My 2021 History Bookshelf Tour! - Including Classics, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Art, and More! #bookshelftour

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hello everybody and welcome to the voyages and time channel or conquering history games if you are coming from my gaming channel i hope you guys can hear me because um i'm uh talking from behind a uh some cloth covering my face uh but uh today i'm gonna be doing something that i've talked about on my gaming channel uh doing for a while that being um a bookshelf tour so uh this is where i keep most of my books uh which is what i'm showing right now right here this is not all the books i'm also gonna show you guys some stuff uh that are in two other rooms um but i thought i'd give you like a wide shot of it before we go in and uh start breaking things down by shelf and section i'll try to remember the time stamp because uh i anticipate this video might be fairly long now i'm not going to talk about every single book on my shelf i will like you know to point them out and uh i would really really love in the comments if you guys would tell me um which books you would like me to do an individual video on because i think that could be a fun series to do um and uh yeah without any further ado let's hop into it and if you enjoyed this video please help me get towards uh where i can monetize the channel so i'll have actually mostly i want it because i want access to the community posts um so we gotta get to those 1000 subscribers um so anyway it's gonna be a cut okay so here we are on the top shelf of the um uh right of the two main bookshelves that you saw by the way if anybody wants to know what bookshelves those are these are i actually got these shelves and there's two others i have but that they're too big to uh fit in my apartment so i keep them actually at my parents uh and i got them for 30 bucks when a video rental place was going out of business so um these books originally were basically meant to house dvds and vhs's and stuff like that uh and also if there's any cuts it's because i had to go drink water because i'm just completely covered head to toe because i'm afraid of reflection showing them who i am and i do enjoy my anonymity anyway uh french revolution section here so we've got uh the coming of the french revolution by george le fabre uh which is uh now the french revolution is of course a really controversial uh subject you're going to be seeing a lot of different books over the course of uh this tour you're gonna go like wait some of this stuff contradicts the other stuff like you know i i i consider it you know i'm studying history here i gotta look at the different points of view um so uh yeah you gotta look at different people's opinions uh so that's why you're gonna probably see some contradictory stuff over the course of this now i i bring this up with le fabric because le fempre is known as a leftist but his coming of the french revolution also known as um 1989 excuse me 1789 is very well organized and praised kind of universally so i suggest at least seeing that one i was also able to get my hands on a set of his two books on the french revolution and his two books on the napoleonic era or maybe this is all the french revolution huh interesting question uh i actually have dust jackets for three of these and they are nice but i don't have one for the last one here of napoleon so i just took them all off because it was bothering me that one didn't have the dust jacket so i'm keeping an eye out for if i can find that one somewhere okay and now up here we've just got like kind of a timeline of european history in the first half of the 19th century uh like you know with some commentary this is the french revolution for beginners this is like a series of books that are actually pretty interesting and go into a lot of detail considering they're supposed to be for beginners we've got uh edmonds burke's reflections on the revolution in france oxford history of the french revolution by the way one of the things i love that'll almost always get me to one of the reasons i get so many french revolutionary books is i love to see when different writers um or print publishers and whatnot uh determine when the french revolution ends so for example the february here you know he he's stopping at 1799. but like the the french i think the oxford history stops at 1802 where's that a different book but yeah yeah so like some different people have different interpretations of when the french revolution ends and i find that really interesting to see those arguments so uh okay anyway this is a ropes pierre reader it's a lot of his speeches and it has a intro by the the epic meme philosopher zizik uh there is michelette's history of the french revolution he's a fairly famous uh french historian we got the 12 who ruled which is about the committee of public safety then there's the uh biography of the uh uh the dubious uh infamous telerond uh there then we got the first of what we're gonna see is several bedford series readers here so these are basically a book series where um an author who's an expert in the subject will write an introduction explaining a subject and then follow it up with uh several primary sources on the era or the event or the person or whatever and to provide commentary on those primary sources they're really good bang for your buck in my experience in terms of learning about an era so we have the french revolution in human rights here by lynn hunt who we're going to see again later then next to it we've got uh oh oh goodness okay hold on okay we're back so this is a series on uh slave revolution in the caribbean this is of course the haitian revolution this is unfortunately the only book i have directly on the haitian revolution but black spartacus is supposed to be getting a reprint so uh hopefully that's gonna drive down some prices and you know trickle down to the thrift stores i can grab one uh that also leads into another bedford series the one on napoleon symbol of an age um okay we've got uh this is the screenplay for or i guess not really screenplay it was a play first but uh yeah this is the script for marat sod which is a really interesting um playset during the french revolution or i should say after it maybe um the end of the beginning this is about the 1968 stuff that was going on in france it's also a very strangely written book uh next up is the invention of human rights that's by lynn hunt as well and then the burden of responsibility this is like a french history thing it's kind of complicated i don't want to go into it but i just have it here because it's next to the french stuff okay so then we go into the space age with man on the moon and space race which are about uh the apollo programs and a space race specifically focuses a lot on the soviet side well not a lot on the soviet side but it kind of compares the two sides man on the moon is really interesting because it's very personal to the astronauts i think every single astronaut who went to space got interviewed for this i think wait i think maybe one didn't um uh you know who was who was living at the time that uh this this book was being worked on and then we've got um the future of humanity which is um by kaku who if i show you his face you're gonna recognize him there he is yeah he does a lot of tv shows and stuff uh okay so that's the end of the spin and yeah so this is just about like it says the future of humanity how like we're gonna one day um be turned into lasers and shoot around in space and stuff it's gonna be interesting stuff okay so now we go into the spain section uh now a lot of the organization of my shelves you gotta understand is determined by um book height so that's why things are not always necessarily in chronological order okay spain time cameras cooperating so i have a lot of stuff here on spain and the spanish civil war um but not not nate paul preston i'm probably gonna get some next month though when i do a big spending spree on books before the end of the year so uh we've got here homage to catalonia which is a classic it's by george orwell i'm sure you all know it's about his experience in the spanish civil war we've got a concise history of spain ornament of the world which is um kind of about andalusia and kind of the peak of um islamic spanish culture um during the the medieval age uh and how it rose and fell and stuff like that really interesting book uh lieutenant nun is a memoir of a spanish woman who uh dressed up as a man and went to the new world extremely interesting concise history or like this this is one of those like oxford or excuse me i'm trying to get in there yeah so this is part of a series of these like a little oxford um books where they uh they try to give a little introduction to the subject it's actually really in depth though for how small it is so like for comparison right next to it we've got this book by adam hawk's child which um is uh about the smash civil war as you can see it's not only taller it's much thicker and this is definitely the better book of the two although this one has some interesting stuff about america well like kind of the premise of it is that it's following the uh americans who went to go fight in the uh spanish civil war and telling their story um then we've got john g giles um truman's here uh trent tremen i'm not i'm not actually sure how pronounced his name but his uh his ghosts of spain is kind of the post franco era uh he lives there and it's him writing about it and we're gonna see him again later on okay continuing we're now on the second bookshelf uh some of the spain stuff um gosh my glasses are getting all fogged up um we've got history of medieval spain uh what it says on the tin medieval liberia this is a primary source reader second edition um so this covers essentially the build up uh the period during and what leads to the end of uh um the the uh the islamic invasion of spain uh and sort of just the interactions between them the christians and the jews uh over the course of medieval liberia because that relationship between those three religions is what defines it panless maiden is about the experiences of uh muslims who converted this is just a little marker i have here to remind me because i lost it to uh at some point pick up another copy of el cid specifically the bilingual edition um because yeah the famous poem then we go okay so now we're in medieval stuff here so we've got another primary source reader of um uh yeah a medieval russia source book there's the medieval crown of aragon oxford history of medieval europe which is great for when you have insomnia tucked in here in the medieval section we've got the prince and selected discourses from machiavelli switzerland by siegfried this co uh this is a book that actually used to be owned by uh a professor of mine he's got he's signed the inside of it which is pretty cool uh not that like i asked for his autograph but when i found it uh because because the uh the university was doing a sale of books from its library i opened it up and his signature and the date was on uh on the day he signed it was uh on the inside so that was really cool so this is pretty special to me i got a couple other books from him as well all right this unlabeled book so now we transition from kind of spain the medieval age into uh latin america as spain begins to explore so this unlabeled one is uh uh bernal's history of the conquest of mexico uh and then right next to it is broken spears which is so this is the spanish side of the conquest of mexico broken spears is the aztec side of it history of mexico what it says on the tin columbian exchange this was a game changer in uh the the in the historiography of latin america which is about this is just basically how the old the new worlds interacted how that changed things and that kind of launches an entire sub genre of history which is called environmental history uh which i got a couple of different books on as you'll see this is uh the biography i've actually had this professor before like i took a class with him but this is uh by dr garcia uh dr garcia bryce and it's it's really wedged in there um this is aya de la torre in the pursuit of power in 20th century peru in latin america uh so it's a biography really interesting uh figure who's not really as well known as some other latin american uh politicians of the 20th century nicaragua revolution to democracy this is from when i was studying uh the san denis to transition into power uh then there's an environmental history of latin america and then right here we have okay so i think i said this did i say this before but i have not read every single book on my shelves i think you never should have read all the books on your shelves you always got to have something else there because i think if you read every book you have then you think you know everything and you stop reading uh so sometimes what will often happen is if i see a book and it um is on sale i've heard a lot of interesting things about it even if i know i'm not gonna get around to it anytime soon i'll pick it up and uh so open