My Digital Planner! (How to set up for beginners!)

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foreign [Music] thank you to Shopify for sponsoring this video hello everyone I'm Amanda and if you're new to my channel I've been making videos about my bullet Journal this baby right here for the past five or six years I have been very dedicated to my bullet journal and physical planners for years now I just love something that's like tactile and I like physically writing out to-do lists in a notebook but I do recognize that a physical planner is not for everyone and I know that there are a lot of people out there who prefer digital planners and part of the reason why I know that is over the years I've gotten so many comments from people saying Amanda have you ever tried digital planning Amanda would you ever switch over to a digital planner Amanda what about digital planning digital planning digital planning honestly I never really thought too much about it because I was just so loyal to my physical planner I was like no nothing can top writing down my to-do list in a notebook and I would was just very set in my way to this day we've always received requests from you guys to create a digital version of the doodle planner quite honestly when we release the physical planners I didn't really have any interest or the bandwidth to even think about doing digital planners as well just because the physical planners took up so much of my time and energy but over the past couple of years I've definitely been more and more interested in digital planning and I can definitely see the benefits of it there's always pros and cons to anything which is why the planning system that works for someone might not work for someone else and I think that's kind of the beauty of all of the planning systems out there this past year while I was working on the physical version of the doodle planner for 2023 which is already out by the way in case you didn't know I kind of made it my mission to delve deeper into the world of digital planning do a little bit more research and now I'm super excited to announce that my team and I have developed and designed a digital version of the doodle planner here it does stay true to the format of the shopping physical doodle planner so if you're a fan of our planners it's the same format but there's a lot of other brand new features that are exclusive to the digital planner that I am so so excited to show you guys we really tried to keep digital planning in mind with this so I think you guys are gonna love it let's take a look I'll show you guys everything and also kind of do like a beginner's guide in case any of you guys are new to digital planning so when you buy our 2023 digital doodle planner it comes with this magical file full of treasures and folders in the digital doodle planner folder you'll have your choice of a Monday start or a Sunday start I know that there's a lot of discourse within the planning Community about whether your week start on Monday or Sunday everyone has a preference you guys know I personally prefer a Monday start but I know there's a lot of people who prefer Sunday and when I do stuff like the physical doodle planner logistically it's hard to offer both options so that's why I'm really happy to be able to offer both Monday day and Sunday starts for the digital planner you'll also see that in the folder we designed a whole bunch of exclusive doodle planner stickers widgets and labels for you to use since goodnotes is probably the most popular and commonly used digital planning app we created these as both good notes exclusive and compatible elements collections which you can import directly into the goodnotes app as well as a digital sticker book that you could have open alongside of your digital planner I do know that there's a lot of other digital planning apps out there that people like to use so we made sure to include all of these stickers and labels and doodles and widgets as individual PNG files that you can use and it's compatible with any app that you prefer now I know that there might be a lot of first-time digital planners out there and it can kind of get a little bit overwhelming because there's just so many possibilities I know that I was super overwhelmed in our little folder you'll see a detailed set of instructions for how to get started with your digital doodle planner in the instruction guide there's even a hyperlinked table of contents to help you navigate gate between the instruction guide and there's a lot of information in there but if you are a visual learner like me I prefer watching videos there's a ton of really amazing video tutorials already made out there by the very talented digital planning community that has a lot of the basics about how to use good notes stuff like that we'll also be creating a lot of video content for digital planning on our shop socials in case you want to follow us there but honestly I think the instruction guide that we've included is pretty helpful and includes anything that you need to know so I would just take a quick look there okay now the most exciting part let's actually take a look at this digital doodle planner for the demo videos I'm going to be using good notes so just keep that in mind we all know I'm a Monday start type of girl so I'm going to import that version into good notes by just pressing the new or the plus button and you can import the file that you want to do select import and choose the one that you want to open up into your good notes app and after the file Imports it'll open up the planner right away and you're ready to start planning in good notes and and a lot of other planning apps it'll automatically use the first page of whatever file you're using as the cover thumbnail you know if you want to make your digital doodle planner look cute I got you because we included exclusive