My $200,000,000 Morning Routine | The Bedros Keuilian Show E020

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like a morning routine is something that you do that will set you up to win see a routine is something that you do that allows your life to be predictable if you are not successful in life it's because your life is unpredictable welcome to the bedrose coolian show hey what's happening guys welcome to the bedrose cooling show whether you're watching this on YouTube or you are on Spotify iTunes or any other kind of podcast platform I appreciate you watching and listening to the show and I appreciate you sharing it giving us likes comments and all that great stuff now today I want to talk to you about something very powerful that you need to implement into your life if you are not doing this now it is costing you a lot of goodness what I mean by that is think about this if you want to have a great life if you want to have money you want to have meaning you want to have nice cars you want to have a fancy house you want to have several homes you want to fly private jets right you want to donate to your favorite church or cause or charity you can but I'm going to tell you what it takes to do that it is a a millionaire morning routine then I have structured over time and perfected and I want to share it with you but it's not just a routine there's also rituals and rules so really we're going to talk about routines rituals and rules think about this for a moment what separates a lazy impulsive unfocused selfish broke unhappy anxious person from someone who is Purpose Driven focused and service-minded happy and fulfilled what separates those two people let's say everything in their life is is like they're two identical twins one is lazy and impulsive and unfocused the other one is purpose-driven service-minded wealthy fulfilled and happy what separates those two you can't say genetics almost identical genetics raised by the same parents the only thing that would separate them are their morning routines their rituals and their rules and that's what I want to share with you when I look back on my life and I see how I built my companies to the tune of 200 million dollars a year I realize that the foundation of all of My Success is a byproduct of my routines my rituals and the rules that I've set for myself and I want to leave these rules routines and rituals with you so that you can have anything you want in life in any category without exception so let's dive right into it right because remember I was that broke kid that came from communist Soviet Union specifically Armenia and I'm that kid that had to learn the English language had to understand the culture lived in Section 8 housing they said I had add and OCD they put me on Ritalin I'm that kid that was Mrs Boyer 11th grade teacher one of my teachers in 11th grade literally pinned me against the wall and and I could tell that I had frustrated her in that in this particular classroom and said you are never going to make in a life you have to go into the military and the Marine Corps is the only thing that can set you straight and so when I graduated high school me and my friend Dave Sanborn went to the Marine Corps Recruiting Station and um lo and behold I have felt flat feet I don't have any arches I got flat feet and back in 1993 you got flat feet they're like sorry man we can't take you and so I'm like but Mrs Boyer said right they're like I don't know who Mrs Boyer is but we can't take you into the into the Marine Corps and so I felt like holy [ __ ] what am I gonna do right now thankfully you fast forward a few years and I met a great mentor Jim Franco who showed me that entrepreneurism is something that I can do and that it is a way for me to help people that is a way for me to make money is a way for me to have meaning and so I started to see what my mentor Jim Franco was doing in his life to set himself up to win his days and I noticed that he would first win his mornings and then he would win his days he would win his weeks his weeks turned into months his months turned into years and years turned into decades and that's how he built his multi-million dollar Empire and so I promised myself that I was going to do the same thing and so I started off with building out a morning routine now I'm not going to dive too deep into my morning routine but I do want to give you a glimpse of it here so we're going to talk about the routines rituals and rules and you're probably wondering how are they any different and I'll explain those to you like a morning routine is something that you do that will set you up to win see a routine is something that you do that allows your life to be predictable if you are not successful in life it's because your life is unpredictable meaning you're probably getting a phone call from someone and you're just going to answer it right you're probably uh waking up and scrolling the internet social media you're checking in on Twitter you're seeing what's going on on Tick Tock and and Snapchat and Instagram why why there's nothing wrong with the social media platforms if you go there to post content and to build your business and maybe check in on a few accounts that you follow so that you can get inspired and motivated but if you look at all the people that you follow on social media are they really worth following or are they just a way for you to escape your reality because your life sucks because you have the morning routine which means your day is shot your week is shot your month is shot your year is shot right and so my morning routine looks like this I wake up every morning at 5 30. the alarm goes off I don't hit snooze because I don't have a snooze button set you can turn off the snooze button on your phone so that you don't have the option to snooze I just hit off I wake up at 5 30 I drink my 30 ounces of water I send out my three gratitude text messages to three people that I appreciate and I'm grateful for that day that morning I um I immediately jump into the shower I get out of the shower and I go downstairs and I attack my GSD list right I'll get my coffee my protein shake and my water again and I'll sit at the kitchen counter and I'll Attack my GSD list what is a GSD list it is the get [ __ ] done list and that list was made the night before see my morning