Mustang TAKES FLIGHT, Last TX2K in Houston (TX2K23 Day 5)

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you what is up 1320 fans and welcome to the fifth and final day of tx2k 23. also this is the last day we will ever be at Houston Raceway unfortunately the track is to be closed in about a month and this whole place will be Rubble by April 30th but we're still gonna enjoy the track while we still have it and that's the day and we are kicking things off with heavyweight class right here we have the number one qualify for heavyweight with a 759 world's fastest ctsb by the way [Music] [Music] we won so yesterday I was wrong they got a BMW in it too he's got the same motor same platform so I guess he qualifies that BMW's done an eight nine that was the best pass ever and it was yesterday there's only a handfuls but there is a good handful so that is one of the faster cars in the class actually is that Bucky it is right next to it yeah his head looks a little weird but I'm pretty sure that's Bucky's here yeah the buckies they came of uh the downtime we had due to the Rain gotcha so you went to buggies got a onesie and yeah now your lineup gear yes 100 we're getting our names on the back of the buckies for the next time we come so so that's awesome we'll look out for you thanks oh yeah so we got one buggy and then we got more buckets [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys there's even more buckies than I thought there was there was one and then there's three more entire team [Music] [Applause] race track [Music] all right guys we're moving on to round one of elimination now it's pretty so expensory now this class is pretty self-explanatory basically anything that's still fine there's other rules but basically it has to have a 2J this guy and the Plaid right here this is Jason Miller this is one of the best prep guys of the country this is why these cars are hooking and breaking records this is one of the cleanest Z cars I've ever seen in my life and it's a drag car those two things don't always go together but it does for this car [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right we got one pair of exhibition going up and then after that we are starting the streetcar class cars at tx2k are a little different they're pretty fast like six seconds players so our friend Ned and the orange vipers did a 7-11 off the trail yesterday then back there was 701 car's never done a six what are we doing today A to B not running sixes okay not okay nope I like this gameplay greedy up here at least I passed Jake okay what's he doing first round DT wise all right I don't think he's got anything really heavy in it just good A to B pass yours here for moral support right you're not tuning on it or anything no I don't do that you're just a spectator now they let me cook them stay from real Street he's a freaking Legend he does a lot more than cook hot dogs [Music] so that's two tenths faster than he qualified at well it's hard to go much slower than six nine or something that was some drag weeks not just to get down what how good is that thing sound it does sound really good yeah prefer Ford it's pretty good Laura waiting for some cleanup here at the track I wanted to remind you if you want to pick up one of our 1320 video Edition draggies I'm gonna make it real easy for you and click the link down description below we're gonna play the clip from a couple days ago here at tx2k Terence and Billy's car running mid to Second 60-130 looks like it's warp speed if you want to record that 100 to 150 Eighth Mile quarter mile 60 foot half mile anything all you needed is a smartphone and our 1320 video Edition draggy and you can do just that in your car check the link in the description below let's get back to racing slow in fact I see that car in the 650s though he comes back around probably go a little quicker next round [Music] [Applause] got the heat on in here I'm really really hopeful to go like uh I mean from a bracket perspective 686 to 689 really yeah that would be really cool that's Aaron that's the owner and founder of entomoto uh they build vipers they build other kinds of cars too but their attention to detail Second To None some of the cleanest race cars you'll ever see come come out of that shop anthmodo go look them up oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] or off the core he just did a four-wheel wheelie bumper stand all four wheels were way off the ground holy [ __ ] all right the driver's out of the car he's okay that had been a hard hit though geez did you get that yeah oh my God he sent that one to the Moon literally he was trying to take off that was insane that was wild I was shooting the Viper and all of a sudden I see this thing start to go wow it's like going on its bumper past me that I I can only count on my hand maybe a few times over the years that we've seen a car do full on bumper stand off the ground that was wild down so hard the wheels are like shoved up in the freaking it just destroyed underneath all right Ned told me they're not going for a six this could mean that they might actually hit one because uh they every time I've seen them they're like we're going for a six they've never hit one they've been going for it for like a couple years we'll see if you can do it today foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] six [Applause] foreign [Applause] oh my God so Flex just blew up but the other car broke out so technically let's let's still won she's not gonna be able to fix the car and get it back around but she technically won the first round at tx2k oh man [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what are wastegates on this thing on Gates it'll only make six pounds so we have 10 pounds of boost on it okay good luck to you thank you so who would have thought [Music] [Music] all right behind me is McFlurry this is the newest creation from the Carlin Camp it is body with a with a Godzilla 7-3 twin turbos and the coolest part to be a lanco transmission driven by James tall I'm not sure exactly what the best ETA I'm not sure exactly what the best DT on the car is right now but it moves out I know that much [Applause] [Music] 807 yes what's your dog's name Parker Parker yeah Parker [Music] little people all right we're moving into first round elimination for stick shift one of my favorite glasses on the this S10 which if you did not tune in the video yesterday he reset his own LS stick shift record with a 682 [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you so first round qualifying yesterday granis went a 7-21 which put him at number one but then he also lifted the head and they had to fix it so they weren't around for round two and somebody else took number one qualifier but they are back they got the car fixed and they are in the lanes ready to go for stick shift how are we doing good what happened to the car yesterday so you guys did a 721 you guys were number one qualifier after this first round yeah we spit oil everywhere uh the head gasket uh it was a stupid mistake we were rushing around I put the spare motor in the day before and when I put the head gasket on you can rotate them 180 out so what happened was is the oil passage is coming up into the head were blocked so it just spit oil out under the head gasket and blew it out past the pan so I owe it down the track I feel bad about that but gotcha uh yeah so we we fixed that last night we think we're good nice if you have any goals for et today or just just get through rounds for now if we can if we can figure out that the car is okay and everything's good then I think we're gonna try some stuff we're gonna try to turn up a little bit hope that first round all right man thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah the first six in stick shift today during eliminations that looked good ready for round one finally absolutely are you guys racing uh Aaron oh [ __ ] that'll be a fun one sure have you guys raced before I don't think so this will be fun four-cylinder on four cylinder yes sir good luck Devon thanks appreciate that Aaron Lopez versus Devin Schultz this is gonna be very interesting hi the numbers Aaron's not gonna win this race he's about a half second slower but anything can happen in Drag Racing especially in stick shift racing [Music] foreign [Music] Devin Schultz red Lighting in the first round Aaron Lopez and go on to the second round with six shift here what's up how's it going sir since we spoke a couple of days ago your uh your goal ET dropped a little bit yeah yep yeah we ran a 7-3 yesterday at 167 and the car shut off at about 900 feet it's crazy so yeah we got a six in there we just got to put the pass together so we got we gotta buy this round oh sweet so we're gonna see what it does well best Casey you have four shots to do it yep exactly so and this thing's got the power to make it through some rounds for sure it's got to make just gotta get it all together yeah what's the trickiest part about making a quick pass on us there's a lot of different factors right now we got to keep it together we don't have any more spare axles oh okay well we're gonna turn the flash down a little bit and then bring it in out the back door we can get that done we got a six in it we got a nice little test pass the clo06 and then CS6 on the six six next match there we go foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] all right so we got back and Kimbo here and then George a night there over there [Music] come on [Music] smoke out of Kimbo Slice right lane sword red lighting unfortunately pushed through the beans that's all right because he's going on the second round hopefully we'll see him later the Only Rule in this class you have to run the original br-38 engine in the car let's see if the record goes down 651 by ETS early let's see if it goes down here at tx2k [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right Mr motive DVD over here for his first tx2k the last day what are you thinking how you like it man honestly because he the atmosphere the people the workshops everything it is unreal like the hot he's definitely real I've had a mad time but the best thing is icing it's like I've met so many cool cars so many cool companies and workshops they're all here in one place for one weekend yeah it's just making you contact making new friends and even more important but um hello that is the most important thing that I came for right over here and you're the weirdo well enjoy the rest of the event Andrew Hawkins motive DVD pulling me over to Australia a few years a few times to go cover his event GTR Challenge and uh it was quite the