sun this is my favorite Murakami contemporary book it's better than Norwegian Wood and Sputnik sweetheart sorry not sorry it's amazing I love it okay that was a struggle to get out but my next one is I am a cat by Natsume Soseki if you guys have been here for a while you remember the year that I was absolutely obsessed with this book I loved this book so much I do kind of want to reread it just because I don't remember it that well but what I do remember that I just am so fond and it I found this book so fun and funny but also really powerful and discussed a lot of amazing issues basically in this book you follow a small stray cat who was adopted by family in Japan and kind of Olive there his her is it her his little adventures and stuff and I just remember loving this so so much and I still remember the ending so perfectly and it makes me cry every single time next up we have a book I haven't talked about in so long but I still it remains one of those books I just absolutely love and that is shelter by a jung-eun again I feel like this is a book and a lot of people know of that I feel like if you're a big fan of Celeste Aang or like low fires everywhere you would really really enjoy this this is basically about a young father whose mom kind of goes insane and it's a lot about family and it's a lot about like internal feelings family drama it's amazing next up I have um I think our first like why a book and a lot in quite a while um we have only ever yours by Louise O'Neill I feel like a lot of books tried to do what this book did but failed this book basically follows a bunch of girls who are at this school it's a kind of a futuristic I feel like it's like people always describe it like the handmaiden handpan Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood I didn't like the handmaid sailed that much I thought it was just kind of basic and I didn't really like the writing and stuff this is my version that I love so much it's basically about girls who are at like kind of a school and you learn how to be what is it a wife a concubine or a nurse question mark basically like you either become a wife of these boys who would like to pick you based on like your looks and stuff or you become a concubine which just means you make a bunch of babies or you become a nurse who trains the next generation of girls and it's it was fantastic I kind of loved that it was a why a and not an adult book because you kind of got all of that like teenage angst and stuff and but also you've got characters who didn't realize what was so wrong um so yeah I did love this it was great next up we have a book that loved this book the devil of non King by mo hater I'm so upset because I tried reading more by this author and never really cared for it also we're into college now this is finally freshman year of college Wow yeah this follows a young girl who basically sees something on a video from The Rape of Nanking and she goes all the way to China to find the man who took this video to ask if it's real and this book has one of the most like insane an emotional plot twists I have ever read in my life I still think about it I think this was probably my favorite ending of a book I have ever read maybe there's one other that I will mention that has one of my favorite endings ever but this is very high up there in my favorite endings of a book ever I also just have so many like very vivid images from this book and it's fantastic again wish her the rest of her works for as good as this I haven't read one that I liked since this next up we have a book that I had to read for my freshman year seminar class I think and it was a sci-fi fiction seminar so sci-fi fiction yes Kate good job but that is the lathe of heaven by Ursula K Le Guin this is my perfect type of weird I love this book so much it's so so short and it's just if you like like Murakami you're gonna love this it's just so so weird it's basically about a man who goes to a psychiatrist because he's having issues and he has like this power to change the world with his dreams and the psychiatrist kind of starts taking advantage of that there's another author I tried reading a lot more by her and I never got into it but the lathe of heaven remains one of my favorite books of all time alright next we have a book that I used to say this this was my third favorite book of all time I don't know if it's there anymore it's still one of my favorite books ever but that is tell the Wolves I'm a home by Carol or Ithaca print I just identified so so much with these carrot the main character this book basically we follow a young girl who her uncle who it was kind of her person like she's never really connected with her sister or her parents or anything this uncle was kind of her person um he passes away from AIDS and it's kind of about her getting to know his boyfriend and also kind of learning more about herself it's never explicitly said but it's pretty obvious this main character is asexual and I was reading this book when I saw identified as ace identify as demisexual now but when i read this i identified asexual and it was just one of the most beautiful books and it came to me out like the perfect time I read this book probably one year after it was basically exactly you're after my grandmother died who although I am very close with my parents and my