veins of latin america i've heard is like really really controversial um in its depictions of uh like explaining the the the how um the colonialization of latin america and its after effects and and the um i guess you could say the oppression of insta of the latin americans by colonial powers and how they've been used but it's also been called the idiots bible and uh and i think even the the the author himself who was not a historian i think he was like a journalist or something he himself disavowed it but yeah i've just heard a lot of says like god it's so controversial what's the deal and so like you know what i saw it and and usually i haven't usually kind of see it kind of pricey but i saw it cheap and i thought i'm gonna pick that up and read it one day so there it is haven't read it yet though okay defending the land of the jaguar another environmental history physically focus on mexico uh democratic brazil revisited is about democratic brazil uh operation massacre uh by radufo walsh this is kind of like again where something is like oh is this really a history book should this be in here but i put it there okay then over here uh we kind of had a section that i sort of squeezed in here because these books at the end were so big this was the only shelf i could put them on but we've got wedge woos wedgwoods richelieu and the french monarchy which has a pretty fun cover uh because richelieu was once um called a spider uh so you know if you know the three musketeers this is their enemy that's who he is peasant uprisings by moussin air these are about pheasant uprisings that happen in the 16th and 17th centuries uh and then this leads into a few i got these all separately um at different times but it's like these norton books which are kind of just general overviews of parts of your european history so like you know modern europe 18th century europe revolution so like first half of the 19th century and then nationalism and reform in the second half 19th century europe is like my favorite well 19th century really globally is my favorite area of history to study so this is another one that i love to grab with them more of them whenever i can uh michael reports 19th century europe from the paul graves series then we got a series of uh bedford books bedford series books which were related to the 19th century or close to it so enlightenment european romanticism france and the dreyfus affair that's a really this is a really really good one um great sources great analysis excellent like so these bedford series they're very thin but they squeeze so much in there um charles darwin and the question of evolution and an actual copy of origin of the species here then we get hawks child again this is the one that sort of put them on the map uh king leopold's ghosts i have much higher opinion of this one compared to uh spain in our hearts uh the king leopold's ghost this is sort of what mainstreamed the genocide in the congo in uh kind of like public consciousness then we've got orlando figs uh crimean war i got some funny stories about this book and when i was reading it so if like this would maybe be a good candidate for a book if you guys want me to talk about it in more detail there's the one okay now let's come on home to the united states of america so um all right now i have like some good general history books of the united states i'm going to show them later uh but okay starting from the left here we've got don't know much about history by kenneth davis i think i had used to have a copy of this i picked up when i was maybe it was like middle school it was it used to be like this thing where the local libraries would do a book fair once a year and you could just get dirt cheap books and i saw this book and it's like kind of segmented into like really small sections to read and it's kind of fun so i just completely wore my copy out this is actually a relatively new one that got updated because obama's there and that used to be a picture of uh it was a picture of lincoln but like my old version was just disintegrating so i picked this up then we've got uh so yeah it's a good like like once you kind of learn about history in school then you read this to get the dirty fun stuff then we've got a people's history of the united states by howard zinn this is a game changer uh whether you like it or not um in uh in the history like the historiography of how american history was taught um so yeah i i got my own copy here then we've got hw brands really popular uh well popular historian uh his this is his uh the first american his biography of benjamin franklin uh and over here i've got the declaration of independence and the constitution if you don't have a copy and you live in the united states just get one online for free there for there's so many colleges and organizations that give them away like what's this one from yeah this one's from hillsdale um well like i think like the aclu does it southern methodist university does it just look up free constitution or something and like they'll they'll mail you it for free you just gotta give me your address because you know they need that to mail it to you so get one if you don't have it it's super simple easy to replace federalist papers of course by hamilton madison and jay kind of only technically by jay uh founding brothers by joseph ellis i don't have it but i've heard that this guy's got a really good book on jefferson it's called american sphinx i want to check that out sometime because i don't i've i have trouble finding good jefferson biographies so anyway founding brothers is about um the relationships the founding fathers had to one another uh democracy in america classic text tocqueville is a frenchman who comes over and he uh he sees america and he writes about it a couple bedford books here cherokee removal um and then the us war with mexico this book is why i don't say a mexican-american war or mexican war or the mexico invasion i say the us war with mexico this i think was the first bedford book i ever read and it's still probably the best um by ernesto chavez another professor i've been fortunate enough to have a class under but i had high praise for it even before that it's incredible if you get one this is the one um okay so we got a wicked war speaking of one it's the one james mcpherson says it at the cover and it's true this book by amy greenberg this is the one book on uh the us worth mexico to pick up if you're gonna get one but i actually wrote a whole like complicated paper that i presented at a conference once about um the u.s war with mexico so i have a lot of books from that it's like u.s mexican wars by national reader uh mr polk's army study uh by um what's his name bruce winters yeah richard winder yeah richard bruce winters excuse me which is about the army that invaded sam patricio's in the united states this is about the battalion that defected to the mexican side um this is actually a dissertation so you can't buy this book um don't ask how i got my hands on this all right mexican americans in texas history i kind of thought this fit so i just put it there all right then we've got a couple of slave ones uh slave narratives the kind of two big ones harriet jacobs incidents in the life of strave girl and uh narrative of the life of frederick douglass apparently there's some additions that have these two together so that's cool but i'm fine with the ones i have here because the uh the narrative also has a couple of other writings from douglas then there's marie so yeah now we're kind of like in the slave section here so this is by gustav de beaumont who actually came to america with de tocqueville he's much less well known but he wrote this novel called marie and it's him you know basically saying the united states is great except for that whole slavery thing which ruins it and so this is a very interesting book uh now we go into the civil war era uh this is the one that i kind of initially single volume when i was younger we learned the civil war from the bruce canton one uh i never i didn't have the triple volumes but this was like a single volume version of it he had and then there's another kenneth davis don't know much about civil war it's definitely not as good as this one and my personal opinion i think you wrote this one first it's fine it's um it's not horrible but this is much better um okay now we go into the winton wisdom of abraham lincoln it's just a quote book there's fiery trial by eric foner this is the one he won i think this is the one he won the pulitzer prize for which specifically focuses on the uh relationship between abraham lincoln and slavery then we got another bedford uh book abraham lincoln slavery in the civil war so this is specifically focusing on his slavery writings i've got a lot more lincoln stuff somewhere else which i'll show you though and i'm going to talk about linking a lot before the end of this video which i'm sure is going to be longest help all right public art of civil war commemoration which is uh been a pretty hot topic last few years and the cause of liberty this is a series of um essays uh by various um well-respected scholars of the civil war so of course like james mcpherson but also david blight and stuff juneteenth this is actually like a kids book um but it's kind of funny because i went through the texas public school system growing up and we always knew about juneteenth because it's a texas holiday and it's kind of really coming to the foreground nationally and and it became a federal holiday uh this year although i didn't get federal holiday pay that day but that's a whole other thing anyway so uh it's kind of funny how like that's now a national thing when it started in texas you know that's just the united states for you they want to take everything from us texans we have another hw brands here one this is a non-biography one he did where he's covering second half of the 20th century uh basically yeah the gilded age uh and it's an extremely clean copy i like the weight of it um and and it's it's held up really well there's just kind of that in the corner uh but it's good good solid paperback i love it all right here we have lichtenberg's here franklin roosevelt the new deal you may know this guy from uh being in the ken burns documentary on the roosevelts talks about where he was when franklin died uh so then we have here sons and soldiers by bruce henderson so this is a book i got by accident because i thought i was ordering something else entirely i was trying to find this book on um jews that fled germany and joined the us army and then came back and it was like their personal accounts this is actually just a biography it's not a so i guess it's not like primary sources these are it's a it's a convention and explanation of it pretty interesting though it was kind of like oh okay not exactly what i was looking for but that's interesting uh iwo jima by richard newcombe right next to with the old breed by eugene b sledge which is of course famous harrowing account of the pacific war um right here we have monuments men here's where i'm a basic but i'm sorry this is the only one they had in the thrift store was uh the one with the movie poster and everybody knows anybody who reads a book with a movie poster on it is a basic pitch so i guess i'm a basic and i'm now demonetized for all that cursing another bedford series lyndon johnson and american liberalism because i don't have any johnson biographies right now um the couple i want to get i'm probably going to get next next month actually and then presidential campaigns this covers all of american history up until the 2000s election uh just kind of a fun book it's like a reference book more than anything but it's a fun book with lots and lots of presidential antidotes um so it's fun to just flip through for light reading okay let's come on down to uh probably my personally most important section of the bookshelf uh this is like philosophy like meta historiography and philosophy um so so these are books that are these are not for casual reading these are for people studying to be a historian i would mostly say like if there's no good reason for you to read these books if you're not saying to be historians like this like this one actually i haven't even read yet i picked this up recently in a thrift store uh it's a philosophy of history i forget who it's even by but i love to pick them up whenever i see them the logic of violence and civil war this is unbelievably definitive um but like let's actually talk about these this chunk here right here this is the stuff right this is where well like probably not the communist manifesto because there's a there's so many of those you know i could get that anywhere but with this chunk here if my apartment was on fire this is what i'm running in to save besides my cat because they're dense and important and also i've annotated them and i don't want to go through and do it again but these are all philosophies of history mostly kind of germanic based german idealistic based but we've got hairdare who was a um apprentice of kant uh and then we go into the hegel introduction to the philosophy