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Channel: MAMAMOO
Views: 247,927,405
Rating: 4.9379621 out of 5
Keywords: MAMAMOO, 마마무, HIP, HIP 뮤비, HIP MV, 마마무 뮤비, 마마무 HIP, 마마무 HIP MV, 마마무 MV, 마마무 HIP 뮤비
Id: KhTeiaCezwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Ohhh man. When you listen to the album, HIP ----> 4X4ever transition is amazing. It was like a jolt of electricity. Great album. Great song, I really want to see a lyrics translations for Wheein's beginning part of the song.
I'm now dressing ridiculous every time I go to the airport. I 👏 got 👏 your 👏 back 👏 president Hwasa! 👍
Ok but the airport fashion reference tho.
Also, does anyone else wish we got MVs for each universe? So many cool outfits, styling, and concepts, and it's crammed into a less than 4 minute video. I wanted to more of everything lol.
Mamamoo being signed with RBW, actually might stand for Red Black Winning fashion in this HIP era.
There, I said it.
1.5 Million views in 6 hours 🎉🎉🎉
So so so good...
I loved the song!!! They all look so good, I loved environmentalist Wheein :D
I can‘t get over the cheesy air guitar choreo in the beginning of the song. It makes me put on a big grin every single time!