siblings and everything I just it was like my grandma was my person and it was just so like if I'd read this any earlier I don't think I would have been able to make it through but if I had read it any later I don't think it would have impacted me that much so this was on those books that just came to me at the perfect perfect time and I loved it so much stuff we have an author that again if you're around during these times you heard me talk about these books so much and that is Tim flourines wolfram machine and tattoo atlas both local machines and tattoo outlets oh they are so so good basically these are both gay Syfy's so in this first one we followed kind of AI and stuff and then in this tattoo atlas we follow a woman who is trying to fix I think it's bipolar disorder and yeah they're both gay romances they're why a they are so fantastic I will stand by these books until I die I need a new book by Tim Florian also be I also definitely need to reread these and annotate them because I remember the writing being fantastic and I think I read both of these books like two or three days each like could not put them down all right next up is the classic that beat out the Lord of the Flies I'm sure you all know what its gonna be it's Peter Pan by Jay very I'm doing literally my master's thesis on Peter Pan uh-huh I love Peter Pan so much I identify with it a lot I love the writing it's perfect I love this book so freakin much there's all my annotations love Peter Pan so much next up I think we have the last Marco me on this list which I just read later than the other ones which is why it's a little bit later in this video and that is 1q84 of course his absolute masterpiece this is a sci-fi dystopian where a woman accidentally goes into a new world that she dubs 1q84 and she tries to figure out what's up with this parallel world and tries to get home we follow little people coming out of goats we follow a cult we follow a young girl who writes a novel and a man who's editing said novel and it's fantastic absolutely love this I want to say I want to reread it but that's a big task next up we have my favorite Shakespeare play and that is Titus Andronicus this is a book that I read in my sophomore year of college for a Shakespeare class and it just stuck with me so much it's what kind of got me thinking about graduate school so I could do like a project on it I haven't done said project I got distracted by adaptation studies but I do love Titus Andronicus it's one of his plays that people consider really bad I think it's amazing I love this place so much it's about a man who has a lot of sons one daughter and there there's a war and people get made into pies the girl the one daughter gets raped and it's a tongue cut off in her hands cut off it's a lot of vidiian references and allusions and this one loved it a lot it's very bloody so many deaths I think it has probably I want to say it has one of Shakespeare's highest cookouts so if we have one that you might be like why is this here and not in a series video and that's because I didn't like the second book so I just like this book as a standalone and that is strange the dreamer by Laini Taylor look we have something to see on this list I just love strange the dreamer so much there's all my cabs from it I've read this two times three times maybe again just didn't care for the second book so I kind of consider it a standalone in my head and this everyone knows what this is about it's a bit of fantasy world Lazlo strange who's the librarian he's obsessed with this city and then he gets an opportunity to go there and there's gods and monsters and all of that stuff love this book so much next up we have a book that again if you were here like two years ago you've heard me talk a lot about this and that is borne by Jeff Vandermeer this is again perfect example of the absolutely weird and wacky books that I love this book is so hard to explain because it is so freakin weird it's kind of speculative dystopian sci-fi futuristic world kind of book basically we follow a woman who is living in this future world that is their Lord and / ruler is a giant flying bear called Mord and she finds this little plant in the desert who becomes sentient and she names him born thanked next up we have I think the only non-fiction I don't know if you can consider this nonfiction I don't know Vincent and Theo by Deborah alig men this is a fictional lot not picture a novelization of Vincent's life and she I believe is a historian and she bases all of this on his journals his letters biographies all of that kind of stuff and I just remember this being absolutely beautifully written and incredibly interesting I'm not usually someone who enjoys nonfiction or memoirs or biographies or anything but I remember this one just being so well done to the point that you didn't really feel like you were reading nonfiction next up we have rain birds clarissa go no.1 this was again one of my rare books of I think 2018 and this woman Clarissa p12 want shield beyond this little later - she is basically the female Murakami and this is basically her wound up buried Chronicle basically we follow a man who his sister dies so he goes to like kind of do last-minute things like her apartment like get things kind of sorted and everything and he kind of accidentally falls into