of history which is incredibly important kant actually con should be earlier yeah let me switch that kant should be here because he's first um kant's history uh hegel's phenomenology of the spirit look love him or hegel love him or hate him if you want to seriously seriously get into the meta of history um you gotta at least know hegel's ideas uh it's like freud in psychology you gotta know who he is if you wanna hate him right so uh then communist manifesto because he was a like a left hegelian a radical left hegelian so that kind of fits in there and also you know you can't study 19th century europe or indeed kind of the history of the world since then without at least reading the economy's manifesto it's this then people you know you can read it in an hour i've got audio readings of it online look them up uh you can hear me read them for you we've got niches on the advantage and disadvantage of history for life where he uh philosophizes on hegel's thoughts with a hammer and then an ethics of remembering which i hope gets reprinted one day it's an absolutely incredible book i've never read anything else like it uh so yeah ethics of remembering history heterology and the nameless others this is an incredibly dense book it took me like it took me a month to read it um and i was annotating and cross-referencing the whole way it's uh i i i really did a number here or we know there's some blank slates yeah you can see this is what your average page looks like uh in there that's the one book i'd say from a fire because it's a lot to go through i don't have philosophy of nishi here he probably shouldn't be this is just kind of not all his works but most of them this probably should just be in its own philosophy section then we've got rethinking history with jenkins other really important texts actually this should also be earlier um okay site j winters sites of memory sites of mourning great war and european cultural history so this is kind of like historical memory how do we remember this stuff hannah are dense uh really influential origins of totalitarianism in defense of lost causes uh i picked this up when i saw it once in a i do a lot of thrift store shopping but i picked this up and um then i started to read it and i went oh this ain't memory this is pretty serious so i'm gonna need to dedicate some time to it when i really want to read it so i haven't gone through that yet war this is part of an oxford series will like look at a concept and there's a lot of primary sources so this is like war through the ages but not war through the ages which i'll talk about later lawn society by barkin uh introduction but it's very good another copy of the prince uh two treaties of government by john locke clash what's on war uh they say i say this is just kind of like uh how to write academically more meta history we've got collingsworth the idea of history edward h cars what is history this is extremely good uh who owns history by eric foner admittedly i've not read this one yet a short guide to writing history research favors and political science okay then we've got meta commentary on democracy and democratization the participatory museum like how do you make museums exhibit labels like how do you how do you write an exhibit label so like a lay per like if you're interested in museums you don't read this this is for if you want to go into working at a museum you know what i'm saying okay this is like an interesting thing because i've actually studied uh film a fair amount as well especially in the context of historical stuff so like we've got classics on screen uh this is a i think this is the essay collection um but yeah it's just like depictions of ancient rome and greece on film big screen realm by monica serrano sereno this is like the woman when it comes to the the the intersection of film television and uh ancient history rome which is a series of essays there she is again they are monica um which covers the first season of rome there's a season two book but it's extremely expensive like i've never seen it for less than 80 bucks so this version was cheap the season one was extremely cheap though so i've got that shots in the mirror this is actually about uh how how like depictions of crime and film and um it's like art imitating life life imitating art uh in in culture and stuff this is a very interesting stuff if you're like a film a big film dude especially if you like gangster crime film stuff like that i'd recommend this and i got wild rants story of philosophy which is kind of holding this section up okay moving down here speaking of the ancients we come into some of the oldest books i have the histories my herodotus gotta have it and then thucydides this is pretty interesting this is the landmark the city so like these two i got in high school this one i got more recently which has like maps and there's a lot of uh commentary in the margins it's like this is basically the the the the talmud if it was thy cities so really cool stuff there um so yeah going more into the ancient greece and rome we've got the iliad this is the lattimore translation i can never decide if i like lattimore or eagles more as translators um i need to figure that out when i get some euripides all right so we've got hissyoid and theogonists plutarchs on sparta which also has uh more stuff besides plutarch in there so for example xenophones spartan society writings are in there which is pretty cool i recommend reading xenophone stuff you can look it up online it's uh it'll take like five minutes to read but it's like it's just basically saying this is what the law is inspired very interesting then we've got the greek dramatist we've got uh i'm never entirely sure how to pronounce these names there's a shelius uh we got the oristia sorta trilogy about agamemnon and his family then we've got uh sophocles this is the uh this is yeah the the three thieving plays but not the seven against thieves funnily enough these are the famous ones love these covers by the way these are some of my favorite penguin classic colors they're simple but extremely effective this is just another copy of that i probably should just get rid of this um what's this doing over here oh yeah we just have some more icidies this is kind of like a um like a specified reader speaking of xenophon earlier the march of country the anabasis uh inspiration for the book and movie the warriors with the new york uh gangs really cool uh plato's symposium we've got epictetus as the handbook uh symposium and phaedras here so you see like a lot of these play-doh things i get them for like 50 cents two dollars most at thrift stores and stuff but i need to find a translation i like and get like a complete works or something one day i just got to clean up this shelf so many of these books are really old and i keep referencing them but i just want to clean it up you know like uh you know put down some money and just you know get a nice version we've got some dialogues with plato there that they are listed most of this is the republic last days of socrates uh that's a penguin classic version we've got the pocket aristotle um again you know i need a i need to get like some cleaned up versions of this you'll notice i have no euripides eurifides i need to decide on a translator and what additions that i want to get like do i want to get the oxford classic so i want to look you know what i want to do i'll figure it out um so you know i hope to do this uh book tour thing is like an evolving series uh over the years i'm going to do this once a year and you guys can watch my bookshelf evolve okay storm storm before the storm uh which is by mike duncan mike duncan has this habit of writing books that i wanted to write but he doesn't first and that's fine because he's the god of history podcasts he's like he single-handedly legitimizes the genre uh so this covers like marius and solo and stuff and i remember when i was younger i wanted to write a book about them uh you know kind of in modern you know form and he listened to it so good for him blue tarq's uh follow the roman republic i need to get a copy of plutarch's lives uh we got a bedford series book here on spartacus and the slave wars i got two copies of um julius caesar's commentaries his uh well his uh you know his his conquest of gaul and i really love with these classics whenever they get a good cover picture because it could say so much so for example this version of the oxford world classic version is it's obviously caesar's conqueror um you know it's emphasizing this is this is this is the badass story of how he took over modern-day france but then like the the barnes and wait is this the barnes and nobles yeah this is the barnes and nobles edition you've got the uh statue of the dying um gall um so you know obviously these are both these are both um invoking something different uh and i think that's really awesome okay uh all right swetoniuses the 12 caesars don't worry tacitus is going to show up later this is not a classic book but it kind of goes in this section anyway this is martin goodsman's roman jerusalem where he just talks about you know their clash culturally and militarily edward gibbons decline and fall of the roman empire this is the bar this is the uh the modern library classics version which has the intro by uh borstein this is another one i've had since high school and then this is just kind of a really interesting book um yeah by nigel rogers roman empire kind of goes into the uh a lot of stuff about the roman empire it's not just the conquest it goes into the architecture it goes into the society uh and stuff like that it's just it's just a good general thing a lot of great pictures too which i appreciate okay asia time uh here i don't have them all because i think they're six but i have most of the harvard classics uh the harvard series on imperial china so like the first three are by mark lewis so it's like qing and han china between empires when it's split the tang dynasty the song dynasty you don't really hear much about and then the yuan and ming dynasties and they all have these uh really nice uh covers as well which is uh pretty cool um rebels of the heavenly kingdom this is not a history book it's a novel but i like found this in an attic somewhere and um it's it's yeah it's just about the uh the the freaking boxer rebellion and it's uh yeah just about this guy who goes on adventure and he falls in love with the first woman he sees who doesn't have bound feet and uh yeah just a cool little thing so i keep it there next to the trans transitioning us out of imperial china this is another book actually this shouldn't even be here but oh it's because yeah actually funny story with this yeah so the woman warrior this is like a pseudo memoir and it's it's it's chinese thing i'll have to do a video of its own about that if you guys want to explain it but like it's asian related that's why it's here we've got uh iris chang's reef of ning king and uh the convert women so these are of course the japanese atrocities during world war ii uh another bedford book mao zedong and china's revolutions don't really have any other maoist of related or communist china related stuff um oh i didn't take the sticker off drift books love them love them love them love them uh bright shining lie neil shannon's award-winning uh thing about vietnam another guy who was interviewed in kensburg speaking of which the things they carried absolute classic by tim o'brien about uh serving in vietnam my lie which is about the uh the massacre another bedford book then we've got bao nin this is not really as well known i think this is his novel so it's this is essentially a north vietnamese perspective on um the vietnam war uh because he served and uh yeah classic then we've got a chunk of books here these are all cambodia related this is well this is like the the the ancient not ancient but you know the camera civilization then we go into cambodia 75 to 82 and then uh voices from s21 by david chandler no not that david chandler different david chandler okay then we go into afghanistan we've got this one by david izbe which was done in the middle of the u.s um do we want to call it an invasion do we want to call it an occupation i don't know it's a little dicey right now let's skip that uh and we've got stephen tanner's military history of afghanistan which he published in 2002 after the united states had uh defeated uh afghan you know had you know entered the country this is really damn good concise but but detailed and um good analysis i recommend it uh this is just a fun little history of the world thing to kind of mark the end of the uh asian section this is by a guy called gombrick i like it because he wrote it like his grandkids were gonna read it so it's almost like a children's book but not really um i don't know he has a really good voice does that make sense like i'd love to hear an audio book of this with him reading it like you know your grandpa telling you cool stories before you go to sleep or something okay now we go into europe with an emphasis on germany origins of modern europe so this is the 16 1700s war