My 300 IQ Escape Move is Unstoppable! | Among Us

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ah good day everyone and welcome back to another episode of among us today i'm actually streaming the episode that you are watching um so if you want to be a part of the next stream make sure to hit the link down below and subscribe to me over on twitch and follow me um but if you guys like these type of videos make sure to slap that like button and subscribe for more and let's get into it all right let's do this i am a crewmate oh shelby okay i feel like she you're definitely the killer you're definitely the killer i can already tell with shelby and she's gonna kill me first i know it okay a reactor oh shoot no i don't want to do this right now this is just a recipe for death are you kidding me oh my god i'm so bad at this oh my gosh oh my god i'm so bad at this who killed who died oh my gosh hello two people i found you which one did you find i found yoshi's body it was in the room where you do the scanner next to the cafeteria oh med bay yeah okay well cupcake and red were both by me on the right side of the map so it was not them i saw joey i passed joey in the reactor room when i was coming yeah i was i'm in the upper engine and i passed it everyone has megan hasn't said anything i saw red oh you saw red wow okay it's megan i was i just took out the tree did anyone see her do trash where did you see red did you watch yeah i didn't know because i think she was just either done or maybe she was doing they were right after why i got scared because i saw you coming towards me and i just i don't know how these like how people can kill people like do they come up to you and stab you should i run i thought you were in weapons red no i read another one from there and then i was my behind that was very curt what happens megan what happens when you do the trash but it's not me there's a little diamond and leaves in it and you hold the little lever down and then it goes away was i supposed to save the diamond i don't think so can you okay i don't know i never have megan you're really suspicious right yeah yeah yeah i mean do what you want but i swear it wasn't me are we trying to wait for them what did you guys talking about chaos i'm running through my hands and what's not [Music] okay i will prove to you it's not me if anyone wants to follow me i swear okay joey don't think it's mika but maybe it is mika come on see see shelby i can stay with shelby shelby let's go let's go do some chores all right i can trust shelby it's definitely not her let's go into electrical girl she knows that i can trust okay shelby why are you leaving me girl why is where did shelby go okay well who okay so cupcake is dead in lower engine i just saw joey and red in electrical so that's not that far from there and there was also another color but i can't remember who was with me i think it was shovel but literally three people were just an electrical oh yeah yeah yeah and cupcake was right the imposter can do of the reactor i thought that was a way to prove people but shelby we did not kill each other i feel like we're good against each other um i i thought you were following me because we felt safe and then you left me and i ran into red red had a chance to kill me he didn't so i think it's mika and lax yeah no definitely okay you say yeah i think shelby shelby shelby listen to me this is the time to listen to me it's not lex all right you lost oh oh shoot oh yeah dude now joey hey finish your test finish your task oh wait never mind we won oh my god i'm so sorry my god okay okay a crewmate let's see let's see what do i do what do i do oh my god i have nothing over here i need to go to electrical immediately x oh you mother effort you mother effort oh how dare thee let me finish my damn tasks okay did you see anybody else i didn't see anyone i was walking over towards the uh whatever the task was that was happening i had no idea i think you were doing asteroids or location things yeah shall we did i see you when i was running from the cafeteria did you go to nashville i'm in guns that's never easy right i can't believe it right now with me i don't know who was with me somebody was with me right behind me and i was getting really scared because i thought they were gonna i did say she wasn't it was shelby at the beginning i don't know my god my instincts they are always there when the body found thing came up i couldn't tell she didn't kill me so that's something but maybe put it out there lex is really quiet i didn't see anybody on the bottom oh i didn't megan that's okay yeah don't i didn't see anyone i just went right into the body okay i only saw shelby we could just so do you want to skip yeah oh my god they're so nasty [Music] all right let's go finish our damn tasks let's try and help these people you know what i don't even want to help these people i hope they lose they don't even care that i'm dead you know what i'm gonna overfill the fuel and light a match that'll teach them oh dead body found rizzy what were you doing we're stopping you to see what you would do i was going down to shields and i found cuff quake murdered in i think communications i'm pretty sure that's the name of the room i don't know the name of that room but it's right next to shields i was at shields and i was heading up into the um sorry i was going to the left i i think i passed communications i didn't see a body but i couldn't get through the door for some reason yeah the door shut the door i was in get through the doors how does that work imposters can lock you in the room with them or lock people out of finding the body that happened they're so bad at this like you should like you guys aren't asking any questions oh my god no matter what i say they're not gonna believe me so like what's the point okay let's finish our tasks let's go into electrical let's get our task complete i actually like this one it's kind of fun it reminds me of like a game like an arcade okay let's see bump get to the oxygen ladies you have 18 seconds oh my god oh hello hey okay i just saw lieutenant calcium walk away from the oxygen you've nope do not because you were in there with him when i walked away don't even try to turn this on the yoyo i was i also i saw lex leaving the cafeteria