digital planner front covers for your digital planner you can import that as the first page of your planner and now when you navigate to all of your notebooks you'll be able to see that as your digital doodle planner cover really cute you can choose any of the options that we've included or kind of make your own and you just do that by clicking the new page button on the top right so here's the first page of the digital doodle planner you can see that there's a little note for me here as well as a section for you to write your name that's always my favorite part about opening a new notebook is like writing my name on it if you are using good notes there's three different pen tool options including a brush pen tool so if you want to kind of recreate the look of a brush pen hand lettering style you can do that for me personally I think one of the advantages of digital planning is the use of hyperlinks for navigating if you don't know what that is that basically means that you're able to click and Link pages so that you can tap on one thing and it'll take you to another page automatically it's really awesome it's kind of like having a built-in directory or index so for the shop and actually digital doodle planner we of course made sure that every page is optimized for that you can see that there's a set of tabs on the right side of the page and this is accessible from any page in the planner so you can easily navigate to any month the overview page no matter where you are if you're in good notes just make sure you're on reading mode if you're trying to navigate using the hyperlinks so you do that by toggling the little pencil button in the upper right and as you can see once I click on any month in the monthly tabs on the side it'll take you to the corresponding monthly cover page now if you click on the 2023 tab it'll take you to the overview page and this page is kind of like your main navigation index kind of like your dashboard from this page you can access any week in the year by simply clicking on the date and it'll open up that corresponding weekly spread you can also get to the monthly cover page of course by using the tabs or by clicking on the actual month in that little box there and the icons next to the month also have a function so if you click the little mini calendar it'll take you to that month's monthly calendar spread if you click on the little check box it'll take you to the habit and mood Checkers for that month and the little start button will take you to a blank daily template page for that corresponding month I'll get into more detail about the daily template page later on in the video because it's completely brand new and exclusive to the digital planner it's not in the physical planner and I'm really excited about it the other pages that I've included at the beginning of the planner include a space for you to reflect on your previous year and to write down your Ambitions and goals and affirmations for the upcoming year this is something that I've included in every physical doodle planner for the past couple of years so I definitely wanted to include it for the digital planner you can bookmark this page in the upper left corner with the little bookmark icon and you will be able to easily access any of your bookmark Pages by just clicking the little four squares and you can see any of the pages that you favorited so I think bookmarking like your goal spread would be really good so that you can kind of keep yourself accountable on your goals that you've set as well as maybe like the current particular weekly spread that you're working on the daily spread stuff like that the next spread is a place for you to list out anything that you've been meaning to check out like TV shows books movies anything like that you can just fill that in there and if you do need more space then what we've given you you can actually duplicate this page or any other Page by clicking add new page and current template so it'll add whatever page that you want and you can do this throughout the planner if you want extra space if you want to start over again all of that now let's take a closer look at what comes in each monthly chunk so of course one of the main features of the doodle planner is the fact that it includes my hand-drawn illustrations there's monthly themes every month and it's in black and white so you can kind of color it in and mine tension with that when I made the physical doodle planner was that I wanted something that people can still have fun and be creative in AKA like coloring stuff in making it your own but in a more manageable way in case people don't have the time to draw or maybe feel like they don't have the ability to draw so when I was making the digital planner of course I still wanted to include the coloring book aspect of it so you'll see that every single page has unique monthly themes the themes in the digital planner are actually from our previous planner which was one of our fan favorite and you're able to color it in to your heart's desire if you are using good notes I think the best way to color in these Doodles on every page is to use the highlighter tool because it'll actually push the color behind the line art and make it look really clean and I think the beauty of digital planning is that you don't need a ton of different markers you have the whole entire rainbow at your fingertips because you can customize the color and size of the marker tool I found that my preferred way of coloring in the digital doodle planner is to use the highlight later tool make it a really large size and then purposely kind of color outside of the lines and then I go in with my Eraser tool and I select Precision eraser and then I can kind of go around the outside of the lines and clean things up the Precision eraser tool is just much more precise and effective when it comes to cleaning