experience if you haven't checked out those videos check it out on YouTube we've got cleanup on the racetrack again I think this is our 30th cleanup we've had a day and a half of rain outs the one thing that's super impressive is we're on the starting line the track cooking on the trailers right here they have had pretty much all of these cleanups done in five to 20 minutes no matter how big they are well Jason Miller track prep crew is just unbelievable if you haven't been to World Cup finals make sure to do that they come out here for this event to do what they do best and take care of us at TX UK we really appreciate it guys what's up Mr Number One qualifier hey bud how's that feel feels good yeah it's good what are you thinking for today uh we turned it down some just to try to save the car and go a few rounds to keep it consistent now and then uh you know once we get into the later rounds if we're lucky to get there then we'll turn it back up so well good luck yep [Music] foreign [Music] up next we got a couple street outlaws no prep King guys we got John Odom and Jim Howell they're about to come up here make some exhibition pass for us both cars we saw him run fives in Maryland so definitely five seconds they just got to get the power down to the track see what they can do [Music] all right [Music] that was a little dramatic jeez all right next up for round water of eliminations we have I think it's just DCT classes left and there's a fast class and a slow class and basically DCT is dual clutch transmission so any car that comes with a dual clutch transmission so any V10 car like a R8 Lambo uh Porsche GTR Audi TTS there's a bunch of cars that fit into this class and these are some really fast DCT cars like some of them are two plus thousand horsepower so let's see what they can do round one eliminations [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] considering this is a last year here at Houston Raceway I thought I'd come up with the grandstands and enjoy some drag racing from them one last time before they level this track the property was actually sold a few years ago but they kept leasing back the track to keep it open but a few months ago they got word that the company that bought it wants to use this land for something else so everything you see around me is going to be leveled within the next few months which is really sad we've seen it happen to a lot of tracks across the country for various reasons but we've had a lot of fun here back since 2015 when the event moved from Hennessy over here and you know our streetcar family gets together once or twice a year and we come here for four or five days each each year and just party like no there's about 10 000 people on the property right now maybe more we've got world-class sponsors behind me epic street cars running as quick as mid sixes I'm gonna sit up here and watch a few more drag races from the grandstands one last time [Music] all right [Music] this is one class to watch our fast streetcar class going at it right now second round [Applause] there we go that was close [Music] taking home the win [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] dang Brett Brett losing off out of the hole prior to the 81 on him and flying by for a 670 on that pass I thought he was in trouble there but those turbos really spool on the top then [Music] thank you oh next pair up we got Ty and this bully C5 going up against mullets be hard to beat the El Camino but Ty's got a badass C5 let's see how it goes [Music] I think Cletus driving mullet would be easy in a slower class it's not turning that car down and making it do a slower number is not easy at all it's a 9.3 liter twin turbo monster motor to go as slow as it's going actually takes a lot of work all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] that right there is an example colitis just broke out so the other guy wins turning that car down not easy he would have much rather been in the faster class so he could just crank it up go as fast he wanted and try to try to race the fast guys but turning that car down he has to let out of it crazy early it's on like no boost and right there he even broke out right there so I mean seven eight it's pretty quick but he had to go slower to actually move on [Music] [Music] [Applause] next up we have flight the race we have Nick Coleman the quickest stick shift LS car in the world going up as clear as McFarland and Leroy Leroy has been Seven O's Nick's been six eighties yesterday let's see how fast we go here in second round foreign look how far down Cletus made it on the track he made it almost to the Eighth Mile trying to get the crowd to go crazy [Music] oh my God Nick Coleman taking home the win 703 Cletus having issues out there but some smoke coming out of the truck so we're gonna be down for a second I hope he can make it to the next round because that is one Contender for this class that's for sure you already took out uh Red Demon so this should be a cakewalk right absolutely that goes right yeah who knew that was gonna happen yeah you turn this thing up a little bit we turn it up a little bit a little bit uh left the launch the same just a little bit in the middle it won't take much more out the back like I said the clutch is like at its limit right like 1500 horsepower oh that's right you