Mustard Fried Chicken Live

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okay here we are back okay guys I'm gonna take this to the counter so we can get started as I said I had a little bit difficulty there but today in this video we are going to be cooking mustard fried chicken and we're going to compare the marinade it must have fried chicken to the Mara to the chicken that I'm just going to season up today and cook I got a lot of questions everyone wanted to know can you taste the mustard and I really couldn't taste the mustard but different people were telling me that the mustard and the hot sauce were just to hold the seasonings on the chicken but I mean when I fry my chicken everything is already seasoned good and I don't need anything to hold the seasoning to the chicken so I wanted to marinate the chicken to see if I can tell the difference so that's what this video is for okay now we're going to go in here I'm gonna be moving my tripod back and forth over here to the kitchen to the area so you can see me cooking right now I'm gonna go ahead and wash my chicken off and I have a pack in the sink and I don't want to be in the way of the camera so members mark the truth is because of my fingernails or you know everybody can't go to the salon right now so I'm trying to take the fake nails off and I put them down to low my fingers hurt for about a week and I might only got again all right so Oh all right Thank You doll and I'm just gonna turn my laptop on so that I can be able to see someone comments you get to respond a little bit you're gonna turn it all the way down because there will get it okay there we go Oh over here on the stove eating up a little girl real life you see what you have on right pants please go upstairs and get you some pants thank you okay so anyway I have my slaw heating up and the one on the right is a emerald Dutch oven that is cast-iron the one on the left is the cast aluminum I've been corrected so much on saying that but that's I'm gonna go ahead and get everything ready to go everybody give me a thumbs up I need some likes I need some likes that's the most important thing when you're watching my videos give me a like give me a thumbs up let me know that you like my channel so we're in a roasting pan because a lot of people discussed it when I wash my chicken in the sink and the bear scene but I sanitized with Clorox I've been using this microbe and it's a 24-hour spray it kills germs for 24 hours once you use it your kills of the 99.9% of all bacteria so it stopped I don't know how you guys watch their chicken I've been getting so many so many suggestions of what I do pop it watch it I should make a blintz I'm gonna be back out making that rinse that I was with a minute to be on another video but not this one today I get this chicken seasoned alright so I'm gonna come back over here to this side because this is the spices that we're going to use and it's not too hot or song and we're gonna raise it up as you can see how much we're putting on there we go is that better guys okay I got some comments saying I wasn't even enough mustard so I'm gonna put more mustard and this wow this looks so much like it have so much mustard in it so I'm going to put some more mustard more much than onions the last time all right we're gonna add hot sauce and I want to mention again that I got this recipe from the social butterfly food for the Soul that is a YouTube channel a fellow youtuber and she used all these ingredients except for the garlic salt because I thought it needed a little bit more salt okay what we're gonna do it first is at the pepper it doesn't really matter which spice you add first as long as you add all the spices so you add to your preference I like a lot of pepper we're gonna add the drain link garlic somebody spices like that from Sam's some of these spices I got from Walmart on the Spanish ah this is one of those Spanish brands so this is granulated garlic and this these spices don't have any salt in it granulated onion and like I said use as much or as little as you want to I'm just giving you a basis to go by seasoning salt and salt in it then this recipe this ingredient wasn't included but I'm gonna use it because I like garlic salt and I thought it needed a little bit more salt but I like a rough start of my food if you have high blood pressure or anything please don't manage the salt use the salt free substitute okay and lastly we're gonna pick the parsley and that's just gonna make it pretty it doesn't give any flavor okay now we're going to go ahead and get everything mixed up get in there good I don't use any tongs or anything what I'm doing this I just use my hands because you know using all these utensils will slow me down using the gloves would be a little a lot quicker but well not quicker but it'll be a lot neater but as far as you know I use it if I wasn't doing this on camera I probably use my hand as long as I didn't have any cuts or anything on my fingernails on my hands and that's good okay so I'm gonna this is finished I'll let that sit there for a minute walk it my flour ready and only thing I'm gonna be putting in my flour is some parsley plates and just flour plain flour I'm sorry step rising flour these right here I like to have my canisters up here on the counter because it's convenient when I'm cooking I can just reach in there and get something I'm gonna have to get all one cup measuring cups to go inside there but I'm only gonna have three sitting on the counter I you you know when I was living in Inman I had the three cookie canisters sitting on my counter