being her like kind of takes over her life and just kind of keeps it going and it's really really interesting and it takes place in Japan I'm pretty sure Clara or ahsoka 101 is Japanese oh is an Indonesian foreign Singaporean writer her books always seem to take place in Japan so if you like mark on me again check her out next up we have another why a book which there's not very many of them on this list but here we go astonishing color of after by Emily XR pan I feel like this is the book that was going around booktube quite a lot because of the beautiful cover both covers are very beautiful um but I feel like not a lot of people actually read it like a lot of people hauled it but no one read it this follows a young girl who her mom commits suicide and she goes to I believe Taiwan to kind of come back to her roots and like understand where her mother was coming from she also kind of feels that she has this duty to do something for her mom because her mom got turned into a bird and she needs to do something for her so she can go to heaven and it was beautiful if you have had anyone commit suicide bill definitely tried with caution because that is basically the entire book is looking into the feelings and kind of stuff behind that next up we have a cape classic this one always comes up whenever I talked about favorite books obviously and that is battle royale by Cushing Takami I love this book this is basically what Hunger Games ripped off this follows a young middle school class of kids who all get chosen and to participate in Japan like this kind of futuristic dystopian Japan's battle royale which they have to just kill each other last person stand is the winner and they're expected to just go back into the world and continue their lives it's so up and I love it so much I love this so much mostly because we get to read basically from every single character and it's fantastic um do I remember many people's names no do I remember Shogo though yes he's my baby I love him so much this book is so up so much fun I love this trope of like battle to the death it's one of my favorite tropes ever and obviously this was the OG so it's a good one next up we have a na like new adult kind of novel and that is never world wakes about Marisha pestle this is fantastic I love this book so much it was one of the few books I've ever like stayed up late reading I'm just not a person who stays up reading I remember it was like a really stormy night and I just like sat on my couch and read this entire book and like one go and I loved it this follows a bunch of kids who went to high school together they all went off to college and then they got back together and they went out drinking on their way home they very nearly got into a car crash later that night some guy knocks on the door and says you guys are stuck in a never world wake you guys did die in that car crash and basically you have to take one person to survive one person will get to kind of come back to life and it has to be everyone has to agree on this person one person living and until they all agree they have to repeat the same I think it's like 12 or 17 hours just over and over and over and basically this they're stuck there for so long and I loved it I loved the kind of Groundhog Day trope it's one of my favorite trips next up we have I was born for this by Alice Osmond this is aya and a contemporary novel ah that just spoke to me so much I feel like again this was a book I read at the perfect time this follows a young girl who actually not really a young girl I think she was college or like late high school and she loves this boy van and she and her like best friend online get together and meet for the first time to go to this concert of the and I read this basically like six months after meeting my best friend Haley who we didn't meet because of like kpop I got her into kpop and then we met for the first time because of the group Astro and it was just it was one of those with it was just so special and so cute and I loved it so much and I was able to really so so much to it and it's so much deeper than you think like a book like this would be about kind of like it has Alice o husband o is though she gets very deep and very emo and angsty and it was perfect love do this so much I just I feel like if you have an online friend or if you'd like a boy band or kpop group or anything you will relate to this so so much and next up we have the other book that has my favorite ending and that is the book of M by ping Shepard I do have a copy of this I just don't know where it is the books are everywhere this is a dystopian world that basically I think it's once a year in India the Sun is so perfectly overhead that everyone loses their shadows and then the it kind of passes but there's one man who his shadow never returns and you know he's looked at it's like a messiah until he starts losing his memories and it's not just memories of like oh I forgot like this thing that happened in high school it's like he forgets like who he is and like basic human right or basic human things like eating and drinking and then slowly this plague starts affecting other people and other people start losing the shadows and thus losing their memories and we follow two people Max and Orlando and they are a couple and Max is lost her shadow and they're kind