routine starts the night before successful people plan their day the night before if you just wake up and go gosh what should I do this morning how do I feel and you let the day or your feelings determine your day you let how you slept determine what you're going to do you're [ __ ] you're [ __ ] I could wake up sad I could wake up angry I could wake up tired I could wake up with a headache I could wake up with whatever and I am still gonna do what I have planned to do that day because that is what successful people do when they set up a routine that is backed by discipline and so my routine is to wake up not hit the snooze button to drink my 30 ounces of water send out my three gratitude text messages immediately shower and go downstairs get my coffee get my protein shake get my water and then sit with my laptop and focus on my GSD list my get [ __ ] done list that I made the night before that list is three to five things that I need to do in the morning to move my business forward it might be putting up my social media posts it might be writing my email broadcast it might be writing a blog post it might be sending a few emails or making a few calls to strategic business partners that I'm in business with to plan out our next moves right but it is not just quote unquote busy work my morning routine is designed to help me win the day and if I can win the day I will win the week if I win the week I will win the month I win the month I win the year and the compound Factor begins but routines alone are not enough you also have to have rituals right and I realize that I have very specific rituals now what's the difference between a routine and a ritual a ritual is something that has that has greater personal meaning to you right so I'll give you an example once I leave my house in the morning at 9am and I head to the gym I head to BK strength to work out I stopped by Starbucks and part of my ritual is that I need a iced cold brew right I need an iced cold brew before I lift even though I had coffee in the morning I still want my iced cold brew to have right before I lift and it's part of a ritual that I feel makes my workouts better also I have specific playlists that are dedicated to my workouts in the gym very different playlists than I listen to let's say if I'm driving somewhere or if I'm just chilling like a villain right my playlists are rituals that allow me to get into a state of mind where I go to battle with my body and the weights to produce the physique that I want and it is very important for me to do that another ritual that I have for example is when I'm speaking when I'm speaking on stage at an event it doesn't matter if it's 50 people or 5 000 people at this event I always do this right before I get up on stage before the announcer announces me I'm in the back corner backstage facing the corner jumping up and down and saying to myself I like myself I like myself I like myself I like myself I like myself and as I do that I realize it just puts this goofy grin on my face it changes my mental state Tony Robbins talks about this all the time he says you can change your mental state instantly and I believe that I believe that think about this man I got all this nervous energy right if I'm backstage I'm about to speak to 50 or 5 000 people I'm backstaging I'm all worked up and I'm tightly wound what better way than to go into the corner jump up and down physically and Mumble to myself I like myself I like myself I like myself with my eyes closed and you say that enough times for like two or three minutes and soon you start giggling to yourself because it's such a stupid thing to do but it is so powerful in terms of changing your state you end up releasing more endorphins more dopamine your mood changes now I'm able to get that nervous energy out and I take the stage and I crush it that is a ritual that I need and if I do that ritual I will get up on stage and I will bring the Thunder and impact lives but if I don't do that ritual then I've got this nervous energy now in the back of my mind I'm always thinking thinking thinking and you end up thinking yourself right into disaster right the best talks that I've done are talks that have come from my Radiance the best talks that I've done or talks that have just come from this place of pure Radiance where I am not nervous I am not tightly wound I don't have this nervous energy I'm just speaking to the audience with the with the intention to serve and I share that with you because that ritual is very important for me to purge the nerves and change my mindset and to one that is positive and calm versus nervous and antsy right so another one I've got a pre-podcast right I've got a pre-podcast ritual uh Joan my assistant will actually block off 60 minutes before I come down here to to film a podcast in our studio where there's literally I I told you guys I have a playlist that I have for when I'm working out in the gym I have a playlist that I listen to right before I come and do my podcast and I have a state of mind that I go into as I'm listening to that playlist I just go into that state of mind and I connect with Consciousness and I'm asking and I'm asking Source the universe God give me the words to articulate to the audience to be able to drive this message home to be able to push this message into their heart so that they can get inspired they can take action on this message so that they can better their lives they can Elevate to a higher place and therefore I come into this room in a better State of Mind connected to Consciousness speaking from my Radiance no different than if I were on stage it is that powerful my friends for you to have a ritual and then finally rules I have rules that I follow man look if you're going to be a high performer if you want the best in life you want to be rich you want to be successful you want to be jacked you want to have a great life you want to have a legacy you need rules as well in addition to your routines and your rituals for example a rule that I have is I never answer unscheduled calls period if my phone rings I see it I don't recognize the phone number or I recognize the phone number and it's not a family member meaning my wife and my kids or it's not a coaching client that's scheduled to call me that day or that moment I don't pick it up everything