I got that from the Kardashians I'm Chloe and I'm gonna put those back up there as soon as those flowers go away but I'm gonna have the cookie sitting there cuz it looks so pretty that will to give me a little bit more counter space so I'm putting in four cups of flour okay so now I'm just gonna put some parsley in here now if I was doing regular chicken just frying chicken and didn't already have all that stuff on there just regular salt and pepper and the seasons whatever I use I would probably put some sage and some parsley as usual and then I would put some granulated garlic granulated onion powder none salted seasonings and my cooking because I have seasonings on the chicken okay so that's gonna make that pretty alright let's go back over here and let's check the oil and how much it might all is I put a little flour in it and you see how it's cooking I turn my eyes off because I didn't want it to get too hot so I'm gonna turn it back on between white seven and eight minutes that's good that's the wrong guy sorry guys so that's kind of it about six cuz this is my quick boy I okay so that's still a little warm so let's try and see what it feels like that's good I'm gonna let it heat a little bit more that's not hot at all this is a thicker pan it's harder to heat up the cast iron I haven't used this in so long I hope that it or that it fries that you good alright so it looks like this is gonna be ready first while that's heating up let's see if I got any comments let's see who's here Thank You crystal I know everybody's nails look crazy you know what guys I looked at one of um beloved videos the other day I hadn't watched her in a while and I was looking at her and she didn't have any nails on and that was so crazy because you know she is known for her crazy long nails and all the embellishments and things she have on them she didn't have anything on you know if you're rich and you can't get your nails done it's serious out here okay so let's see who's here with me so I can say hello sometimes I'm so bad at this computer thing I tell you right now that's the air okay there we go okay hey Quinn thank you for joining me time is a bit off kappa put some time in there too all thing I want and my flowers tip seasoning is caraway see I hate carrots good afternoon Terence yes Jesus is coming soon and I have expected have accepted them thank you here that's all this last April bear with me if that comes there you go I'm just saying hello to everyone hi Robert I was wrong okay so what I'm gonna do is go ahead and check the old one more time oh that's it we're gonna try that out a little bit ain't tryin to have flour over here okay let's go ahead and get it ready let's kick this right here that's gonna take a few more minutes that is good okay we're gonna have the must have fried chicken on the left and we're gonna have the regular the well the most at fried chicken that's been marinated overnight on the left and the one that were just seasoning today on the right so let me go ahead jeez Louise okay here we go just so you can see me putting that coating putting the flour on the chicken bag to coat my chicken I could have used one today since I'm not going to save this flower but I just didn't feel like doing it I just want to get you guys a fresh look at what I'm doing today we're going to put about five chick peas that she's ever gonna start because we don't want to crop the pan I got a lot of questions people wanted to know how long it took for the chicken to cook and today you see the sizes I'm putting in here and we're gonna see how long it's gonna take but always remember that when you're cooking chicken listen so how it's frying I'm gonna move the tripod back over to the all because something you're ready to start driving okay I wanna I want you to listen to this with me if you can hear it now that's rhymes really good that's a good loud cry when that chicken gets done you see how the chicken is dominant down the breeze when that chicken gets done it's gonna flow and it's not gonna sound as loud as it sounding right now and the frying is gonna slow down so that's what that's what you gotta know listening for okay we're stopped before in there we're gonna get the rest ready yeah I like cast iron but that castle over them it's really good to know my cast iron right what I want some good chicken I'll get me a whole fryer and cut it up and then I will cook it in a cast-iron frying pan there's nothing like that because it is so good give me some myself y'all just mine ball back out hey get your life sighs Juanita how are you thank you for joining me today now how many of you guys are cooking this try to get along with me I posted on my Facebook page yesterday I was gonna be doing this just so if anybody else wants to make mustard fried chicken for Durance a day they could do it and they'd have time for its a marinade or you just start fresh like me hi Cisco myself yeah sorry okay so we're going to put this on this side okay we're going to go ahead and coat the other I'm here and just coat the chicken in the background yeah I want to get this done I know something some of you guys are probably cooking or eating your dinner right now but I have to work tonight but I want to get this done for my family so I don't have time to lay down take a little nap okay so here we go and put that my piece in there we're going to check the other and I do go through a lot I took my chicken out of the refrigerator so I could get room temperature a couple of hours ago but it still have a little bit of a chill on it the front of the ball condense together