things up so that's what I found is the best method the layouts and formats of these spreads have stayed faithful to the physical doodle planner because I know a lot of people love that format each month there's also a habit tracker and a mood tracker to help you build healthy habits and be more mindful you can write out whatever habits you're tracking for that month and use the highlighter or pen tool to stamp off whenever you've done that particular habit and for the mood tracker you can use the highlighter tool to color in the little key at the bottom and designate different colors to each mood Checker spreads are meant to kind of keep you accountable and motivated and they're also satisfying to see when they're kind of filled in and everything is very colorful so something that I briefly mentioned earlier was the daily template spread this is completely new and exclusive to the digital planner and it's something that I would never be able to make for a physical planner because of course when you're making a physical notebook you have constraints and Logistics on like the thickness of the planner you're not allowed to add a certain number of pages and also I don't want to make it too heavy or chunky so daily pages are something that are just not possible for a physical planner at least not right now with a digital planner you have a limitless amount of pages so we wanted to create a daily spread template for any of you who do require more space or more detailed look at your day you can customize this template however you like and you also don't need to use a daily template every day some days don't require like that much planning space I know but that way you don't feel like you have unused daily spread days or anything like that you can just duplicate this template whenever you feel that you need one and as I mentioned earlier if you are using a daily template I would really recommend bookmarking that page that you can easily access to sit throughout the day on the left side of the daily spread there's a space for you to write out the date and also for you to schedule out your day and Mark out any meetings or appointments we've included like a Time wheel so that you can actually get into more detail about the times that you want to do specific things there's also a place for you to write out your top three priorities for the day which is something that I really like doing every day it's the top three rule which is just designating the top three things that you want to get done for that day and then of course a place for you to write out more tasks below it and a place for notes or any other like brain dump things as well and then you can see that on the right side there is a whole page of blank dot grid and this is for even further customization in case you want to draw out your own trackers use some of our widgets doodle Journal anything you really like you can do that here we just really wanted this daily template to be kind of like a blank canvas so while I was planning out the launch for the digital doodle planner I realized that this is going to be the fourth year of me doing shopping minor HD I still am like learning and growing it and even with this digital doodle planner launch it's been a learning process because you know up until this point we've only been doing physical products and digital products are kind of like a whole different Ballpark and game if you guys didn't know shopping manage Lee has been run on Shopify over the past four years that we've been doing this I just really love how it's been able to grow with me especially now that we're doing digital good I didn't really even have to worry about whether the shop website would be able to handle doing digital downloads or figuring out the coding or anything like that because they have a ton of third-party apps by developers and that's what I used for this digital product and if you guys don't know about Shopify they're an easy to use all-in-one e-commerce platform and it's great for anyone regardless of your experience and you can start grow and manage your business all from there millions of small businesses across 175 different countries are run on Shopify I didn't even realize this but some of like the biggest stores and brand names that you know of are actually run on Shopify and then in the same token there's small businesses like myself who are running Shopify so I think it's just really cool that it is an even playing field and you have the resources and access that anyone does the Shopify team has been so amazing and supportive of not only me and my small business but a ton of other small businesses I've seen it firsthand just their passion for making entrepreneurship possible for a wide variety of people so it just is really special to me to be able to work with them so if you guys are looking to start your own side hustle or small business in the new year I definitely recommend you try out Shopify you can go to Amanda H Lee the link will also be down below thank you Shopify this is the perfect time to talk about the stickers and widgets and labels in the digital sticker book talked a little bit about this at the beginning this part is super fun and exciting and I'm really excited that we could offer this digital sticker book with the planner and I can't wait to see all of the ways that you guys use them you can import these stickers as individual elements collect actions and that way you can access them by clicking the elements tool we've organized all of our digital stickers and widgets and labels into individual elements collections so you can actually import them into the good notes elements Tab and have access to them there but you can also use our digital sticker book which is my personal way of using digital stickers and to do that you just import the sticker book the same way you imported your planner