goes to voicemail because if I'm doing something and I pick up a random phone call from someone that random phone call might lead me to a different state of mind when someone all of a sudden dumps their problem on me right and so one of my rules is I don't answer unscheduled phone calls another one is that whenever I travel and I travel a lot I speak at a lot of events when I travel within the first two hours of Landing I must work out in fact wherever I land I will get to my hotel in the process of getting to my hotel I will find a local gym my rule is my butt will never touch the bed what is the first thing people do when they get to a hotel they sit on the bed and then they lay on the bed and they relax right what does that do all of a sudden you fall into comfort and now you don't want to get up so one of my rules is when I land I'll get to my room drop off my luggage change into my workout clothes I will not even sit on the bed not touch the bed and I will go and find the local gym and I will get a Savage workout in doesn't matter what time of the day if the hotel gym is a good gym I'll work out there if not I'll Uber or drive to a local gym and get a great workout in that helps me overcome jet lag puts me in a better state of mind and gets me fatigued so I could sleep better because if I'm traveling I'm probably speaking at an event and if I'm speaking at an event I want to get all that nervous energy out the night before what better way to do it than to get a great workout in exhaust myself so that I could sleep better right those are one of some of the rules that I have another rule that I have is I I turn off my text my phone ringer the buzzer the notifications all of that before I go home when I leave HQ after I clear my text messages and emails I turn off all notifications now just so you guys know I have all notifications for social media turned off at all times if you have notifications on and I know there's gurus out there that that will tell you turn on notifications turn on my notifications you know what [ __ ] them I'll tell you why [ __ ] them think about this you're doing something super important for your work for your business for your family and all of a sudden you get pinged that your favorite Guru just posted something dude come on you're really gonna stop what you're doing and impulsively go and check that notification tell your kids or your business that they're an afterthought you don't want that so you got to have all notifications turned off now in addition to that though when I leave HQ I turn off the ringer text notifications anything that would distract me from my family because I'm not interested in getting distracted while I'm with my family because that will send the message to my family that they are second-class citizens compared to the call or the text or the email or the notification that comes in see that requires a high level of discipline another rule that I have I don't go to weddings and funerals of people that I haven't talked to or seen for at least 12 months look man if I haven't talked to you or if I haven't seen you for 12 months odds are we've Fallen apart right and if we were friends then and we're not friends now that's cool I respect that but don't expect me to show up to a wedding or a funeral I'm a man on a mission and a man on a mission must stay on his mission and will only do what is within his rules rituals and his routines and it's that simple for me another thing I don't do is I don't hang out with low tone low energy people who are going to gossip and talk [ __ ] I just think that's an absolute waste of time why would I want to hang out with low tone and low energy people what a horrible way to to spend your time to lower your energy and frequency and then think that you're going to do anything positive towards building a business changing your life having a positive mindset having a great relationship how how are you going to do anything good if you're hanging out with gossipy low tone low energy low low frequency [ __ ] who who can't even think bigger than just watching television smoking weed drinking watching football on the weekends like really like that that's not the type of dudes I want to hang out with right it's not so if you are willing and you really have the desire to build yourself an Empire and I don't know what your Empire is going to look like and and by the way if you're like well you know I don't want to build a 200 million dollar business I don't want to build it listen I'm gonna tell you something it's just numbers money at this point is just numbers it does it's just a point system if tomorrow they said bottle caps are the things to collect to buy myself freedom and to be able to make my life better and give my family awesome experiences and give my friends and family security and to be able to buy nice things I started collecting bottle caps right so money is just that if you have a weird relationship with money you got to fix that and that's another that's another episode that will shoot at a future date but whatever level of success you want in life it's on the other side of an awesome routine that sets you up to win the day it's on the other side of rituals that are non-negotiable and rules that you'll stick to so that you will always move forward towards your mission in life guys I always remember this that average is the enemy that success is your duty and when you are ready to change your life you can literally change it by flipping the switch just like that so thank you so much for watching and listening to this episode today as always don't forget to tell your mama peace
Channel: Bedros Keuilian
Views: 295,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, business, ceo, success, leadership, mindset, entrepreneurship, motivation, personaldevelopment, productivity, hustle, EntrepreneurAdvice, EntrepreneurGoals, EntrepreneurialSpirit, HardWorkPaysOff, EntrepreneurialSuccess, BusinessOwner, SmallBusiness, Andy Frisella, Ed Mylett, David Goggins, Jocko Willink, Tony Robbins, Wes Watson, Alex Hormozi, Gary Vee, EntrepreneurLife, WorkEthicMatters, BusinessMotivation, EntrepreneurTips, Immigrant work ethic, Immigrant Mindset, millionaire mindset
Id: lLhz4fulKk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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