Must Watch: Jess Phillips emotional plea to ban MPs who break the law

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today just today just on this one day I've spoken to two women who were raped by members of this Parliament too just today that's a fairly standard day for me um and I noticed that these are not the people who've so far been mentioned much today and some of them told me what they wanted me to say today uh and uh so I I would just read out actually some of uh what they sent to me so the to the exclusion at the point of charge sends a clear message to victims that not only will we not investigate unless a victim goes to the police but we won't act unless they charge which happens in less than 1% of cases exactly so what's the point was essentially what this victim said to me and I wonder if the The Honorable lady from the prestigious committee who told us of all the people that she had had in front of her how many of the victims of these crimes came and gave evidence or were given an opportunity to give evidence in private none and so I am going to stand here and I'm going to speak up for them because every single one of them wishes for this to be on arrest and the idea that an arrest can happen on a vexatious charge does somewhat suggest that nobody in this building who has said that has ever dealt with an arrest in a case of sexual violence or serious violence and that this amendment to make it arrest it happens to be in the name of somebody who as we've already shown is always right on this and a former police officer who I I would urge the house to take I know we're not always keen on experts but I would urge the house to understand that it is takes a huge amount for somebody to be arrested you can't just ring like West Midland's police and say Jess Phillips assaulted me and they're going to come around and arrest me within the hour what world are we living in this is absolutely Madness that we think that this that we don't trusted police officers in our country is what we're saying if we don't do this at arrest and so to the member for Christ Church who by the way isn't here today and I have uh I have informed him that I will mention him as he was laying his amendments which if my if the one in our name Falls I will absolutely vote for so it's not a particular criticism of him I asked him I said what about safeguarding when we were both tabling our motions and he said but the thing is is we're not employed and so employment law doesn't come to us I said would you like this if you I asked him if he had children or grandchildren and I said would you like this in your child's school if uh one of the teachers had been arrested for rape and they'd go and teach your kids and he said the thing is is we're self-employed so I said okay child minders they're self-employed happy with a rapy child minder who's been arrested looking after your three-year-old I'm not why do we think we're so special in here why are we all talking as if the people all the people who work in this building don't have a right to feel safe when they walk around the women I spoke to today don't feel safe and they told me to come and say it today the women who work in the office on my floor all said to me go and say this for us Jess today I why do we think we're so special and to the member for Christ Church who I noticed today his constituents are completely bereft of representation the arguments that we're taking away a constituent rights does somewhat suggest no one in this building should ever take a day off on the slip don't be going on holiday what about your constituents I will first thing I think we should acknowledge is that my honorable friend for Christ Church he's on a parliamentary delegation and so he's not being slipped in in the sense that he's not on holiday or whatever I think it' be wise if she would reflect on that the second thing is given the the passion with which she's which she's spoken which we all uh accept and we all agree about the victims if somebody was Char was arrested for a serious sexual offense would she agree with her honorable friend that exclusion should be the last resort or would she think that they should be automatically excluded I guess it would entirely depend on the sexual offense but I can recognize enough even though I jokingly said I'll be on the panel earlier um I can recognize enough my own particular bias in this regard no I do think exclusion would be the answer but so too will most people is the truth that but the idea that which you know I I understand and and and to the point that I was making on on the point of the member for Northeast Somerset this chamber is where we represent people well are the member for Christ Church I'm just using him as an example because you said that he wasn't here or anybody else are their constituents bereft where are all the so the people who are in here now are they not being represented so this argument that keeps being I'm doing it for my constituents I bet you I could find people in every single person's constituents who don't think that they they're being represented particularly well I will I'm sure she must recognize that there's a very great difference between not attending one particular debate and being excluded from Parliament for up to perhaps two years or so uh by the I'm sure I'm sure she must realize that there is a great difference between those two things in representing your constituents the trouble is is that that is what is currently happening that is is already happening now if he would like to join me or anybody who doesn't want it to be two years to wait from arrest to charge to join me in all of the advocacy that I have been you know before I was in this building when I worked in this field it wasn't two years between arrest and charge so maybe the leader of the house could reflect on her party's own uh record in this regard of course it shouldn't take that long of course it shouldn't and I think it was the member for Amber valali said that if it was quick and it we would all we all want to see that for everybody involved but the idea that we are some sort of superior beings who shouldn't have to be concerned about safeguarding laws that are totally standard practice across the whole of the country and do you know who gets excluded now the person who got raped that's who we exclude now we say this magical being has to be able to stay because in 1348 blah blah blah blah blah blah uh like what about the person who got raped who works here I will give way this should be done properly I think I think the honorable lady makes a compelling case for arrest but only if it's done in a proper and constitutional manner I wish that I knew anywhere like I say I'm often right on these scenes I'm going to ER to his judgment on that because what I know about the relative the things and I don't mean to dismer him what I'm saying is we seem to act like we are some sort of superior beings and the people who currently get excluded are often young women who never or and I've dealt with cases where it was young men who never work in politics again the woman I spoke to first thing this morning has never stepped foot in this building again she will she has given up politics we have extinguished that light we gave it up we excluded her and we allowed the person she alleges to have done that to her to walk around and everybody who votes against the arrest would be willing to allow that person to walk around possibly being a danger to somebody else for another two years e
Channel: PoliticsJOE
Views: 261,533
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Keywords: Politics, UK politics, British politics, Parliament, Government, Westminster, news, breaking news, conversation, politics news, politicsjoe, joe songs, boris johnson song, boris johnson speech, keir starmer song, keir starmer speech, new media, novara, rishi sunak, labour party, conservative, tory party, conservatism, brexit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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