My $10,000 Acorns Investment Portfolio - Acorns Investing Update

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hey what's going on guys welcome back to the channel in today's video this is probably the most excited i've been in a while today is actually my birthday that's right and uh there's no place i'd rather be than recording a video here for uh everybody on youtube to watch now this is gonna be one of my favorite topics obviously investing uh dividend investing is my favorite but really just i guess passive investing is one of the things that i am most fascinated by letting my money just work for me letting it sit and not having to think twice about my investments and there's several different ways that i automate it now in this video here today we're going to be taking a deeper look into my acorns portfolio one that i started a while ago and talk about some of the benefits of using acorns and people are asking me about the new you know three dollars a month charge on acorns and i'll tell you all my thoughts around this stuff as we move forward so without further ado you know you've already hit the like button i appreciate that let's jump right into this video [Music] all right now listen if you guys are brand new to this channel and you're just coming here for the first time well i want to say welcome my name is dalton and this is dlitztv and hey on this channel we talk about all things personal finance and investing real estate related really i'm trying to get more diversified with some of the content that i'm putting out so you know what leave me some feedback in the comment section if you guys want to see anything new or different on this channel here but uh as i had said this video is going to be mainly about acorns investing before we jump in i just want to talk about the reason why passive investing to me means so much because it's really the key to a free future you can really live the way you want to live you see if my dividend income or my passive income is enough to cover my lifestyle you know i'm not gonna be super inflated i'm not gonna be really extravagant with the things that i do uh i just wanna make enough to basically get by and be happy and have the freedom to actually live life to the fullest potential right i want to be there for my kids when i'm when they're growing up i want to be there for my family and uh this is the way that i see you know all the connections making sense in my mind so i'm doing everything that i can while i'm young still young you know obviously today is my birthday i'm 25 years old and i've got a long ways to go but you know maybe by the time i'm in my you know mid 30s 40s i'll be able to retire much younger than the typical average age for an american worker so uh what i'm gonna do now is just jump in to my acorns investing application and you can see right now i have invested ten thousand one hundred twenty three dollars and nine cents one of the cool things about acorns investing is actually the referral program if you don't know much about a referral program basically what happens with acorns investing anytime you get somebody to sign up using your specific link you're gonna get yourself five dollars after you sign up for an account you have one open get your friends get your family it's fairly easy to uh to explain the value of this application to others and get people interested in saving money and investing so if you can do that you're gonna get yourself five dollars for every referral but on top of that one of the cool things about acorns is some of the other additional perks that they offer so right now you can see in the top right it says get a thousand dollars if i click on that here's what's going on so for the next you know couple days here till october 16th so you know this is a shorter promotion uh based on when i'm making this video because today is the 13th uh this is a shorter video usually you got about a month to do some of these so if you got five people to sign up you're gonna get a thousand dollars completely free and i know that you know it's tough for some people to find someone who's interested in signing up maybe they already have accounts but trust me start asking around i've got friends i've got family that i've been able to get signed up for this and in the past made you know a couple thousand dollars just by doing that and the thing is this one thousand dollars here promotion i could take advantage of this if i got five people to sign up and then you know next month they might do another promotion where you can get an additional 900 or something like that so it's really cool i think it's an awesome platform just to try and you know get some people to sign up get some referrals rolling in but on top of that the concept of this application is really cool now there is a new uh a new fee associated with it used to be that you would have to pay 99 cents a month to use it so it's pretty cheap but now it's around three dollars a month so you know 36 dollars for the entire year and to be honest i get that value out of this application now what i use my acorns investing application for is sort of my rainy day fund i'm putting money into this that i'm not even realizing that i am saving right because the way that acorns works is that it has a feature known as roundup and if you don't know what roundups are uh basically roundups will allow you to take the difference in the price of what you're paying and uh invest a spare change so for example if you buy a coffee and that coffee costs 2.49 acorns will then take the additional 51 cents to round up to three dollars and then it will invest it into the stock market automatically for you after setting that feature up and so i take advantage of that but not only that i do two times that value so if i buy a coffee for 2.49 i have roundups on so it goes up to 51 cents to be invested and then it doubles so i'm investing you know a dollar in two cents right there and so this happens for anything that i purchase and as a brand new duplex and homeowner there are so many costs associated with that that i didn't even think about when i was buying this place and so my acorns value in you know the past month or two has shot up because i'm constantly swiping my card have all of them linked up to it and uh it's it's been automatically investing for me so what's cool is