in european history that's again kind of a meta one um well not meta but you know okay all quiet on the western front by remark uh obviously a classic i don't have to talk about it but then we've got not so quiet by helen zenna smith which is not her real name but this is like this is all's quiet on the western front but instead of a the story of a german infantryman it's the story of a uh a british female ambulance driver um and it's really i i definitely recommend it like if you read all's quiet not so quiet was essentially written deliberately as like a british tribute to remarks work uh by another veteran like because that's what she was really good book germany tried democracy which basically covers the weimar republic mostly uh then we go into world war ii ordinary men um this is like i think mandatory reading it should be uh whenever you're studying the holocaust or just in general the atrocities uh committed during world war ii in europe it's an amazing book uh then we've got mein kampf um i accidentally stole this i swear it was an accident yeah but yeah i have my comp by hitler uh much much more boring than you would think uh and then i've got ian kershaw's single volume version of the biography um because uh yeah and he explains in the intro why it's kind of okay to read this version uh you know if i ever want to get the two volume version um i will but probably only if i'm gonna do like you know write a book that needs it or something like is a major source uh but yeah there's there's the man himself up video's demonetized okay hitler's in the shot okay let's move on down here so you kind of might notice as we go further down we're getting on the bottom shelf things are getting less organized because it's like less it's not at eye level and it's just stuff i don't really know what to do with uh we have jeffrey of monmouth's history of the kings of britain i have not read this uh i want to when i'm done reading the uh the fate visual novel which i'm like halfway through i really want to get into arthurian literature and i just saw this and i know that this is supposed to be like one of the starting points so i picked that up haven't read it yet though uh we got the sheamus uh heaney version of beowulf the really famous one i want to get the tolkien translation at some point though and then grendel uh grendel's here even though grendel's a book it's not like a classic i guess it is a classic now but you know it and beowulf of course they're related so put them next to each other this was a set i think i got this for like five bucks a long time ago i don't even think you can read it it's so faded and old but this is the history of the english speaking people by winston churchill so it's uh yeah i don't i don't think it's coming up on the camera really but you've got birth of britain the new world the age of revolution and the great democracies um over here as you can see we're like in english british history we've got another bedford book english east india company at the height of the mughal expansion uh this mostly covers a war between the british and the mughals pretty interesting stuff a couple pelican histories of england here i've got the uh yeah 17th century and 18th century uh and then we go into the 19th century here late 19th century crisis of imperialism so kind of late victorian into the edwardian age this is like a general history thing that i just lifted here why do i not have this sticker off god i've had this book for years and years but anyway into the european era actually this should be later this is the 20th century yeah okay then we got another one of those oxford readers like the war one earlier this one focuses on the british empire and then right next to it is another one yeah these books are on this specific shelf because um they they're um they don't fit on any of the other shelves as you can see they're squeezed in there almost the millimeter so then we have a section here which is kind of just haphazard stuff that's all the same size so i fit it here um it's like 100 decisive battles in history another oxford one apollo's angels this is the history of ballet super what a unique idea you know like let's do a history of ballet i loved it it was it's i haven't read it all i mostly was using it for reference for something but it's a pretty cool book um natasha's dance and other orlando figs not the last time we're seeing him this is his cultural history of russia upton sinclair yes that upton sinclair this is his cry for justice which um sounds you know like socialist leftist stuff and he was a leftist but uh there's a lot of it's basically a listing of primary sources that are divided by theme um and there's all sorts of people in here like bismarcks in here plato's in here they're they're it's it's a really interesting uh bit of literature okay we got christopher clark's uh iron kingdom i think this is his most famous book which is the history of prussia terrific cover too just just just uh good use of the space rising downfall prussia oh come on get in there yeah uh salvage pages these are diaries of children uh during the holocaust because as you can see this is just all over the place they're just all here because they all fit here and then john meacham's biography on um uh the first bush president and it's uh it's kind of like an interesting like the material the outside is made of is very different i guess you can't really feel it through the screen but uh just wanted to put that out okay and then down here at the bottom we got stuff that i really just don't even know what to do with but there is some interesting stuff here's a book on lennon 10 days that shook the world by john reed john reed i only know him with jack i guess it's because we're friends uh yeah and then these are like a couple of like essay collections they're just like these silly little you did what you know mad plans like these are just silly things that happen in history that went wrong uh same thing with it seemed like a good idea just uh these are just essays on yeah silly things that went wrong uh edited by bill fawcett a little book here on the easter uprising uh rio grande review doesn't matter what that is professor in the madman by simon winchester we've got some these are like the only mangas i have and these aren't even mine i borrowed them but it's planetes this is the copy of anna karenina that i read in high school i have a better version now when it's not falling apart that's by the same translator i'm rereading it right now i guess i'm just holding on to this at a sentimental value until i'm done though then i'll throw it away because yeah like this is it is completely falling apart that's why the rubber bands are there rise and fall of great powers this is a pretty big deal back when it came out by paul kennedy sorry i think we cut out there for a second um okay so we got a little miniature puerto rican section here that just sort of happened uh puerto rican pioneers and jazz i like jazz i get more into it as i get older and uh i got given this as a gift a lot of these books are gifts i probably should point out when there but lots and lots of these books are gifts yeah somebody gave me this as a gift after i did ken burns jazz because like yeah the puerto ricans they were there too uh the jazz version of uh ken burns is criticized a lot i've noticed um for various reasons which i'll talk about some other video maybe one day um but i had no idea when i first watched it how criticized it is it seems to be like his most maligned work got a socio-historical interpretation of puerto rico this is just like some little books about puerto rico somebody gave me uh another yeah actually no i think about it i think these were all given to me uh yeah this is like just a cute little kids book who was roberto clemente he's a baseball player i need to get that ty cobb my own copy of that ty cobb biography i like reading about baseball kind of more than i like watching it actually how the irish saved civilization um by thomas cahill kind of famous book two copies the epic of gilgamesh we've got an old penguin classics version here and then the more modern one that was translated by steven mitchell uh and with that we're finally done with shelf one okay so now we are on um the middle of shelf two because we're keeping it history related uh basically this is my david mcculloch um collection because uh i'm going to break his records he's got two pulitzers two national book awards what i call that is rookie numbers check back in 50 years all right so he's great i have john adams here on the side with the television version but i'm actually okay with that because i love that show uh it's amazing watch at least one episode every year uh for the fourth of july um so the ones that i have i don't have all of them but i got jonestown brave companions which is an essay um just a bunch of essays put together the great bridge mornings on horseback which is about uh theodore truman's about truman oh yeah great bridges about brooklyn bridge by the way 1776 which i was flipping through again recently because a friend of mine i guess is gonna start reading it then we go into the doris kearns goodwin section so this is this shelf is kind of like my i guess you could say hall of fame historians maybe or uh but like there's some who are a lot of who aren't on here we'll talk about it later we've got doris kearns good wins uh no ordinary time which is about franklin and eleanor roosevelt that's a pulitzer winner uh the bully pulpit which is about teddy and taft and journalism now this is fun i've got here um leadership in turbulent times this actually i got this in a thrift store this is uh an advanced copy uh you know the advanced readers edition there so uh that's kind of cool um borstein we brought up earlier i've got his trilogy creators discover seekers and also cleopatra's nose uh these are really they're they're different but they're interesting i especially recommend the discoverers then we got barbara tuckman he's kind of fallen out of favor i've got the guns of august from her um a friend of mine you know the dog ate my homework friend of mine's dog literally ate this uh so that's what happened there but i haven't thrown it away because i annotated it so it's like okay it's just got character now got her practicing history and notes from china then the incredible incredible uh three volume set of the history of uh or like the biography of um theodore roosevelt by edmund morris i love how these books feel by the way they've got a nice weight the papers are like i don't know how to describe it they're thin but they're strong they're just amazingly made i love them and that's why i don't mind not having them in um hardcover we got some john julius norwich here who i really like how he writes history of venice he's a very friendly writer does that make sense uh and i've got one half of his history of the normans in sicily i lost the other one and then i got some other space here which i haven't filled yet i thought i have some hardcovers from a lot of these authors and i thought about stacking them there but i think it would just be a little bit a little bit too much uh it doesn't i didn't like the look of it so they're elsewhere as we will see okay uh that does it with the history sections uh for these bookshelves we're gonna come back to some more history books later but now let's take a look at sci-fi fantasy and fiction okay we're now in the top left um this is going to go faster these are all my paperbacks except this is actually a hardcover of the wheel of time series the only one i don't have is the final one memory of light because i have a hard cover of that which i'll show later but because the ending these last couple of ones were co-written with sanderson this transitions into the brandon sanderson section i've actually not read these five funnily enough but i picked them up cheap because i'm like getting into the cosmere i'm gonna read war breaker soon once i'm done with something else well we've got elantris warbreaker and the mistborn trilogy these are all cheap as hell so that's why i didn't mind buying them and like yeah i'm sure it's good brandon sanderson this is actually i used to have a really really beaten up copy of way of kings and paperback but then i'm actually friends with the world's handsomest man and he uh if you're watching this hey handsome man uh yeah and he gifted me a new copy of that and then this is my edition of words of radiance which as you can see has been to absolute hell uh i got this like for 50 cents and on a library bookshelf or something arcadium unbound which is like a short story thing then over here uh we got a trilogy of fantasy books i never see people talk about the bartenders trilogy this is like a genie it's point of view mostly in a fantasy world it's not the best fantasy but it's interesting uh i've got here a copy of dragon republic i'm reading poppy war now and i'm almost done with it i already really really like it so i've already got the sequel on standby but poppy war is not here because i'm reading it and then cloud atlas by david mitchell