so you don't want to put cold cold fresh cold cold chicken in there because it'll warm you grease down too much so it's going to come back up in just a minute okay some candied yams in this cast-iron pan one time oh it was a mistake and I'll tell you everybody's mad go there if I was waiting on those candy em but they were just horrible so I haven't found out how to use it yet okay what I'm gonna do is go ahead and get my cooling racks ready now I got you I got beat up I'm using my paper towels on the plate because some people say it was too close to the I have a nice flat but you know what I didn't have it close enough worth it if it's catch fire so you know well you know what you doing you don't have that problem but I do have a fire extinguisher all right my husband so this morning they were less than four dollars and change two of them this is what it looks like they're very cheap you can put cookies or anything on there but a lot of people said that cookie putting your chicken on the cooling rack helps it to stay crisper longer versus putting on the paper towels so this is what I'm going to try which is which now why is this okay I'm gonna come over here and finish flowering my chicken so you guys can see okay you've gotta be some pickled eggs are different sizes I guess that's a good thing but I went to Walmart last night after work and I didn't know that they closed mouth at 8:30 so I forget this bit where the head and they have to visit and have anything like this wrap I haven't been able to okay we're gonna come to the stove and this is the only thing I'm gonna cook today I'm gonna have a meal let me show you what I've got triggered in this crock pot over here that's some pinto beans I cooked put on last night and they're done I just have them simmering a little longer so they can get that thick juice on it and I'm gonna make some zucchini and onions my husband doesn't like Kobe but me and my husband were our tasting food is totally did that or two people watching now oh my God thank you that others will think it back hydrate oh that's my Sagnol let's see what CAC microchipping today you know I'm really hard on myself when I'm cooking yeah guys give me some likes Thank You Anita that really don't have any idea of what to do in the kitchen so I decided hey you know why not go ahead and start a channel and you can give some new cooks some ideas and I didn't want to say that I did reach my one-year anniversary on YouTube on the 12th of this month I made my first introduction video and my first it was finished with tomato and onions oh my god that video did pretty good too but this mustard fried chicken video has went through the roof when I um oh I have to go to sleep Drake I have when I finish this right here I'm gonna cook the zucchini and then I'm gonna go to bed because you know Thank You Willy for hitting the like button okay so anyway um thank you twins I mean it's been oh it's been a year we have done a lot of things we have done a lot of different videos and I like to travel I like to cook a lot if you think things with my family and that is what my video or my channel is based on me doing all those different things a lot of people keep telling me I need to do mug bangs but you know what I'm mukbang mukbang however you say that uh I don't like to smack when I eat I don't like to hear anybody else smack anyone um when they're eating so that's not me that would be out of character now let's sit down and taste something or eat something to get a reaction from me or my family but me sit down here drama smacking and going on no I'm not gonna do that because that's not me 20-something subscribers oh my god I don't know where the like button is it's just we gotta front of the video with the thumbs up that's what it is this is the thumbs up okay so anyway I have 3000 I'm sorry 4320 something subscribers thank you miss Vivi um it happened really in the last month and a half when I left one of my groups I was in I had like 1200 and something um subscribers 1200 is something this mustard Fried Chicken video went through the roof and I've gained like 3,000 some odd subscribers since then so what I need y'all to do is share my videos and spread the word if you like what I'm doing spread the word because of this trash hey you don't have to like it but I try to be uplifting and positive as I can be no I don't like all that you know smacking slurping it makes it sounds like they're trying to sound like towards sexuality or something and I'm knocking anybody moves into answer mark but I'm a lot so that's not something I'm gonna do I'm just gonna be me okay scroll it what down just a little bit okay everybody watching you might hit that thumbs up button I got 57 people watching guys so why don't you guys hit that like button required amount of minutes so if anybody goes back after today or later on today and look at these videos you will see eggs and that's how my channel is phased now I haven't got my first paycheck yet I was monetized back in February and I haven't got my first check because I hadn't made my first hundred dollars but right now I'm at like 130 something books and they YouTube pays out on the 22nd of every month so this month I should be getting a payout and it'll be my first check and you don't have to turn it when you have it in a winner deep-frying it like this but I like to just to make sure nothing is sticking oh my goodness all right Thank You Edwards offenders were taken out of debt and they'll see those thumbs up well I hope it lasts holidays but I wanted to try it and see if I have a difference with it marinating