initially i started this account i was like cool i'll withdraw it when i have a couple thousand dollars and i'll be able to you know maybe go on a vacation or do something nice with it but uh as i kept investing i just love seeing the account value grow and it just made sense to keep it invested for uh in the platform with me so that's why i love acorns so much and uh just looking at some of the things about acorns is the really cool automated portfolios that you can select so there's different styles of uh basically aggressiveness that you want to be investing at and acorns breaks it down and it will tailor to your needs so for example if i click on the invest tab here it's going to bring up this screen and if i go into the portfolio mine is set on aggressive but you can look at different styles of portfolio you can do medium stock companies you can do small companies international companies stocks and this is the risk level that i'm going with so there's a couple different i believe five different risk levels so if i start on the far left conservative is one moderately conservative moderate moderately aggressive and aggressive and within these you get a breakdown of what you're investing in so obviously conservative you're investing more in bonds you're not going to get as high of a return on your investment but it's just something to consider and really honestly aggressive i wish there was more of an ultra aggressive approach where i could invest more into uh more into stocks and uh have have more of a risk factor to this to see if the potential is worth it and could grow a lot quicker now one of the cool things about this as well if i go back to the main screen here and i click on the very top right where i see the potential right now this is estimating that at the age of 65 on my current trajectory uh it's projecting around 226 two dollars will be invested and that's starting with my initial balance of uh right around ten thousand dollars here if i continue spending and investing as i have been now what's cool is if you set recurring investments you can kind of toy with this so if i just invest you know let's say five dollars every single week um i'm gonna get that number up to 267 thousand dollars but you can keep toying with it now let's say every single week you do 30 bucks you're gonna get 474 000 and right now i mean i've been investing a hundred dollars a week into uh robin hood investing pretty much for a long long time and if i do that i'd have more than a million dollars in this application estimated right this isn't guaranteed to happen but based on historical performance that's where it would be at now another awesome feature about acorns is this earn more money section here so if i explore earn basically you can uh you can make money for buying and spending different money in in ways that you typically would so like if i got ubereats i'd get three and a half percent automatically invested into this application if i buy through this section here uh on ebay up to one percent would be invested of the transaction and so this is kind of just another way like if you swipe your credit card right you're gonna get a rewards points more than likely so this is like an additional tier level to that which is really really cool and it will automatically invest it for you into the stock market so again completely hands off and it's really changed my mind about how i think about investing in this application now obviously what i love most is that passive feature where i'm getting dividend incomes you can see a couple referrals coming in here 15 from the month of october but also dividends so look at this 18.7 dividend payment from vo just for holding these investments three dollars and 72 cents uh from ijh here and two dollars and 34 cents right here so this is happening you know all the time getting these dividends it's really nice it's just growing the portfolio value it adds on to my dividend income for the tracker that i have and it keeps increasing in value so it's really exciting to see these numbers grow i love watching checking this portfolio and again although it's changed over time what i decided to use this for and now i'm obviously holding it long term uh completely worth it in my mind i really love this feature i love this application and i think if you're considering you know trying to get somebody interested in saving money and investing this is one of the best approaches that you could have and uh you know they're not even gonna realize it as they're spending and swiping their cards so it's so worth it in my mind uh again you guys should totally check it out if you haven't been using it and if you have been let me know some of your returns on this mine haven't been wildly successful but it's just cool to have it automated in the background i think overall i've made around you know four or five hundred dollars off this but it's four or five hundred dollars that i wouldn't have made if i just left this money sitting in the bank and i'm sure there's gonna be people out there saying hey you can utilize that money in your own particular investments however you want but this is an application that i support i believe in i want to house my money here at least some of it and i have many different investment accounts so i'm very comfortable with where this is at and uh you know in the future it could withdraw this i could switch it out i can do whatever i want with this but for now i'm really happy with that account the growth on it and uh looking forward to see where it heads in the future so if you guys enjoyed this video please click that like button it would really mean a lot to me thank you so much for checking out this video and have a great day that's my birthday dance
Channel: DLITZTV
Views: 5,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acorns investment app, acorns review, acorns app, investing for beginners, acorns investing for beginners, acorns investing for beginners 2021, acorns investing, best investing apps beginners, investing for beginners 2021, acorns app review, acorns investing review, investing on acorns, acorns, acorns investing beginners guide, acorns investing tutorial, dlitztv, my acorns portfolio, acorns investing portfolio
Id: uI68ABj0-5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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