i don't have any of his other stuff i hear his other stuff is also very very good but this is what i've got okay okay now coming on down we come to the pride of my sci-fi collection my robert heinlein books i want to eventually have every single book and this is never going to look clean because too many companies have too many different ones of his book uh but with the far one here this is a copy of time enough for love i've had since high school got passed around with my friends this was the only possession i took with me when i joined the military and i thought it was gonna get thrown away but it managed to get through it uh it's just so beating up it looks like i've been scrubbing floors with it or something but it's too sentimental to me so i hold on to that copy uh but yeah i'm just gonna read them off um and by the way would you guys like to make a video on uh the order to read hot robert heinlein in because he's he he can there's a correct way i think to get into heinlein you gotta be careful about it though so over here are like his shorter juvenile books mostly has face it would travel put a king of mars the unpleasant profession of jonathan hogue and then six uh xh which is the same thing basically assignment in eternity waldo and magic inc tomorrow the stars for us the living this was a post-sumptuous thing performance freehold we've got glory road this is kind of a novel this is not a horrible starting point by the way but this is very very good check this out come on are you interested already they're fighting a dino um tunnel in the sky uh friday beyond the horizon rocket ship galileo pass through tomorrow is a series of stories so expanded universe the man who sold the moon the rolling stone starving jones sixth column between planets the puppet masters star beast starship troopers which is the famous one this is actually the second copy i've ever had because the first one got worn out uh stranger in a strange land this is another one that like you know my friends read in high school and just got passed around and it's like completely gone to hell but i hold on to it for sentimental value orphans of the sky which leads into revolt 2100 and methuselah's children except you could read this before this actually but i'm gonna make that highland book you know i'm gonna make that highland book reading order video whether anybody asks for it or not the the public needs to know here's my nice copy now of time enough for love which i read from now when i want to read it this is actually my favorite ever sci-fi book dune is great but this is just period the best one ever in my opinion it's my personal favorite i'll fear no evil which coincidentally is the worst heinlein book in my opinion but there was mitigating reasons for it okay joe connor video of justice and then the big three that he ended his career on number of the beast the cat that walks through walls into sale beyond the sunset then we've got george martin's a song of ice and fire i have dance of dragons but it's like a bigger paperback version so it doesn't fit it's at my parents house isaac as i'm off the classic foundation trilogy uh and then also foundation and earth foundation's edge and there's nemesis um then we come back to highland these are over here just because it looks nicer so i don't break up the flow of the paperbacks we have is the moon is a harsh mitrus mistress which is the last one he won a hugo award for stranger and strangely original uncut this is the version i read from and uh i have the second part of his biography which i haven't read yet because i haven't gotten the first part because the first part is expensive i managed to find this really cheap i got this for like six bucks but usually they're like 35 bucks so i'm waiting on getting that first one cheap and then i'm gonna read it um okay now we go to the god of fantasy tolkien so i've got the hobbit and then the trilogy of the lord of the rings this is a kind of beat up copy i took this into the field um then we've got like a lot of his extra extraneous work in middle earth so lays of berlin the shaping of middle earth book of lost tales one and two lost roads and other writings the silmarian which is the bible of the tolkien verse then there's the uh smith of one major and farmer girls of ham these are just a couple little fun short stories and uh this has kind of been more relevant lately his translation of sir gowan and the green knight uh and also pearl in orpheo but it's mostly about the green knight this one uh go check that movie out i think it maybe could have been like 20 minutes shorter but it's pretty good and then children of her unfortunately lost the dust jacket okay now we go into the tolkien of uh science fiction uh the dune series so i've got all the originals dune dude children in june goddamn for heretics chapter house then there's sand worms and hunter the trilogy of the uh machine like yeah the butlerian jihad trilogy which if i can get a hardcover copy of butler and jihad i'm gonna like give this to a thrift store or something uh these will probably be the only ones by kevin anderson and brian herbert i'll ever read if i'm being perfectly honest um it's getting a little out of control how they're milking uh brian's father's work okay more sci-fi we've got fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury the illustrated man this is a really cool like short story series it's about this guy's tattoos and each has a story uh orson scott card ender's game speaker for the dead and ender's shadow harry turtle doves guns of the south this is a fun little short one um i did a book report on this once and uh that i didn't have to it was just for extra credit but i did spice it up in english teacher's day back in high school she was getting quite a laugh out of it um so then we've got uh the hairy turtledove southern victory series which i got these all through bookstores or thrifts and a lot of them falling apart so like i don't have a how few remain anymore but there's the great war trilogy and i've got two of the american front ones so keeping an eye out for those and thrift stores just like like complete the collection again i've already read it but it'd be nice to have them together then we've got the world war series this is the one where uh the aliens invade during world war two yeah so so this is the so this is this is the southwind's world uh the civil war but starting in uh like 1865 excuse me 1864. and then uh the southern victory series is if the south wins the civil war but it becomes like a huge series uh they win at antietam instead of in 64. uh and then over here harry turtledove was world war this is if aliens invaded during world war ii and homeward brown is a sequel to that we've got wicked by gregory mcguire i don't have any of his other ones i haven't read any other ones sorry i haven't um i got actually got this as a gift but i liked it uh chronicles of narnia this is a paperback but my god it is held up incredibly i had this i got this in high school by cs lewis good stuff okay yeah sorry i thought the camera cut off for a second okay so here we have the classics which i'm just going to lift off real quick we got some jane austen jane eyre's charles bronte uh gaskell as uh mary barton which is a really interesting 19th century england classics book bram stoker's dracula which is incredible um franklin's like i couldn't believe how good dracula was when i read it um mary sherry's frankenstein charles dickens pikmin papers great expectations oh yeah this is the dickens section tale of two cities hard times oliver twist our mutual friend which i have not read because i'm not about to die anybody who's read less knows what i'm talking lost the loss the television lost you know what i'm talking about joseph conrad's heart of darkness and the secret chair kipling's uh jungle book war of the worlds these are like basically in chronological order this is like the english classics i should say because i got different sections for class six in different areas um so brave new world then george orwell's animal farm george orwell's uh 1984. that's a pretty classic cool cover uh signet classic la care the spy who came in from the cold uh really like this cover too we got some ronald dahl here i have two copies of going solo so like boy and uh this is this guy who did uh charlie in the chocolate factory but these two are basically his autobiography so there's boy and then going solo and then i got the sequel to charlie and the chocolate factory charlie and the great glass elevator which is better in my personal opinion um it's like like you know they're kids books it's not a huge deal but they're really fun i i thought glare glass elevator was more fun okay jen james fenway cooper's the last mohicans another book i've had for so many years and it's held up incredibly well uh scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne we're now in the american classics herman melville's billy boyd and other uh stories type e uh which is a pretty interesting story of paul neat you know going out into the pacific islands i have two copies of moby dick i used to have a different one but i i got rid of it it was old and uh i wanted to get a new addition so i got this one i found this in a thrift store and it's like kind of larger nice sized font uh so i appreciated that and like the whale's cool but then i found this which is like they're called like the teardrop classics from penguin or something and i guess they would take an author with the first letter their last name started a to z and m was melville or moby dick or it was the other way it was a name but this is a really cool addition like it has an intro essay it looks pretty uh like like the the color of the pages and stuff whoops um so it's uh yeah and it's got like these interesting quotes at the beginning if i talk if i do a video talking about moby dick i'm gonna do it out of this coffee uh but it's it's really cool and it's got the library binding with the uh plastic so it's gonna stay clean which i appreciate we've got uh melville's uh battlefield pieces and aspects of the war so this is poetry from civil war some jack london uh i have two copies of call of the wild because i got given this one as a gift uh the sea wolf is there too uh william cather is my antonia yes they made a book out of the motion city soundtrack song um that's scott's fitzgerald's uh great gatsby as i lay dying which i find myself reading whenever somebody close is dying uh then steinbeck who i'm a big fan of probably my favorite american author in terms of classics oh my gosh conquering voyages in time confirmed communists because of grapes of wrath right uh travels with charlie red pony the moon is down i just saw this in a bookstore and i've never even heard of this so i picked it up um there's the grapes of wrath speaking of the devil and i got two copies of east of eden uh here both penguin classics actually uh yeah that's of course my favorite seinbeck novel incredible absolutely incredible uh stuart little by edie white sc hinton's the outsiders and then the better sc hinton book in my opinion it's like a sequel you can read it on its own that was then this is now it's a it's a really great young adult book um and i am 99 sure that gun grave the uh the anime which is one of my favorite animes of all time like its top three uh is based on this book uh yeah gun grave check it out but skip the first episode i can't stress that enough don't watch the first episode jump right to episode two it's critically important okay to kill mockingbird by harper lee slaughterhouse five by bonnie who uh william golding's lord of the flies daniel keys flowers for algaron catch22 a copy of bless me ultima which i have not read yet i'm not a huge fan of this copy um and then gentle hands which is um an excellent like young adult reading book uh with an amazing twist it's actually like a complex book and um i don't want to show the cover of it because the cover gives away the twist uh but super good book okay so now we're going into uh foreign uh classic literature meaning non-english uh literature and i don't count the irish as english nor should you this is a perfect example of a book i have that i haven't read yet this is just a gorgeous copy of the tale of genji i've opened it up i've read some of the pros i think it's translated well there's an intro essay there's all sorts of good stuff it looks beautiful it's an amazing condition and i yeah i said like well hell let me pick it up this is a gold this is a great find and uh yeah i probably won't read that at least till next year probably longer don quixote ceravontes i can't get this off the cover it just won't come off it's been years okay now we get into the irish literature picture drawing gay gray by wild and then we have the james joyce section finnegan's weight which is hilarious uh ulysses and then the the ulysses translators so to speak the new bloomsday book uh stuart gilbert's ulysses uh yeah so kind of need these these three are always open together when i'm reading ulysses uh portrait of an artist another young man in dubliners i got