my 5 favourite foods (with recipes!) – healthy & vegan

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this video is sponsored by my favorite website Creator Quest bace the best place to go when you want to get a domain or create a gorgeous website or an online store some of my all-time favorite healthy vegan everyday foods with recipes this my friends is probably the most requested video on my channel and you know me I aim to please I've got four things that I love to eat and one thing that I love to drink to share with you today but honestly if there's anything else you want me to share the recipe for just let me know I'd be so very happy to make more of these food type videos because you know if you want to watch them I want to make them because also you know me I love to eat so if you saw my what I eat video that I posted a few weeks back you'll know that my preferred way to eat is a plant-based whole food diet so basically no animal products and as little processed stuff as possible so like whole grains whole fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds and legumes and all the rest yes I know it sounds very unsexy and like the type of diet that you would force yourself to submit to because you know high cholesterol levels or whatever but not so because sure one of the main reasons I like to eat this way is because it's great for my body but it's also not un sexy at all if you ask me because it is the tastiest most satisfying food to eat also it's often super cheap easy to make with simple ingredients you can find anywhere on the planet more or less now the cheapest and tastiest and most incredibly like energy level stabilizing food I'll bring you today is the almighty coni I've talked about this food so many times in my videos and every time I get drowned in requests for the recipe and honestly it's so so simple David makes a huge batch of this like once per week and then we eat it for dinner almost every night it takes a little time to cook but it's so easy you just have to like put it on to boil and then watch it for a few hours basically conji is like a rice groel or a rice porridge so like rice that you leave to cook until the grains start to disintegrate we don't make it with white rice though we make it with equal parts brown rice and red lentils the nuty rich comforting flavor of this unparalleled so you can choose to cook it longer or a bit shorter depending on how gruy mushy you want to texture just like keep in mind that it like thickens when it cools so even even if it's a bit wet still when you cook it the next day it will have set a bit more we like it best when the red lentils are completely mushed but when the rice grains still have a bit of bite so when you mix whole grains and legumes like this you get a complete protein sauce but the real star of this food is like mentioned the like even energy levels you will have throughout the whole day so David has been on kji for so so many years now and like if we take a break and it's something else for dinner for a period he's just like not himself he has like a coni mood which is like the most evenly Good Humor I've ever met in a person and then he has like a non- coni mood which is a little bit more like a hungry uneven person also it's so nice for the stomach since it's cooked to like such softness packed with fibers and all sorts of micronutrients and it really doesn't get much cheaper than this we usually have it with like raw bell pepper raw onion garli sauteed kale or broccoli coriander and maybe some kimchi for feel fancy oh and the Holy Trinity of condiments of course soy sauce rice vinegar and hot sauce but honestly this is so versatile you can eat it with more or less any veggies or adding like tofu or chickpeas if you want a chunky meal I couldn't recommend this dish more go try it now what about granola okay so at this time I don't eat granola that often but a couple of years back I had it every day as a snack at night or with like soy milk and berries for breakfast or just a good like steal Fistful of like directly from the pantry when I'm in a mood now there are two problems with starboard granola first of all it's godamn expensive isn't it and secondly they add both oil and some kind of sugar or syrup usually which we don't need so to keep it cheap and to keep it Whole Foods and much tastier than the starbot kind we always used to make it at home ourselves house I have two recipes one more like kind of standard cinnamon flavored and one super cheap chocolate flavored one both are the healthiest granolas I've ever come across No Nonsense super chunky super flavorful and so easy to like switch up using whatever ingredients you prefer now nuts are expensive so for the budget version I like using you know cheap seeds like sunflower seeds for example or another trick instead of buying nuts in the nut aisle I find it it's always cheaper to go either to the baking aisle for like almonds and hazelnuts or for the you know the world food aisle you know what I mean where they usually have like big bags of cashews and walnuts and almonds so so so much cheaper than like in the normal nut aisle recommend recommend so to all you tea heads out there it's time to discuss green tea I've told you that I have this massive teapot I think it's like 1.7 L or something like that that I fill up with green tea and sip throughout the whole morning here's what I like to do I like to buy a big bag of organic CA like a one kilo bag because it's just so much more affordable that way and then I just refill this tea container that's about like this size and for this size tea container I add about a teaspoon of matcha that I mix in with essena so it gives it like this richer weirder grassier taste that like if you're into green tea you would love and if you're not into green tea okay you would probably hate but try it it's a funky fun taste experience if nothing else I also do this with my fancier tea that I treat myself to only on weekend mornings my genm cha which is a green Japanese tea with mixed in roasted rice grains that look a little bit like tiny popcorn so again my sha is sometimes called popcorn tea have you heard about this anyway gmha was first thought up in like olden times in Japan because te tea leaves were so expensive that they added the roasted brown rice to make the tea last longer and be cheaper of course now for me it's the other way around is my luxury