of trying to figure out a cure for it again one of my favorite endings of all time it makes me physically angry to think about in the best way like if a book can get this much of a physical visceral reaction out of me it's a good book I actually missed my actually got on the wrong bus because I was listening to the end of this and freaking the out at Haley and I got on the wrong bus um so yeah it was an amazing ending loved this book so much it was by far the best dystopian following a small group of characters I've ever read in next up we have a book that I read several times in undergrad and that is Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett this is one of my favorite plays ever it's just very existentialism if you're really into existentialism Waiting for Godot is perfect it's basically a two-part play where the same thing happens in both parts you follow two guys who are sitting on the side of the road Waiting for Godot and two more characters show up things happen and it's really hilarious but also very very deep um I have not like my coffee wherever the heck it is I don't know where books are is so highlighted and underlined it's ridiculous for how short of a pockets but yeah this is probably my favorite play besides like Shakespeare I love it so much it's so good like we finally made it to my favorite book of all time three souls it's just really high up on the list because I've reread it so many times I've reread every single year since 2014 I read this first in 2014 I think I was a sophomore in high school and I again have read reread every single year since I loved this book so much you guys have heard me talk about this so often I think what has kind of made this book so unique and like my favorite book of all time is that every single time I read it I'm able to relate to something different about it because you follow lay-in who is the main character in 1930s China um basically from age 16 all the way until she dies and she is in her late 20s early thirties I was I was a late 20s and every single time I read this book you just are able to relate to something completely different about lay-in especially if you're a woman who if you read this when you're 16 and then every year afterwards you can just be able to relate to different things every single time you read it and it's wonderful the writing is beautiful there's so much complex plot in this if you guys somehow don't know from me this follows a woman lay-in who is looking back on her life trying to figure out why she's not let to go to heaven because she is dead and she's trying to figure out why she can't go to heaven and also repent for her sins and it's beautiful love it so much next up we have a standalone manga in that I want to eat your pancreas buy yours too me know who this is basically a book about a young boy who finds out that his classmate has pancreas cancer and he's the only person who knows that she has pancreas cancer and basically she just wants to live her life to the fullest because it is a terminal cancer and he kind of does things with her and they're best friends and it's really cute and the ending is insanely sad as you can probably imagine but also very interesting next up we have another fave from 2019 and that is stronger faster and more beautiful this is the only like short story kind of collection anthologies I've ever enjoyed in this book we follow several different stories basically following like the world as physical mutations and physical like enhancements become normal so we follow all the way from the beginning of like a small child needing a new heart so getting a robotic heart all the way until like a very very futuristic world where people are like putting wings on themselves and extra limbs and like it like very much mutating their bodies and I love it and my favorite stories are the second one and the second to last one next we have wilder girls by Rory power this is a book that not a lot of people like but I love it it is a Lord of the Flies retelling Wow we're we came full circle this is the Lord of the Flies are you telling basically following a group of girls from a boarding school you get quarantined on there at wow this would be a good book to read right now they get quarantined on their island where their school is and weird things are happening to them like they start mutating and growing other limbs in like features and stuff and it's really gross and really cool really awesome body horror and gore and stuff very good very open ending and that's why a lot of people don't like it then we have the luminous dead by Caitlyn Starling were into last year if you guys notice yeah this is a sapphic horror novel that follows a girl who goes into caverns underneath the ground and it's excavating things and the only person that she is and contacted with is a very unreliable woman who is above-ground telling her what to do and it's really spooky very psychological very spooky very like I'm in a space all by myself so it's freaky also the writing of this is fantastic this is like almost 500 a little over 400 page novel and I read it in like one day it was fantastic I lied we have one more mark on me it's this high up on the list because I reread it last summer and that is after dark by Murakami obviously loved this one everybody ready for them we're coming