this because the portrait of the artist is a young man is in there because i already had a copy of the dubliners uh which is a little beat up because when i actually visited dublin i took this with me i took ulysses also you know reading on the plane and stuff then this is just a little thing i got i think i got this for like 10 cents it's just it's just a copy of the dead which is in the dubliners so really between these three i've got three copies of the dead uh dostoyevsky's crime and punishment now we're getting into the good stuff some tolstoy here uh love this i haven't read this yet but look at this car i know what it's about it's about russians and chechnya uh which tolstoy was in but of course this is a more you know the more modern chechnya stuff you i have amazing cover concept i loved it um that's hajja maravai tolstoy war and peace oxford world classics i'm actually gonna pseudo re-read this soon i think starting in november because um i found out i had actually read an abridged copy of war and peace i had no idea so i only read like half of it so this is i can't wait to crack into this in a couple months but i'm not doing it yet because i'm rereading anna karenina uh this is a coffee i got in a thrift book store mostly for i'd heard good stuff about translation i do like comparing translations of books i really like uh i'm rereading this on a different translation right now though and um i liked it back when i read it many years ago but uh it's even better now that i'm older love levin he's amazing then what i'm going to read after war and peace is uh these these two are on my to read list um is writer at war vasily grossman in the red army and then life and fate yeah recurring recurring picture on my bookshelf uh the attack outside of stalingrad uh yeah so those are on to read this is mandela's nelson mandela's authorized uh biography by anthony simpson now we've got some leon uras here we've got armageddon cry which is like pseudo autobiographical exodus 18. um and i have a hardcover copy of trinity somewhere um killer angels by michael sarah this is not foreign literature neither is this yeah so we're out of the foreign i need to reorganize this actually i kind of made the mistake anyway so we got killer angels this is the original copy of les miserables that i read i had a uh and i found it like this actually uh in high school because somebody had thrown it away uh that was their assigned reading and it has not gotten any worse over the years um but i have a nicer version i read from now but i like this for nostalgia emil zola's germinal and also his ladies paradise which i have this is the oxford world classic version i read this for a class um interesting concept uh the plot and not the plot the characters like this is it's a it's a good book but with an awful main character she's just horrible yeah she's inside ugh annoys me to no end anyway the towel of poo yeah this is kind of a mishmash stuff here now tail desperoo now we got some anthony anthony burgess tremor of intent which is like a detective thing clockwork orange extremely famous um but also the wanting seed is here which is a super underrated one of his um basically this one is a world in which homosexuality is actively being encouraged but um it's kind of funny in hindsight because there's an egg on the cover and i found out recently that eggs are um what trans people who haven't transitioned yet called themselves because you know they haven't hatched into their other gender yet so it's kind of fun it's pretty damn funny actually like i hope i didn't offend anybody and then we got inside mr endervy by anthony burgess which is part of a series and i don't even think this is the first person part of the series if i saw it and i grabbed it brief wondrous life of oscar wow dominican writer and his this is how you lose her blood of the dawn this is a peruvian writer um and then the brothers karamazov okay coming on down here as you can see it's getting more mishmash we've got the led zeppelin biography by richard cole who was their uh road manager they're my favorite band wilt chamberlain my favorite basketball player the children's homer this actually isn't bad i read this when i was a kid before i read the iliad but it's pretty good as an adult too it's just got illustrations i guess that's why they call it a children's version uh born to run by christopher mcdougall definitely not an uh definitely not a perfect book but uh it's pretty interesting like uh it's like pseudo history pseudo running blog um pseudo corporate history i i was reading this a lot when i was training uh for for uh to run a marathon uh which i did do and complete successfully by the way if anyone's curious um then we've got eddie guerrero's uh autobiography which came out after he died uh rest in peace and then the shinsuke shinsuke nakamura this is the advanced reader copy a friend of mine gave me for my birthday where i guess like because you know it's they say it's by him but it's like ghost written uh and and so like this is the original version that it's like a series you know you see the it's the transcript basically of interviewing him about his life and um i like it i like it a lot so i'm pretty happy that i have that um okay godfather by mario puzo then these are some weird books here trout fishing in america by richard browtig um these these are kind of like i don't know what you call them they're like offbeat beatnik punk era stuff like yeah so trout fishing in america this is experimental literature uh blood and guts in high school by kathy aker who i think died um even though she was young uh the woman warrior which we saw earlier um so the reason i have two copies is because i was reading that for a class and then uh i i had a lot of time where i was gonna be on campus and i was gonna read it because i had to that day but i had left it at home and um it's this whole long story but basically i ran to the bookstore and i luckily managed to find a two dollar coffee so i i like i bought it just to read it at school and i read most of it that day so that's how i ended up with two coffees so this is an interesting series um it's called an american family portrait by jack kavanagh uh where it follows an american family starting or like they become an american family but it starts with this protagonist called doug morgan in book one called the puritans and it follows him and then his descendants through american history so it goes like the initial colonization of america pre-revolutionary america revolutionary war civil war pioneer era world war one world war ii vietnam it's you know it it's not the highest of literature but i really enjoyed it when i was a kid um so yeah it's cool okay we got holes here dig them up a phone uh arthur miller's the crucible i love that cover albert cam a stranger um stephen king uh books here my favorite one needful thing yeah basically these are my favorites for the most part uh needful things bachmann books the stand it skeleton crew and eyes of the dragon i i used to have a copy of christine but it was just completely falling apart just the pages were falling everywhere that's how the skeleton crews get into uh blockade billy i just picked this up for a buck somewhere ain't bad uh star wars revenge of the stiff i don't watch or read or do anything star wars related not since last of the jedi but this guy matthew stover this was a pretty good job of polishing a turd i know everybody loves the prequels now but i was there when they were coming out and they were being criticized practice rust this is name of the wind haven't read this yet we got like a religious section here reza alsan's uh zealot and then uh coffee the holy bible i had like these nice norton versions of the bible uh like you know it was like they were so big where it's like there was one book for the old testament one book for the new but i gave him to a friend of mine so here's a funny thing so this is a different copy of the bible and this covering as you can see is ripped it's because i used to have these on a different part of the shelf because i moved them since i don't have big norton ones anymore and so this copy of the quran ended up like ripping off part of the bible so like it's part of this book is adhering to this book of the quran and there's something very symbolic about that and then i've got like an oxford world classics uh version of the quran which has some you know good essays okay now we're into the poetry i ended up with two copies of the complete poems of john keats i'm not sure how this is going to come up when i do uh legend of the galactic heroes i'll explain why of you know when it comes up uh john milton's paradise loss some kipling sonnets from the portuguese j for yes these are just portuguese poems chinese poems japanese poems uh lessons on expulsion this is like a hispanic woman who went to princeton her literature her poetry it's a bit experimental as well um and then uh leonard cohen's the flame so this is like post sumptuously published it's some poems and stuff of his okay last shelf on the left now we're really just mishmashing stuff where it's like i don't know where to put these we got the book of awesome which is like was a blog on the internet and got turned into a book it's just a fun little read make it take it which is about college basketball that's a local publisher's book carl saglins cosmos carl steglins sagan's uh i actually took this with me when i was in fort hood doing some field exercises or enough for fort polk so this is what happens when you take a book to the swamp it gets in that condition ah my hat okay okay so we got uh ann rand's atlas shrug fountain head anthem we the living so the big four dan browns angels and demons this is such a fun little romp i like it um i've heard he's gotten pretty bad lately like his writing is just awful but this was fun it's cute um jurassic park and lost world by michael crichton deception point by dan brown that should be over here uh so this is like some holocaust literature here uh the book thief plot against america night uh trapped in hitler's hell survival in auschwitz another copy of fairness lost is here there's a copy of gautier that's actually in uh german so you know one of these days when i finish learning german uh this is like an illustrated great illustrated classic arthur and the knights of the round table it ain't bad these are some fun books i got as gifts um they're like bathroom readers so they're they're just like these it's like a reader's digest basically just these like little short articles that you could read while you're in the bathroom um sloppy seconds this was so huge for my generation the uh the tucker max books that was the third one he did um my god when my mother saw me found me reading the first one just so disgusted it was awesome just like a magic trick book here uh yeah so this is like guys are waffles girls or spaghetti uh you know like pseudocode puzzles it's like a you know like a thing somebody brought me back from germany uh these are some harry potter books in spanish whoops oh gosh i lost it i'm gonna have to readjust this in a second okay and then finally here's the memory of light and hardcover which i talked about before so that's the last wheel of time book the voyage of the journal shana shanara by terry books i read this um there's a funny story about how you can read this but basically i read this vid like i think two days uh when i was younger uh and then george r martin's fire and blood which uh unfortunately he said volume two is not gonna come out before he finishes the song of ice and fire which means uh we're never gonna get volume two unfortunately but i really like firing blood okay so the thing that i'm using to kind of like stabilize uh my phone is uh slipping so i need to fix that and then we're gonna go and look at some hard covers okay just real quick this is on the uh top of the bookshelf on the right these are like hall of fame books for me so i've got a nice copy of the lord of the rings trilogy from jrr tolkien with uh alan lee's illustrations uh hardcover copy of dune uh les miserables which is yeah i feel pretty safe right now though and since i haven't since i haven't read warren freeze proper apparently i would say that safely this is my favorite of the classic literature of the 19th century but i don't know i'm rereading anakin super enjoying it this may change this is a folio cop folio poet's version of tennessee this is uh like a nice coffee and alfred lord tennessee is my favorite poet period so i have him up there there's like illustrations and stuff in there then we've got the rights of man which has tons of illustrations uh as well so that's why i have it up there it's very pretty and then war through the ages was probably the first ever history book i fell in love with in my life which is uh just a kind of a broad military history um not of the world but a history of just war um and how it's conducted uh going up through to the korean war real good stuff okay so this is to the left excuse me to the right this used to be i think my parents used to use this for uh holding