My 2019 TF2 Backpack Tour

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hey what's going on guys and your slicey here and today ladies and gentlemen we are doing a tour of my backpack ladies and gentlemen this I've been really excited to do this and it has taken me a hot minute to organize all this stuff sorry and I'm sorry in the upload schedule it's been really really inconsistent but you know just how it is so yeah this is my VP tour I hope you all enjoy like subscribe all that stuff before we start the video and yeah let's get right into the tour so the first item we got is my burning rifleman now I have a lot of sentimental sentimental value attached this item I really really like I love Bernie as an effect and the rifleman buy a box at myself I was so so so happy I wish I report the reaction buy a box it with this salty dog over here in four cases and it our crates I guess but it was the second case crate was too salty and then the fourth one was the rifleman oh my god it was it was insane I made a whole video on it but yeah that's my rifle and then I got my villains veil with orbiting fire this was a Christmas gift for my brother super nice and misc then I got my neck where head where with disco beat down this was a box on stream and if you weren't there for that stream it was legendary oh my god dog and the chat was going off we're all just like oh my god oh my god and I like left the room and I came back and I opened my eyes and I saw and I was like oh my god I freaked out have you ever if you've ever seen an usual reaction be getting donated one it's it's a pretty funny sight and then yeah this is CNN salty dog by boxing with my rifleman this was donated by xx trying to be edgy it's actually spelled which is really cool I mean it's the paint regions that little thing but it's double spell I've actually a tons of people come after me it was like yeah I really want this and I've been like sorry man it's a donation but yeah it's just super super nice I love Lizzy storms in effect and your sister is a pretty nice spell so yeah double spell and voices sinister really nice hat then I got my bubbling human cannonball this was donated by an old buddy named Ringo he's a really nice dude and yeah this was one of my first initials but actually not b4 this was donated on stream by edgy over the moon when I got this because I think this was the first unusual Reggie ever donated me and I was not expecting I was suspecting like oh yeah it's probably just like a pity professional it's just unique they gave me the unusual it's like oh my god I just lost my - it was pretty funny I like a lot then I got this Universal Translator with clairvoyance and it's actually like this thing is super nice all class it's from this 2018 Halloween and I boxed it myself and yeah I really love the Hat and it's run evasion I want the coroner the slug but I got the translator I can't really complain but yeah it's super nice I love the effect so yeah really nice unusual this was donated by drunk Oh we'll get back to that you know in a later time and then this was actually my first ever proper unusual hat this was donated oh so by Toronto and I have a lot of connection to this hex is just the first unusual I've ever had and I love the company man it's not a bad hat it's really it's like a pretty solid hat especially for what it's worth so yeah the company man my first proper unusual and I've yeah I really am connection to this hat that we got my taunts this was mine and I got this from just trading really this is the first thing I really invested a good amount of pure in jail so yeah I was pretty happy to get this and I think it's gone down in value since I bought it but yeah whatever I love screaming tiger and killer solos my favorite talk then this was donated by horror super nice poster screaming tiger that was on stream the man robux was actually my first ever unusual unbox and pretty to support on the effects but I'm just not gonna sell it you know for a while because I think it's super nice and you know even though it's a bad effect I'll take it then I got the flippin awesome with ominous and night it's pretty alright not gonna lie I use a lot with a lot of my load outs it's really really nice calming the moon effects like Harvest Moon was really good when it came out but this was so dope and this was donated by Pico and he goes and adds I'm just gonna be honest it's just how it is see I donated this to me on Halloween ish Oh God and I lost it dude when I got this so habited so nice then this was also donated by Pico this was on stream and this is a really nice I use this to talk all the time I love Shawn for it it's like it's a little laughing dog but you know it's always fun to do it in service and all that after you get a kill but yeah it's a really nice talk and I love 72 then the ICU was oh so donated by horror so I have a bunch of screaming Tiger sniper stuff it's just kind of my thing so then over here we got like these are my rare items in my opinion so I got this sort hoots a lot this was donated and the as well was don't both donated by ma boy the cave man himself tweet us Maximus dude I love these two I use them all the time because the key of oh my god don't even get me started they keep such a funny hat to wear and so is the surgery table then this was also donated by drunkle I think it's just this Christmas that I got this and it's super nice dude I don't actually have a lot of Australians besides these and I should love Australians but I decided to invest more in dispels because I like it more but still I'm like I'm so happy I got this then I also got this which was donated by edgy and I was also on stream oh my god it looks so cool dude oh I love it and I use it all the time even though it really doesn't have that many kills only like a thousand I still love it and I still use it a good