marathon last summer and yeah this is fantastic it is the happens in one night trope I love books that take place in like a couple of hours or one day or whatever we follow a young girl who's just hanging out at Denny's and things are happening and her sister is in a very deep sleep and it's great I've been filming for too long so we're kind of going speed rappin next up we have far from the tree by Robin Ben way and this is a book about kids who didn't know that they were siblings coming together and they kind of all have their own problems and own things that they're looking at in life but they're kind of doing it together as siblings this book makes me cry I like sob to reading the end of this book it's fantastic if you like kind of family sagas and stuff like that definitely recommend this one next up we have my two favorite books of 2019 and that is a bunny by Mona a wood this book is fantastic um it is kind of a psychological horror II kind of book following a girl who is in her MFA which hashtag relatable and she there is like a cult of girls who are called the bunnies and they do some weird culty and yeah this book is fantastic I don't know what else to say about it like I feel like I've talked so much about this just go check out my favorite books of the year also for my thoughts on imaginary friend by Stephen Chbosky this was my favorite book of 2019 it's a horror book following a young boy who goes missing in the woods for six days and when he comes back he's a genius and he also has a imaginary friend named the nice man who who tells him to build a tree house in the woods and it's fantastic people think it's way too long I thought it was perfect it's very slow building kind of pace and yeah I listened to this audio book in like three days it was fantastic highly recommend especially if you like kind of slow build horror and now we're getting into this year I've already had quite a few faves this year so the first book I read this year that was a fave was the ghost spread by Young's each ooh I love this so much we follow a girl who basically gets like married off to a ghost it's apparently a thing in a dress in Malaysia yeah it's Malaysia and people like families will marry off their daughters two boys who have died usually it's done when they were already engaged but this family wants her to marry this boy that she never knew even in life and she goes into the ghost world someone described this to me as three souls that meets spirited away and that is the perfect description for this book next up we have my most recent classic fave and that is Jane Eyre I just read I just recently read this in this semester in spring semester for my Victorian literature class if you don't know what Jane Eyre is for some reason it's about a woman named Jane Eyre who she goes and is a governess for mr. Rochester and it's a horror kind of Gothic horror and it was fantastic I loved it I wasn't expecting to love it at all and I loved it it's very like there's romance but there's also that element of the gothic horror which makes it a little bit more interesting than just like Pride and Prejudice kind of thing I also heard that this is her like response to Pride and Prejudice which i think is hilarious so yeah Jane Eyre who would have guessed it next we have a book that should have been lower down in the list cuz I read a years ago by reread it recently so it's up here and that is Peter Peter darling by Austin chant this is a Peter Pan retelling about as if Peter was a trans man so in the real world he is seen as Wendy darling and then when he goes to Neverland he is Peter Pan and it's fantastic also there is a gay bromance and it's great next up we have my favorite book of 2020 so far um which terrifies me to say that again this is one I do want to reread and annotate before the end of the year so we'll see if it Sansa and that is the amore list by Chloe Benjamin I'm shook at this book because I was not expecting to love it I honestly just picked it up because I needed another book at Barnes & Noble to get a deal and I just picked it up on a whim on audio because I was like whatever let's just try it um I feel like I see so many people say how much they hate this book and it's been on so many like you know like book club lists I was kind of like I feel like I'm not gonna like it I loved it this book follows four siblings who go to a fortune-teller as kids who the fortune teller tells them the exact day that they are going to die and then we follow sections four sections following each kid until their death and it's fantastic and I love it and it's the whole question of like do you like being told your death like is it actually your you were meant to die like fate you were gonna die on this day or do you do something in your life to make yourself die on that day if you're told that you're gonna die that day it's fantastic I absolutely love it one of my favorite my favorite books so far this year which is insane because there were a lot of good books this year and then we also have flights by Olga to talk to car Chuck which is a book I've recently read like last month this is a book that we kind of follow multiple little stories that connect and are all about kind of wanderlust and moving and movement from place to place and like flying and traveling and some of them are really