overnight thank you will it's like hitting that like button okay what we're gonna do is go in here and take this out on the left side you might not be able to we're gonna take these pieces little bit over at Soldier and this is probably going to be kind of dry but there's a smaller piece of chicken so guys I'm off work every other Sunday now I'm doing it I'm posted this week because I'm on night shift but I will be off next Sunday now I don't know what I'm gonna cook but I'm gonna do a live video and I'm open for suggestions so if you want to see me cook anything I'm gonna get our early Sunday morning and we can cook together so if you have a suggestion if you want to know how to cook something or if you just want to cook with me just let me know and I'll make that meal next Sunday but let me know put your suggestions in at least by um next Saturday I don't like that I'm looking for some splatter guard but they didn't have any at the Walmart when having to go to the very busy Walmart so we just went to the one is two Springs okay so we're gonna just cook two batches of this chicken today and then I'm gonna stop this video because I don't want to bore you guys okay so we're gonna cook two batches I'm that one over there on the left side all right and let's go look at this chicken right here right down yes this is my new place we moved in last week the kitchen is bigger if you see I can move around a little bit okay oh you want me to make some cabbage I tell you what I'll make some cabbage next Sunday how about that room look at those pieces of chicken hmm let me take these gloves off now y'all just seemed a little early Niels yeah I'll make some more cabbage for y'all next Sunday and we'll get started earlier let's see we will probably start cooking at about hmm I don't say 11 o'clock because I don't want to get up too early so we'll start cooking at about 11 o'clock I don't know what all I'm gonna have with that cabbage so y'all give me some suggestions and I'll cook whatever you guys want to see and we can all have a good Sunday home-cooked meal without having to go to go to growl because I tell you I do like go to Corral but ain't nothing like home cooking I always burn my hand and but getting between these gonna pot I'll tell you what by next Sunday when I cook again yep I put that corn bread to next Monday I will have some spatter guards okay let's come back over here to the chicken chicken chicken I can eat chicken seven days a week you got that right I'm gonna tell you what this I mean I'd like to support the rest of us that I go to there's the restaurant up here in Spartanburg called Apollo's I like to go to I would hate to see it shut down I like Texas Roadhouse I like the one in Taylors better than the one in Spartanburg though I like will serve them long horn it's different restaurants that I would hate to see go out of business right now because we're in this pandemic but I tell you what some of the listen I set up eating from Smith's you can only go through the drive-thru have not put their heart in their food it is not good and you know I don't want to support somebody if they're not supporting my drum taste buds because care about what you're cooking oh yeah I'm a Chicken Hawk my husband is like girl you can eat chicken every day but I love shaking my grandbabies love chickens my little grandson Ayden when he comes over he's like can you go some brown something that brown chicken that's fried chicken that's what he calls fried chicken they're gonna miss this right here though look at that oh my god oh my god it looks so good I didn't see if anybody was cooking this chicken or not is anybody cooking this chicken with me today oh now this is frying a whole lot better than that first batch was yeah I turned it I turned the grease down and it didn't come back right and I'm watching my tail since y'all know my sleeves are coming along I'm watching those Joker's because I don't want to get burned huh I'm so happy that everybody can join me today it makes me feel really good that I have such such a big you know supporting fan base and everybody who's not subscribed please subscribe to my channel hey darling okay what about your hair put your hair back up and then come out now and I'll put you on camera go but put your hair in a band oh it does it smells so good alright let's check some comments guys let's see Thank You Angela I'm glad that you enjoy my channel I'm glad that I can bring these beads dice and entertainment right now because we're still stuck in the house haven't been able to go to a lot of places so it's a lot of people been watching YouTube have 80 people watching right now this is the most people I've ever had 81 this is the most people I've ever had watching a live stream 32 likes come on guys give me a thumbs up okay let's see okay good afternoon from Chicago Illinois Hey start back cooking the meals at home that's nothing like a person that can cook man woman teenager everybody get in there we're gonna have cabbage and cornbread for dinner next Sunday all right I haven't had a suggestion for me I don't want to do the fried chicken again I don't want the mustard fried chicken again so give me a different meat to cook for next Sunday and we can all cook together next Sunday I'm off every other weekend oh I'm not opening up a restaurant that's too much work Willie man my mom wanted to do that at one time but we couldn't get anybody to help us and that's when I was younger and had a whole lot of energy so we couldn't get anybody to help us so um that was quickly bad so that will never happen the battle the