said your clutch was slipping up there yeah so we're gonna just put it to it in the middle and see if we can go a little quicker maybe do a personal best good luck man thank you Aaron Lopez and Joel granis four silver Civic 2JZ six seconds six shift car seven second six super car but anything can happen here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow 678 at 220 miles an hour Aaron knew that was gonna happen that was what was supposed to happen and it did unfortunately the world's quickest stick shift car right here 651 the grub worm going up against the Gringo tanker all-wheel drive four-cylinder here we go foreign grub worm if it's not the fastest stick shift car on the planet it might be top three so that was a huge upset I think he just had a problem with staging might have bumped all the way through the beams either way miles is moving on to I think the semi-finals now the upset of the century did you intimidate him with your four-cylinder the upset of the century would be if I somehow take Grannis out because that would be the upset is that your next pairing yeah yay and they are swapping a turbo and they have apparently had a ring gear break on the on the flywheel because they were asking me if I had a welder oh my gosh I said if I had a well you could use but I don't yeah yeah oh look at this for our final pair of sticks if we have two c sixes going after it both six second capable haven't done it yet let's see if they do it here in this round foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] twelve 189 not bad not bad it's not a six but he's going rounds so and they just put a new turbo setup on that thing so working out new stuff okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] side by side five second passes here at tx2k that would be the quickest pass ever in tx2k but not competition so you can count whenever you want that is insane side by side fives tx2k 23. we're not over yet what's up Jim how that's what I wanted to redeem ourselves for my life what's up so you can only have one competition by it yeah we did all the luck that we brought with us this weekend get down because your other cars are out right now all right well all the luck that we needed for those cars somehow just like been manifested into McFlurry triple pie run triple Byron are we moving into the semifinals for most classes the Sun is setting and we just realized this is the last time we're gonna get this view here at Houston Raceway during tx2k kind of sad we're excited to go to uh Texas Motorplex next year in Dallas or Ennis Texas but it's kind of kind of nostalgic this will be the last time we get this view it's a really good one got hurt really bad if you landed on me oh he can do it he got it you want me to call the ambulance [Music] wait a minute you guys are serious I bet you do it again all right we are kicking off the semi-finals for the fast streetcar class which includes Brett LaSalle and his green Mustang called the Snot Rod thing is on fire [Music] [Music] one of the things we're gonna miss about this track specifically you guys might notice at the top of the track when somebody wins not just one light on top of the boards the entire Lane lights up this is like the only track I think we go to where it does that it makes it very obvious for us the spectators and everybody else who won [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] taking a home two tenths of a second separating that was a damn good race right there [Music] wow we're in the finals you are yeah you just can't do that again barely beat the guy who's next to for the third time so now what's the strategy with the car just let off earlier yep I mean that's literally the slowest it could possibly go because it boosts so so you don't know what it's gonna you can't turn it down no it'll run a 7-90 if you're running flat out but we can't turn it down and lower them because the Boost creeps on its own and the air keeps getting better yeah Power keeps going up James really dialed it in on that 844 though and then forgot what he did yeah yeah well you know we'll get him handled we'll see you in the finals was getting pushed up by a starter car they had to start the car while it was in motion I think that's how they hacked around what broke on the car earlier but they're back in the game about to race Gringo tank around here foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh yeah foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah like I treat him he didn't 60 good and we were side by side to the eighth and then what the [ __ ] wow grango Tegra going on to the finals and maybe the winner of the fast stick shift class here at tx2k we were thinking there'd be someone winning at somewhere in the mid sixes but here we are with a high seven second Integra potentially gonna win if that C6 can't get fixed [Music] [Applause] all right [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] fun random track fact about Houston Raceway uh it was built in 1988 and when an NHRA first came here they did their first four second pass ever at this track in 1988. so that's pretty awesome and there's been hundreds thousands maybe events since then for the past what 34 years and pretty sad to see it go I'm used to getting this this view on Sunday at tx2k every year on top of the scissor