shoes and now i just use it for hard covers that are too big to put on the regular shelves so we've got some harold bloom here kind of a controversial writer but we've got his how to read and why the western the western canon the complete works of william shakespeare which is related to his book shakespeare the invention of the human got trilogy of shostakovic related stuff here symphony for the city of the dead by anderson which is really good uh his testimony which may or may not be true and then a case book which is actually really complicated then there's a couple of uh these these massive books one on uh d-day and one on the battle of the bold really the whole campaign there uh so some thick boys then we've got um these are kind of just all miscellaneous but i try to put them in uh chronological order again it's because they just don't fit on the regular shelf so warfare in the classical age the quest for el cid which actually has a digression where it talks about scandinavian history for a little bit during that time which isn't you know it's interesting medieval europa short history david starzke's who you may know from the monarchy series this is his six wives of uh henry viii very pretty book uh a biography of lucrezia borgia by sarah bradford apparently she had like a really well received um book on uh um jackie o jfk's wife but uh i've not read that how the scots have ended the modern world another kind of famous pop history one okay we're in the center cube now because you can see there's nine center cube roots by alex haley french revolution this one has it ending in 1804 erica zones of people's history of the french revolution um with eagles to glory by uh john h gill uh this is uh specifically uh napoleon as it says here napoleon and his german allies in the 1809 campaign so a very focused book sold by soul by uh walter johnson i think his name is uh which is about uh how slave really worked in uh in the south in the united states um war of the thousand deserts i think this was was this by a local i think this was done by an el paso publisher no no this is yale nevermind oh yeah because yale books are always so tall i can never fit them uh but this is just about warfare in the like basically the war between uh the native americans and uh against the mexicans and the uh united states in the 19th century especially the first half of the 19th century very like well-researched work um amazingly so uh this republic of suffering this was a book that got so much so many people were talking about it when it first came out by drew gilpin faust who now is the president of harvard but this is uh this is about uh specifically how death affected american society uh during and after the uh the u.s civil war sleepwalkers by christopher clark this is the same guy who did iron kingdom how europe went to war in 1914 the year 1919 the euro award we get our world began by william klingemann culture of defeat by wolfgang uh schiffel bush because this is a kind of another looking at a concept in history so this studies three societies that were defeated and how in war and how they reacted so it's like the american south france after the franco-prussian war and then germany after world war one forgotten ally which is uh the world is world war ii through the eyes of china uh the vichy syndrome history and memory in france it's 1944 by rousseau uh which kind of it talks about the con the conflicted legacy of how the french see themselves and their role in world war ii um and the controversies around that really really niche history uh eisenhower in latin america self-explanatory first they killed my father this is another cambodian history book in from the cold which is about cold war latin america the burning season this is more an environmental history here about um about uh the burning of the amazon and um but like in the 80s and the early 90s brazil which is about brazil okay then over here this is a real mishmash um i've got some of the encyclopedia britannica great books here so i've got the uh like epictetus and marcus aurelius in the uh i don't know lulu to pronounce his name the one who wrote on the nature of things that's what that is uh then there's tacitus's histories of rome and i've got some marks here which is like bits of capital ancient war world and cinema um robert heinlein's kind of pseudo autobiography which is letters uh grumbles from the grave haven't read this yet again i'm looking for volume one of that other book before i read them all modern ireland by rf foster radicalism of the american revolution by gordness wood not the last time we're gonna see him and this is another one i haven't read but i saw and i went that's interesting it's the history of milk uh ten thousand year food practice and uh but david mcculloch praises it on the back um so or not this one another book that this guy wrote but i love milk um so wow that's uh unique and interesting i'll have to check that out okay moving up here's a lot of my cookbooks basically all my cookbooks i like to cook food from all over the world so i've got like puerto rican cookery uh ramen noodles here this is like a lot of these are just like chicken there's like some of these are too thin i'm not gonna pull them out but it's like just chicken books i got the unofficial game of thrones cookbook i love to make the vegetables in here they're really good craft beer cookbook um i got my hands on on a freaking i swear i've never been on food stamps but i've got the food stamp cookbook from here in tech this is this is from like the food bank in san antonio um good recipes in there real good crock pot cooking cake cooking although i don't really cook cake anymore these days yeah and then there's just to book a massage for you know after dinner and then this is the only closest to the r rated books that i own that you guys are going to see all right moving over here into art we've got roman art medieval art spanish art this is the el paso museum of arts book on uh the european collection they have complete which is really really nice um the i got this as a gift from them that was that was very sweet uh complete works of michelangelo this is a book on bernini my favorite sculptor period illustrated encyclopedia of royal britain uh which is basically an art book the 36 views of mount sinai are excuse me mount fuji by hokusai this is the famous wave off of kagikoshima uh image that you guys have seen this is all the other parts of that collection um this is like a this is these are like some irish uh paintings of uh world war one landscapes like the war georgia o'keeffe's here it's a very nice museum to her in santa fe and then this is just how to make favorite airplanes which i used to do when i was a kid and i've started doing more to entertain the younger members of my family like you know not nieces and nephews but like second cousins uh or first cousins went through moves i should say and then paper then over here we got graphic novels and art and stuff so we got persepholis which uh i was super happy with these uh these are usually pretty pricey so i've never had my own coffee but then i saw them somewhere and they were like four bucks each and i went are you serious that's the price and yeah i mean okay let me get that uh mammoth book of war comics best war comics uh edited by david kendall there's a lot of good stuff in here like vietnam the vault the the falkland wars world war ii um so many different art styles some funny some gruesome some dramatic some all sorts of stuff this is a really interesting collection i got that one as a gift as well speaking of gifts the manhattan projects by hickman and also uh pitarya but this is um about the uh the a bomb development during world war ii but it's in a fantasy sci-fi setting kind of thing it gets so weird i love this series love it love it uh there's a lot of other stuff in here like you can kind of pause and look at them um i've got some wonder woman stuff that i'm loaning out right now pax romana in here is just by hickman it is so good it's a single volume work um basically this is a this is a time travel story where the catholic church sends people back to try to make the catholic church's roots even stronger so it'll stay powerful going into the modern age and it gets so wild it's it's freaking amazing uh i've got three i don't have a copy of 300 myself yet i don't want to get one but three was written in response basically to uh 300 uh and it's much much much more historically accurate and a good story too but i like 300 also watchmen book love these are just cute comics about loving books a couple of miyazaki things and the simpsons uncensored family album okay we're almost done here let's go look at some hardcovers okay so this is a brand new bookshelf that i have um which is uh i literally got for free because it was on the side of the road and i knocked on the door i said you giving that away and you go yeah so it's mine now and it matches the other last bookshelf that we'll see so right now i haven't quite decided what to put on here so i just put a bunch of more stuff that couldn't fit anywhere else um but we've got hold on we've got um citizens by simon shima these are basically all authors or series that i really really like so we've got citizens by simon schma europe by norman davis and the isles um this is this is john julius norwich's book on the popes uh then we've got the candace millard uh trilogy uh they're not related to one another but the three books that she's written so far uh river of doubt hero the empire and destiny the republic then uh a couple of um barbara tuchman books uh distant mirror and march of folly and um these are books that i would really each need to have their own video or talk about them all day long then we've got the oxford history of the united states these are all the ones that i own so this basically covers american revolution the early republic the early 19th century republic um battlecry freedom is of course extremely famous that's the civil war era and then freedom from fear which is the great depression and world war ii i'm wanting to get the republic of suffering that's one of the books i'm going to get next month all right and then underneath is where i put books that are just way way too freaking big to fit anywhere else especially on the right there so this is like a book that talks about all the various wonders of the world is like in great photographs of them as well majesty of spain which is uh basically this is art from the pareto museum i haven't been but they did an exhibition here and well not here in el paso i was in las cruces because el paso doesn't have culture uh i've got volumes one and two of simon shimaz history of britain very thick books uh the civil war uh just another like an illustrated history and uh you know a lot of primary source stuff in there a lot of but it's mostly the big pictures that's why it's so big encyclopedia world war ii history of us military operations since world war ii the decline in fall of the third reich obviously huge book and then i just got here some like pdf books that i just printed out so this is mostly marx but uh i've got you know some stuff on the the french directory uh and whatnot there but and then uh i think this is in fact the biggest mood uh book i own egypt during the age of the pharaohs which is completely enormous so yeah none of these books will fit anywhere else but here okay so here we've got um this actually is my grandmother's old um bookshelf uh and so this is where i put the and it matches the other one this is where i put only the finest of books so top shelf here we've got the barnes noble's classics editions of the iliad and the odyssey the divine comedy and then abraham lincoln selected writings obviously it's not everything but it's a pretty goddamn good collection uh the great books these are the encyclopedia britannica things uh books one and two this is like an index these are just a couple of uh one-piece bits of art that i don't know where to put yet uh but this is something i used to belong to my grandmother the book of knowledge and it's like 7 000 plus pages total just covering all sorts of different uh things like there's poetry there's how to do art there's how to do practical things like reflections on the law um events in history short stories just just so much between all of these books like it's one of those things that like you know in reality i probably never need to buy a book again because i have these to keep me entertained but uh and yet i keep doing it because i got a problem but they're absolutely incredible okay coming down here now i eventually want to turn these two shelves into just hardcover biographies but i don't have that many biographies yet so it's cool so right now i kind of use this mostly as a reference section so i've got asimov's chronology of the world yes that isochasm off so these are books that like i could pull out pull out and like reference something in the middle rebecca fraser's story of britain and the campaign's napoleon by david chandler uh i used to check both of these out of the library so much over