finally there i was in storage i was just with brizzy as well i was like i just just ran into brisbane oh i think it's lieutenant calcium i only trust another strong argument to be fair yeah you are only saying that because you knew i witnessed you in there when you killed red do not this is no information now that i've learned how to talk and you weren't doing anything if it's not we have to kill yoshi oh okay okay that's okay wow oh my god see if i was still alive it would be over for these ladies such a good little ghost they're not even gonna do it i don't know why i'm doing these tasks they're gonna lose wow oh [Applause] i got joey first and i'm like no you got your vengeance okay i don't trust anybody i don't i literally i'm scared of literally brizzy's acting clutching brizzy's acting sketching i want to actually play this one i don't want to be killed right off the bat so i need to hope that i can like find a companion that doesn't want to kill me calcium cup quick megan shovel cup quake okay do we go into electrical do we dare is anybody up here mika please don't kill me mika please don't kill me okay all right mika didn't kill me she had a perfect opportunity to oh who's coming up here with the ball all right i think i can trust mika okay oh oh wow and i just saw tiffany walking away from this body i did not the body wasn't doing the body wasn't there when i passed brizzy walked by she was going up top oh my gosh i didn't know what that meant i was right i was near the body and the report thing the report thing came up but i didn't understand wait where where was the body at i was buying the security location it was by the where you look at the security cameras by the reactor and who saw the body people did joey and who and we saw uh tiffany running down we passed her we immediately saw the body purple which one's tiffany purple okay i had i didn't see purple do anything i didn't see anyone else i only saw brizzy and uh megan megan who are you voting for oh megan what was that she just did it she just did it she believed i said you you said you said you saw me oh okay no i don't think it's me it's not me though it's not me because the report button came up when i when i went by a body and i didn't even know i i would be suspicious of tiffany just because we both ran up right at that time that's cupcakes long ago too though so i almost feel like since there's two imposters it could be calcium and joey yeah because it's like if you two are together yeah you know what i mean because you're pointing it on me and mika when we are calling out cupcake it's lex we have lex and cupcake lives left so if we kill cupcake and it's not cupcake then chocolate calcium wake why were you guys traveling together though we were both in uh electrical doing something i had to go up to med bay i don't know where joey had to go but we were just following each other the body i saw was near uh it was near navigation i think on the right side where is uh yeah on the right oh my gosh i didn't realize there was two people oh it's like guys it's like let's go to emergency meetings she was defending her tip is a really bad life she different yeah okay nice nice i voted yeah i'm sorry megan 13 seconds it's okay am i muted oh she's gonna kill me she's literally gonna kill me she's gonna kill me she's gonna [ __ ] kill me we already we already know whoa i was literally just following you around yeah i made you look at selection okay i i am literally i know you were gonna kill me because i'm like i don't know because i am like joey i am very suspicious of you and then we're both standing by the table and i'm like oh my god we're really gonna do this i thought we were just gonna go around the store wait so i think it's her why was she defending why was she defending her so hard and why did she think that it was us because i didn't know why not like her again i voted for brizzy i voted for brizzy because she voted for me bitter oh my god oh we're somewhere else okay okay okay okay i didn't realize we were playing a different map this is not good this is not the one to be a killer on look at tiffany oh my god i get so quiet during these things don't do it tiffany i need to find megan we need to kill someone they're everyone is so close together oh my god what do i do what do i do there's two people here there's way too many this is so hard to kill anybody everybody's around each other this is impossible sorry megan that'll teach you though shoot she's gonna see her we all saw that at the same time wait who did you see uh megan's body is by the scanner room i was walking with the med real quick and we saw shovel coming from the north all i can say is i saw someone with a crown walking away from me okay i think that maybe i might have seen red vent but i'm not a hundred percent sure because the war was up and he was in there with me and the door didn't go down and then red was gone and there's an event next week so i don't know different animations you did you read the whole time no i didn't you didn't i saw him at the very top when i was up there but i didn't notice yeah i think he's at the top right now because i'm i'm with him right now so if i get up every second i'm dead i'm not sure i was trying to open that big room for the longest time with the double doors yeah i saw shelby come out of there um i was trying to go in there but i couldn't wasn't sure how to figure that out the like airlock area yeah you saw that i didn't call it wait i didn't i was from the top in the the like atrium is that what it's called i don't even know the plants and i came down there's no air between there wait shelby have you seen red this game came up at the top and that was it i was leaving but there was no airlock room what's that door with the double door there isn't there is it on the left you can go up via the airlock and then you get decontaminated yeah that's the room i saw shelby come out of there and then after i started walking and um uh where this like uh like table is with some sort of like navigation of the uh input the numbers hmm [Music] okay well i think he's following the truth because he's never played this game before so he wouldn't know what the task is yeah that was very true don't skip i'm skipping although i will say input the numbers