and that way the sticker book will be open in a separate tab you can tap between the planner and the sticker book and having it as like a sticker book will just be easy because you can swipe through all of the pages and see what's available another option is to create a split screen with the sticker book on one side and the Planner on one side and that way you can copy and paste the stickers between the two windows so I'm going to show you guys a little demo and let's customize the spread using some of our cute stickers as you can see in the sticker book we've also hyperlinked the tab so you can navigate between the different types of stickers the first one says Doodles and as the title suggests it includes my doodles that you can use as stickers i've included each monthly themes doodle so that if you're making new spreads you can keep them on theme for that particular month and we've also added a few bonus extra Doodles in there as well so if you're just using the elements tab then that's pretty self-explanatory and easy you just tap the sticker that you want to use but if you want to use the sticker book method you'll have to use the lasso tools to do that you click the lasso tool draw around the sticker that you want and select copy from the pop-up menu and then you go back to whatever spread that you're on that you want to paste this sticker into tap and click paste and from here while you're on the lasso tool you can always use that to select and resize and tilt the sticker to your liking on the spread the next types of stickers we have in our sticker book are the labels and icons and these are really great for marking down important events especially in your weekly spreads or your monthly spreads if you want to kind of get in at a glance view of what's happening so we have different ones for like birthdays anniversary stuff like that when you're looking through your digital sticker book make sure you look out for the little light bulb icon because that indicates that those are smart stickers and smart art stickers are good notes exclusive but they're really really cool because you're actually able to change the text style the font the size the color of the the label the Border background thickness rounded corners and more it's really cool and again just adds another layer of customized ability customizableness to your planner the next type of stickers that we've included are a bunch of functional widgets and trackers for you to use these I think would be great for your weekly spreads or your daily templates I really wanted to include a wide variety of functional widgets you can see that there's widgets for you to write down lists jot down your thoughts practice gratitude budget your expenses and more they're all smart widgets as well so you can edit these too to make sure that they match the aesthetic and style of your spread there's also other tracker widgets included here in case you want to track something else like hydration nutrition you can really change it according to your needs there's also the days of the week the months stuff like that for anything across across your planner and you guys know I love stationery I always use like washi tape and stickers and stuff in my notebooks and planners so we wanted to include that sort of scrapbook Vibe as well in this digital planner we included a bunch of stationery stickers like clips and ripped up papers and Washi tapes for you to journal and make your spreads look extra cute this part is what I'm most excited for because I know that you guys are gonna get really creative with it and create some beautiful looking digital planner spreads you can layer the ripped up paper with the clips on top and washi tape which by the way we included every single shop Amanda actually washi tape as like a little digital ripped up section of washi tape which I think is super cute so you can use our shopping Matrix the washi tape in your digital planner spreads the little photo frames are my favorite because you can make things like memory spreads and import your photos just make sure that you import the photo first and then put the photo frame on top of that alright guys so that was my little or not so little introduction to the 2023 digital doodle planner I know it's kind of a long video but I really wanted to cover everything all of the bases I'm so happy with how it turned out and I'm really proud of my team we've worked so hard on this throughout the past year alongside the physical doodle planner and I'm excited that it's finally out because you guys have been asking for this for a while hopefully this video answered any questions that you had I wanted it to kind of be like a beginner's guide to digital planning as well as an introduction to the launch of the digital doodle planner so yeah if you do want to check out the 2023 digital doodle planner it is available on shop Amanda richly right now I will link it down below ah I can't wait this is something that you guys have been asking for for a while so I hope you guys do like it keep in mind this is our first foray into the digital planner world I don't know how it's gonna go fingers crossed you guys like it I like it but of course we're also open to feedback so let us know what you think and post pictures of your spreads because I better see them all right I think that's it thank you guys for watching and keep doodling digitally bye guys [Music]
Channel: AmandaRachLee
Views: 312,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital, planner, planning, goodnotes, how to, digitally, pdf, easy, download, template, plan with me, 2023, amanda, bullet journal, journaling, android, tutorial, beginners, stickers, ipad, get started, tour, setup, customizable, start, aesthetic, best, use
Id: dNONgujUGgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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