really small almost vignettes of stories and the other we haven't kind of overarching plot line following one woman and it's kind of just it was such an interesting setup and also like there are so many fantastic quotes like almost every page has some sort of like underlining on it and it's so good I loved it so much I also learned so much from it did you know who invented the scissor some dude invented the scissor who was it scissors were invented by Leonardo da Vinci who woulda guessed and next up we have the other klaris ago when Owen book and that is at the perfect world of Miwako Sumida if rainbirds was her winder bird Chronicle this book is her Norwegian Wood and I don't even like Norwegian Wood that much this book I like more than Norwegian would come at me yeah this book we follow a young man we follow three different sections falling three different people all kind of revolving around the suicide of this young girl Miwako Sumida we follow a man who was in love with her we follow her best friend and then we followed that man's sister yes we have some amazing trans representation and also just this book has the perfect like amount of angsty of romance emo nice that you want and like like introspective 'no sand also the writing is beautiful definitely go and check this book out klaris are going along definitely got kind of the short of end of the stick with the corona virus and this release being very side by side and then finally my last favorite book so far this year and also number 50 on this list is docile by KMS brats presence but Sparra wow i cannot say that last name i am so sorry i do have one more kind of after this but this one in that second book kind of go hand in hand as to why I love them and I I don't know like I'm gonna mention both of them you know it's 51 books I'm sorry but like docile by km bara sorry and my dark Vanessa by Kate Russell I love these books for the same kind of reason I feel like especially docile is going to get a lot of people who read the first hundred pages and DNF it and say it's problematic same with my dark Anessa because these both follow very very aggressive and taboo topics and they seem to not do them well because they show how problematic these situations are so basically docile we follow kind of a dystopian world where people are kind of like brought down by their family's debts and we follow a man who has like three million dollars of debt and basically you can become a servant for so many years or however long it takes and there's this drug called dosa adopts illan and it makes you docile and it makes you not remember anything when you come out of it because obviously like some pretty shitty stuff happens and this man doesn't want Jocelin because he saw that his mother was really affected by it and she never kind of came out of that docile kind of head space so he rejects it and he becomes a lifelong slave to this man there's a lot of sexual abuse sexual violence rape like very non-consensual things happening and a lot of people I'm sure are going to think it's kind of like captive prince' and it's not oh my god please just read the entire book before you make judgment because it goes so far into like gaslighting and manipulation and like how up people can be from these things happening to them and that's the same with my dark Vanessa my dark Vanessa follows a young girl who falls in love with her teacher who grooms her and gaslights her and you follow her back when it's happening all the way to when she's an adult kind of flashing back and forth and as an adult she doesn't believe what happened to her was abuse and it kind of is during the hashtag me to movement and she is a person who thinks that these women who are coming forward about me too are doing it for attention and when women start coming for it about this man that she had a relationship with as like teacher student she defends him and it is it makes you so angry and it's just both of these books you watch these horrible horrible things happening and following characters that don't think the horrible things are horrible and it is such an interesting weird fantastic point of view to be reading from because it's obviously not one that you read from very often and I think these both did it so fantastically and I am getting a copy of both of these books for myself very soon because these are probably going to be all time faves I just need to sit on them for a little longer but anyways oh my gosh I've been filming for an hour those are the my all-time favorite 50 50 all-time favorite books of all time yeah I hope you guys all enjoyed this video and I hope you guys got some recommendations from it yeah I'm so I'm so exhausted but yeah I hope you guys all enjoyed this video and definitely tell me down below what your top favorite books are maybe not fifty maybe do like your top five books that'll be fun but yeah anyways I hope you guys all enjoyed this video and I love you all and I'll see y'all soon bye
Channel: Kate Pfeil
Views: 10,242
Rating: 4.9125247 out of 5
Keywords: book, books, booktube, favorite, favorite books, top 50 favorite books, top favorites, favorite books of all time
Id: YeYTC0zTlkA
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Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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