that's rather generic [Laughter] oh my god oh my god i don't know how i got away with that i i have no idea i have truly no freaking clue how i got away with that okay i can kill someone do i kill lex red oh my god i don't know what to do there's no one up here there's literally nobody up here this isn't good i need to kill someone oh my god this is this is not good this is not good how did none of you see that body oh my god i stopped the reaction wait who killed liz left side of the reaction yeah i saw that i didn't see who killed me we're not even in the room yet i was trying to figure out how to get to the reactor but i do want to clear red because i just did the same task that he just described like right after we got out of the meeting so yeah i was uh doing the input with the hand where you have to scan your hand yeah i was waiting for the other person to do it and then and that's at the reactor right yeah yeah i've done how many people do you need for the hand scan thing you need one two each of them two yeah because i was doing it too but it wouldn't let me either you need one on each you can't press it unless the other station is also being pressed oh okay me and red were on the same one yeah so who who was by the body then yeah no one was over there everyone was on the right hand side for the hand scanner no one was going to the left but i saw her body so i cancelled the the right and i went over and reported her we're about to finish yeah i finished my test if everyone just finished okay oh my god how am i getting away with this [Music] yeah i don't i literally don't tiffany you have to kill people you have to sabotage and kill all right sounds up here no okay wait hold on what joey i just saw you pass at his body they didn't that's so annoying i was like did you just went towards no no made you look and somebody else was with me yeah i was just heading down so i didn't see anybody but i was i was with yoshi and one other person yeah i don't know where you input the numbers with the sticky note yeah yeah that's that's where i just watched you're at the airlock joey i don't know you're at the airlock at the top at the door you were just there yeah i'm at the airlock at the very top whatever it's called yeah i don't think we're in the same spot right at the bridge it's the greenhouse and then on the one it's the airlock yeah the greenhouse the greenhouse it was the greenhouse you're definitely oh then it's for sure you yeah i mean we're we're we're all together like i'm with yoshi right now i was when i'm with brizzy admittedly i was following shelby around because i'm suspicious where are you guys i know i did the the oxygen cup quake was right behind us i gotta vote for very suspicious yoshi yeah i have done enough to joey so far i don't know i think it's yoshi i just know yo so lex you're sure it wasn't yoshi it's definitely not yoshi i can clear yoshi i am with yoshi right now that yoshi and lex are teaming up then i know i don't know about that i'm with brizzy though too i don't know if that means you're innocent i guess we are with brizzy tiffany it's definitely yoshi nope yoshi it's joey quinn lex everyone's always around each other and i literally killed everyone that i killed was in plain sight so people and people are not looking around tiffany you need to kill people all right let's sabotage i'll wait for a second i'll do a little i'll wait till they go up that way and then i'll sabotage up top oh i think she just sabotaged all the tasks are completed no they're not tiffany killer yes good job oh god oh god oh god oh yes oh my goodness i literally just said i only saw shelby walk away because i was like okay we lost shelby and that's i thought did anybody else see anybody go with shelby wait lex you're with shelby i saw shelby walk away we were doing the little where you put in the numbers it was me and several other people who was with chil that was like yoshidi yeah likes pretty much the whole time so where was cupcake i saw i was down i was down with yoshi i was down with you guys and then i started it i was putting it on i don't remember who it was i don't remember either i only know i said i'm like i saw shelby walk away because she's yellow it's the only reason that i like registered to me that she walked away because she's so bright and that was it i keep forgetting oh god i freaked out i know i saw brizzy with me and i know i saw the green little calcium with me i don't remember if it was cup quake or made you look so wait were you doing the thing with the sticky note that you put the numbers in in the small room yeah at the bottom okay so then we're just missing cup quake i was down at the bottom yeah i don't know if it was i was definitely there it's really hard she's doing good for me because it like exited me out of the number pad so that must have been like completed yes somebody could breathe she got into that vent so quick as they were coming up was like a full-on action movie that was so good what i think i'm going to say no i was asking that was busy talking i don't care i think it's lex i think it's lex it's truly not away from us but i feel like who's wrong actually who are we voting for well i just wanted to because there's the only one unaccounted for like i was with you guys and i haven't played the map so i didn't know at the bottom yeah i don't know i'm gonna vote for lex no are you serious okay oh my god thank god finish your task if you're dead please finish your tasks as long as it's not gonna okay holy crap guys that one's so hard i killed lizzy in front of everybody that's not what he saw i can't believe i got away with that i got away with so many murders killed me alrighty well i hope you guys enjoyed this episode of among us if you did make sure to slap that like button subscribe and i'll see you guys next time good damn bye
Channel: Joey Graceffa
Views: 506,007
Rating: 4.96878 out of 5
Keywords: joey gaming, joey graceffa games, gaming, minecraft, minecraft gaming, Among Us, funny moments, among us funny, among us gameplay, among us imposter, among us impostor, among us crew, among us victory, among, us, among us game, among us funny gameplay
Id: pFJ_4BRy_zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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