lift during eliminations it's kind of sad I know I'm never going to see this view again here we go the final rounds for the final TX UK at Houston Raceway we're starting with heavyweight 4 200 pounds or heavier here goes the finals dude [Music] heavyweights next up we got the E90 partners [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] class for the finals right now [Music] all right [Applause] Matt man up here for his Victory lap Byron in the final he's run a 7-9 personal best let's even go quicker here on his Victory lap me [Music] okay [Music] was that it new TV it is a new PB was it 89 before hell yeah he won the x2k handset of PB yes sir congrats yeah McFlurry and the G8 with the monster blower set up going on in the streetcar final 8 44 is the breakout James stop freaking out hopefully you don't get a double breakout we'll see how it goes here in the final [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] 6 [Applause] 000 slow G8 taking it home what the hell idiot he did exactly what he needed to do though yeah he did six thousands off of the dialing we're just really bad at slowing our cars now it's not really an art it's not our cup of tea it's going fair enough though you know it is what it is I'm happy we got here idiots I didn't know that car could go away 40s he was 6 000 slower than the breakout like and you were exactly where you needed to be yeah I knew I'd treat him so I just stayed just a little bit ahead of him at the Finish Line it just stayed a bumper out on him he slammed on the brake so I slammed on the brakes and it just wasn't enough I didn't know I figured he was going like an 868 state 50. so I knew if I just stayed out on him I'd be good but I didn't realize 44 of the six yeah that can only mean one thing it's the stick shift finals the seven cylinder C6 Corvette against miles in the Gringo tag on the sounds of it he doesn't sound like he's got a good chance to win you know seven out of Eight's not bad [Music] [Music] can the Gringo Tegra take home the stick shift last win be epic [Music] [Music] [Applause] winning tx2k stick shift Blast from the 7-7 the cars that were in this class that people predicted to win were running mid sixes that's how ridiculous this is see miles I knew you were going to get the whole time I knew it the car's fast I never had any doubts in the semi-finals the hell I don't know an Integra one the sticks in class and personal best stick shift class well that was a new PB it was 771 holy crap yeah and like head gaskets blown up as I'm going like there's no water left in this one we sent it holy [ __ ] and you can pick up that's amazing Kimbo pulling up against etsg giddy hoping to run a 640 something to reset the GTR world record I think it's a 651 right now let's see if you can do it this is his last chance [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] Mack in the shop Houston boys taking home the win against Getty 216 miles an hour to our 211. 675 676 what a freaking race GTR 68 millimeter class Final going down right now David and Wally running his first six earlier this year ran another one here at tx2k let's see if we can take home the win that would be epic for him [Music] [Applause] he did it David taking home the win in GTR 68. man what a win too I don't think he's been chasing a six second pass for several years he did it a few months ago did it again here ran several sixes and took home the win in the class DCT unlimited final coming up right now [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that is the last final ever at tx2k here at Houston Raceway we will be in Dallas next year or Ennis Texas next year at Texas Motorplex so it's not go the event's not dying just we're not going to be at this track next year congrats Matt thank you how's it feel to win the last TX UK in Houston you know I didn't think about it until like I was I was scooting over the bathroom before and they were announcing I was like damn that would mean a lot I mean eight years here yeah and then I've been coming since 2013 I think you guys have the black Evo 10. yep oh yeah yeah that's right yeah it's a long time I was 18 or something like that so it means a lot for sure from 18 to winning the GTR unlimited class here [ __ ] unreal I didn't even have a car I just came well congrats to you and the whole team thank you I appreciate it amazing all the fans out here taking some steps on the track just to see how sticky this track is all the winners celebrating back here some Epic finals going down here at the last cx2k at Baytown Houston Raceway well to see you guys at Ennis Texas tx2k 24. big shout out to my entire crew all my friends helping out in the merch crew over here all day for five days the editors in the editing room my photographers videographers talking about for Australia for GoPros just couldn't do it without the screw amazing that's gonna do it for this video thank you guys for watching we'll see you guys next time look [Music] this is so ridiculous
Channel: 1320video
Views: 714,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1320video, 1320, tx2k, tx2k23, tx2k24, gidi, gtr, gt-r, nissan, record, fastest, quickest, 1.25 mile, 1/4 mile, mile, 4000hp, ETS, 2k
Id: oSY3noan47Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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