mutant road take another batch of chicken out turkey wings or meatloaf let's see let's see we see a meatloaf sounds good I do have a video for meatloaf on my channel so you guys can look that up but I can cook that next Sunday that sounds really good meatloaf cabbage cornbread one more thing cuz I want to make it too long well it's gonna be long anyway because we're gonna be cooking everything together from scratch so it's gonna be a longer video now my husband would love that pork chops and gravy I'll do the meatloaf I'll do the smothered pork chops and gravy the next time okay let's go ahead and let's take this out oh my thought is cheese I didn't think about that hmm that sounds good so we'll have that next Sunday fried cabbage cornbread macaroni and cheese and meat loaf so we're gonna go ahead and pick this out and then we have one more pin to do for that but I'm not gonna do I'm gonna bring it up to the camera please can see it very good now about y'all but I like all that spin on my chicken when it's really crispy I like to eat it like that look at that hmm that's gonna be delicious I already know Greg I hope you called your brother and your sister and told them to tune in okay now this is the last back know we have some more pieces but we're not gonna do that on camera and I did take my glove off across the Maci this is over I'm going to put five pieces in here yes oh good thank you Miss Bea Bea I got all types from Home Depot believe it or not Thank You the metric magazine Oh I don't know what happened to my spatter guard I used to have some but I think that's ready I'll tell you what I do like the way that cast honor this making this people look so pretty or it might be becuase I let the chicken marinate overnight I wear this one because this cast aluminum music makes it really pretty too okay it's just a deeper golden or people brown color so what we're going to do is when they cool down this little bit turn that off we're going to do is take a piece and bite it of each chicken and see which one is not available okay so this one's on this is the marinated five and this is the site that is just Thank You Terrance it looks delicious this is the pan that was just seasoned this morning or this afternoon so that's going to need a little bit longer and we're going to stop the video as soon as we taste everything and let me get my table ready I'm still here guys I'll just straighten up in the background my daughter's ate breakfast this morning and didn't clean up the table after themselves cuz they didn't wake up it too late anyway okay what we're gonna do is go ahead and make it put us two pieces of chicken on the plate over here let's see what these beans are doing they're extremely hot I know that much here I put these things on last night and they're done I'm go ahead and cut them off now I like to let them cook a little longer so that juice can get thick on but they look good I don't have any type of meat in there but I didn't season it with salt pepper sugar and some bullion I put the bullion in there that keeps me from using pork we're not gonna eat today not not right now I'll take those to work to my knee okay now we're gonna get a piece of this chicken my hand and we're gonna let it cool down a little bit longer because I don't know burn my tongue that way it will miss my whole thing up okay so what we're gonna do we have 95 people watching oh my god thanks guys everybody thank you for watching give me a thumbs up like this video and I really will be appreciative appreciative sometime my tongue get a little big sorry all right I'm with my laptop over this is gonna be fine we've still got a way to go with this chicken and it's just four of us here that's gonna be clean enough for us to eat the only thing else I'm gonna cook with this is some pasta I'm gonna make like um you know the homemade version of my pasta side where I just bought some pasta and I put um mushroom soup or chicken cream of chicken soup for who don't ever don't like mushroom soup bullion it's and spices it's and cheese in it and that makes it delicious okay you want to come on with me at the table sweetie what was Lauren doing okay guys we're gonna go ahead to the table so I can taste this chicken you want to taste on - it's a little darker over here let me get the light on go an infinite I don't know go turn over there there it is okay let me bring it back a little bit so I'll be able to get in there okay going on the side what is your sister doing upstairs okay your daddy's walk okay all right so Oh you can definitely taste the difference I would suggest that you marinate overnight but it's marinated so it hasn't marinated it made a very it made for your piece but I said out no it's my father's I marinated why darker but it definitely tastes better let's go back to the to the table to the stove yes ma'am you want your own piece okay we're going to give you an iron piece and then we're going to go ahead and in this video because it's long enough as it is okay Morna you want Lauren okay she tried this over here she's tried the one that was marinated okay okay come on girls come on I need to be laying down in just a little bit okay I got your piece over here let's go back explain well Thank You Angela okay guys come on let's go over here so we can see what you watch you watch every action is to the chicken yes
Channel: undefined
Views: 71,212
Rating: 4.8912306 out of 5
Id: 9a_CKUF3nFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 2sec (4022 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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