the years they're two of my favorite history books ever and um which i thought i probably should just buy my own copy and save the gas uh there's ordeal by fire civil war and reconstruction by um by uh james mcpherson yes he did do battle cry freedom but i think he did this later so he could focus more on the before and after the civil war eras there's hugh strachan's uh the first world war we've got a people's tragedy by orlando figgs i've got two histories of the second world war these came out within like a year of each other max hastings inferno and uh andrew roberts the storm of war they both got their strengths both got their weaknesses uh yeah yeah just keep them both on the shelf martin gilbert's history of the righteous among the nations which is uh these are the people who helped save lives during uh you know you know during the holocaust and whatnot and then i got a couple copies of the butlerian jihad here uh hardcover books i got the machine crusade and battle of coron but i don't have the bullarian jihad itself yet so need to keep an eye out for that okay moving down here we've got a bunch of biographies there's the uh see i told you tournament would come back we've got his biography on isabel isabella of castile rob chernow we have alexander hamilton and washington then mike duncan's new book hero of two worlds which is about lafayette so washington should probably chronologically come before because it's in chronological order mostly um should come before hamilton but he wrote hamilton first and plus i think washington would like to be between his two beautiful handsome boys alexander hamilton and lafayette his beautiful sons uh or their comforter you know around him giving him a book hug anyway then we've got danton uh a life napoleon bonaparte i don't have the andrew roberts one the prices need to come down damn it and then i'll get it uh john edward smith's um biography on john marshall who was not the first chief justice of the supreme court but probably the first most influential one john quincy adams bio h.w brands appears again kind of like a triple pseudo-biography of henry clay daniel webster and john calhoun david bleit's um biography on frederick douglass which of course won awards check out his his uh his lecture series on the civil war i highly recommend it and he talks about douglas all the time in that series and as soon as i heard that he was gonna ha he was gonna he had a um biography on douglas and it's like oh it was winning like the pulitzer prize it's like well of course it did he's the douglas guy anyway uh now we have samuel chase uh samuel p chase uh so this is like the series of uh lincoln's aides i guess you could say um his sidekicks got sam and chase seward stanton and grant and you're probably saying where's lincoln i'm actually reading a biography of lincoln right now but um i kind of want to do some stuff with link and i'll talk about later it's going to be its own section we're talking about in another video have the last book edmond morris wrote before he died edison um meaning thomas edison and then khrushchev in his era by william taubman so those are all the hardcover biographies i have but i'd like both of these shelves to be that eventually okay hi we're back uh sorry for the sudden jump cut basically the the video footage got messed up on this section so uh we're here at the bottom of this uh uh you know behind the the doors under my uh biography section also my cat caesar's here she's here how are you doing he's sniffing at the rug anyway so this is another mishmash section mostly of books that just couldn't fit elsewhere so it's mostly coffee table books so we'll start down here on the right we've got uh all of my jeffrey ward slash ken burns um books so these are all pretty pretty darn large so this is the only place they'll really fit and i don't actually want to put them in that new bookshelf i've got because it is on wheels maybe if i can figure a way to take off the wheels but i don't really want to do that but i think it's too heavy and it'll end up bowing the bottom so they stay here but uh the ones that i have are the civil war the war which is america and world war ii the vietnam war my personal favorite documentary of his by the way jazz uh the the roosevelts and his biography of mark twain all right and then in the middle here these are actually just children's books so it's like mother goose magic school bus really informative uh really uh the answer which is uh a book retelling of the episode of the answer from steven universe uh but it's kind of it's kind of meta it's a cute book uh then we've got turtle watch uh okay so over here more coffee table books down here this is a book i picked up in dallas it's charles lebrune first painter to king louis xiv so that's a book about him you've got battle commanders history of the american guitar uh so it's like it's evolution as a you know different designs have been built over the over the decades um vietnam war diary edited by chris bishop an illustrated history of the vietnam war atlas of ancient egypt this is super in death apparently this veins and molec this is like a series they do of atlases um from various uh ancient civilizations i'll have to keep an eye out for these in thrift stores though because this one's very good so if the others are good i'll have to check them out book of dinosaurs really old so you can see like the spines falling off and stuff uh world war ii chronological axis this is a beatles song book um then there's the beer section you guys already saw my beer cookbook so this is just about beer 300 beers to try before you die uh tasting beer and i got the mandolin for dummies all right now up here in the top left let's ignore these two for a second just just talk about this part to the left so this is the cartoon history of the united states and the cartoon histories of the universe modern world these five books here are unironically um one of my favorite world history series books they're really funny um they're done by this guy called larry gonek as you can see they're all really worn cartoon history universe part 3 looks the best because i've replaced it same thing with modern world so that's why they're the least worn down but i always get a good laugh out of them and i picked these two up in uh i think i picked these up on thriftbooks because i heard he did other work uh so it's a cartoon guide to the environment cartoon guide to hyper capitalism which is about economics um these were like apparently collaborations he did so he i don't think he wrote them he just drew them uh so they're a little they're a little different from from the main series but cartoon history universe is hilarious 50 battles that change the world um praetorians this is just a strategy guide um let's see byzantium so this is like part of a series called great ages of man this is the only one i have though uh here's hegel's philosophy of right very tall thin version for some reason uh this is uh was uh something i used as a textbook for a government class where we were studying um we were comparing the governments of uh and evolutions of the governments of the united kingdom it was uh it was the united kingdom uh france japan and peru pretty interesting stuff also some funny things in there uh then we got some more these are like just kind of gimmicky coffee table no well not as big as a coffee table look but you know there's like complete history of the mafia conspiracy imperfect presidents so that's what those are that's kind of like the stuff you see in those uh display sections at um barnes and noble's like that style book uh this is a biography of shop um there's no good job biographies out there as far as i'm aware but this one's i picked this one up because it's got interviews with him by this this uh guy who was a brigadier general it's not great um i'll just have to write one myself this is pol pot anatomy of a nightmare i don't have this on the shelf of above because i actually haven't read it yet uh so i didn't want to have it on display this one probably could be up there this is rev this is actually a signed copy um this is about a really influential 20th century rabbi i don't want to get into it right now but this is a signed copy so that's cool i've got the omnibus of science fiction this is just tons of science fiction short stories from the mid 20th century 1001 beers you must taste before you die uh this is jimi hendrix's starting at zero which is basically an autobiography because yeah it's his own words it's letters and stuff uh then the universal tone uh this is the guy who made me want to first play guitar uh learn to play the guitar it's carlos santana's autobiography um over here is napoleon and the art of diplomacy this is a really special book to me because of who i got it from uh probably should just be in a different section speaking of being in a different section i need to move this over there with the classics uh herodotus and sema quinn's first great historians of greece and china that's a pretty good one this is the life magazine illustrated history of the war in iraq a lot of cool pictures in there um also covers a bit of the first war the gulf war and then next to it we've got other great really important news agency the onion our dumb sentry so it's just uh it is uh it's actually really detailed but it's very funny like kennedy slain by cia mafia castro lbj teamsters free instance president shot 129 times from 43 different angles but there's all sorts of stuff in there it's pretty funny this was uh yeah echoes and reflection this is uh this is like a resource guide for teaching about the holocaust and then over here in the corner we get it we've got uh uh yeah a book from the um el paso holocaust museum where i used to be a docent uh okay so there i think that's everything in here so i'll just need to splice this in with the rest so this is just what i'm reading now um on my desk that i read at uh which is you know a little messy right now uh but the main four that i'm reading so they're not on the shelves i'm reading the pop i'm juggling between the poppy war by rf guang ana karenana by leo tolstoy men on horseback the power of charisma in the age of revolution by david a bell i had never heard of this book until it was given to me by a friend recently it's so damn good and i'm reading uh david herbert donald's biography of lincoln this is just a coaster it's mexican mona lisa somebody gave this to me there if you want to look out there etsy it's candy mare she has cool art if you're into this she's got a lot of good art oh yeah it's like this is where i'll rest the books uh you know i just got like some other stuff like i got you know for listening to music and um it's another pair of glasses of mine and you know i got for taking notes because i annotate more and more as i get older so there's that and then uh i guess technically there's one more thing okay and then finally i'm not going to pull them all out but i have a lot of books that are in my closet and they're they're like kind of tucked in a shelf but i mostly use them for reference but i do have all of the story of civilization i reference these books constantly but i just keep them in there i just pull them out when i need to reference something put them back so this is just one of them but i have the entire set and they're all of this quality i have the lessons of history by will and ariel durant there's actually a first edition i think and i have the third and fourth stormlight archive book fourth one's actually signed um and so i keep those in the closet too again they're so big not really anywhere else to put them and uh then these are two books that i keep by my nightstand um so i've got epictetus is the art of living honestly i'm not a huge fan of this translation but keep that on the nightstand and the one the only meditations by marcus aurelius these two never get shelved they always stay by bed um so wow uh i've been obviously this i'm gonna have to edit all this together but geez i wonder how long this video is gonna be if it's gonna be like an hour and a half but i hope you guys liked it and please again tell me which books you want me to elaborate on do videos on in the future and then maybe i don't know maybe we could do this once a year see how my library grows and evolves and such but i am voyages in time please please subscribe if you have not already and let's get on the road to a community tab 1000 subscribers uh and i will see you all around bye
Channel: Voyages in Time
Views: 763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bookshelf tour, bookshelftour, book tour, library, conquering history games, voyages in time, book shelf, personal library, history bookshelf, heinlein, book palace, fiction, history library, classics, non-fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, modern, literature, historian, historical fiction, hardcover, review, shelves, bookshelves
Id: FMs-5Uu0t-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 47sec (6527 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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