tea strange how that goes isn't it anyway I like to do the same to my G MAA adding a teaspoon of matcha and shake it around why not let's live a little and again I'm not drinking green tea because it's healthier than coffee I'm drinking it because it's weird and like hella Tasty Noodle Soup another mustard headquarters staple food we usually eat it every single lunch and for some reason I just can't get bored with it it's just impossible I look forward to my soup every single day again this is just so easy to mix up with whatever is your favorite veg and spices but the way that we do it is that we use a vegan organic bullion powder as the base like one teaspoon per person and we make the stock quite concentrated so definitely not as much water as the bullon package recommends because we wanted like really flavorful and salty so the amount of liquid on our soup is actually quite minimum and the other ingredients are like the stars so for noodles again we don't want to use white rice so we go with soba noodles which are made with Bak wheat or with brown rice noodles or cognac noodles or something of the sort that we cook on the side and add last thing pan fried firm tofu that's just been like golden in a tiny bit of oil and just like seasoned with salt and pepper that's it golden tofu is so delicious in itself that you don't need to add anything to it except for some salt and pepper the trick to make it perfectly golden is to like leave it to fry until done on one side before you turn it over if you fiddle with it and like turn it before it's done it easily sticks to the pan and doesn't get as like nice and crisp once the stock is boiling we add broccoli for just a minute or two because the most God aful atrocity known to human cooking is overcooking veg Crispy Crunchy that's what we want want so adhering to this we add the spinach very last and just fold it in quickly just like until it's a little bit welted definitely not cooked again we like raw bell pepper and raw red onion for like the freshness and the Crunch and the Holy Trinity of condiments soy sauce rice vinegar and hot sauce thank you for all the tips on hot sauce the other week by the way I'm testing out some of the ones you're recommending to find my new favorite keep you posted okay here's a life changer Jenny Mustard's secret everyday spice mix this I use for absolutely everything okay not for the granola but for everything else so this salty spice mix is so tasty that we usually eat just like raw cucumber raw radishes that we like dip in this like a snack but I sprinkle it on every food it's great on popcorn it really goes like with everything and it's so so easy to make it has like three base ingredients and then you can if you want you can modify so it's simply nutritional yeast smoked salt Flakes and garlic granules and you can skip the garlic too if you want like it's ridiculously tasty without it too so I usually grind the salt flakes at a bit so that they're not so big because I do worry about my salt consumption I have zero Sweet Tooth but the biggest biggest salt tongue in the world anything smoking in flavor will also just get my vote it elevates the food from like standard to luxury just like instantly if you ask me a nutritional yeast if you don't know it has like a Nutty cheesy flavor and it's packed with B vitamins so needless to say I'm addicted to this um salt spice mix so a Ru of thumb would be usually I just like wing it but a Ru of thumb would be probably like two parts nutritional yeast to one po smoked salt and you know as much garlic as you can handle maybe some with like a teaspoon of garlic granules and see how you feel I add much more than that but I do love me some garlic so I think my spice mix is probably a bit extreme on the garlic side if you want it spicier ground white pepper is delicious with this go eat it though because like just a bit otherwise it takes over too much in flavor I find and if you're in a Mediterranean mood I sometimes add a couple of teaspoons of dried oregano to this too oh man oregano the smell The Taste the like summerin of it is there a better herb and I mean I'm sure this is a spice mix that you can modify in a thousand different ways depending on what your favorite flavors are I'm thinking Dell or SM paprika or cumin why not maybe let's I'll try a different version and then report back if it was any good or not shall we and with this my friends I think it's about time that you told all of us what your favorite Everyday Food is is there any dish that you could eat every single day and never get tired of do tell and then go into the kitchen and get cooking David I sure will right now because we need to get ourselves some noodles because my stomach is growling and I have a serious craving for tofu I need it and broccoli okay so time to go please tell me if you want me to make more food videos and if you have any specific videos in mind that you want to request I love talking about food and I love talking about like healthy diets and habits and you know routines so whatever video that you want me to make on the subject you know I'll be more than happy to give me a like if you enjoyed this one and don't forget to subscribe of course if you haven't yet so that I will see you next week already now do you want to create a beautiful site or maybe start your own blog if so you should definitely do it with Squarespace listen to this with a new guided design system Squarespace blueprint you can choose from professionally curated layouts and styling options to build a unique online presence from the ground app Squarespace is also amazing 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Channel: Jenny Mustard
Views: 23,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenny mustard, vegan, veganism, vegan food, vegan food recipes, vegan recipes, vegan recipe, how to eat vegan, how to vegan, how to go vegan, what i eat in a day vegan, what i eat in a day, granola recipe, congee recipe, jenny mustard vegan, jenny mustard vegan food, how to be healthy, health, healthy, what I eat in a week, vegetarian, vegan meal prep, vegan diet, how to stay healthy, healthy vegan food, healthy vegan, how to get protein as a vegan, vegan protein, plant based
Id: KPH0M6dWG44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 20sec (800 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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