amount of my trade service and all that and yeah I think is a really really cool item then this right here funny story this was actually my first ever Aussie drop and I was looking for a pro casket forever on this thing and then one day one just popped up out of nowhere and I was like screw it yet I might as well get it and it was the cheapest one in the market got it put it on and it looks amazing cuz the sheen matches it really nice you can see as the Mandarin comes up and it's flames flames as a super dope effect I loved it so much so yeah even though it's not the best Aussie I'm still really happy with what it turned out to be my duct journal level 5 out of 5 I decided to bias it was on scrap it was really two keys something like that like script might as well get it it's pretty cool yeah low five out of five I don't think many of these exist that are that high level maxes I want to Max's forever and I just decided to get one eventually this was given to me by a friend named triple-a or AAA this is super dope I love this SMG and unless I can get a replacement one that's like spelled skin probably gonna keep this one use it for a while my spy crap go watch the spike that video is a really funny video but yeah that's where that came from earbuds bought one one day screw it just have it this is my sniper before I ever got my shooting star I love this sniper dude oh my god it looks so good it's strange / okay as he got it for like 60 bucks on Steam granny market oh the sheen is so nice dude yeah this is probably one of my favorite names I own but ya love this sniper and I have a lot of connection to it then I have my golden garment collection which I'm almost done with I just need a dye job one see I have a good amount this is a one of one there's no other headless ones I've got chromatic run or got rotten pigment which oh so took me forever because I was looking for a rotten orange shirt forever first sniper I couldn't find one I bet she found this and I was like oh my god I might as well take it I got sister and spectrum and I just got this this is my sniper shirt for my sniper loadout and this was the shirt I eventually found that I was so so happy to eat like I lost my mind when I got this thing just cuz so it was so difficult to get this stuff but yeah it's super nice it doesn't even have a pain region and I had so so one of one so it was really happy to get this now let's get into the invasion collection this I can make a whole video on its cellphone but I'm just gonna do it here so first off we got this kid at visor it looks really good well when it actually works let's see if it'll work I'm scout now it doesn't work yeah it's purple and I love the cadet visor dude the cadet visor looks so good in chromatic and it's like Hollow and it goes in and out of purple is your really dope then I got my cap right here Exorcism lovely capper it's super nice and yeah I paid a pretty penny for it but I'm definitely happy I got it out so super OKs strange so yeah I was definitely one of my favorite things that I have Captain spaceman all class misc voice is super nice over my three graylien so there's actually only six gray aliens and I own three of them so I've both I've to the voices ones and I have the unique and the strange and I have the dye job one and the two strange ones are the only two strange ones the other four unique so yeah so they're pretty rare and I've gotten some pretty good offers on both of them and then the gray line is such a funny and just good hat in general my shooting star probably one of the crown jewels of my collections like my goodness it's so nice exorcism even though it's unique I couldn't afford a strange one at the time they're all locked away now there's only two strange and no other unique but my goodness is this thing nice as hell and I was oh my god I was just ecstatic to get it when I got it so it goes super nicely with my whole sniper let out I got my slug which is just it's derpy and I love it dude it's voices it's pro chaos and there's only three slugs that exists and the other two are just dead they're not leaving anytime soon so I was like I have to get this slug this Corona my goodness wasn't hard to get but oh my god am I so happy I got it the voice is corona took for effort to get I had to go through so many loopholes together if anyone's interested just hit me up and I'll tell you the story but wow that thing was difficult to get and I loved it so much then I had my spectrum Corona this is the crown jewel of like the entire collection there's nothing that is better in my backpack than this current on my opinion it's one it's one of there's only three spelled Coronas and I own two of them right here and other ones like it's not moving unless I could buy and I'm gonna try my damndest to get it but this is super like oh my god there's no words I can describe how much I love this Corona it is so nice and even though it's a small paint region I don't know I did this is it's the crown jewel spectrum such a nice spell this is all my selling page two and three I'll just point everything out that's pretty rare here scalp on it thermal tracker that's pretty rare the cold snap was sinister that's one of one and a lot of these are like one of one or one of two and the other ones are just locked away in collectors that's why everything's so rare crab number 59 super rare chromatic Jim readers super rare Post live post live post life my banana oh this thing is worth a lot of keys strange headless potassium bonnet one of one with headless and Wow this thing I was so happy to get like that's the gist of most of my backpack I'm so happy that I have it this thing I got it for a really good price and I I love it it's so rare dude it's like ridiculous best belt I'm probably one of the highest two things that it can be on so yeah it's it I consider it a god tier of spells this is all my dye job stuff I probably have the most red dye job stuff all this right here is post like some super nice stuff here a lot of one at once one of twos and this right here dodge of gangrene so I got a couple of a lot of gems in my backpack here let's move on gods and Proteus gets a gun off MVM and I also got a couple of just normal chaos kits why not just a muave nvm this is my strange weapons I remember that the first stranger up and I ever got was there another first one but the first one I ever it was donated was this just by Tom Toby's donated this to me in the ER no it was that note maybe was edgy I think it was edgy edgy donated this is me and it was on stream and I didn't know it was worth but I remember getting a donated this is what it was this was donated by Tom and I thought this retort like keys on keys on keys and I was just over the moon like I was like rolling around spin I was so so happy I love this thing so much so yeah I have a lot of connection to that this just wanted spec as fabricators I have a couple decent ones like this rocket launcher but most of us just garbo a bunch of crates cases nothing else that you really need a lot of robot parts off to do an MDM yeah it's just just a stuff as you can tell the first page was the best page usually I mean there's a couple of they did pretty just so this is just a bunch of cool stuff I got the the strange fires bunch of pain but just strange parts one Torah dude ticket I still have to use that for a tour a couple strange count transfer tools and some gift Walt's doing mini-games description tags name tags you know the secret Saxton's decal tools noisemakers just a bunch of random stuff right here and then this is just weapons really nothing to look at here just a bunch of weapons in metal I was too lazy to organize this so yeah nothing super where there and this we're get to like the Hat so this is my first like thing a hats there's all my sniper stuff there's always singing class sniper stuff same class ng stuff nothing super rare this is all my like special weapons page this was donated by dice or blue on Christmas I think right no yeah Christmas so yeah that was pretty cool and then yeah just got a couple of them from communist one yeah it's got a bunch of different stuff couple these are crafted by me grafted by me I'll see that's probably crafted by me yeah so that was from all those videos that's crafted by me all this is like my rare weapons my festive so yeah these are some pretty cool stuff and you know they're not worth that much but I just find a cool one I like to use them a lot a single class medic stuff nothing that much besides that it's like a key for some reason I guess it's pretty nice beat pyro stuff soldiers stuff if you want to pause and look at any of this that's totally alright some pretty piece and stuff here but nothing to really you know show off I got the heavy stuff a lot of communist stuff a spy stuff this is all just a single classes the heavy stuff right here another complete that's why my heavy page is so small see I'm not very good at this that organization sort of like padang I'm so mad if I did that but yeah pretty much just two pages a heavy stuff I guess and this is all my all class stuff or more than one class so it could be multiple assets whatever so yeah that's some pretty decent stuff nothing insane err bills hat spine-chilling skull I don't even think that's crafted by me yeah so just some decent stuff probably a couple keys here and there more alkalis multi-class stuff and then this is this is probably the best part of my backpack the three pages of freedom staffs plus the extra three because why not who doesn't love the freedom staff best weapon in the game yeah these are all donated by a mix of like edgy and a couple other people and it's it's a running meme on the channel so yeah if you knew you wouldn't know about it but yeah it's it's of me I have a lot of freedom stats yeah I have an addiction no though I've just legally binded to Kiko and the bats out of hell I don't have that many anymore because some dude it was like yeah they're like three keys for like all of them I was like okay because United made a really deal on him and then he said you didn't care of myself I was like okay not as well and then I sold them but I can literally buy all that back on Marketplace I could probably buy like four pages but the key is they got it so whatever this is something else I worked on originally when I started trading this is my elite grade collection I've actually been considering selling this but yeah it's every single degree in the game and I still have the bread bite I think that's only what I don't have right now but yeah this took a lot of time and a lot of money that's why I started originally investing in yeah I might catch this out but it's so super nice stuff and I use it a good amount this actually is something to look at this was donated to me by Pico slice Vinnie and Wow this thing before I get this is before I got my spectrum Corona and oh my god hi this is probably like borderline with the rifleman like one of my like losing my mind reactions it was for 500 subs I think and I he donated me 500 hats to craft with and then this and wow what a donation dude I was so excited to get this a strange Corona it's amazing dude it looks so good at the time and it still does did I'm really happy I got it and it's strange and I'm not gonna sell it because even though I have two better Coronas gonna quote I'm still not gonna sell I still think it's dope but I wanna connect my bat saber broke yes that had you should know they're just all the elite grades and yeah they're worth that's worth a good amount that's where to get him out and the dead edge were thinking about these were like the hardest ones to get and then everything else was in that bad this is my page of elite grade weapons and like any kind of skinned weapon so a little bit of context and all these this I'm boxed myself and I was really sad when I gotta buy most of really happy because I do think it's a really nice flamethrower but meh could have been better this is myself ok yes is a red roscoe flamethrower SEC VII box out myself on some video I think it said to 300 subs so yeah that was a pretty dope thing to get dragon slayers I think they look nice it's a really nice skin batter I got this I bought on scrap one day because I saw him to look pretty cool so it's per chaos with that what is it I think it's yeah cerebral Mandarin and yeah it's pretty dope looking I use it a good amount aside with when I don't use that Aussie so yeah and then I got some just random appliable paints just some random weapons I have been donated over the time it's all pretty nice this is from triple-a another buddy of mine I suppose have purple range somewhere and then this was for freedom staff video this was actually one of my first ever unboxes and I'm kind of attached to this thing strangely enough I think it's really cool and I love the current event I definitely think it's one of the best scattergun skins that exist so yeah I really enjoy this one and I used it I think I've had this thing for like four years wow it's been a while and I use it probably as my primary scattergun I really really like it this I bought off steam community marquees I really wanted a nice rocket launcher and I'm stupid at the time so I decided to buy it so yeah that's my rocket launcher these were just these are unboxed you're like yeah I think these are unboxer I've bought them forget we're gonna matter these come from this I think was unboxed along with this same unboxing than a bunch of like just purples in general some nice stuff here and there yeah some strange is nothing outbox that and used that ago to mouth I bought that and I think it was really cool especially at the time I was like losing my mind ever owning one these are all my taunts just got some nice stuff here is easy by class so yeah nothing in saying here but some really nice stuff in general these are just like strangers that I have so I box this this is one of my first unbox and yeah I was you know pretty happy to get this thing this was definitely a cool cosmetic at the time and it still is and I think it's you know really nice so I was really happy to get it in strange at the time and I was static this is my shooting star duster sorry not shooting star and yeah I think it's a solid amount of points on him I used this thing for solid couple years that I unboxed after school one day and yeah my brother was pretty mad at me because he unbox at the same time and I got that and I don't think he got much but did was one of the best things that I had my inventory for a long long time so yeah just some strangers here nothing insane then you got some more strangers just a couple of keys of stuff my all my genuine xand stuff nothing insane my 3 freedom staffs those there's pretty God's here not gonna lie my pinks don't know why these are on a separate page I guess they just are why not oh yeah so this is a more weapons because I couldn't fit them all on one page oh that's pretty cool I like the shot to hell I think that skins pretty cool and who I'll sit spot there there we go ah we got this purple range super nice I actually unboxed the fact or new one but I think I sold it cause I need keys at the time so yeah I definitely think this one's pretty cool and you know I would use it honestly it's pretty cool that was by a and this is us by AAA a good friend of mine he was doing a couple of things in my backpack yeah this air will tonight pretty cool I actually else a couple days ago and I really like it I'm probably gonna use it a good amount all my Halloween stuff nothing crazier because it's all not tradable except for some things like I think where is it where is it where is a this the poly putrid and the demo bird head were donated by tweeted Maximus those are both tradable and majority of stuff as you can see is not a tradable or marketable we had some decent Halloween stuff then two dead pages and then we got my achievement items all the achievements I've achieved so yeah I don't have everything but I got a solid amount of this stuff and you had these from like poker night stuff yeah just generally good stuff and then finally I got my keys page where I've got a bunch of keys yeah that's where I kind of stole my key is to keep my backpack kind of tidy yeah it's pretty much just a couple of keys I don't have that many at the time and my keys usually move in and out really fast so yeah usually this page can either be full and I could fill out 30 or 53 and 54 or I could just be totally empty and yeah and then these are three donations this was by good running my name skate King I don't just voices it's nice in general this was on my birthday a friend of mine named Mike super nice guy and yeah he gave me this actually like it's a pretty cool cosmetic and then this was I wanted to give away about our why I'm just gonna back of the cell like this as exorcism I think it's basic gas yeah so yeah guys that's my whole BP I hope you have enjoyed ah a lot of time and money went into this and hopefully next year we can have another one and you can see the growth in it yeah hopefully I get my Beijing collection to grow and more videos will be coming out soon so if you enjoyed please leave a like subscribe all that jazz and until next time peace out
Channel: Ender Slicer
Views: 1,281
Rating: 4.7922077 out of 5
Keywords: TF2, Team Fortress 2, Trading, Backpack, Spell, Tour, Ender, EnderSlicer, 2019
Id: 02bSDNLZmL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 34sec (1354 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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